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<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Sketch says...

Ooh! What a great use for my 2 cases of 2 Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's I have waiting for me to be done bleaching my teeth!

There's a restaurant in Florida that my family goes to and we always order pitchers of Sangria. They add cinnamon in theirs. It sounds a little strange, but it works really well, especially if you are using pears, peaches, and apples. I highly recommend experimenting with it.

P.S., I love the unruly sweeter stuff, so I'd add simple syrup/sugar.

Guy Movies (Cinema Talk Post)

blankfist says...

1. Crumb
Documentary about a subversive comic book writer/artist. The scene where his brother tells about pulling down a teenage girl's shorts and describing her butt as a peach makes you think, yeah, all women are essentially worth as much to me as wanting to see their butts.

2. In the Company of Men
This movie explains to us all how and why women are stupid and vaginas smell.

3. Lars Von Trier's Antichris♀
I know this is a work of fiction, but if the Christians can turn the The Passion of Christ into a documentary, then I can claim this film to be one, too! I don't know much about it as I haven't seen it yet, but it made waves at the Cannes Film Festival. The movie by Trier suggests women are evil creatures that deserve their persecution throughout history.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

By the way, do not trust the picture. The idea of putting lemons in any Sangria only serves to add needless acidity (already an acidic drink) and it also absorbs the alcohol and no one wants to eat a lemon slice for the alcohol, right? Fucking terrible.

Peaches, pears and apples work very well. Also, be careful of things like grapes (okay for white sangria) and especially raspberries and blueberries and all kinds of berries (they tend to breakdown in liquid). Stick with fruits like apples and pears and peaches.

Oh, and oranges!

Jim Lahey from Trailer Park Boys interviewed by Jim Nunn

nerbula says...

It is a good thing they stopped the show, seriously, any idea such as the one trailer park boys was based on got milked already, six seasons, a movie. all based on that happened in one trailer park, they developed so much over the years the best you can hope for is a spin off, which would suck. It is good they are done. Like a peach you want to eat it when its ripe not when its old brown shrivled and nasty. Southpark should think of doing the same. its done with in my eyes, they should of stopped two seasons ago.

I Hate L.A. (NSFW)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^yourhydra:
i liked L.A when i visited. I like beach. I like ocean. I like mexicans. I bought a giant juicy peach from a mexican and ate it. Then I fell with the flu for the rest of my trip. I dont think it was the peach though.

You're right, it was probably the Mexican.

I Hate L.A. (NSFW)

rottenseed says...

>> ^yourhydra:
i liked L.A when i visited. I like beach. I like ocean. I like mexicans. I bought a giant juicy peach from a mexican and ate it. Then I fell with the flu for the rest of my trip. I dont think it was the peach though.

That peach flu was pretty big up there a while ago.

I Hate L.A. (NSFW)

yourhydra says...

i liked L.A when i visited. I like beach. I like ocean. I like mexicans. I bought a giant juicy peach from a mexican and ate it. Then I fell with the flu for the rest of my trip. I dont think it was the peach though.


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'mario, peach, princess, rescue, mad, pissed, tierd, bowser' to 'mario, peach, princess, rescue, mad, pissed, tierd, bowser, hank and jed' - edited by kronosposeidon

Joe Wong - Very Funny Set on Letterman

Joe Wong - Very Funny Set on Letterman

Manifesting the Mind: Sneak Preview

Trancecoach says...

^I think you've got it backwards, cybrbeast. Regardless of the sophistication of the instruments used, or the elaborateness of the mathematical permutations, science will never penetrate the primacy of perception or adequately explain the phenomenon of experience without severe distortions, deletions, and generalizations which misappropriate the instances of perception as a complete gestalt. You are correct that, from a scientific point of view, these theories "make little sense," but this is due to an inadequacy of science, not of the theories themselves. Inasfar as science perpetually attempts to causally interpret the phenomena of experience as third-person adumbrations, it will limit itself to logical opacity, falling short of the lived first-person perspectives which constitute the living human predicates. When you eat a peach, you need not take measurements or abstract experimental conditions into account prior to biting into it in order to gain an appreciation or epistemological experience of the fruit. Rather, there is a knowingness, in which your perception remains primary to any "objective" cognition, from which I believe psychedelic insights/intuitions seem to avail to its aspirant. In this way, these theories are hidden to the naive subject, only to become apparent as obvious once the authentic experience has been undergone.

Structure of Behavior

Hillary's Eloquent Response to Republican on Woman's Rights

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

The American Revolution Begins?

vairetube says...

i don't care who broke it, somebody fucking use their phD and fix this... ALL this shit.

what the fuck am i going to do about it all with my one little brain and such.

i mean, i almost just burnt my oatmeal because i was posting on a website.

impeach peaches into your mouth.

and LMFAHS (!) at rem song.... cover?

Learn The New Slang For Drugs Kids Are Using In Canada PSA

Krupo says...

>> ^Crosswords:
I can see it now, some kid proclaims he wants something juicy and is suddenly tossed in pokey for desiring a fresh peach. I think if your kids start using these words to refer to drugs they're more in danger of becoming retarded hipsters.

*brief *drugs *comedy.... HAHAHAHAHA... oh man.

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