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Neon Rainbow Jellyfish

geo321 (Member Profile)

Brisbane at night

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'australia, neon, lights, city, scape' to 'australia, neon, lights, city, scape, geoff a charters' - edited by kronosposeidon

Zero Punctuation: Darksiders

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^RedSky:
Couldn't agree more about emphasising more simplistic and iconic character design. It's bad enough in singleplayer games, but it's even worse in multiplayer. I feel a lot of developers really need to take a leaf out of the Team Fortress 2 art design philosophy. There is just no way that identifying pixelated figures from a distance especially with the woefully low resolutions on consoles is fun by anyone's standard.

You mean to tell me that you don't absolutely love killing your own team members because they were only a slightly different shade of brown than those of the opposing team? Oh but wait, the developers know their characters look confusingly similar so how to they solve it? Red and green name tags that follow you around, take up the whole screen and make it impossible to take cover and not be seen. "Oh hello, I have my boot sticking out from behind a pile of wrecked cars, yet you know can tell I'm here because MY NAME IS A BIG NEON SIGN BLARING SHOOT HERE!!!"

That's why I always liked Team Fortress and Unreal, Blue and Red, no mistakes, no need for identifying your opponents with huge fucking marquees, you just have to shoot who ever isn't your color.

r10k (Member Profile)

mentality says...

In reply to this comment by r10k:
<After saying numerous times that I'm not going to attempt a spoon feeding session for people who prefer defending their set opinions ad infinitum, instead of simply reading a book, I'm not sure why that amuses you.

It's amusing because you say that the reason why Terry is wrong is very simple, but you won't give us the reason. Instead of defending your views of the bible, you spend all your effort and energy defending how it's our fault that you're not willing to reason. You tell us the answers are in the New Testament, which we can read for ourselves. Do you mean the parts in the New Testament that teaches masters how they should beat their slaves? Or the parts that tell slaves that they should obey their masters like they obey Christ? Do you selectively ignore these passages when you read the New Testament? Is that how you delude yourself into believing?

Wow, someone's been saving that last sentence for a special day. Terry would be proud.

I know, your own words sound pretty terrible when I throw them back at you eh:

>>"Mentality, your statement about selling daughters off into slavery is a great example of this. I'm mean really, if I have to explain that one to someone, they may as well permanently stamp an idiot tattoo to their forehead, it's so incredibly easy to understand, especially when it's spelt out in the equivalent of bright neon lights throughout the new testament."

Terry Pratchett on religion

mentality says...

After saying numerous times that I'm not going to attempt a spoon feeding session for people who prefer defending their set opinions ad infinitum, instead of simply reading a book, I'm not sure why that amuses you.

It's amusing because you say that the reason why Terry is wrong is very simple, but you won't give us the reason. Instead of defending your views of the bible, you spend all your effort and energy defending how it's our fault that you're not willing to reason. You tell us the answers are in the New Testament, which we can read for ourselves. Do you mean the parts in the New Testament that teaches masters how they should beat their slaves? Or the parts that tell slaves that they should obey their masters like they obey Christ? Do you selectively ignore these passages when you read the New Testament? Is that how you delude yourself into believing?

Wow, someone's been saving that last sentence for a special day. Terry would be proud.

I know, your own words sound pretty terrible when I throw them back at you eh:

>>"Mentality, your statement about selling daughters off into slavery is a great example of this. I'm mean really, if I have to explain that one to someone, they may as well permanently stamp an idiot tattoo to their forehead, it's so incredibly easy to understand, especially when it's spelt out in the equivalent of bright neon lights throughout the new testament."

Terry Pratchett on religion

mentality says...

In reply to this comment by r10k:
Mentality, your statement about selling daughters off into slavery is a great example of this. I'm mean really, if I have to explain that one to someone, they may as well permanently stamp an idiot tattoo to their forehead, it's so incredibly easy to understand, especially when it's spelt out in the equivalent of bright neon lights throughout the new testament.

You're right, it is incredibly easy to understand: the bible is a fake book written by men to reflect the traditions and social mores of that time period. And I totally agree, we should stamp idiot tattoos on the forehead of anyone who doesn't get it.

r10k (Member Profile)

mentality says...

In reply to this comment by r10k:
Mentality, your statement about selling daughters off into slavery is a great example of this. I'm mean really, if I have to explain that one to someone, they may as well permanently stamp an idiot tattoo to their forehead, it's so incredibly easy to understand, especially when it's spelt out in the equivalent of bright neon lights throughout the new testament.

You're right, it is incredibly easy to understand: the bible is a fake book written by men to reflect the traditions and social mores of that time period. And I totally agree, we should stamp idiot tattoos on the forehead of anyone who doesn't get it.

Terry Pratchett on religion

westy says...

>> ^r10k:
>> ^mentality:
>> ^spoco2:
Could you expand upon what you think he says here that is clueless about the bible?

Obviously Terry, or anyone else who doesn't believe in god, is clueless because he doesn't know how to properly pick and choose and selectively re-interpret the Bible to delude himself to believe in it. Because the Bible can't possibly be wrong, only our understanding of it.
Universe created in 7 days? Oh it's only a metaphor.
Fit all the species on a wooden boat? The boat was probably magical.
Explain how you should buy slaves? Oh God's probably just joking around.
Forbidden to eat shellfish? Yeah I'm not going to follow that one.
My favorite is the parts about selling your daughter off into slavery. Going to keep that one handy in case my daughter disobeys me.
On a serious note, I've never read his books. What's a good place to start?

The simple answer, spoco2, (so I don't waste my entire day trying to argue this stuff on here, the home of devout anti-christian fanatics) is that anyone who reads God as a maniac from the old testament just hasn't paid attention, stumbling at one of the most basic theological understandings. In other words, it's just plain missing the boat. It's like watching the first 30 seconds of a movie and trying to explain everything about it. People who do that are called idiots, and people who do the same with the bible get a similar title. It's just dumb, no matter which way you slice it, because you're obviously going to get stuff wrong. I don't expect everyone to decide on Christianity when reading the bible, but I expected more from Terry.
Mentality, your statement about selling daughters off into slavery is a great example of this. I'm mean really, if I have to explain that one to someone, they may as well permanently stamp an idiot tattoo to their forehead, it's so incredibly easy to understand, especially when it's spelt out in the equivalent of bright neon lights throughout the new testament.


Do you reolise your rebuttal to sum one asking "please justify your opinion" was , "BECAUSE THE OTHER PERSON IS STUPID " you didn't provide anny data as to why your opinoin could be valid in anny way . ill show you why your response was useless.

1) "anyone who reads God as a maniac from the old testament just hasn't paid attention, stumbling at one of the most basic theological understandings."

please tell us why this is the case? why are they wrong ?just saying sum one that dose something is not getting it is hardly helping anyone understand annything.
if you believe the bible is the word of god then its pretty shitly written if the people it was written for cannot understand it , also who are you to say one person reads it right or wrong it seems that noone knows what the fuck the bible is meant to say because there are god knows how many churches and devisdoins of christainty all that read it differently.

2) at a guess based of what you typed i believe that you are adiment that the bible was written in a linear fashion with the start as a lesson and the end correcting that. as if it was written like a novel. ( as if some how reading the whole thing would give it sense )

the fundamental problem is that we know from historical data that the bible was written in a fragmented fashion by different people over different periods of time , and it was also rearranged repeatedly , we also know that the bible has Manny points where it makes no seance and that churches have edited what got included in the "bible" that we now know. (Evan if there was an original bible written in a correct intended order and structure we certainly don't have that now)

If you don't take the bible literally then how do you know what to take literally surly it makes more sence to believe that stoning homosexuals is something you should do and take litraly as we know homosexuals at least exsist. why not ignore the parts about god and prayer when we know in reality that there is no evidence that god exists , and it has been proven scientifically that prayer dose not work.

How do you know what is not literal and what is who are you to chose ?

If you take the bible literally why are you not out stoning gays and doing everything exactly as it is in the bible?

Terry Pratchett on religion

r10k says...

>> ^mentality:
>> ^spoco2:
Could you expand upon what you think he says here that is clueless about the bible?

Obviously Terry, or anyone else who doesn't believe in god, is clueless because he doesn't know how to properly pick and choose and selectively re-interpret the Bible to delude himself to believe in it. Because the Bible can't possibly be wrong, only our understanding of it.
Universe created in 7 days? Oh it's only a metaphor.
Fit all the species on a wooden boat? The boat was probably magical.
Explain how you should buy slaves? Oh God's probably just joking around.
Forbidden to eat shellfish? Yeah I'm not going to follow that one.
My favorite is the parts about selling your daughter off into slavery. Going to keep that one handy in case my daughter disobeys me.
On a serious note, I've never read his books. What's a good place to start?

The simple answer, spoco2, (so I don't waste my entire day trying to argue this stuff on here, the home of devout anti-christian fanatics) is that anyone who reads God as a maniac from the old testament just hasn't paid attention, stumbling at one of the most basic theological understandings. In other words, it's just plain missing the boat. It's like watching the first 30 seconds of a movie and trying to explain everything about it. People who do that are called idiots, and people who do the same with the bible get a similar title. It's just dumb, no matter which way you slice it, because you're obviously going to get stuff wrong. I don't expect everyone to decide on Christianity when reading the bible, but I expected more from Terry.

Mentality, your statement about selling daughters off into slavery is a great example of this. I'm mean really, if I have to explain that one to someone, they may as well permanently stamp an idiot tattoo to their forehead, it's so incredibly easy to understand, especially when it's spelt out in the equivalent of bright neon lights throughout the new testament.

"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Why do you reject government interference in the marketplace yet accept the market distorting charter of preferential protections to corporations, particularly with regard to political influence?

Companies are not elected officials and have no moral imperative to behave as stewards of the public good. Politicians are elected by constituents with the specific charge to be responsible for protecting the public and therefore they bear the greater onus. There is also a thing called the First Ammendment which allows everyone (paupers to bazillionaires) the right to petition. You do not make a compelling case to regulate company lobbyists. However, you DO make a good case for putting unbreakable, strangling limits on what GOVERNMENT is and isn't allowed to do.

They control you at every turn, through lobbying, wages, and market manipulation. Don't kid yourself.

No - they don't. I'm an individual who is in charge of my own destiny. Going around life with the attitude that happiness/future/destiny is not in your own direct control is to live in fetters of your own forging. Such an attitude is one of the most poisonous products of left-wing ideology. It blames all your problems on someone else and never even tries to grasp at human potential. It is loathesome.

You'd be able to afford it if you weren't getting gouged on the interest payments for the debt you needed to accumulate during hard times.

There is never a time you 'need' credit card debt. If the terms of a loan are unacceptable then do not borrow the money. Credit statistics in the US prove conclusively that the vast majority of debt purchases in the US are on luxuries (cars, major appliances, entertainment, fast food). it is not "needed debt during the hard times". It is "excess debt during the GOOD times". Stupid debt spending inevitably results in bringing the 'hard times' on yourself eventually.

The FDIC should hire her to enforce the Truth in Lending laws.

I've discussed this above. The law could force all loan officers to wear Devil costumes and talk in "Mr. Burns" voices... Laws could make loan papers have Biohazard, Nuclear, Viral, and Poison symbols in huge flashing neon on every page.... Laws could force you to sign with a pen covered with used hypordermic needles, wasps, scorpions, and flaming dog poo. Laws could require the Lost In Space robot to dash into the room, scratching a chalkboard, blasting a hockey horn, yelling "Warning! Warning! Debt is dangerous! Do not do it! Think of the children!"

It wouldn't matter diddly-squat. This is not a question of ignorance. No one goes into debt 'not knowing' they will have interest or that they will have fees & charges if they fall arrears.

I call him Gamblor!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Simpsons, Homer, Lisa, Floreda, Gambling, Gamblor, Neon claws' to 'Simpsons, Homer, Lisa, Floreda, Gambling, Gamblor, Neon claws, supershort' - edited by gwiz665

I call him Gamblor!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Simpsons, Homer, Lisa, Floreda, Gambling, Gamblor, Neon claws' to 'Simpsons, Homer, Lisa, Floreda, Gambling, Gamblor, Neon claws, Floreda' - edited by SlipperyPete


Barney Frank Confronts Woman Comparing Obama To Hitler

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