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Auger8 (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Guy With a Boot on his Head Announces Presidential Bid

Guy With a Boot on his Head Announces Presidential Bid

Guy With a Boot on his Head Announces Presidential Bid

My Little Pony- "Fight Sequence" with a Bear

My Little Pony- "Fight Sequence" with a Bear

Vermin Supreme: When I'm President Everyone Gets A Free Pony

dannym3141 says...

>> ^arghness:

The idea is that if you're not voting for the opposing party that is most likely to beat Conservatives (i.e. voting Labour, I'd imagine), then you're effectively supporting the Conservatives.
MRLP was an independent party.
>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^Barseps:
Nuttier than squirrel shit, but at least he's offering some light relief in a drawn-out political campaign. I think the point of the existense of these type of people is that this is where you exercise your "protest vote" (i.e. If you think the rest of them are full of crap, then vote for THIS guy). We had a guy similar to this in the UK who died in 1999, his name was Screaming lord Sutch & he was leader of "The Monster Raving Loony Party"

I'm sure i remember my step dad telling my mum that if she voted for screaming lord sutch, it was actually voting for the tories.. did he used to be in them, or is that remotely explainable? I was too young.

That would have been it, thanks. Don't think my child's mind was ready for that kind of insinuation!

Vermin Supreme: When I'm President Everyone Gets A Free Pony

arghness says...

The idea is that if you're not voting for the opposing party that is most likely to beat Conservatives (i.e. voting Labour, I'd imagine), then you're effectively supporting the Conservatives.

MRLP was an independent party.

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^Barseps:
Nuttier than squirrel shit, but at least he's offering some light relief in a drawn-out political campaign. I think the point of the existense of these type of people is that this is where you exercise your "protest vote" (i.e. If you think the rest of them are full of crap, then vote for THIS guy). We had a guy similar to this in the UK who died in 1999, his name was Screaming lord Sutch & he was leader of "The Monster Raving Loony Party"

I'm sure i remember my step dad telling my mum that if she voted for screaming lord sutch, it was actually voting for the tories.. did he used to be in them, or is that remotely explainable? I was too young.

Vermin Supreme: When I'm President Everyone Gets A Free Pony

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Barseps:

Nuttier than squirrel shit, but at least he's offering some light relief in a drawn-out political campaign. I think the point of the existense of these type of people is that this is where you exercise your "protest vote" (i.e. If you think the rest of them are full of crap, then vote for THIS guy). We had a guy similar to this in the UK who died in 1999, his name was Screaming lord Sutch & he was leader of "The Monster Raving Loony Party"

I'm sure i remember my step dad telling my mum that if she voted for screaming lord sutch, it was actually voting for the tories.. did he used to be in them, or is that remotely explainable? I was too young.

ZappaDanMan (Member Profile)

Vermin Supreme: When I'm President Everyone Gets A Free Pony

Barseps says...

>> ^ZappaDanMan:

>> ^Barseps:
Nuttier than squirrel shit, but at least he's offering some light relief in a drawn-out political campaign. I think the point of the existense of these type of people is that this is where you exercise your "protest vote" (i.e. If you think the rest of them are full of crap, then vote for THIS guy). We had a guy similar to this in the UK who died in 1999, his name was Screaming lord Sutch & he was leader of "The Monster Raving Loony Party"

oh yeah, it totally is a protest vote. I enjoy his creativity at mocking the whole process. How long have the been campaining for already 12 months?

I t-h-i-n-k it's just over 12 months. Campaigning usually starts 2 years into the presidency so that would put it at november 2010 if I ain't mistaken.

Vermin Supreme: When I'm President Everyone Gets A Free Pony

ZappaDanMan says...

>> ^Barseps:

Nuttier than squirrel shit, but at least he's offering some light relief in a drawn-out political campaign. I think the point of the existense of these type of people is that this is where you exercise your "protest vote" (i.e. If you think the rest of them are full of crap, then vote for THIS guy). We had a guy similar to this in the UK who died in 1999, his name was Screaming lord Sutch & he was leader of "The Monster Raving Loony Party"

oh yeah, it totally is a protest vote. I enjoy his creativity at mocking the whole process. How long have the been campaining for already 12 months?

Vermin Supreme: When I'm President Everyone Gets A Free Pony

I'm Saving up for an Autonomous Car (Wheels Talk Post)

dag says...

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It does make you wonder how it fits into Google's business model. I honestly think they're doing it because it's a hard engineering problem - and not for immediate financial gain in the short-run. But as a publicly traded company they will need to find a way to make it bring in the cash.

Beyond licensing the system to automakers, I could definitely see them using Google Places for Business to display "offers" to drivers as they pass by. Imagine how huge that would be. Drive by a TacoBell and you hear "Hit the 'accept' button to pull in for 99 cent tacos!" -- That would be a revolution in advertising - and goodbye billboards. >> ^deathcow:

I love my Google driverless car, but it takes twice as long to get me home each night, as it drives me by a selection of stores that are relevant to my last 3 days of email. I knew I should have just ponied up the extra $2000 for the advertisement free edition. "DriveFree"

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