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Girlfriend plays Age of Conan

Krupo says...

"Why do I have to kill everyone I come across... oooh, footgear! I like footgear" AWESOME.

Just a bit of *happy *nsfw. ... lol, "I didn't want to learn how to pole dance". AWESOME x2

Subway Stripper Who Pole Dances For Cash

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'subway, romania, stripper, cash, music, pole, dance, niiice' to 'subway, romania, stripper, cash, music, pole, dance, niiice, bewbs' - edited by calvados

Subway Stripper Who Pole Dances For Cash

Zonbie says...

Did you just dicuss and return this to justify watching LOL
LOL This is PORN! oh, its not...

In reply to this comment by arsenault185:
There is no need for this to have a SiftTalk. *Return. This is not porn. SHE did it for the gratification of other people, but the video was not made for that sole purpose. It was to capture a bizzare moment, that most of us only wish would happen.

There. Doesn't that feel better now that we've gotten that out of the way?

House - Dr Cuddy's strip tease

House Season Finale (1sttube Talk Post)

Groovy Dancing Girl

robotic pole dancing sidewinder snakes

I'z in ur strip clubs dancin on ur poles (SFW)

I'z in ur strip clubs dancin on ur poles

Pole Dance Catfight

White Stripes, Kate Moss, I Just Don't Know What to Do With

Traffic Pole vs Truck (Amazing!)

tooley says...

What is that thing made of? Poletonium? Poletasticness?

It was poletacular. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "pole dancing".

As in, "I want to see a terrorist in a truck bomb do a little pole dancing."


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