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Ron Paul - Lying is not Patriotic

Ron Paul - Lying is not Patriotic

Ron Paul - Lying is not Patriotic

How Wikileaks Cable release was handled by the Guardian

radx says...

... and NATO officials stated, they were unable to identify anyone in Afghanistan in need of protection because of information published by these three newspapers or WikiLeaks themselves.

Not to mention other officials, commentators and media nutbags keep insisting that WikiLeaks just dumped a quarter of a million cables out into the public, without any respect for sensitive material. It is not ignorance of facts, it is intentional misinformation.

So a *promote for the Guardian, one of the few remaining beacons of quality journalism.

Crazy Racist Bitch Assaults Postal Worker

shagen454 says...

Charges have been dropped. The mailman refused to press charges.... I guess Erika Winchester was right about one thing: his IQ is not that high. At this point it's too late to press charges considering this incident occurred last year.

Erika Winchester has also said some very silly things in the past, including suggesting that she mow down anyone who has ever done her wrong with a machine gun and telling an officer that she was going to cut his balls off. So, she is crazy, a nutbag, but doesn't seem to be any crazier or backwards than... QM is. :>

Billionaire Koch Brothers give $100,000,000 to Right Wing

Yogi says...

Whats funny about this is Glenn Beck and Hannity and all them other nutbags go ON and ON and ON about George Soros and how much he works to push his liberal agenda. And this is a clip from Democracy Now? That's soo F'n sad.

Remember the Sabbath

Disproving global warming in 4 minutes

Cosmic Quandaries with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

mentality says...

>> ^radx:
If this is too long for you to watch, do yourself a favor and at least jump straight to 1:14:00 and watch the end. His closing points are ... marvelous. As for the 1% issue: I hadn't thought about that, at all. Doesn't happen often.

It's sad that such a great educator doesn't understand basic genetics. That 1% is totally misleading because only 76% of the human DNA could be aligned with ape DNA for a comparison. It is out of that 76% that was comparable that there was a 1% difference. The actual difference between us is enormous, and is way too complicated to quantify at our current level of understanding of genomics and proteomics.

Also, I don't see why he would be worried about the possibility of extra terrestrial life being orders of magnitude more intelligent than us. Humanity has just begun to unlock the secrets of our genes, and with the advance of computers and technology, it's easy to imagine that the humans of the 22nd century will be vastly superior to us. Of course, hopefully we won't destroy ourselves along the way, ruin our planet, or have our progress hindered by religious nutbags.

Glenn Beck Is Clearly No Longer A Dirtbag And A Liar

liverpoolfc says...

He's like those nutbag evangelicals from America we get here in Australia on TV at 3 and 4am in the morning. What is it about America or Americans that make them susceptible to this garbage???

Rep. Anthony Weiner Blasts the Critics of Health Care

KnivesOut says...

WP, if you already have health-care, you're not even eligible for the public option. You're perpetuating the same lies as the rest of the Obamacare DeathPanel nutbags, by saying that suddenly you're going to be paying more money for worse health-care. Your health-care won't change.

The public option is only for the small % of the populace that is currently uninsured, and will only be one of the many choices that they will have. Even being eligible for the public option doesn't mean you HAVE to choose the public option. Hence the word "option".

Interview with Cyberstalking Suspect goes Pretty Well

My Favorite Thing to Sift, Kassie. Gay is the New Black!

Saddam Hussein's Gun May Go To Bush's Presidential Library

KnivesOut says...

Kamikaze nutbag, wtf are you talking about? How did this go from being about W's vendetta against Saddam, to being about how Obama isn't change enough for the country?

Nice left-turn into random tangent-ville, population you, and Sarah Palin.

BBC's Report on Iran's Election Crisis

mkknyr says...

>> ^ElJardinero:
"If anything it serves as a testament to the fact that not every person from Iran is a bomb-strapped nutbag as they are often characterized. "
... iranian suicide bombers?
Where? When?

Exactly. Therein lies the deep misperception that we in the West hold.

In fact, among the Twitter feeds that I've been following of Iranians on the streets of Tehran, many are quite concerned themselves that the Hezbollah mercenaries that Ahmadinejad has hired as riot police will unleash suicide attacks.

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