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Grimm (Member Profile)

MrConrads says...

nice! I think the same person that did the drawings for the napoleon dynamite movie did theirs too
love it!

In reply to this comment by Grimm:
BTW...if your a D fan you might want to check this out...

In reply to this comment by MrConrads:
Hey grimm,
your Tenacious D kickapoo video appears to be dead
heres a new embed that should work I think

Obama Slams McCain for Calling him a Socialist

NetRunner says...


And imstellar, Irishman's comment got my downvote because it was content-free, aside from what was obviously meant as a slur.

I gave your "fuck democracy" message the downvote it deserves, because I was strongly offended by you using objectivist bullshit to mount an assault on democracy, which so many people have died to bring about and protect.

I'm not defending your, or Irishman's straw man about socialism.

Learn to be somewhat moderate, because to you asshats, every government on this planet is socialist.

Mount a revolution if you feel like it's slavery to pay taxes toward programs that benefit everyone. Don't expect help from me.

Democracy gives you an equal voice to stop that from happening. Technically, voting could end democracy -- France voted Napoleon emperor once upon a time.

Conservatives are in a world of hurt in this country, and it's only going to get worse for you guys if Obama makes his "socialism" or "good governance" work (assuming some anti-collectivists haven't rigged the election, that is).

Don't worry, if you're right, it's going to be a crushing failure, and people will surely make Ron Paul president then.

Sorta like how I knew in 2004 that Bush's reelection meant that in 2008 Democrats would sweep into full control of government, or that democracy itself had been subverted.

Jury's still out, but I've got less than 2 weeks to go before I find out which one it is.

McCain: I always aspire to be a dictator

Video Games Live - Civilization IV

McCain Cancels Larry king Interview Over CNN Segment

Ahmadinejad on Israel, England and America

choggie says...

He's a fuckstick, plain and simple, his rhetoric and egomania, reflects that of those who control him, and his teensy cock and shriveled balls, dwarfed conversely by his Napoleonic narcissism.....He's damaged fucking goods that needs killin'......

Women, cell phones, IPods?!

911: Official Explanation Of Building 7 Released Today

FDA Failing You: Govt Says BPA IS Good For You

Howard Dean Calls GOP The "White Party"

NYPD Ravages Cyclist in Time Square

enemycombatant says...

>> ^Sagemind:
The whole US Police force seems to be made up of the bullies everyone ran from in high school.
Now they have the law behind them and they are still up to their power trips.

In my experience, the problem officers are the ones that spent high school unsure of themselves or had Napoleon complexes. They couldn't convince their peers to respect them on an even playing field, so as adults they assume the automatic respect conferred by their profession.

Rex Kwon Do

Kid Remakes EVERY HALO Weapon in Cardboard

"Hi I'm Nick Zitzman, and I am the most awkward man alive."

Throbbin says...

Upvote for 1:18, 1:24, 1:32 (Hey Simon?), 4:44-4:54, 5:17, 5:37...

I really, really hope this guy is a comedian. I know Utah is supposed to be pretty redneck and inbred-up, but I'm surprised this man was able to travel that far.

He IS the real Napoleon Dynamite.

OSHA Arrives On Job Site As Wall Caves In

Throbbin says...

^ If I were to stereotype southern Oregon, it would involve Napoleon Dynamite, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and the 2 crooked cops from "Spun".

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