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Rufus the Hawk...Protector of Wimbledon

Why Does 1% of History Have 99% of the Wealth?

scheherazade says...

That's true for a post industrial POV.
When machines already exist, and you just need energy to get things moving.

The energetic concerns of bygone eras were :
Whale oil, and later kerosene. For lighting. (note: back then, a day's work would only buy minutes of light)
Firewood, and later coal. For heating.
Manpower was the only energy user when it came to food production.

Early machines such as the combine were horse drawn, and did not need an energy architecture in place. (ignoring "food" as an energy)

Later machines used steam power, and hence could piggy back on the already existing wood/coal energy architecture (in turn stimulating it to grow larger).

Once the machinery industry was established, and the revenue generation was in place, it was possible to invest in improvements and alternative energies - ultimately leading up to oil burning machinery being common.

In any case, historically, industrialization drove the energy industry. (As it should, why have an industry to produce a product (energy) that isn't needed?)
And industrialization depended on a conducive society. A place where an inventor could own his invention, and could sell it, allowing things that were no more than ideas or garage trinkets to transition into products - which in turn place demand on other resources such as [forms of] energy.

In the past, there was nothing, so everything was build from the ground up. Industries grew out of nothing, they weren't established up front.
Modern times are different, where you have investment capital from entities who's entire existence revolves around investing, and you can front the establishment of an industry in the calculated hope of future demand.
(Granted, lords/aristocrats had a hand in industrial investment. Just not the kind or scale that you can see today.)

What you say applies a bit later, when industrialization was already well under way. Like when Thomas Edison used investment capital to fund power plants and an electrical network, in order to power the first [practical, but not 'first'] light bulb in New York.


criticalthud said:

perhaps, but first things first. Economic policy is secondary to energetic concerns. Innovation is seriously impeded if a society is primarily worried about feeding itself. You don't innovate if u spend ur time digging in the dirt for primary needs. Agrarian societies require energetic resources to become industrial.
Once that is considered, then u can argue economic policies. Until then, it's seriously premature.

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

chingalera says...

Don't even know where to begin with the statement, ' I also attribute this to black people and their culture--after all they should be better than crime since their roots come from an afrocentric value background.'

Even if you were hinting at sarcasm, that's a pretty fucking 'clueless-of-history' slavery in the U.S., POV

Afrocentric??? Gimme a fucking break, that's a rarity in black culture in the U.S. because it was systematically beaten and tortured out of the slave-class.

As to the other so-called groups cited well sir, it's your responsibility to associate and that with discretion, with any and all PEOPLE according to your own standards (or lack thereof) of ethics and morality, isn't it??

Life won't get any better for whom?? For youm???

Lawdeedaw said:

I agree with @eric3579 but I go further. I also attribute this to black people and their culture--after all they should be better than crime since their roots come from an afrocentric value background. Def higher standards for them! I also attribute it to women, fat people, disabled people, preachers, teachers, business executives and prostitutes (Since they have a sexual responsibility to all they sleep with.)

Until all these groups dime out each other and expect better of each other, and break the bull-shield, wall or whatever catchy name we make for it life won't get better.

What is Going on in Venezuela.

Wonder Showzen is made by THE DEVIL!!!

Chairman_woo says...

"I don't like it it when mummy and daddy fight!"

Fair enough I can't disagree with a lot of that (your right to say it was directed at you upon a 2nd reading sorry).

As far as your criticism of Chingy in general your half right, but what I see after lurking on here for a few years reading posts is someone who has bashed his head against the same wall so long it's hurt.

Perhaps I'm projecting (don't we all?) but I see a pitfall I've fallen into myself many times throughout my life and it's the same pitfall we all fall into in our own ways. Love is the most virulent and dangerous of poisons!

Without wishing to delve into a very lengthy essay on the dynamics of dualistic consciousness/reality I strongly suspect that Chingy went through what is ultimately a very similar thought process to the one you just espoused i.e. "I'm sick of people not even trying to understand my heartfelt positions so fuck them".

Long story short: a lack of sympathy and patience on both sides.

Sad but entirely understandable and I have no desire to get on a high horse about it. I'm as bad if not frequently worse myself. This is the great curse of caring; we expose our flanks and allow our opponents blades to drive that bit deeper.

Is it really such a surprise that the more we care the thicker our armour of contempt becomes?

I guess when all is said and done though it's not my business to tell either one of you how to behave. Just from my pov your mutual bitterness here stems from a common source. Both of your arguments make perfect sense to me as does your contempt for each other and that on balance is probably what bummed me out enough to pitch in (futilely) with my own 2cents.

I'd like to ask you both to be a little more understanding with each other but I have no right to do that (nor would it work unless you each wanted it to anyway). So I shall end simply with "Do what thau wilts".

newtboy said:

I disagree, it absolutely was directed at me and he did quote me (he just didn't use the 'quote' button this time), please read it again...
chingalera said:
(a sate of permanent willful ignorance) it's 'state' and maybe, check a fucking mirror??
Totally directed at me in a snide attempt to disrespectfully deride me for a typing mistake he assumed I made and for being permanently willfully ignorant. That's his MO, derision and disrespect peppered with abusive overuse of a thesaurus. His argument style is mindless repetition of insults and complaint and derision of every topic and group and most individuals with no self awareness whatsoever. He repeatedly makes the same mistaken assumptions, even when corrected, because they support his insanity and give him a straw man to fight. He viciously attacks 'A or B' arguments that come from his own mind and not from the one's he attacks. I'm done with it. I can only remind him of the facts and my positions so many times before it's tiring in the extreme and my fault for doing it to myself.
I would say the pastor is an asshat because he made his own insane assumptions based on willful misunderstanding and is convincing others to think the same kind of has little to do with religion in the final analysis for me, it's about making up BS and getting others to believe it as fact, usually to get them to act as one wants them to. The religious don't have a monopoly on this behavior, it is also not reserved for religious goals, but religions and the religious are all too well practiced at it.

How to behave in traffic

Chairman_woo says...

All the research I've ever read/heard from professional sources appears to completely refute what you are suggesting.

Maintaining a decent distance speeds up the average flow of traffic! Being a little further behind doesn't slow anyone down it just makes them further away from each other.

A car doing 30mph 2 feet behind another is going EXACTLY as fast as a car going 30mph 20 feet behind another. Distance between cars doesn't make anyone have to go any slower, simply that they are further away relative to each other.

It also has the benefit of reducing or even preventing the wave phenomenon which SLOWS DOWN the traffic or even stops it dead. (capitals just for emphasis not sarcasm).

The distinction you are suggesting between smooth and fast flowing makes no sense to me. Smooth flowing traffic IS fast flowing traffic. It's the wave effect that slows traffic down not the amount of tarmac taken up.

The physical length of highway a car takes up would only matter if you were trying to park them. I can see why this might seem to matter from the subjective POV of someone stuck in a jam/slow moving traffic. But if everyone maintained distance this situation would be less likely to occur (and reduced in effect when it does).

Smooth traffic is fast traffic. We are not confused. This is based on modern professional studies of traffic dynamics. Having less lanes is know to actually speed up jammed traffic under many circumstances (London M25 springs to mind)

Let me put this another way. Watch that vid again. He isn't going any slower than the flow of traffic he's just further away from the car in front. You can tell this because he's maintaining a steady distance from the car in front. The only people who are being slowed down are the asshats behind him driving bumper to bumper. They experience what seems like a temporary reduction in speed but this is simply an illusion created by giving back the healthy separation between vehicles that should have existed in the 1st place. i.e. they are just "paying back" a few feet of roadspace each, which they took up at a previous point in time. They won't get anywhere any faster or slower as a result & this way it helps to reduce the "slinky effect" which actually does reduce average travel time from point A to B.

TheFreak said:

There's some confusion in the comments concerning the difference between smooth flowing traffic and fast flowing traffic.

These are not the same things.

Increasing the distance between you and the car in front of you to maintain a consistent speed will help to buffer the slinky effect in traffic.
It will NOT eliminate traffic jams.
You're actually reducing the efficiency of the highway and causing the slow down behind you to increase.

Decide what you mean by 'traffic jam'. Is it stop-and-go traffic or slow speeds? Follow this guy's advice to stop the slinky, with the negative effect of reducing average highway speed behind you. Fill in the gaps if you dread slow highway traffic, with the negative effect of creating more inconsistency in speeds.

The Mind of Plants

chingalera says...

Well when you find a scientist that can take notes from a molecular POV, let us know, eh??

What is a REAL scientist anyhow??

Drachen_Jager said:

No real scientist is asking if plants have minds, or if they're intelligent.

Just because they show a certain adaptability does not demonstrate intelligence.

shveddy (Member Profile)

Adele masturbates - Ushi Hirosaki interview

Chairman_woo (Member Profile)

Chairman_woo says...

(I also posted this reply on his profile not realising in case that causes any confusion)

My 1st post in that thread was intended purely to inform. Most people I meet who own dogs are painfully unaware of what I was describing and consequently foster futile behaviour and negative emotional outbursts around things their dogs do (the idea that everyone in that thread already knows about this is laughable). This is far from the biggest ill in the world but it's there and I saw an opportunity to present an alternative view of events in the hope that perhaps someone somewhere might learn something (or at least consider an idea rather than just mindlessly following social tradition). Where I learned that idea is irrelevant, it stands or falls on its own merits.

Your response garnered hostility because it was indistinguishable from saying "your spoiling our fun by trying to suggest that the animal might actually be terrified and confused and our fun is more important than someone/thing suffering". You didn't try to challenge what I said, you simply indicated some level of disdain for the fact I was even trying to say something intelligent, or because I didn't mindlessly jump on the "look at the terrified dog" bandwaggon like the rest.

Your damm right it was an emotional response, the attitude you displayed from my POV causes untold suffering throughout the world (and I don't just mean dogs which in the grand scheme of things is relatively harmless). If you read my reply again you'll see that at no point did I suggest you were disagreeing with me, I was insulting you precisely because you didn't even try, you just tried to indite me for trying to raise the level of the conversation. It was that and that alone that garnered my hostility, I'm happy to be proven wrong or even for people to switch off and ignore me but to give me flack just for trying I have little patience for.

You have clearly misunderstood my whole argument against you, if I were to take my own advice then I would either challenge your point (which I did) or accept that I didn't understand enough to try and counter intelligently.

What you did was insult me for just trying to make an intelligent argument. That is where the " little gem of "Fuck You"" came from.

Also it's no good getting on a high horse about me being "over sensitive" when you took the time to jump onto my profile and unleash a boatload of bile yourself. That argument would only have worked if you said it to yourself and got on with your life. But you didn't, you felt you had to give me a piece of your mind just like I did.
I'm not going to call you over sensitive, I'm just going to call you human because that's what you are, just like me ;-).

Edit: for the record that Bill Hicks quote refers to precisely the kind of anti-intellectualism I'm accusing you of. It was because an audience member objected to Bill trying to raise an idea above the trivial self interested level that they felt had been threatened. Or to put it another way Bill had spoiled their fun by trying to make an intelligent point rather than just wallowing in their own unconsidered ignorance. As far as I'm concerned it was entirely appropriate.

Januari said:

You know i don't even normally reply to this trite and i'm certainly not going to hijack someone else's post to do it, but i'm also not going to let you off the hook.

First off my comment was intended as a VERY obvious joke about a silly video.

Maybe ask yourself why you were SOOOO threatened by such an innocuous comment? Or take your own advice and ignore it...

And because you (and almost EVERYONE else for that matter) regurgitate something you learned in psych 101 on to the forums of a website does not mean anyone is agreeing or disagreeing with YOU. YOU arn't a factor beyond being incredibly overly sensitive. I suspect most if not everyone in that thread is well aware of what you posted but was just having a little fun, as was I for that matter. But either learn to take your own advice... if it be from that quote, which to my mind applies to you far more than you seem to be aware, or to your other little gem of "Fuck You".

Some Hero Straps a Camera to an Eagle in the Alps

Some Hero Straps a Camera to an Eagle in the Alps

Some Hero Straps a Camera to an Eagle in the Alps

Eagle camera flight

Eagle camera flight

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