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Minecraft Enterprise guy building a 16-bit ALU

Why Conservatives Don't Want the Ground Zero Mosque

chicchorea says...

Absolutely,...another unfortunate demonstration that the world is insanely malformed.

What little truth contained is grotesquely distorted and morphed into atrocities guised as reasoned conclusions supported by jingoistic evocations.

Insane, in that both sides of this and all such disagreements exhibit this fallacious bent, the extant jingoism notwithstanding.
>> ^enoch:

lemme go ahead and call this mans argument what it actually is: sophistry.

Israeli Woman Finds Out BF Is Arabic, Sues Him For Rape

Asmo says...

This has got to be the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard...

Lying is now cause to retroactively scream rape? Give me a fucking break.

ps. No matter how much this shill tries to dress it up, this is flat out racism. Consensual morphs in to rape because a person is not the race they claim to be? But not racism... Yeah right...

Fuck this shit gets me riled up. As if there weren't enough real victims in the world we have to cater for without dealing with this moron...

Jim Carrey Emanates Pure Love

Neat trick with HTML 5 Flashless Video (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Video won't always be opaque to the non-human eye. I know that YouTube is experimenting with automatic subtitles using voice recognition. Also Google does a lot of work with image recognition- won't be long.>> ^spoco2:

Yeah, no issue with Firefox here, worked fine and dandy.
It is interesting indeed and am fascinated to watch how the web morphs along with this.
Of course, there will ALWAYS be those saying 'If you can't read it text only, it doesn't belong on the web'.
To which I say 'fuck off sir' (as it's pretty much always a male).
Sure, sites that have important information that requires access should be able to be read via screen readers etc. But why shouldn't there be exciting and interesting things out there to make our life on the web more interesting.
Do these same people believe that books with pictures should not exist? Or popup books?

Neat trick with HTML 5 Flashless Video (Blog Entry by dag)

spoco2 says...

Yeah, no issue with Firefox here, worked fine and dandy.

It is interesting indeed and am fascinated to watch how the web morphs along with this.

Of course, there will ALWAYS be those saying 'If you can't read it text only, it doesn't belong on the web'.

To which I say 'fuck off sir' (as it's pretty much always a male).

Sure, sites that have important information that requires access should be able to be read via screen readers etc. But why shouldn't there be exciting and interesting things out there to make our life on the web more interesting.

Do these same people believe that books with pictures should not exist? Or popup books?

Backhoe scales tower in Germany

Porksandwich says...

That's not a backhoe, that's track hoe.

Left side of screen looks like a rubber tire loader.

Right side is a bull dozer.

Most distance item looks like it might be another rubber tire loader.

Machine at 1:26 is a track loader.

Hard to tell if they have track or tires with it being so dark and pretty much always being far camera shots. Day time building scenes are easiest to see.

But the thing climbing the tower is a track hoe. Track hoes can spin all the way around on their tracks, so they can dig a hole and load the dirt to a truck behind them.

A back hoe can only move it's digging arm in roughly a 180 degree arc, basically it's 90 degrees off center in either direction, so they can only load a truck that's sitting beside them. I have run backhoe (often), and a very small version of a track hoe (week or so). Backhoes are called backhoes because basically they used to be tractors with a loading bucket on the front and a hoe attachment on the back. They eventually morphed into what you see today, loading bucket or skid loader attachment on front and hoe (digging arm) on back....never seen them on tracks if it's even an option... typically rubber tires with stabilizer legs they can let down on the digging arm end of the machine. So the front bucket and the 2 stabilizer legs make it so the machine is pretty solid on the ground. Digging without the legs down is a good way to throw up your lunch especially if the ground is really hard, the tires just constantly bounce from the force the arm can add and relieve in a blink of an eye.

Bobcats and backhoes are what most people own as they can do a lot of jobs with the right attachments/buckets/etc. I would say that backhoes are the safer of the two, while bobcats have more utility due to attachments. Bobcats will let you dump whatever you load in the front bucket right on top of the machine (where you're sitting) and aren't typically covered in the front....and their ability to spin in a circle is a good way to break things or hurt someone really bad.

Obama Confronts Heckler Demanding Public Option

notarobot says...

I have not been following the American health care debate as closely as I'm sure many citizens of that country are. My synopsis from afar is that the bill that was passed was not what Obama wanted. The kind of bill desired morphed into something that is only, as @longde pointed out, better than nothing. Coming from a country that has universal health care already, I am somewhat baffled by the strong resistance universal health care has in that country (except by corporates and lobbyists allowed to profit from disease.)

When I learned that the bill became a several thousand page behemoth does make me think that the final version should have been written by Alan Siegel and his team. At least then it might also be intelligible.

Maddow Gives a History Lesson to the Tea Party

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
To think that something which started from the End the Fed rallies has morphed into something so stupid.
I'm ashamed to call myself a Libertarian if there are millions of these people who watched Fox news and decided that they were Libertarians.
How many of them now about John Stuart Mill, John Locke, or that most of the old white people wanted freedom for themselves from the British Empire, not for their slaves.
These people have been drinking too much of the Faux news water, I think they are very mad.
I true Libertarian would know that having a corporation behind your movement means you are no longer a Libertarian, you are a Plutocrat.
Lets start by making a new party, the Secular Humanist Rational Party For Liberty (Liberty for all, not just who you choose), where you have to think about things before you spout stupid shit.

No need for shame, NR, the teabagger movement has nothing to do with libertarianism. It was founded by old skool conservative republican, Dick Armey - which is apropos for a movement basically comprised of an army of angry, ignorant dicks. While conservatives use some of the same rhetoric as libertarians and share various economic views, the Tea Party thing is strictly a conservative movement.

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

GeeSussFreeK says...

Not all libertarians are completely secular *nudge nudge*. Rational Party For Liberty sounds good though! Though, I guess you could throw in secular as a condition of the rule of state, not to the people in it...perhaps Religiously free (as in free from the state control of religion) Rational Party for Liberty...but I think you can just eliminate that all by using rational in the word, it precludes both faith and personal morality.... so ya, Rational Party For Liberty gets my vote!

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
To think that something which started from the End the Fed rallies has morphed into something so stupid.

I'm ashamed to call myself a Libertarian if there are millions of these people who watched Fox news and decided that they were Libertarians.

How many of them now about John Stuart Mill, John Locke, or that most of the old white people wanted freedom for themselves from the British Empire, not for their slaves.

These people have been drinking too much of the Faux news water, I think they are very mad.

I true Libertarian would know that having a corporation behind your movement means you are no longer a Libertarian, you are a Plutocrat.

Lets start by making a new party, the Secular Humanist Rational Party For Liberty (Liberty for all, not just who you choose), where you have to think about things before you spout stupid shit.

Maddow Gives a History Lesson to the Tea Party

NordlichReiter says...

To think that something which started from the End the Fed rallies has morphed into something so stupid.

I'm ashamed to call myself a Libertarian if there are millions of these people who watched Fox news and decided that they were Libertarians.

How many of them now about John Stuart Mill, John Locke, or that most of the old white people wanted freedom for themselves from the British Empire, not for their slaves.

These people have been drinking too much of the Faux news water, I think they are very mad.

I true Libertarian would know that having a corporation behind your movement means you are no longer a Libertarian, you are a Plutocrat.

Lets start by making a new party, the Secular Humanist Rational Party For Liberty (Liberty for all, not just who you choose), where you have to think about things before you spout stupid shit.

Is it just me, or is the Daily Show not as good as it used to be? (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

No I think you are right- it's been a very subtle, slow morphing- but the Daily Show has become a "politics show". I don't mind this- because that's what I like, but I agree it has lost a bit of the funny. They seem to always be gunning for the "big moment" like when they gave CNBC a whooping or the great lampoon of Glen Beck. It's "made for Internet" TV- they want their clips to go viral.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

TED - David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min

mentality says...

pssst, magic isn't real.

Pssst. Magicians aren't actually trying to do real magic.

anyway you bringing up magic is meaningless in this context. This was a stunt. Nobody but you is claiming that this was magic.

It's quite relevant since Blaine gained fame through his magic specials, and his stunts are often televised along with his magic performances. Besides, you're not the only one to engage me in this conversation about magic in this thread. But I agree, Blaine has morphed into more of a stuntman lately.

And to me holding your breath for 17 minutes means you're in league with some dark forces for certain.

The problem I find with all these stunts is that when David Blaine does it, he gets huge publicity because he is a celebrity, and when other people do bigger and better things, nobody gives a f*. For example, Tom Sietas beats Blaine's record not long afterwards. Does he get a TED talk even though he's been breaking static apnea, static apnea w/ O2, and dynamic apnea records for years? There's so many feats of human accomplishment out there. Do they all need David Blaine to make an attempt before they get some recognition in the media?

Maybe I'm just too cynical about our celebrity obsessed culture.

So, what should Democrats do now? (User Poll by NetRunner)

rougy says...

"Real world politics."

That's almost funny. As if only two parties could possibly exist in the "real world."

As if the Democrats were the only hope for all American liberals, like it or not.

Just sit down, shut up, and do it our way, right? Be "real," right?

Be patient. I've heard that quite a few times.

Vote Democrats! The "Someday Party."

You know where the dem's great white hope, Coakley, was during the campaign?

She was in Washington hob-nobbing with the lobbiests, especially the pharma-cons.

This is the same kind of "choice" that the dems offer us every election.

This whole healthcare thing has been so pathetic, so half-assed from the very beginning, that I honestly hope it doesn't pass.

You think that passing a compromise bill when we have a clear majority power will someday magically morph into something better? You know, when the cons get back in control? You think we'll improve on the bill then? Or maybe we'll have to wait until the dems are back in power again? And we know how often that happens.

"Roll over and play dead" would imply that something was alive and kicking to begin with, you know, and I've hardly seen any evidence of that.

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