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Jimmy Fallon,Tina Fey and Amy Poehler at the Jersey floor

nach0s says...

More Jersey Floor Tiny Fey please! I don't care if she's pregnant.

I listened to Jimmy Fallon's interview on the Nerdist podcast, and he said they just shot this on a vacant floor @ the 30 Rock building. I love how low-tech it is. They're just running around in some offices with a camera. That was really funny. Especially "B-Hole".

Nerdist Podcast with Adam Savage of Mythbusters (Blog Entry by lucky760)

dag says...

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I heard that interview with Pollack- and was thinking of checking his podcast out too - as the interview was funny. The only thing that put me off is that he literally used "literally" to mean figuratively about 7 times in the interview- I'm not sure I could take that. >> ^lucky760:

I'm right there with you. I enjoy the things they discuss on Nerdist (e.g., the conversation with Drew Carey), but it feels sort of impotent because it's delivered like you're just eavesdropping on a conversation rather than being presented a production. I'm really surprised it's #6 among all podcasts and #1 in the comedy category above Ricky Gervais and Adam Carolla, but he does have a bit of a built-in podcast-centric geek audience.
ACP is always my first podcast of the day. The Bob Zmuda interview was great, but was cut too short due to the double booking.
Have you listened to Kevin Pollak's Chat Show? I discovered it thanks to his interview on Carolla. He has some really quality stuff. I also listen to the Parent Experiment, Frosty Heidi and Frank, After Hours with Heidi and Frank, the Pretty Good Podcast, and Loveline.
I haven't heard of the Marketplace of Ideas, but I'll give them a go.

Nerdist Podcast with Adam Savage of Mythbusters (Blog Entry by lucky760)

lucky760 says...

I'm right there with you. I enjoy the things they discuss on Nerdist (e.g., the conversation with Drew Carey), but it feels sort of impotent because it's delivered like you're just eavesdropping on a conversation rather than being presented a production. I'm really surprised it's #6 among all podcasts and #1 in the comedy category above Ricky Gervais and Adam Carolla, but he does have a bit of a built-in podcast-centric geek audience.

ACP is always my first podcast of the day. The Bob Zmuda interview was great, but was cut too short due to the double booking.

Have you listened to Kevin Pollak's Chat Show? I discovered it thanks to his interview on Carolla. He has some really quality stuff. I also listen to the Parent Experiment, Frosty Heidi and Frank, After Hours with Heidi and Frank, the Pretty Good Podcast, and Loveline.

I haven't heard of the Marketplace of Ideas, but I'll give them a go.

Nerdist Podcast with Adam Savage of Mythbusters (Blog Entry by lucky760)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I've tried listening to the Nerdist a couple of times but couldn't get into it - mainly because they were always talking over each other most of the time. I'll have to give it another go.

For Podcasts, I listen to Adam Carolla- he had a great one with Andy Kaufman's buddy Bob Zmuda today.

and lately- the MarketPlace of ideas. Check out their episode on North Korea.

In 1991, a young Drew Carey impressed Johnny Carson

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