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The Daily Show: I Give Up - 9/11 Responders Bill

Paris Hilton Responds To McCain's Ad (PWNAGE)

Dungeons and Dragons animation

You're Stealing it Wrong: 30 Years of Inter-Pirate Battles

Conan tries a US Citizenship Test

A Happy Lovesong for the Summer: Pour un Flirt (Avec Toi)

Norman Mailer & Marshall McLuhan Debate, 1968

Mauro Pawlowski & the Love Substitutes -Terrorist Flower

What's up with all the gay videos? (Wtf Talk Post)

What's up with all the gay videos? (Wtf Talk Post)

What's up with all the gay videos? (Wtf Talk Post)

bareboards2 says...

So aside from the fact that I am completely convinced that PV is trolling us -- trolling us creatively and lucratively for the Sift, but still trolling ---

I am new enough to the site to not understand the Ban need.

Nothing has been said by PV overtly anti-gay -- just "slow down" which is retarded. Self linked once, which isn't the first time someone has done that when they are new to the site.

I know I am a Pollyanna with a high tolerance for high jinks and high stupidity, as long as no one gets hurt.

But why can't everyone just walk away? Not engage? Not respond?

I have read sift talks in the past where folks went into destructo mode -- isolate and ban them, absolutely. But this "person", taken on face value, hasn't said anything horrendous. Just stupid.

So. Can someone explain to me why one person would get banned and someone else gets mocked into fleeing?

Forgive my ignorance.

enoch (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Unless the troll is blankfist. Then there is no hope for him.


In reply to this comment by enoch:
hehe..i no prob.
i am a huuuuge voting machine.
some people view their votes as sacred.
i do not and i waste faaar too much time watching videos (when i should be doing something constructive)

as for PV being a troll. may be correct in that assumption but the way i see it everyone deserves a first chance..
the benefit of the doubt.
he may be exactly what you..and others..are saying and that will be revealed in due time.
people can never suppress their true nature for long.
that being said,i helped PV because i wished to and for no other reason than that.
what he chooses to do with my assistance is up to him and holds no bearing on who or what i am.
my feelings will not be hurt nor will i take whatever choices he makes (be they positive or crappy) personally.

if he chooses to disregard the offers of help and friendship that is on him and bears no reflection on me.
i took the time because i wished to.
if he squanders the good intentions of those on the sift then he will bear that mark.
he may also choose a different way...a better way..and maybe that new way will be in large part due to the good intentions and good natured people here on the sift.
thats worth a little time and withholding judgement is it not?

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