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Native American Shuts Down Anti-Illegal Immigrant Protest

chingalera says...

I trust your sentiments for promoting this viddy include some overtones of racism-May I point out once again (and god we know how people hate to reflect upon their past mistakes), that in your history here on the VS burdturg, you mistakenly construed a remark I made as racist? As none recall save myself (since I was banned because of your OVERREACTION and not welcomed back until the old gaurd fizzled-out), YOU took personal offense when there was only derision directed at your manner, tone because I used the word "monkey" to try and relay my disgust for your PROCESS....

The internet has no color, brother and had I known your were a black man I would have used other language to describe your fucking idiocy at the time-

Why choose here to voice my grievance? Because I lost a few years on a site I love to your ignorance and attitude. I probably deserved it, I was a prick to a lot of people, and I offer an olive branch and a formal apology for ruffling your feathers.

Now-About these imbeciles protesting something they have no control over. Their signs should read-"We fucked-up and watched as 6 Administrations fucked us in the ass, and now were whining."

"Fast and Furious Social Destabilization-More Guns For Criminal Nationals From Mexico to Incite Race-Hatred...Fuck You Obama, Bush(s), Clinton, Reagan, Ford, Carter and Johnson."

Thrown in a few drunk native-Americans left to represent the pack and hurl insults at other ineffectual monkeys, and you've got a bunch of inteffectuals who'd be better off in Washington on the white house lawn, camping-out until something is done about the white fucks running the show.
You have to know at this stage in the game, that racism is used to incite idiots to make decisions (react) when they have no actual say in the decisions concocted for them because of a fucking broken government, or in the case of the United States, one that has been hijacked by criminal cunts. This includes immigration and the social destabilization that comes from the continuing dilution of our culture, language, and western civilization in general.

burdturgler said:


Actual Gun/Violent Crime Statistics - (U.S.A. vs U.K.)

RonB says...


I agree with what you've stated about CEO compensation and taxation of the wealthy. I've said the same thing for years. Reagan did the country a disservice by cutting taxes for the wealthy by half. Now, the wealthy are crying at the prospect of a few percent increase. The wealthy are as guilty of an entitlement mindset which was created by Republicans as the poor are guilty of an entitlement mindset which was created by Democrats. After WWII, the top tax bracket was paying more than 90% in taxes. For decades after WWII the top bracket was 70%. We need to be heading back in that direction. We also need to be reducing welfare programs by retraining and educating beneficiaries and properly educating their children.

I also believe that corporations with public shareholders should have salary caps for CEOs and upper management. Too often, shareholders lose money on their investments while CEOs receive shockingly high compensation for failed leadership. A board of directors, when voting on compensation, is not looking at the best interests of the shareholder. A board member is seeing potential for themselves in bloated CEO and leadership compensation.

VICE: Gun Crazy USA

Yogi says...

Ok obviously you got None of what I said. I'm talking about the US public, and yes they are scared and it's easy to scare them. All you have to do is tell them that Iraq is minutes from a nuclear weapon, doesn't matter if it's true, a HUGE percentage of Americans believe it regardless of any facts. Throughout history the US public has been whipped up into a horrible frenzy about the stupidest things to fear. When Reagan was president we were scared of Libyan hitmen were all over DC and he was standing you remember Back to the Future and the Libyans that attack Doc...that's what that was about!

Also I was pointing out that there's nothing to be scared of, I for instance am not scared of Iran. Because I have a brain, I can look at things rationally and I'm not a reactionary idiot.

So next time you want to respond, please maybe read what I posted instead of trying to sound like a tough guy.

Stu said:

I don't know what koolaid yogi is drinking to be so scared, but i have no idea what he is talking about. The idiots on tv saying everyone is scared? one is scared buddy. Well maybe you...

VICE: Gun Crazy USA

Yogi says...

I'm serious too, people looking at this country from the outside are just astonished by how we look at things. I mean people in this country believe that Iraq was seconds away from destroying us, that Cuba is still a sinister threat. They arm themselves and put on fatigues and get ready for Iraqis to come into their town. The propaganda is mindblowing, and then some great president like Reagan or a bunch of High School kids with rifles in the hills are gonna snatch us away from whatever demon is about to destroy us all.

It's incredible how successful propaganda is and we look down on the German people for allowing the Nazis to run roughshod over everyone. We're the most powerful nation in the world and we're terrified of everyone, it's insane.

To say to these terrified people that guns are available for you, whatever guns you want. It's just insane.

chingalera said:

I'm scared of 'people who watch tv everyday...

Adam Smith schools Fox News - my new favorite Dem!

xxovercastxx jokingly says...

We need to go back to Superpresident Reagan's good old American rates and stop with this Socialism shit.

50% on anyone making over $80k... fuck yeah... wait, what?

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Richest Americans will still be taxed lower than the highest marginal rate in Australia of 45%. Of course, we get services.

Liquid Stacking

entr0py says...

As with much of what's wrong with America today, it can all be traced back to Ronald Reagan.

CreamK said:

Who the hell measures volume by weight? Like "30oz" volume of corn syrup is the same weight as the same amount of vegetable oil?

How about using the metric system already? It's just unbelievable that one country refuses to budge and does things in the most complicated manner possible causing lots of confusion. Who the hell measures short distances in fractions when we got nice and neat decimal system that allow for precise and instantly understandable figures? 2.22cm is 2.22cm, no need to figure it out in your head or rely on memorization of large tables. Fast, how much is 7/8"?

Two Unusual Staplers

entr0py says...

Do you think you have him beat? This man has been staple-less stapling since the Reagan administration. That's how much of a badass he is.

artician said:

Those are kind of interesting, but I still like my staple-less stapler, which *is* available in the west:

Breaking The Taboo - Film

artician says...

I was surprised that 10 states had changed the laws surrounding drug regulation in 79, and then got reversed (fuck you, Nancy Reagan).
Was glad they mentioned the prison element as well, at least a little bit, because I definitely see conflicts of interest when for-profit prisons directly benefit from drug regulation.

The Firm - Star Trekkin'

Rand Paul: Let Dems Raise Taxes And OWN IT

Yogi says...

Intelligent people will be blaming Bush, Obama, Clinton, Daddy Bush, Reagan, and all their cabinets. It even goes back further but I think we could've steered it for the better 20 years ago.

Look you need to stop reading stupid things, you need to look up actual Economists and actual Experts. Please stop commenting until you've gained an education.

quantumushroom said:

KING Obama spent 5 trillion dollars in 3 years, considerably more than the difference in revenue pre-and post-Bush tax cuts.

Your side will be still be blaming Bush in 2016 in the midst of the Obama Depression.

Walmart on strike

enoch says...

you make some good points buckaroo but your post is ignoring the giant pink elephant in the room.
@Sagemind 's most excellent post gave that elephant a nod but i think it prudent to point directly at that giant hulking pustulent piece of pink elephant flesh.

shall we?
1.corporate america is NOT based on true capitalism (actual free market) but rather state-run capitalism.this translates to lower or non-existent tax revenue,government subsidies and outright bailouts.
in other words=socialism. state that a corporation has a "duty" to maximize profits.i would agree if you changed "duty" to "legal obligation".

3.this legal obligation to maximize profits has led to all kinds of inventive and clever ways to defraud the public and local municipalities,from having them pay for infrastructure to waste clean-up.the amount of money spent by public,tax-payer funds is staggering which of course=socialism.

4.corporate america has a literal army of 35,000 lobbyists in washington whose sole purpose is to manipulate legislatures to pass favorable laws (de-regulation).85% of ALL laws passed are actually written by corporate lobbyists.

5.since the abomination ruling of citizens united (fuck you alito) corporate america now has the unlimited access to our spent tens of millions on the last election cycle,how much did you give? and who do you think those legislators are going to be listening to?
money=speech in this country.

6.a corporation is considered a person but this person has no empathy,remorse nor feelings of solidarity with fellow humans due to its very nature written into law.
otherwise known as a sociopath.

the corporate charter needs to be re-examined and/or re-written because what we have now is corporate welfare/socialism with all the benefits going to the top while the working class foots the bill.

vote with your wallet? sure.that would work to a point but many people are limited concerning options and walmart is the only place these folks can afford.
sometimes this economic situation is due to bad choices but more often it is just life kicking these people in the balls.

buck up and go grab some higher education?
sure...and that works how often?
im not kidding.go check the statistics.they are pathetic.
i bartend part time and there are 4 masters degrees and 8 bachelors where i work,all in different fields.ask them how their "higher education" paid off for them.
$100,000 in student debt loans all to be able to ask "would you like some cracked pepper sir"?

now lets punch that pink elephant straight in the balls shall we?
the suggestion that somehow if labor becomes organized and demands..and receives..a more viable living wage with some humane and decent benefits will somehow automatically translate into higher priced goods and eventual job loss is just corporate propaganda which originates from the reagan years.

this is absolute and utter bullshit all fed to us by the very corporations seeking to dominate and oppress its work force.

remember,it is the legal obligation of the corporate board of directors to "maximize profit" not "shoot itself in the foot".
the suggestion that somehow paying its employees a living wage translates to the destruction of the company is apocalyptic propaganda.

what has been done to the american worker is perverse.over the past thirty years we have seen the creation of either wage-slaves or debt slaves..or both.
any way you wish to look at it.we are slaves in one form or another.

i mean..just go check the numbers.
worker pay has stagnated for the past thirty years,while corporate profits have continually broken records.
do you seriously think that a unionized labor force will kill walmart?
not a chance and to suggest otherwise just indicates that the corporate propaganda has been quite effective.

walmart could pay a living wage AND offer affordable benefits and STILL would have cheap goods.
and every step of the way they would be "maximizing profits".

welcome to the united states of corporate america!
will that be cash or credit?

Republicans Want a Civil War now, Apparently

Ben Stein Stuns Fox & Friends By Disagreeing With Party Line

MonkeySpank says...

I also, when you don't tax them enough and allow loopholes, they just park their money in The Caymans & Switzerland; trickle-down my ass!

>> ^manadren:

The fact is that Reagan sold them all on this idea of supply side economics. That if you lower taxes on the rich, they will invest that money in business, which in turn creates jobs. There is a certain logic to this, but the truth off the matter is that supply don't mean shit if you don't have demand. No business is going to hire more widget makers if no one is buying widgets. Demand comes from the bottom. People with less money spend a larger proportion of it.

Ben Stein Stuns Fox & Friends By Disagreeing With Party Line

manadren says...

The fact is that Reagan sold them all on this idea of supply side economics. That if you lower taxes on the rich, they will invest that money in business, which in turn creates jobs. There is a certain logic to this, but the truth off the matter is that supply don't mean shit if you don't have demand. No business is going to hire more widget makers if no one is buying widgets. Demand comes from the bottom. People with less money spend a larger proportion of it.

Tommy Thompson's Son Makes Birther Remark

VoodooV says...

You can't think of a single reason why someone would OCR a birth certificate? Granted, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you just don't have experience with such things.

OCR'ing documents is incredibly useful in the modern age. When you simply scan an image. It's an image, nothing more. When you OCR it, those images get interpreted as actual letters and words. Those words can be searched. If you have a hundreds of thousands, if not millions of birth certificates from people who were born long before the information age, do you think it might be useful to OCR them into the system so they can be...searched...instead manually looking through them. There's lesson the first.

Lesson the second: I know you seem to forget that we have these things called memories and have the ability to remember the previous things you may have said and/or posted. You might have forgotten you submitted the following sift:

Are you admitting that you were wrong, or at the very least you have changed your mind? That said, if you can admit that he is in fact, a US Citizen, what does it matter that his birth certificate looks so shitty as you say? There are any number of reasons the document looks shitty, it could be a copy of a copy of a copy. they could have shitty scanners..anything. All of which are irrelavant since you are now changing your argument.

When has ANY President had such scrutiny over their birth certificate? What could possibly be the reason why no one cares about Bill Clinton's birth certificate? Or Jimmy Carter's? Or Ronald Reagan's or the Bushes'? Someone at the beginning had to say "hrm, I just don't think that person is a citizen, I better look into that" Do you think anyone ever said that about Clinton? Reagan? Carter?? Bush Sr. and Bush Jr?? Why is that do you think?

If there was ANY shred of truth to his birth certificate being fake, it would have been discovered in 2008, if not earlier when he ran for senate. It's very plausible to say that there has never been a president under as much scrutiny as Obama been through. If his biggest critics and enemies can't find it in all this time...then your arguments just don't hold much weight.

Lesson the third: Once again, here we are talking about irrelevant things or things that cannot be proven. We're talking about birth certificates instead of actual relevant things. You make the accusation that he is anti-american...Prove it. You guys guys make those ad-hom arguments all the time. Not only is it yet another logical fallacy, you never back it up. He's anti-american....because you say so. Sorry, but we're going to need something a LITTLE more concrete than that. If you want to be taken seriously and talk with the grownups, you actually need to back up the shit you spew.

Lesson the fourth: You know what also ruins your credibility? Your horrible horrible grammar. You are frequently incapable of writing a coherent post without making numerous errors. Why should anyone take you seriously when you can't even take the time to spell or write properly. We all make mistakes, buddy, but you make them a LOT. It speaks to your intelligence and your ability to be thoughtful.

Here endeth the lesson.

>> ^bobknight33:

I think that Obama was born in Hawaii.
That being said why did Obama did put out a piss poor excuse of a birth certificate. no image has 13 layers. If you scan an image it is one layer.
Even if you OCR the document ( why would you even do it) it would not have look as bad as the document he put out.
What ever rock Obama crawled out of under, Americans will let him go back to it in November.
Buy the way Obama is anti American. He has done more to thwart America than to make it a leader among nations.
>> ^VoodooV:
Just to play devil's advocate, but let us suppose for a moment that the conservatives are right and Obama is the worst, most liberal President in all of American History.
The message STILL gets diminished because conservatives are associated with nutbag ideas like the birther loonies.
You want people to take conservatives seriously? ditch the birther loonies, ditch the racist tea-baggers. Tell Romney to make a statement without being proven a liar ten seconds later.
If Obama is so bad, you should be able to easily make a rational argument without the lunatics playing the racist card.
Problem is...they haven't. They don't have a leg to stand on, so they grasp desperately for anything, no matter how flimsy.
I've lost count of how many times my rational republican friends get pissed off at their own party because they do actually try to offer up some legit complaints against Obama, stuff I would actually agree with since no one has ever made the argument that he's perfect, but the rational discourse gets drowned out by the racists and the conspiracy theories that don't hold any water or the nonsense Romney spews.
Believe it or not, there are actually Republicans out there who want to collaborate and work together and put their good ideas forth, they just get drowned out amongst all the people screaming Kenyan, Communist, Muslim, or un-American.
Even McCain had to dial it back and defend Obama from the nutbags.

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