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Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

Hipnotic says...

Wanna click the upvote button to what you said until my mouse breaks in half.

ChaosEngine said:

No, there is a world of difference between having a responsibility for your plight and choosing how you respond.

The correct response to being assaulted, robbed, or otherwise offended against, is never to bow down to what your attackers want. You can apply this logic to all kinds of situations.

Don't want cat calls? Don't wear a sexy outfit.
Don't want to be gay bashed? Don't go into the rural south.
Didn't want to be shot? Shouldn't have published those cartoons.




But funnily enough, no-one ever tells a white guy that if he didn't want to be car-jacked, he shouldn't be driving that corvette.

It's pretty fucking awful that the assholes who stole the photos manage to be both puritan and lecherous at the same time. Telling the woman she's a slut for posing naked whilst masturbating to the images. It's the height of hypocrisy.

And meanwhile, you have a bunch of guys telling her what she should or shouldn't do in the privacy of her own home.

gorillaman (Member Profile)

The Great Glitch Crisis of 2014

Jinx says...

Actually yes. See Ford Pinto.

But I can see how the mild inconvenience of a buggy game is similar to possible life endangering corner cutting in the manufacture of fire extinguishers.

That said, developers who force you to use mouse acceleration will be first against the wall in my regime.

Oh, and PCGamingWiki is pretty much my favorite website at the moment.

Phooz said:

Could you imagine known shippables in other productions? Cars? Computer hardware? FIRE EXTINGUISHERS? Game breaking bugs should not be known shippables.

Happy Thanksgiving all! (Hamster style...)

SFOGuy says...

You are disturbed, but I like that.
So, you are postulating, in the style of your post:

A mouse stuffed into a hamster, stuffed into a guinea pig, stuffed into ?
then roasted?

lol. Good grief.

newtboy said:

From the title and tags, I was afraid someone would be making a turduckster.

The bobcat didn't know I was there... For almost a minute.

Our Cat versus Owl Moment

Clueless Gamer: Conan Reviews CoD Advanced Warfare

SDGundamX says...

Oh totally. Shadow of Mordor is GOTY for me, but those two boss fights had me going "WTF?!?" for like 10 minutes after each of them.

To be honest, aside from those fights, I liked how they implemented the "last chance" QTE events. They were too easy to do with a mouse and keyboard but once I switched over to a game controller I found them moderately challenging enough that I still died a couple of times.

As far as Advanced Warfare goes, this article on Polygon does a great job of explaining why the funeral scene is epic fail.

MilkmanDan said:

Only way to make Quicktime Events lamer is to apply their EPIC BUTTON MASH principles to thoroughly NON-EPIC things...

I really enjoyed Shadows of Mordor, but it took a big hit by having the *midpoint* boss be "EPIC ACTUAL BATTLE", and then the two *final* bosses being "EPIC SNEAK UP AND STAB DUDE IN BACK 3 TIMES" followed by "WE RAN OUT OF IDEAS, SO RANDOMLY PRESS A FEW BUTTONS IN THIS QUICKTIME EVENT". /sigh

Genius Redneck Couch Moving

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'couch, move, balcony, genious, danger mouse' to 'couch, move, balcony, genius, danger mouse' - edited by calvados

Oculus Rift "Crescent Bay" Prototype Hands-On + Impressions

jubuttib says...

You gotta love Palmer's honesty. "... your gaming headphones are garbage, sorry..." "Traditional game pads are not good virtual reality input devices, you really need something better. Anyone who's ever used a keyboard and mouse can tell you, game pads just don't stack up, they're pretty shitty."

I mean, it's all true of course, and nothing new, but it's refreshing to hear people in his position (something of a leader figure in the industry) to say it out loud. =)

There's a Secret Vehicle on the Millennium Falcon!

MIT computer smartphone interaction

Fish ladder, Smish ladder---

oohlalasassoon says...

Apologies SFOGuy, I was trying (emphasis on trying) to be funny. I fail at this attempt more often than not. To my knowledge one can't add a soundtrack to a video w/o sound. But hey that'd be pretty cool - good idea!

The soundtrack of my intent was to be Jump by Van Halen(if you middle-mouse on my link it should open up the link to that song in a different tab while still keeping your video playing in the current webpage tab, at least with Firefox). When I saw the fish flying out of the tube in slo-mo it just popped into my head.

SFOGuy said:

How does one add a soundtrack to a sifted video? or would you have the dupe the Youtube video, add a track, repost, then change the link?
And more interestingly: what soundtrack?

Fish ladder, Smish ladder---

Snake Plays Dead

pierrekrahn says...

Agreed the snake is probably terrified out of its mind, but executing people without a trial seems like a bit much.

Also, it's part of nature. Have you ever seen a cat bat a mouse around before killing it?

Jerykk said:

This is cruel and inhumane! The poor animal is terrified out of its mind. The humans should be arrested and executed without trial.

Pinky and the Brain Swearing

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