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Ashley Fiolek Feature

Antitrust Us!

Verizon Fios throttles Netflix - Net Neutrality

nock says...

After much research, I chose Private Internet Access. They never log anything so they can't be compelled to provide browsing/download histories. Check out:

Also, I have noticed that file locker services are throttled big time on Verizon Fios, but through a VPN they are super fast. There is probably 5-10% overhead for using a VPN, but it's still way better than a non-VPN connection.

Yogi said:


My VPN does increase my ability to download stuff a bit but it's not amazing. I just think Verizon Fios is shit sometimes. Also I know they've been totally throttling Netflix, those bastards.

What VPNs do other people use on here, any I should consider?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Prison (HBO)

Januari says...

I read your first post... and your second which for the most part was like reading the first one again, although without the zeal for rapid executions. Speaking of replying and not reading...

Never did get an answer to how many innocent people you'd be willing to sacrifice to see that "justice' was enacted that much faster?.

What your argument has lacked in its entirety is any sort of facts beyond what you seem supremely confident would work.

Correct me where i'm wrong... i'm genuinely asking here... Lets get the whole list of what exactly your advocating... as the solution to solving the prison problem.

Rapid executions... i'm assuming some kind of limit to appeals and time to issue them? (despite over 140 people being exonerated since 1973)

Dramatic increase in government surveillance... Because you know... its not like a right to privacy was one of the founding principles of this country.

Forced Sterilizations?... I'm really curious how else you'd enforce your breeding policy... or would you simply lockup the parents if they didn't meet the criteria you think appropriate, and had a child anyway? May fine them into oblivion?

Dramatically stricter sentencing?.. because lets be honest those jaywalkers have had it too easy for too long!... guessing this means you'd be advocating dramatic bulding projects... more prisons... more guards... MUCH more from the sounds of it. I'm sure companies like Geo Group would LOVE to provide that service... they're doing just awesome so far!...

And finally prison conditions... despite it being extraordinarily expensive to warehouse people for profit like we are... Doing just a TERRIBLE job of doing it and already sending an unprecedented number of people to prison... you want more.. because THAT will deter crime.

You want conditions to be 'adequate' yes? Indoor-plumbing... clean water... etc... just not TOO adequate lest they get to comfortable at 'casa de prison' system and never want to leave!...So things like AC or 'clean food' might be optional?... and of course... they should be billed for any treatment?.. .maybe have to 'work off the cost'?

Did i miss anything?

Jerykk said:

You should read my complete post before posting reactionary statements. I never said current prison conditions are ideal. I said prison isn't working as a deterrent to criminals. As I said before, there are three potential ways of fixing that: make the punishment more severe, increase surveillance and enforcement or make prison safer and more comfortable in an attempt to rehabilitate criminals. The first two options are practically guaranteed to produce results. People litter, jaywalk, pirate and break traffic laws all the time because they know they can get away with it and even if they get caught, the punishment will be relatively minor. Conversely, it's much harder to get away with major crimes and the punishments are far more severe, which is why major crimes are committed far less often than minor ones. History has proven that fear is a very effective deterrent. Convince people that there are significant consequences for their actions and they'll think twice before doing something stupid.

Rehabilitation is less proven. If prison were comfortable, safe and enlightening, it could reduce crime rates as criminals are taught the error of their ways and spread their new-found wisdom amongst other potential criminals. Or it could increase crime rates as prisons become a refuge where the desperate get free food, shelter, healthcare and other conveniences.

The ideal solution would be to ensure that only qualified parents are allowed to reproduce. The majority of criminals are the result of poor upbringings, with negligent, ignorant and/or abusive parents unwilling or unable to train their children to become productive members of society. In an ideal world, there would actually be prerequisites to parenthood. Aspiring parents would need to meet certain criteria like minimum income, education and a clean record. If these requirements were somehow enforceable, crime rates would drop drastically.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

SquidCap says...

What i see is vigilantes and crazy people wanting to get shot down and martyred by cops.

I'm pretty sure that when you ask the citizens in a warn torn country where guns are actually a requisite to survival what they feel about people carrying guns out in the open and i'll bet they don't like it either. They just have to do it. You, on the other hand, carrying one in USA don't actually need it. If you open carry, you just like to scare people.

The whole "i'm allowed to do what i want" theme goes out the window when the symbol in question actually is designed to kill living things. I had to think hard what is the difference between other freedoms, say, gay pride parade. You have to just accept it no matter what you think about it. One could say the same about freedom to carry guns but that's where i draw the line: does it kill you or not. If it doesn't, deal with it and move on. If it does, remove it from the public. Not against guns in the privacy of your own home but they DO NOT belong to streets unless they are carried by a professional.

And no, i don't trust the law enforcement blindly but they enforce laws that we have allowed our representatives to put in place.. if you have a problem with laws, you take it where the laws are made, not to the people enforcing them... And definitely you don't scare everyone else getting one either, which this "open carry activism" WILL lead to: you see guns out in the open, "I think need one now just to pop to get some milk, better get my AK".. Stupid stupider gun-nut. The same people are "rolling coal" plus a host of other symptoms.

Having more guns will just leave to more violence, that is a fact that is definitely shown in study after study. The way non-carrying citizens react to this should be a clear sign: society does NOT want that. Isn't that enough reason to stop?

Speaking your mind under anesthesia

enoch says...

from youtube comments:
Elaina F
Please take this down. It was not meant to be shared. I am the girl in this video, and this material was not meant to be posted to the internet. I would really appreciate it if you could please take this down. It is causing me personal repercussions. It was a joke that someone took way too far, and I'd really appreciate it if you would remove it. Also, this material was taken from my account, and it violates my privacy.

oh boy..this is not going to end well.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

A woman attacks a guy flying a drone on a public beach

Trancecoach says...

This is what happens when the 4th amendment is misunderstood. There is no such thing as a "right to privacy"...unless you have a right to control what other people do with their property, or you have entered into some explicit contract with defined terms. The 4th amendment is a "right" that government grants you in a shallow attempt to limit its own power. It is not a "right" that somehow gives you the control of other people and what they can or can't do with their own property in all places and all times.

newtboy said:

OMG! What a douchebag. I mean...really...taking pictures at the beach! How does he not know that's wrong and totally illegal?!? Violence was totally justified and should be excused, especially since it was a woman being violent, I mean, they can't possibly be an aggressor any more than a person of color can be racist!

One Of The Best Arguments For Deleting Facebook

SquidCap says...

Like someone said above, it's an app to make calls. You can't make calls without a microphone.

On another note, i've had good facebooking by not using ANY apps on it. None. My privacy rating is the best you can have.. It's Facebook, not gaming platform. Just deny every app your friends send, never ever use "share on facebook", deny all FB connect requests.

Install Ghostery, it'll keep your FB separate from other sites you visit. Same goes for twitter, google+ etc. Share via the old fashion way: copy & paste urls.

One Of The Best Arguments For Deleting Facebook

blahpook says...

Right - I know he's making a larger point about privacy, but I feel like this should be re-titled "One of the Best Arguments for Deleting Facebook Mobile from your Phone."

Trancecoach said:

Well, duh. It would have to allow that permission wise to make calls via the app. As much of a privacy advocate as I am, this seems like a non-story.

One Of The Best Arguments For Deleting Facebook

Warmth- says...

NSA knows what's best for you.

I mean, surely their filtering algorithms have already analyzed a more accurate profile of you, than what your psychiatrist ever could? What with all the years of records of your internet searches, emails and videosift comments..

Seriously though, about this nice video, if you have a popular smartphone, no matter how you trust that fruit, droid or window logo, there's seriously no real guarantees that your activities are not recorded in whichever way, whenever. Any data on 'customers' is precious to these companies, or the NSA for that matter.

To be a bit cynical, I'd say that most people don't mind, they can't perceive anything strongly negative to come out of any of these privacy breaches. After all, so far the system has kept them relatively safe from the other ones, the evil ones.

To be even more cynical I'd say this hip guy, 10k likes on FB and all, seems to be quite smoothly riding the next generation's "My mom uses FB" disdain to .. I don't know? Maybe try to gain respect among this, certainly most sought after viewer demography, the younger generation, about to become consumers?

It could even be that he makes money on ads on YT views? But certainly Youtube, or their parent company, would never breach anyone's privacy, or make questionable sudden changes to their TOCs? Say, they wouldn't use the Chrome browser's or the Android OS's capabilities to use a connected mic to sift through recorded data?

Well, in any case, I've got to appreciate anyone who makes these matters more public and talked about, what ever their motives might be.

On another topic, as a loyal user of Google's mostly brilliant services, and mobile operating system, I was quite surprised to realize that I could see where I (or my phone) had been about, through their service here:

Luckily the feature can be turned off from the same site. I mean I'm sure it's off now, because I can't see any data there anymore..

One Of The Best Arguments For Deleting Facebook

Trancecoach says...

Well, duh. It would have to allow that permission wise to make calls via the app. As much of a privacy advocate as I am, this seems like a non-story.

newtboy said:

One more example of why never being on 'social media' sites continues to be the right decision.
Screw you Facebook, you go die now.

newtboy (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

No sir, what is happening is that YOU seem to misunderstand that YOU continually misinterpret and take PERSONALLY almost every comment I make and you emotionally respond with personal insult and with faulty profiling with a view to seeing what makes you feel insecure simply go the fuck away....a fucking asterix MEANS one of two two things here: either someone fucked-up while entering a comment and rather than re-writing they simply place a character to avoid a blank space (the system code's unintuitive design disallows simply deleting the entire comment) and some people are confuses when they see a blank space).

What is truly sad is the manner in which you and your cohort doing the same shit (cutting and pasting my comments on mine and their own profile continually) take everything I have to write as a personal fucking attack (WHEN IT IS NOT) as the result of their insecurities and inability to process information or intent. You know VERY little of my history here as it has been filtered through whomever you've talked to and the very limited exchanges you have had with me in which you fail to communicate rather, you fucking assume what you will of my character then validate those feelings with more of your own confabulation......It's social dysfunction....impolite, uncivil, and wholly subjective, and your motivated by your own ignorance of my intent and fueled by an unwillingess to process information that does not suit your particular brand of social dysfunction.

Experienced this's what makes YOU the hater, YOU the problem, and can either be an inroad to understanding or my demise, since I chose to engage certain problems or challenges rather than to simply ignore them.

Now as far as this particular exchange we are still in my estimation, having a conversation exchanging opinions, observations and ideas.....Should you once again try and turn it into some misinterpreted personal attack then justify a response similar to most of yours in the past, which quickly digress into personal attacks on my character and retarded assumptions well.....I'm going to either pound the admins until they respond appropriately or bring this shit out in the open forum in a sift talk post because quite frankly.....I will not have my account suspended because of someone's lack of
critical-thinking skills combined personal hatred for people, concepts, or opinions they find confusing or emotionally trying....

Comprehension is an issue for some my ass, you have a hard to see me fry and are willing to go the fucking distance to see it happen.....well fuck THAT and since you can;t seem to wrap your head around the concept, fuck privacy....The goddamn community-at-large needs to see what you are up to...

newtboy said:

I quoted you. Try reading what you wrote. I'll even copy it for you. Sure seemed directed at me, especially since you quoted my comment in the thread to tell me " * "...sure seemed like you needed me to read your comment, but then later thought better of what you wrote and tried to erase it (but couldn't make the contact go away completely).
It's funny and sad that the one who's been repeatedly banned and corrected with 'probations', and that get's in over the top verbal fights daily doesn't understand that they're the real problem. Comprehension is an issue for some.

chingalera said:


and then said

Popularity be damned and at pennies on the dollar, the site has once again been wrested by a cabal of regular back-and-forthers, none particularly clever or interesting, whose banal commentary could fill a modest tome printed on onion skins, bound with viscous expectorates, and disposed of at one's next convenient expurgate repose the lucky hoarder having been thankful to have kept it for a fresher feeling behind after schnapps.

Obama Delivers at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

VoodooV says...

Don't give me that false equivalence BS, you don't have a different viewpoint, you have a demonstrably bad viewpoint.

I don't hate you, I pity you. I'm not the one that hates homosexuals and minorities,

people like you and lantern who judge people on the basis of skin color, and sexual orientation....

...are not good people, it's that simple. You are relics of the past.

It is socially acceptable to shame and call out people like you and lantern when we catch you voicing your antiquated ideas. Your social viewpoints are becoming less and less acceptable with each day. Even the right is slowly backing away on their attacks on minorities and homosexuals.

Your ideas...don't work, they never did.

I've told you and your pal lantern many times that you are free to be as backwards thinking as you want in the privacy of your own home and your own brain. But when you voice your bad ideas in public, expect to be called out and shamed.

You can play the victim card all you want. but you know it's not just me picking on you. Long before I ever showed up, you've been called out and shamed by many others here and you've been reprimanded by the staff of this website on multiple occasions. I'm willing to bet that unless you live in a hole in the ground in the deep south, you know better than to voice your ideas in public in real life since you know you'll get in trouble. Being an anonymous troll on a website is the only place you can voice your bad ideas, isn't it?

I understand that you're angry. The world changed on you and you're too set on your old ideas to change with it. Well you better hang on, because it's going to keep on changing and people who share your viewpoint will keep dying of old age. As it should be.

As I told lantern, start taking your own advice. You keep claiming that gays and minorites need to "suck it up".

Suck it up bob, suck it up. Why don't you practice what you preach about "rugged individualism" and quit whining? Take it like a man, right?

If you don't like it, go find a website that shares your viewpoints. Freedom of speech does not exist on a private website.

Deal with it. Your prejudice is only going to keep getting called out and you will continue to get shamed.

bobknight33 said:

@VoodooV Why do you have a deep hate of others with different view points? Lantern53 comments weren't so bad and not justifiable to be called a self-loather.
I'd bet that you are basically a good guy with different political/social points of view than Lantern and I. Heck you probably a great neighbor.

He's certainly a better comedian than President. So far, this is the highlight of his administration.

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