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TYT - Ron Paul's Worst Newsletters - Cenk Gives Verdict

Auger8 says...

I understand where Cenk is coming from and I agree that Ron Paul made a fatal error in attaching his name to these news letters. And you can agree with me or not on what I'm about to say but the fact of the matter is this.

These news letters weren't WRITTEN by Ron Paul himself they just had his name on them. If you ever have really listened to his debates or his speeches he is about freedom for all people regardless or race or sex. So I have a hard time believing he read these letters before they were printed and said "ya sure print that it's fine". What I think happened is he employed a racist, sexist, idiot to be editor for this news letter and then trusted the guy way too much.

If you want to fault him for that go ahead I know I do. Mainly because it gives people ammo to shoot down the one hope we have for a good honest man to be President.

>> ^truth-is-the-nemesis:

All this from a man who's favourite catch-phase for presidential election is "i will bring Liberty & Freedom to America". For Who?.

Prostitutes Raising Money For Ron Paul

Marines Peeing On Dead Insurgents

Ron Paul, why don't other candidates talk about drug policy?

Auger8 says...

I'm confused by your statement do you think War Crimes and Manslaughter aren't forms of violence that should be prohibited? Why do you lump those things in with self-defense which even nations act on. If some country attacks us should we turn the other cheek. Are you saying War Crimes are acceptable losses.

What Ron Paul is saying is that violent crimes should be prohibited, as in the crimes we already have laws against, like murder, rape, genocide, those things. Instead of giving life sentences to a crack head whose only real offense in trying to escape reality. I'm not saying hard drugs don't sometimes incite violence what I'm saying and what he is saying is that the war of drugs has caused more harm than good it has taken more lives than any other war past or present period.

And for what?! They are still no closer to stopping the flow of drugs in the world than they ever were in fact the flow has increased with billions of dollars lost to underground mafias across the globe. If you legalize it and then tax it the government could make up the national deficit in a single year. The mafias would instantly be put out of business because who would buy something from a street corner dealer when you can just go to a pharmacy or Walmart and buy it legally and for less money too. If you don't believe the war on drugs has failed then turn on your TV and watch the series about Moonshiners in America. If they can't enforce the very original laws of prohibition still to this day we need to stop and really think about an alternative solution to the problem.

>> ^truth-is-the-nemesis:

wait, the only thing we should prohibit is violence? - what about self-defence, manslaughter & war-crimes? those are types of violence but receive lesser or no prison sentencing at all if it can be proved as suitable in a court of law. Paul just makes sweeping generalisations & this is why i dislike libertarianism it doesn't work in the real-world, not all drug offenders are none violent - and hard drug usage also seeps into other crimes so trying to just fit all drug related crime into one neat little box seems a bit fanciful.
Don't just uncritically believe everything Paul feeds you, remember he's a Dr. who does not believe in evolution & thinks that the government should not provide vaccines to people because it's their liberty not to have them. Seriously...

History of U.S. Intervention in Iran - 1953 Until Present

therealblankman says...

>> ^truth-is-the-nemesis:

Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.

Heh, Planet of the Apes.

"I Am Fishead" Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical Psychopaths

You Are Bronzed, Baby!

Alex Jones Radio: Alex Breaks Down and Weeps On Air

The Dark Knight Rises - Full Trailer

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

This is Tom Hardy, the actor who plays Bane as Shinzon from the hilariously awful Star Trek Nemesis.
Note the goth "Rainbow Brite" outfit and Dr. Evil similarities.
The character Bane is 6'8" and 350 lbs. Hardy is barely 5'10".

I continue getting high now...

This is the problem I had with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Although Jackman was pretty great, he's 6'3" and Wolverine is like 5'5"!

But they didn't have any idea what was going on cause in the 3rd movie they killed Cyclops and that just isn't done...ever.

The Dark Knight Rises - Full Trailer

quantumushroom says...

This is Tom Hardy, the actor who plays Bane as Shinzon from the hilariously awful Star Trek Nemesis.

Note the goth "Rainbow Brite" outfit and Dr. Evil similarities.

The character Bane is 6'8" and 350 lbs. Hardy is barely 5'10".

I continue getting high now...

Randi & Banachek Test "Psychics"

Animal Shelter Gun Ad

Frontline Medicine - Rebuilding Lives (Part 1)

Herman Cain & Barbara Wawa- Ego on steroids

David Javerbaum on Atheism and Getting Published in Britain

A10anis says...

>> ^truth-is-the-nemesis:

Dawkins, Hitchens & Harris - The three wise men:)

Not to forget Dan Dennett who makes up; Dawkins, Dennett, Harris and Hitchens, "The four horsemen of the apocalypse." long may they continue to inspire with their logic, intelligence, freedom of thought, clarity, and debunking of Medieval religious myth.

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