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Stealth Cat

The Best Reptilian Shapeshifter Evidence They Have

rebuilder says...

The worst thing about this is it makes no sense whatsoever. Ever heard of contact lenses? If your lizardine shape-shifting abilities don't extend to your eyes, why not just put on a pair and be done with it? You're telling me the world is ruled by lizards clever enough to engineer a global takeover but too dumb or lazy to have a few lenses made? Obviously they know the eye thing is an issue since there are photos of, for example, GWB with round pupils, meaning someone went to the trouble of photoshopping them. Contact lenses seem a more economical solution.

Then again, doesn't this whole lizardine theory tie in with a bunch of nuts in the USA who claim some time in the 90's the Democrats were going to repeal the income tax, but were prevented from doing so by lizard republicans? They have some funky acronym for the act that, if passed, was supposed to do away with the tax, but I can never remember it. Also involved was some woman leaving messages on a voice mail box for her followers to call into and hear. It was all very messed up, does this ring a bell for anyone?

The Best Reptilian Shapeshifter Evidence They Have

The Best Reptilian Shapeshifter Evidence They Have

finch451 says...


There's no such thing as interviews having a lighting setup that illuminates both sides of their faces equally, causing a reflection of two lights on either sides of their pupils, peoples! It's just not possible!

The Best Reptilian Shapeshifter Evidence They Have

Jaace says...

HA! So you expect me to believe that these Reptilians can shape-shift everything except for the pupils of their eyes? Poppy-cock.

Besides...GW isn't a Reptile, he's a freakin' monkey with a fez that jumps around and bangs on war drums.

MY BRUTE (web game) (Actionpack Talk Post)

blankfist (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

If a bonobo and a llama built a treefort on a fault line, how many bushels of corrugated sheet metal would it take to reinforce the buttresses of a -- FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.


Don't kill Blankfist. He's just a man -- NO! HE'S AN ALIEN. Yes... yes, just an alien... but what if he's one of the bad aliens?


It's just a game. Don't hate the player, hate the --


No, mother, no! SEIG HEIL! No, I hate the nazis. YOU LOVE THEM. i hate them...

YOU LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God is love god is love god is -- KILL!!!!!!

On April 19, 1943 Dr. Hofmann intentionally ingested 250 µg of LSD, which he hypothesized would be a threshold dose, based on other ergot alkaloids. After ingesting the substance Hofmann was struggling to speak intelligibly and asked his laboratory assistant, who knew of the self-experiment, to escort him home on his bicycle, due to the lack of available vehicles during wartime restrictions. On the bicycle ride home, Hofmann's condition became more severe and in his journal he stated that everything in his field of vision wavered and was distorted, as if seen in a curved mirror. Hofmann also stated that while riding on the bicycle, he had the sensation of being stationary, unable to move from where he was, despite the fact that he was moving very rapidly. Once Hofmann arrived safely home, he summoned a doctor and asked his neighbour for milk, believing it may help relieve the symptoms. Hofmann wrote that despite his delirious and bewildered condition, he was able to choose milk as a nonspecific antidote for poisoning. Upon arriving, the doctor could find no abnormal physical symptoms other than extremely dilated pupils. After spending several hours terrified that his body had been possessed by a demon, that his next door neighbour was a witch, and that his furniture was threatening him, Dr. Hofmann feared he had become completely insane. In his journal Hofmann said that the doctor saw no reason to prescribe medication and instead sent him to his bed. At this time Hofmann said that the feelings of fear had started to give way to feelings of good fortune and gratitude, and that he was now enjoying the colours and plays of shapes that persisted behind his closed eyes. Hofmann mentions seeing "fantastic images" surging past him, alternating and opening and closing themselves into circles and spirals and finally exploding into coloured fountains and then rearranging themselves in a constant flux. Hofmann mentions that during the condition every acoustic perception, such as the sound of a passing automobile, was transformed into optical perceptions. Eventually Hofmann slept and upon awakening the next morning felt refreshed and clearheaded, though somewhat physically tired. He also stated that he had a sensation of well being and renewed life and that his breakfast tasted unusually delicious. Upon walking in his garden he remarked that all of his senses were "vibrating in a condition of highest sensitivity, which then persisted for the entire day".

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
But this is:

In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
That's no fun at all.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:

In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
I just leveled Poolcleanersucks -- you now have the SIXTH SENSE! Oooooo.


MY BRUTE (web game) (Actionpack Talk Post)

'Cat Found' Prank

MY BRUTE (web game) (Actionpack Talk Post)

MY BRUTE (web game) (Actionpack Talk Post)

Do Schools Destroy Creativity? - Ken Robinson

Crake says...

^ Well I only ever tried school from the pupil's perspective, and I've seen nothing to disprove my point about kids being "forced to be average". i guess by now it's fairly obvious that I didn't have the greatest time in K-12, education-wise. I went to small schools with generally no money and deeply incompetent teachers.
And I did have to sit on my behind, doing nothing, most of the time, when I wasn't helping my classmates. I was not allowed to do other stuff after I'd done the required work, whenever I put my hand up i was ignored, because "everyone else should have a chance as well". and i couldn't leave. at least i got pretty good at drawing.

It seems the demands fit into a very narrow scale, and any work of better quality than "passed" was ignored or actively discouraged.

My point about "maximising potential" is not about harassing the students and teaching them countries' capitals by rote, that's a straw man. it's about expanding the scale of demands, so extraordinary effort is rewarded and encouraged, instead of ignored "because the strong kids will be OK, we won't lose them even if we neglect them a bit".

Fuck the level playing field.

Do Schools Destroy Creativity? - Ken Robinson

Crake says...

^I totally agree, both from my own experience and from observing the state of the education system in my country... they've received tons more money over the last decade, but all of it has gone into special ed classes, and none of it to normal pupils, and especially none to gifted children.

Thus they haven't improved the general education level at all, but only made sure "something is being done" for special needs children, who btw haven't shown any improvement either.

Kitty in yo face!

Five Months of Beard Growth in 1 Minute

Mortimer says...

Funny how one can go from normal looking guy to vagrant just by growing a beard.

I liked watching the eyes. The pupils keep growing and shrinking with the changes in light. Sometimes just a pinpoint, other times really dilated.

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