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Mondo Cane - Ore D'amore

MrFisk says...

Ore d'amore non ho
per non innamorarmi più.
Io non ho
che momenti.

Parlo soltanto
se devo
e non chiedo a nessuna mai
di restare con me.

È solo te che vorrei,
soltanto te.
Il tuo posto era quì
vicino a me.

Guardare non so
dove non sei.
Gli occhi miei sopra ai tuoi
e poi, e poi...

Ore d'amore non ho
per non innamorarmi più.
Dopo te
non ho amato mai.

È solo te che vorrei,
soltanto te.
Il tuo posto era quì
vicino a me.

Guardare non so
dove non sei.
Gli occhi miei sopra ai tuoi
e poi, e poi...

Ore non ho
per non innamorarmi più.
Dopo te
non ho amato mai.

Ore non ho
per non innamorarmi più! HOURS OF LOVE image

I dont' have hours of love
to not fall in love again.
I have...
only moments

I speak only
if I have to
and I don't ask anyone
to stay with me

Is only you that I want
only you
Your place was here
close to me

I'm not able to look
where you are not
My eyes on yours
and then...and then...

I dont' have hours of love
to not fall in love again
after you
I never loved again

is only you that I want
only you
your place was here
close to me

I'm not able to look
where you are not
My eyes on yours
and then...and then...

I dont' have hours
to not fall in love again
after you
I never loved again

I dont' have hours
to not fall in love again

Shattered Horizon - Zero Gravity FPS

westy says...

Nice presentation visually looks different from other games. interms of game play though it would seem to me like it would play the same as forseken ore decent . unless they have parts with gravity , to me it would seem realy cool to have space bits with 0G and then when u enter space crafts u have graverty and traditional fps action.

ether way it looks interesting enough to Warrent getting , over the droves of complaty unimaginative games on the market today.

River of Molten Iron

Sam Harris makes a joke and a point

westy says...

The jew is making an argument from ignorance. never a good argument.

"Do you love someone? Could you prove it? Guess you dont love that someone then "

Love exists as an subjective exsperance Within the next 50 years through science we will be able to understand the roots of that subjective exsperance in the mind. that's fine

Religion Exists as a subjective exsperance and no doubt we will be able to prove the roots of that fealing as will in due course.

The important thing to note is just Because you have a sertain fealing because you belive in a concept dose not then make something else exsist in reality , Because i feal a sertain way when i think about the concept of religoin dose not then Prove that A God Exsists ore that what is written in a religious txt is true. In the same whay that just because i love sumone or feal love dose not then mean that Choculet tasts nice or that there is a factory that produces love in tin cans.

In my mind religion is a false explanation ( not based on any fact) that was developed to describe feelings of wonderment that you can get in varouse situations or the feelings you get when you meditate.

You use science to help check that the explication you give for a certain observable thing is true , Religion,s r normally unfalsifiable and this is why they are like a cancer (literally a thought cancer) thay r simply useless to the development of human understanding.

Left 4 Dead 2 - Zombie Survival Guide

Raaagh says...

>> ^westy:
I don't necacerrly mind chance based randomness but I think that should be 20% of the game play , unless its a party game like Mario cart or wareo ware then it can be 100% traditionally in a way that is segmented from the core game play so players who worked hard win in one sense but the ultimate winner ( score board winner ) is a random choose basicly making the game inclusive regardless of skill.
the problem I find with l4d is that if you play it to be successful its really robotic its like playing pong at a slow speed , you know exactly what you need to do to win and you will always win if you do that same thing , the only difference is that you have team mates that don't stick to it it causes you to lose.
Same for the player if he devats from the pretty thin path of available successful game play then you will lose , ore require team assistance ,
The game just feals incredably artificail and cheep , I don't feal rewarded for winning and If I lose or die 90% of the time I can pin it on some random unavoidable game event , or a team member doing something stupid / getting owned by a random fixed ai event / failing to work as a team.
so I can only enjoy L4D if i approach it as a party m , the only problem with that is that the game is very predictable with a limited amount of levels and you can tell from its design that it was not intended to be a party game as manny of the core mechanics are quite serous and demand the player to abied by strict rules.
I think if the game had to be exactly the same what would boost its playablity and remove a huge amount of randomness would be a 2 player mode , rather than 4 , I often find it hard to get 4 people together that can comunicate with eachother.

If you don't like chance, play Quake Live.

Left 4 Dead 2 - Zombie Survival Guide

westy says...

I don't necacerrly mind chance based randomness but I think that should be 20% of the game play , unless its a party game like Mario cart or wareo ware then it can be 100% traditionally in a way that is segmented from the core game play so players who worked hard win in one sense but the ultimate winner ( score board winner ) is a random choose basicly making the game inclusive regardless of skill.

the problem I find with l4d is that if you play it to be successful its really robotic its like playing pong at a slow speed , you know exactly what you need to do to win and you will always win if you do that same thing , the only difference is that you have team mates that don't stick to it it causes you to lose.

Same for the player if he devats from the pretty thin path of available successful game play then you will lose , ore require team assistance ,

The game just feals incredably artificail and cheep , I don't feal rewarded for winning and If I lose or die 90% of the time I can pin it on some random unavoidable game event , or a team member doing something stupid / getting owned by a random fixed ai event / failing to work as a team.

so I can only enjoy L4D if i approach it as a party m , the only problem with that is that the game is very predictable with a limited amount of levels and you can tell from its design that it was not intended to be a party game as manny of the core mechanics are quite serous and demand the player to abied by strict rules.

I think if the game had to be exactly the same what would boost its playablity and remove a huge amount of randomness would be a 2 player mode , rather than 4 , I often find it hard to get 4 people together that can comunicate with eachother.

Before Music Dies documentary

westy says...

there example video and song , is terable , it looks crap and sounds crap.

who cares if people use auto tune ? its just a different ganra of music its like for no reason stipulating that you cannot use sinths ore something.

what's annoying is this documentary has some valid potions , and the fact is pop music at the moment really is fucked , not because of the music itself but more because of the structure of the industry and the marketing.

ObamaCare is like having more children...

westy says...

premise fail , sometimes it costs more mony to then reduce the cost of things . for example if you invested more money in education you might end up with more students that work harder / don't require later support which in tern produce more mony for the country. the net result would be less spending and money saved.

without knowing the specifics of how the money is going to be spent ore the context of things then there is no descussoin to be had as it is not based on anything . Whoever made this video was clearly a dip shit and thought they would convince people with absolutely no evidence.

Rubber band powered balsa wood replica plane - maiden flight

westy says...

they didn't wind it up for long enough. also the angle of the propela is wrong.

"artists" can be really annoying I hate portentous shit , why not present this in a more interesting way ore design it so it worked , you could easily demonstrate the artistic message in an animation or though imigary or some other form that would be far less time consuming and cost less and would also not be subject to people critisising that it could actually work if it was executed better.

would be nice to see the plane in the flesh though , I just comes across as inefficient art in many respects.

Steve's Grammatical Observations: The Misuse of Apostrophe's

westy says...

I like the video because its well presented however.

Gramma has been established over time and has evolved like all good languages word meanings change over time as the protocal of language changes . gramma will be the same who cares if people start using it difrently ore doing random ass shit so long as its understandable and convays the data that the person had in mind to comunicate it dosent matter if they wrote pritty dog shit images.

the histroy of english language and how it has changed should be presurved and to know how people have used language and what the avrage and formaly acepted ways of doing things are should be rmeberd and understood, however when it comes to down and dirty conversatoin , who gives a fuck , if the other person dosent understand ore the person convaying the piont relises th eother person dosent understand then it can be clarified , thankfully we dont live in a world where it takes 10 pigeons and 2 months to send a letter to sumone 400 miles away.

Birther Melts Down On MSNBC, Blames MSN "Brownshirts"

ForgedReality says...

>> ^westy:
well right , what dose an culter have to do with it ?
What the woman says could easily be correct IE a sum one would just get a random birth certificate to get cheep imergratoin. This is more than plusable. the News casters are completely retarded . Its a good example of how bad reporting is asking questions like "this person says you are a crank" I mean WTF sort of question is that . at the end of the peace the news people say we have researched it and have evidence , well why dont they present that clearly to the women ore use it to counter her argument.

It's an effort to demonstrate to their audience that this person can easily be "discredited." They want to tell their audience "look what people say about these 'birthers!' I mean really, how can anyone take them seriously?" I think it's a valid question what these birthers are asking, and honestly, I haven't seen any PROOF of the government-funded media's side of things. They keep telling us "here is proof," but it's yet to be hard and conclusive.

allso who gives a fuck where obama is from I Dont see why it matters , he could be a Taliban suicide bomber for all I care so long as his policies are good and he has consistently demonstraited good desisoins that benefit the society he governs.

It matters only as far as the constitution is concerned. This was from a time when they were worried about being taken over from the inside out from hostile forces. Of course, you could look at it from that perspective still today. Most countries in the world hate us, and would love to see us shown the door.

However, I have to disagree with you on your last point. He has not consistently made good decisions. His actions are effectively furthuring this recession. He's spending more money that we do not have that us taxpayers are going to have to be paying back for many years to come. We're trillions of dollars in debt, and yet he feels it's justified to go spend billions more on wars we can't afford to be in right now; wars in which we really have no right to be involved. He feels it's more important to spend millions on "fixing health care," when really it's not in such a dire state right now that it needs immediate attention. We need to focus on fixing the BASIS OF OUR COUNTRY before we can even THINK about fixing all the little things like health care (and, yes, it is a little thing when you consider our entire country is falling apart. Who gives a shit about health care when no one has jobs in the first place, and suicide rates are skyrocketing?) He spends millions on flying all over the place around the country and around the world, holding "meetings" and taking his motherfucking family on vacations. HEY, DIPSHIT! In case you hadn't noticed, YOU HAVE A COUNTRY TO RUN! This is not a free ticket to Disneyland! Stop acting like everything is fine, and fucking do something positive before you have open revolts and rioting.

FIX THE MOTHERFUCKING ECONOMY FIRST! WE CANNOT AFFORD ALL OF THIS WASTED SPENDING! He is deepening the recession and things are going to get a whole lot shittier in the next four years. He's going to be seen as worse than GWB, you mark my words.

Civil War II here we come!

Birther Melts Down On MSNBC, Blames MSN "Brownshirts"

westy says...

well right , what dose an culter have to do with it ?

What the woman says could easily be correct IE a sum one would just get a random birth certificate to get cheep imergratoin. This is more than plusable. the News casters are completely retarded . Its a good example of how bad reporting is asking questions like "this person says you are a crank" I mean WTF sort of question is that . at the end of the peace the news people say we have researched it and have evidence , well why dont they present that clearly to the women ore use it to counter her argument.

allso who gives a fuck where obama is from I Dont see why it matters , he could be a Taliban suicide bomber for all I care so long as his policies are good and he has consistently demonstraited good desisoins that benefit the society he governs.

Spy camera shows PC Repair scams and privacy violations

westy says...

@ longde

I think the hard thing is "trust" , generally i am very trusting and i think the vast majority of computer shops would not do this sort of thing, i also think some might look but would never dream of doing annything bad.

at the same time if i had sensitive documents on my desktop ore in stupid places on my pc , i would blame myself for leaving them out if sum one snooped at them or took them.

Progressive Insurance Girl Tries Her Hand At Stand-Up

Deano says...

>> ^westy:
1) your reasoning is flawed just because sum one might not be able to do or has not done something dose not give them the ability to criticize ore objectively evaluate something that has happened is being done.
2) You assume what job i do ? assume that i have not already been on a stage in front of large numbers of people ? based on what evidence ?

I think based on the evidence it is in fact you who are what you are accusing me blankfist of being.

Grate point

Progressive Insurance Girl Tries Her Hand At Stand-Up

westy says...


1) your reasoning is flawed just because sum one might not be able to do or has not done something dose not give them the ability to criticize ore objectively evaluate something that has happened is being done.

2) You assume what job i do ? assume that i have not already been on a stage in front of large numbers of people ? based on what evidence ?

I think based on the evidence it is in fact you who are what you are accusing me blankfist of being.

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