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We are going to be explaining 12 cognitive biases in this video and presenting them in a format that you can easily understand to help you make better decision in your life. Cognitive biases are flaws... continue reading

posted by enoch 7 years 10 months 3 weeks ago • 320 views • 10:09

When Dr. John Reid, Chairman of the Trimontium Trust, contacted us and asked for our help in order to shed some light on an ancient mystery, we immediately agreed! Dr. Reid and his team did some excavations... continue reading

posted by Mordhaus 8 years 4 months 1 week ago • 344 views • 29:38

Greed is good. War is inevitable. Whether in political theory or popular culture, human nature is often portrayed as selfish and power hungry. UC Berkeley psychologist Dacher Keltner challenges this notion... continue reading

posted by enoch 9 years 12 months ago • 2,027 views • 4:37

YouTube: What exactly are Personality Disorders? How can they be diagnosed? Can we prevent some of them? In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank gives us the down low on things like Ego-Dystonic... continue reading

posted by PlayhousePals 1 decade 2 months 1 week ago • 325 views • 10:58

YouTube: In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank walks us through the troubling world of Eating and Body Dysmorphic disorders. There's a lot going on here and, even though we still have a lot... continue reading

posted by PlayhousePals 1 decade 2 months 2 weeks ago • 123 views • 10:12

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