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What is your drug of choice? (User Poll by Throbbin)

burdturgler (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

Man that sucks ass! I saw you'd literally just left when I went in, what shit Be so cool to chat in real time at some point though hon

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
Gah .. I just went to chat (I never do) .. and I just missed out on red wine AC ..

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
I know it booted me and I thought i'd just leave it for a while, i'm a little drunk on red wine anyway haha. You were no weirder than usual, dont worry Good to chat briefly, i'll catch up with you soon honey

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
Awww sift lounge death. I should try tossing and turning a little more anyways. Thank you for the chat, and sorry if I was a little loopier than normal from lack of sleep

alien_concept (Member Profile)

burdturgler says...

Gah .. I just went to chat (I never do) .. and I just missed out on red wine AC ..

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
I know it booted me and I thought i'd just leave it for a while, i'm a little drunk on red wine anyway haha. You were no weirder than usual, dont worry Good to chat briefly, i'll catch up with you soon honey

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
Awww sift lounge death. I should try tossing and turning a little more anyways. Thank you for the chat, and sorry if I was a little loopier than normal from lack of sleep

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

I know it booted me and I thought i'd just leave it for a while, i'm a little drunk on red wine anyway haha. You were no weirder than usual, dont worry Good to chat briefly, i'll catch up with you soon honey

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
Awww sift lounge death. I should try tossing and turning a little more anyways. Thank you for the chat, and sorry if I was a little loopier than normal from lack of sleep

Marijuana is not as evil as we have been told

BoneyD says...

I don't believe I ever tried to compare cigarette smokers to marijuana users. Plus, I'll also tend to consider more highly the word of an experienced and capable surgeon over random internet videos.

The sense I was trying to convey is that this video is as biased as the forces that try to block legalisation. And what I want is honest, scientific discussion about the effects of using the substance. If there really is absolutely no negative effect to any amount of use, then fine. But I just don't buy that sorry, even if it is likely less harmful than tabacco.

Should there be a safe, moderate level of use (in the way a glass of red wine can be beneficial), then what is this level? If we are going to legalise it, then people must be shown what is safe, what is excessive and what the harms are for overuse. This applies to all drugs, by the way.

>> ^rougy:
BoneyD, I don't want to be confrontational here at all, but I'm just wondering if you smoke cannabis, or if you have ever smoked it?
I'm very suspicious of what that surgeon told you, because most people (not all, but most) smoke a very small amount per day, or a few times a week.
If you took an average cigarette and pinched off about 1/10th to 1/15th of that, that's about how much it takes for a person to smoke in order to catch a buzz.
I'm not saying there might not be some problems with heavy use, but there is no way to compare pot smokers to cigarette smokers.
And remember, with vaporizers, people aren't even inhaling smoke.
Oh! And cannabis can be consumed orally in candies and elixers.

Perfect Mashed Potatoes

amburglar says...

Good tips for boiling potatoes. Over boiling and over mashing is so common.

Another tip- add sauteed onions or shallots and a teaspoon or two of balsamic or red wine vinegar. Sounds weird, but is really good. You'll need less salt if you put in something sour. Much healthier with less salt!

Satan . . . . .

Best Blooper of 2009 so far.

silvercord says...

"We recognize that the comment made by comedian Kathy Griffin during the live broadcast was inappropriate. She did not know she was on the air at the time, and we removed it from the rebroadcast," said a CNN spokeswoman.

Inappropriate. Ya think?

Inappropriate is serving red wine with fish.

Pornography Myths (Femme Talk Post)

Octopussy says...

>> ^gwiz665:
This thread is great. I think I'm gonna pull a dag and get myself some popcon and red wine.

Can we coin that: “pulling a Dag”? Meaning settling back with some Brit booze and something inedible until someone invokes the asterisk?

# 171; getting there, slowly but persistently ;-).

Pornography Myths (Femme Talk Post)

Decriminalizing marijuana - what say you? (Drugs Talk Post)

laura says...

I wouldn't want to turn this thread into a parenting discussion, but I too drink a glass of red wine with my meals, in front of my kids. I am honest with them (to a certain extent), because I believe that if you raise your kids in a protected rose-colored world (like my parents raised me) then when they inevitably discover all the things you didn't tell them you have ZERO credibility as an advisor to a teen. Just sayin'.

What Mormons Believe

thepinky says...

Why, how belittling of you to say so. I actually don't have a heck of a lot of time on my hands and sacrificed sleep in an effort to make you all see that you are intolerant, but I'm never going to win against such blatant and blind egocentrism, so it was a waste of my time.

I don't see how your arguments against the Bible relate to the topic at hand, so I'm not going to give a rebuttal. We aren't trying to legitimize religion here. We'er trying to make people realize that they don't know all that they think they do about Mormons and that they need to be more tolerant.

I agree that creationists who deny the scientific facts are blinding themselves to truth. Not all Christians believe that Creationism and Darwinism are mutually exclusive. There are many books on the subject of justifying the two ideologies. Pick one up if you care.

I don't have the energy (or the TIME!) to go too far into this point right now. But, YES, many, many, many Christians are hypocrites. I completely and utterly agree. We should all be tolerant of each other.

Many people believe that there are safeguards against following and believing implicitly in the words of others. Some but not all of which are:
1. Personal revelation
2. Agreement with already existing doctrines and morals
3. Intellect
4. Rationality

Why not get the same health benefits from non-addictive substances? Caffeine in addictive and in tea. And who said that rationality has to justify the interworkings of religion? Pah-lease! Have you ever heard of faith? What's the difference between doing what the Bible says and doing what Joseph Smith says? I don't know why you're even bothering to bring this up. Like SDGundamX said, he was taught WHY he did things. I think that most Mormons know why they do the things they do.

What's wrong with tithes? They aren't forced out of anybody. They go to good causes. Members of the church do not get paid for their service, and church members can easily find out where their money is going. I don't see the problem, honestly, or why it seems important to you.

GAH! If anyone uses anything akin to the term "forcing beliefs" one more time, I THINK AM GOING TO VOMIT.

>> ^spoco2:
Holy crap pinky, you've got an AWFUL lot of time on your hands! That's a lot of comments! (Still, that's the way of uni students... At least it was for me)
Ignoring whether you believe in a supernatural being or not, my issues with pretty much all religions, but especially the Christian ones:
The belief that the bible is the word of god... even though it is:
a) A bunch of things written by a group of different people, all with their own points to get across and axes to grind.
b) Proven to have been altered and changed over time by whoever happened to be in power at the time (the Romans changed it, it's been changed during translations etc.)
c) That it's full of things written by the people of the day which reflects the beliefs of the time and includes things like slavery being ok, and so Christians pick and choose what they wish to believe from the book while still trying to say that it's all god's word.
The attempted forcing of what they believe onto the rest of us:
This forceful pushing of Creationism and refuting of the proven facts of Evolution is damaging the countries where this is becoming mainstream (the US in particular). Creationism was a way for people who DID NOT UNDERSTAND how things worked to explain them, now that we do, it should be relegated to the history books as where we've come from.
The heinous hypocrites that most of the organized Christian churches are:
Do unto others as you would have done unto you... except if you're gay, or of another faith, or believe in something we don't believe in, then we're going to treat you like dirt and try and pass laws to stop you being YOU.
Believing that there are those that have 'authority from God':
Under what proof? That the existing ones who have authority from god give them that authority? Who gave them it? Those before... and so on until you get to someone who just said 'Yeah, you know, God spoke to me and kinda told me I speak for him...' It's an utter cop out in general life to hand over your entire moral code to someone who just says that they speak for some being that you believe in, and so anything they say goes. 'I don't like gays, they're unnatural'. 'Why is that then?' 'Well, because my pastor says so'... 'Riiiight'.
Issues with Mormon's in particular from this video:
The excluding or including things in your life just because someone said so
With nothing to back it up other than that Joseph Smith said so, you're going to give up all alcohol, coffee and tea? Why? Tea has antioxidants, as does coffee. Red wine has been shown time and time again to have many positive health benefits. Sure you can overdo any of these, but that's MODERATION, not outright shunning of something with no rational reason behind it.
Handing over of 1/10th of your income for the 'work of God'
So, really, you're handing over a HUGE amount of what you earn to those that have self proclaimed themselves to be in communication with god to do with as they please... wonderful
But most of all demonstrating their amazing gullibility in believing the charlatan that was Joseph Smith. Even from a LDS website itself, which is obviously PRO him, the story comes off as just plain ridiculous.
And it mentions the hat and if you read that, then watch South Park THEY TELL IT LIKE IT IS. That is truly the insanity of the beliefs.
But hey, if people want to believe that, good on them, just DON'T COME TO MY DOOR TRYING TO MAKE ME BELIEVE IT.
But the good thing about Mormons... because so many more people can see their beliefs as being pretty ridiculous, it allows us to say, "Really, so a guy who puts a hat over his head and rambles off things from 'sacred stones' is a pretty insane thing to follow? OK, what about people who believe that there really was a Garden of idyllic majesty with no sin, and a talking snake with a magic apple? What about believing that you can fit two of every single species of animal onto a wooden boat built by ONE GUY and then live on it without them all dying for 40 DAYS? That doesn't sound a bit loopy to you? Good luck with that."
Surely religion should be about passing on a GOOD moral code, to teach a 'right and wrong' way to treat people. As SDGundamX said he received from his Mormon church, teaching WHY things are not good to do to people from a humanistic point of view, not just because some book says so.
I think one should invest more time in organisations that aim to help their community with NO bias as to beliefs at all, but just aim to treat everyone fairly and equitably.
If you believe something that I don't, and if it doesn't mean that you treat myself or anyone else in a poor manner, then go for it. But when you try and force you beliefs on others, try to tell others that they are wrong, try to force people to change who they are (no, you've only CHOSEN to be Gay, repent now), THAT IS WRONG.

What Mormons Believe

spoco2 says...

Holy crap pinky, you've got an AWFUL lot of time on your hands! That's a lot of comments! (Still, that's the way of uni students... At least it was for me)

Ignoring whether you believe in a supernatural being or not, my issues with pretty much all religions, but especially the Christian ones:

* The belief that the bible is the word of god... even though it is:
a) A bunch of things written by a group of different people, all with their own points to get across and axes to grind.
b) Proven to have been altered and changed over time by whoever happened to be in power at the time (the Romans changed it, it's been changed during translations etc.)
c) That it's full of things written by the people of the day which reflects the beliefs of the time and includes things like slavery being ok, and so Christians pick and choose what they wish to believe from the book while still trying to say that it's all god's word.

* The attempted forcing of what they believe onto the rest of us:
This forceful pushing of Creationism and refuting of the proven facts of Evolution is damaging the countries where this is becoming mainstream (the US in particular). Creationism was a way for people who DID NOT UNDERSTAND how things worked to explain them, now that we do, it should be relegated to the history books as where we've come from.

* The heinous hypocrites that most of the organized Christian churches are:
Do unto others as you would have done unto you... except if you're gay, or of another faith, or believe in something we don't believe in, then we're going to treat you like dirt and try and pass laws to stop you being YOU.

* Believing that there are those that have 'authority from God':
Under what proof? That the existing ones who have authority from god give them that authority? Who gave them it? Those before... and so on until you get to someone who just said 'Yeah, you know, God spoke to me and kinda told me I speak for him...' It's an utter cop out in general life to hand over your entire moral code to someone who just says that they speak for some being that you believe in, and so anything they say goes. 'I don't like gays, they're unnatural'. 'Why is that then?' 'Well, because my pastor says so'... 'Riiiight'.

Issues with Mormon's in particular from this video:

* The excluding or including things in your life just because someone said so
With nothing to back it up other than that Joseph Smith said so, you're going to give up all alcohol, coffee and tea? Why? Tea has antioxidants, as does coffee. Red wine has been shown time and time again to have many positive health benefits. Sure you can overdo any of these, but that's MODERATION, not outright shunning of something with no rational reason behind it.

* Handing over of 1/10th of your income for the 'work of God'
So, really, you're handing over a HUGE amount of what you earn to those that have self proclaimed themselves to be in communication with god to do with as they please... wonderful

But most of all demonstrating their amazing gullibility in believing the charlatan that was Joseph Smith. Even from a LDS website itself, which is obviously PRO him, the story comes off as just plain ridiculous.

And it mentions the hat and if you read that, then watch South Park THEY TELL IT LIKE IT IS. That is truly the insanity of the beliefs.

But hey, if people want to believe that, good on them, just DON'T COME TO MY DOOR TRYING TO MAKE ME BELIEVE IT.

But the good thing about Mormons... because so many more people can see their beliefs as being pretty ridiculous, it allows us to say, "Really, so a guy who puts a hat over his head and rambles off things from 'sacred stones' is a pretty insane thing to follow? OK, what about people who believe that there really was a Garden of idyllic majesty with no sin, and a talking snake with a magic apple? What about believing that you can fit two of every single species of animal onto a wooden boat built by ONE GUY and then live on it without them all dying for 40 DAYS? That doesn't sound a bit loopy to you? Good luck with that."

Surely religion should be about passing on a GOOD moral code, to teach a 'right and wrong' way to treat people. As SDGundamX said he received from his Mormon church, teaching WHY things are not good to do to people from a humanistic point of view, not just because some book says so.

I think one should invest more time in organisations that aim to help their community with NO bias as to beliefs at all, but just aim to treat everyone fairly and equitably.

If you believe something that I don't, and if it doesn't mean that you treat myself or anyone else in a poor manner, then go for it. But when you try and force you beliefs on others, try to tell others that they are wrong, try to force people to change who they are (no, you've only CHOSEN to be Gay, repent now), THAT IS WRONG.

5 Things you Love about Videosift (Sift Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

1. You guys love to make everyone laugh, and since I love to laugh = Win!
2. Obsessively reading the recent comments page burns time yes, but it's like brain candy
3. Having a laugh with Choggie over how awful he's being at any given moment here.
4. Finding some wonderfully awful cheese and loving people when they vote it out the queue (just barely! heheh) GO Team Shatner!
5. Bourbon, Brandy and sometimes a nice red wine... to have while sifting of course

Dear Texas, (Election Talk Post)

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