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Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

hPOD says...

You're taking what I said wayyyyyyy out of context. I said it was typical of sensationalized Internet media to take something and make it far worse than it actually is/was. I do not and will not consider what happened in that video to be stomping on someones head, but as proven here, that can be argued. I do, however, feel it was out of line and the people responsible should be investigated.

This is why it's nearly impossible to have an intelligent conversation with people these days. You can say whatever you want, and that's that. Nothing is open for discussion or disagreement anymore.

Objective fact? She wasn't curb stomped nor was her head stomped on, at all. Saying so, and claiming that to be the case and calling it objective fact is a lie. I could agree with you if you said someone stepped on her neck, but stomped? No.

Objective judgment? Possibly. It is of my judgment that they went too far in what they did to her. That said, at least I'm honest about my objective judgment and am willing to admit that's what it is. I suppose others could say they didn't go far enough in what they did to her, which would make my opinion on this a judgment call.

In the end, what I said makes you mad? You got mad at me because you disagree with my opinion that I consider what actually went down versus how you titled it to be sensationalized? That's truly sad. I thought better of you, but I guess you're like the typical majority of Internet opinion makers -- if I disagree with you, you get mad at me for it. Oh well.

>> ^NetRunner:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 6th, 2010" class="profilelink">hPOD ahh, so instead of titling it with objective fact, I should title it with subjective judgment?
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 1st, 2008" class="profilelink">GeeSussFreeK, umm, my title should be funny? I think "roughs up" is inaccurate (I usually think of that as involving multiple strikes), I think "assaults" has a legal connotation, I think "pushes down" isn't what all the fuss is about, and you're the one bringing up crazy things that didn't happen (rape & murder).
To both of you, just google Lauren Valle, and look at the press headlines describing this event. Most include the word "stomp", including the current embed from the Associated Press. The ones that don't aren't really any less inflammatory. Many use the verb "attacked", one said "brutally attacked", another said "kicked in the head", and a student newspaper even called it "A Crack of the Skull 'Heard Around the World'".
The most mild I've seen is "stepped on" her head, but I'd say that implies that it was unintentional, and it clearly was no accident.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
With alllll that being said, what happened here was completely shitty. I almost hate that the title is so much of an issue more than what has actually happened.

Here's what really makes me mad, at both you and hPOD, frankly. You are the ones making a federal case out of the word choice in my title, rather than focusing on the act itself.
You are the ones who feel you need to come and express concern for my immortal soul because of the horrors of my base and vile dishonesty -- in copying my fucking title from a professional news outlet that was being more fastidious about its facts than most.
Condemn the guy who stomped on the woman's head, not me for calling it a stomp.

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

Truckchase says...

>> ^hPOD:

In the future, if/when you give a more grown up, non condescending response to something you disagree with, maybe I'll acknowledge it and actually reply back to what you said, rather than how you said it.
>> ^Truckchase:
hPOD you're right, he was trying to be nice by blessing her with the bottom of his foot. I do it to my mom all the time. Keep talking, you make alot of sense.

The basis of your assertion demands condescension. You're picking a fight about something that is entirely unacceptable regardless of the semantics of the situation. I won't spend any more time on this, as doing so undermines my own unspoken assertion that your commentary doesn't deserve attention since it is, by design, a distraction from the point of the video.

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

NetRunner says...

@hPOD ahh, so instead of titling it with objective fact, I should title it with subjective judgment?

@GeeSussFreeK, umm, my title should be funny? I think "roughs up" is inaccurate (I usually think of that as involving multiple strikes), I think "assaults" has a legal connotation, I think "pushes down" isn't what all the fuss is about, and you're the one bringing up crazy things that didn't happen (rape & murder).

To both of you, just google Lauren Valle, and look at the press headlines describing this event. Most include the word "stomp", including the current embed from the Associated Press. The ones that don't aren't really any less inflammatory. Many use the verb "attacked", one said "brutally attacked", another said "kicked in the head", and a student newspaper even called it "A Crack of the Skull 'Heard Around the World'".

The most mild I've seen is "stepped on" her head, but I'd say that implies that it was unintentional, and it clearly was no accident.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
With alllll that being said, what happened here was completely shitty. I almost hate that the title is so much of an issue more than what has actually happened.

Here's what really makes me mad, at both you and hPOD, frankly. You are the ones making a federal case out of the word choice in my title, rather than focusing on the act itself.

You are the ones who feel you need to come and express concern for my immortal soul because of the horrors of my base and vile dishonesty -- in copying my fucking title from a professional news outlet that was being more fastidious about its facts than most.

Condemn the guy who stomped on the woman's head, not me for calling it a stomp.

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Here's another angle on the event...

Now - when an unidentified, unauthorized person makes a mad dash with an object in their hands at a political figure in a vehicle then you sort of have to expect a bit of manhandling. Imagine if some random Bush supporter had made a similar dash at President Obama, for example. You think just maybe that security & aides would dogpile the breach until "the package" was confirmed safe? I'm surprised this nutcase got off as easy as she did.

Also consider the source. This is a neolib flake with a documented history of radical behavior. As a publicity stunt this loser runs up with a trophy. Whatever. But when that objective fails she runs whining to favorable left-wing media outlets like MSN to peddler her non-story as a "woe is me" tale of Rand Paul violence. And look how freaking HAPPY she is to be on MSN hawking her balony. She's not upset. She's happy as a clam. This went better than she hoped. So boo-hoo cry me a river, toots.

Show me the video of Democrat volunteers wrestling down Republican protesters? Show me the video of Democrat candidates not condemning violence started by one of their own ... one party has a clear propensity for violence, the other does not.

You mean the Democrat party, right? Because they're the main offenders for voter intimidation, violence, and shenanigans. Democrat union thugs intimidate voters at the ballots, and even target them at their homes. Democrat supporters beat up poor black guys at rallies. Rather than condemn the sleaze, Democrat politicians act as apologists for this behavior. And hey - how about that great Etheredge vid where he manhandles a blogger? "Who are you?!?" indeed.

Examples you say?

And please no whining about the source. Yeah it's a conservative blog, but all its doing is linking youtube videos. Sorry man - but if you imagined up a world where only Repblicans are mean jackholes then you had to do it by ignoring documented fact.

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^NetRunner:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 1st, 2008" class="profilelink">GeeSussFreeK, @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 6th, 2010" class="profilelink">hPOD what title would you prefer?

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator

roughs up/assaults/pushes down/rapes girl with purple dildo (opps, not this one)/gets physical/lets his feet do the talking/ shows what it means to be conservative/has nice shoes for crushing hippies/and on

There are infinitely more, funny, accurate (and I mean in relation to the word curb stomping being deadly, or at least extremely brutal and don't walk away from it), or even ironically less accurate (see purple dildo). Like I said before, when I saw curb stomping, I was dreading what was to come. I don't like Rand Paul, and was perhaps even slightly wishing something bad happened, even though I didn't want to see it. But curb stomp is not what happened (thank god), and I felt as I was manipulated from the start.

With alllll that being said, what happened here was completely shitty. I almost hate that the title is so much of an issue more than what has actually happened. This video actually illustrates why I don't take place in rallies anymore. It basically brings out the worst in people most times. Sporting events, political rallies, and the like are more in line with violence than discourse. This is why I avoid people!

(arg, quote system so broken!)

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

hPOD says...

In the future, if/when you give a more grown up, non condescending response to something you disagree with, maybe I'll acknowledge it and actually reply back to what you said, rather than how you said it.

>> ^Truckchase:

hPOD you're right, he was trying to be nice by blessing her with the bottom of his foot. I do it to my mom all the time. Keep talking, you make alot of sense.

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

hPOD says...

A more accurate one?

How about 'Rand Paul supporter goes too far...', which would be more along the lines of accuracy. People will view it, and people will agree he/they went too far. There is no need to tell people someone had their head "stomped" on. Also, do note that while one or two of these supporters were morons, another clearly tells them to knock it off.

There ARE good people out there, even if they disagree with your politics.

>> ^NetRunner:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 1st, 2008" class="profilelink">GeeSussFreeK, @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 6th, 2010" class="profilelink">hPOD what title would you prefer?

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

hPOD says...

Now you play semantics to justify your sensationalized headline.

What's happening in that video is NOT someone getting their head stomped on, once again, stop trying to make it something it's not. The worst part is, what you are attempting to do with your attention grabbing headline isn't even necessary. What happened in the video is damning enough without you making it sound worse than it was. We SEE the video. We know YOU see the video. We know that it's not a stomp. So now you try to list general definitions of what a stomp/stamp is in order to justify the headline. It would be more genuine of you to say she was held down forcibly with someones foot than to say someone stomped on her head, which is an out right fabrication.

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Completely uncalled for, but not curb stomping to be sure. I was expecting a cut from American History X, glad I didn't get what I expected. In as much as the right calls Obama a socialist, this is a curb stomping. A return to sanity, unlikely.

>> ^hPOD:
Stop using the word stomp, because that's not what happened. I've watched the video, so have many others. Want to see a stomp, watch American History X...there is a difference between what's in that video and someones head/neck being stomped on about the size of the Grand Canyon.

I don't get you guys. Three men grab a woman, push her to the ground, hold her there and then stomp on her head, giving her a concussion. The Lexington Police has sent Tim Profitt a summons to appear in court so a judge can decide if criminal assault charges are warranted.
Sure, it didn't work like it did in American History X where they put the guy's teeth on concrete first. It also didn't work like in Gears of War where the victim's head explodes like a blood-filled watermelon.
So because it doesn't look like exaggerated Hollywood violence, it's not a stomp?
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
In as much as the right calls Obama a socialist, this is a curb stomping. A return to sanity, unlikely.

So GeeSussFreeK, the real issue with sanity isn't that someone stomped on someone's head, it's that liberals like me called it a stomp? Seriously, what the fuck are you smoking?
>> ^hPOD:
It's hard to take you seriously when you sensationalize, and you're smarter/better than needing to resort to such extremes. The people involved were stupid, to be sure, but you're making them sound like attempted murderers, and this is disingenuous at best.

The only words I've used to characterize the content of the video is the title...
Original: Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps on MoveOn Member's Head
Current: Rand Paul Co. Coordinator Stomps on MoveOn Member's Head
What's disingenuous or misleading about either? Lauren Valle is a member of MoveOn. When I didn't know whether the guy was affiliated with Rand Paul, I said so. Now that I know he's not just a supporter, but someone who's part of the campaign organization, I updated it.
I know, must be the word stomp. redirects stomp to stamp, so here's the definition they give:
–verb (used with object)

  1. to strike or beat with a forcible, downward thrust of the foot.
  2. to bring (the foot) down forcibly or smartly on the ground, floor, etc.
  3. to extinguish, crush, etc., by striking with a forcible downward thrust of the foot (fol. by out): to stamp out a fire.
  4. to suppress or quell (a rebellion, uprising, etc.) quickly through the use of overwhelming force (usually fol. by out).
  5. to crush or pound with or as with a pestle.
  6. to impress with a particular mark or device, as to indicate genuineness, approval, or ownership: to stamp a document with a seal.
(Further definitions become even less appropos)
I know what it is, he didn't beat her over the head with a pestle, so I must be engaging in unfair hyperbole!

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

NetRunner says...

>> ^rottenseed:

NetRunner...your headline is the equivalent of me saying "Apparent Obama supporter bashes in my car window and steals my wallet"
(true story with the window bashing and the wallet stealing)

Except your picture didn't include a guy dressed in a shirt with the Obama campaign logo on it doing the smashing.

You also haven't read the rest of the comments because we now know the guy's name, and the fact that he was a member of Rand Paul's campaign.

It's no longer "apparent", it's now confirmed.

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

NetRunner says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Completely uncalled for, but not curb stomping to be sure. I was expecting a cut from American History X, glad I didn't get what I expected. In as much as the right calls Obama a socialist, this is a curb stomping. A return to sanity, unlikely.

>> ^hPOD:

Stop using the word stomp, because that's not what happened. I've watched the video, so have many others. Want to see a stomp, watch American History X...there is a difference between what's in that video and someones head/neck being stomped on about the size of the Grand Canyon.

I don't get you guys. Three men grab a woman, push her to the ground, hold her there and then stomp on her head, giving her a concussion. The Lexington Police has sent Tim Profitt a summons to appear in court so a judge can decide if criminal assault charges are warranted.

Sure, it didn't work like it did in American History X where they put the guy's teeth on concrete first. It also didn't work like in Gears of War where the victim's head explodes like a blood-filled watermelon.

So because it doesn't look like exaggerated Hollywood violence, it's not a stomp?

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

In as much as the right calls Obama a socialist, this is a curb stomping. A return to sanity, unlikely.

So GeeSussFreeK, the real issue with sanity isn't that someone stomped on someone's head, it's that liberals like me called it a stomp? Seriously, what the fuck are you smoking?
>> ^hPOD:
It's hard to take you seriously when you sensationalize, and you're smarter/better than needing to resort to such extremes. The people involved were stupid, to be sure, but you're making them sound like attempted murderers, and this is disingenuous at best.

The only words I've used to characterize the content of the video is the title...

Original: Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps on MoveOn Member's Head
Current: Rand Paul Co. Coordinator Stomps on MoveOn Member's Head

What's disingenuous or misleading about either? Lauren Valle is a member of MoveOn. When I didn't know whether the guy was affiliated with Rand Paul, I said so. Now that I know he's not just a supporter, but someone who's part of the campaign organization, I updated it.

I know, must be the word stomp. redirects stomp to stamp, so here's the definition they give:

–verb (used with object)

  1. to strike or beat with a forcible, downward thrust of the foot.
  2. to bring (the foot) down forcibly or smartly on the ground, floor, etc.
  3. to extinguish, crush, etc., by striking with a forcible downward thrust of the foot (fol. by out): to stamp out a fire.
  4. to suppress or quell (a rebellion, uprising, etc.) quickly through the use of overwhelming force (usually fol. by out).
  5. to crush or pound with or as with a pestle.
  6. to impress with a particular mark or device, as to indicate genuineness, approval, or ownership: to stamp a document with a seal.
(Further definitions become even less appropos)

I know what it is, he didn't beat her over the head with a pestle, so I must be engaging in unfair hyperbole!

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

hPOD says...

Stop using the word stomp, because that's not what happened. I've watched the video, so have many others. Want to see a stomp, watch American History X...there is a difference between what's in that video and someones head/neck being stomped on about the size of the Grand Canyon.

It's hard to take you seriously when you sensationalize, and you're smarter/better than needing to resort to such extremes. The people involved were stupid, to be sure, but you're making them sound like attempted murderers, and this is disingenuous at best.

>> ^NetRunner:

Updated title since it's no longer in doubt whether the stomper is really a Rand Paul supporter.

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