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Joy Behar Interviews Jesse Ventura (Fun)

Matthu says...

@smart people

I didn't know fluoride was the main ingredient in Prozac..... But even if it is, it's such a minute quantity that it cannot have any effect, can it???

I'm super pro tap water, I despise the idea of bottled water. I'm pretty sure my tap here in Montreal has fluoride...

EDIT: Actually... looks like Montreal doesn't have fluoridation, however it's difficult to say for sure because cities seem to flip and flop back and forth on fluoridation and some Burroughs of Montreal do add fluoride. Ah well whatever, maybe the cool-aid's good for us.

AT-AT Day Afternoon

The Disappearing Train - Time lapse video (13 sec)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'disappearing, train, time lapse, timelapse, montreal, after effects' to 'disappearing, train, time lapse, timelapse, montreal, after effects, spool up the FTL' - edited by calvados

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

U.S. Media Tribute to Canada's Highway of Heroes

calvados says...

>> ^budzos:

I have to admit that passage was not well thought-out. "Dregs" was not a good choice of words at all as it has a very negative connotation attached, which was not intended. I should have used "disadvantaged" or something else that implies a low socioeconomic status and a lack of options (or the perception thereof). My bad, I should not have used that word. It certainly clouded my point.
Try reading what I said with your thumb over the word "dregs". My point was I get annoyed at the thought of a young person joining the military for a leg up in life, who ends up getting killed in some pointless conflict that is absolutely not about freedom (I didn't mis-speak about that, those "wars" are horse-shit), and then their corpse is part of some bullshit glee-club feel-good bonding. "Highway of Heroes"... wow real dignified... print it on a T-shirt why don't you (as if they haven't).
>> ^calvados:
Such hubris. Dregs of society, eh? Many of the best people I've ever met are from my 12+ years in the army reserves. I've met a great number of men and women who are selfless, intelligent, and thoughtful, and it's this abundance of quality people that has kept me onboard. These good ones have absolutely outnumbered the ones you'd call dregs.
Of course there are less desirable types in the military and I have met my share of them. And I agree that there is hyperbole in broadly referring to all our war dead as heroes (--I am sure that all or almost all of them would insist that they were not). But your rant is way off.

OK, I take a lot less issue with your revision, here. You do however seem to be suggesting that those who join up are going into it blindly, and I daresay that the average recruit's eyes are more opened to the horrible possibilities of war, and their own injury or death, than you evidently believe they are (especially those who join up after hostilities have already begun, as is the case now and as has been the case since early 2002 for Canada).

I do take issue with "glee-club feel-good bonding" and perhaps you will agree, again, that you are misspeaking here. What I see in the nation's response to a soldier's death in these times, exemplified on the overpasses of the 401, is a manifestation of sorrow and respect for sacrifice. Glee and good feeling are conspicuously absent.

That said, I agree that the specific name "Highway of Heroes" is reductive and borderline jingoistic. There is a stretch of Quebec's Autoroute 20 (from the ON/QC border to just west of downtown Montreal) which has been designated "l'Autoroute du Souvenir" (Remembrance Highway), marked with the familiar green/white highway signage and emblazoned with a poppy. I would actually have favoured that name for the stretch of the 401 in question. But as I indicated on another such submission about the HOH (, I am moved by and appreciative of the gesture, itself, of the renaming.

One more thing: remember that citizens were gathering on the overpasses to greet the fallen long before it was decided -- in 2007 -- to change the name of that stretch of road. It was, and is, a grassroots movement, not something cooked up by politicos.

You (and anybody, regardless of political stripe or opinion on the war) may well appreciate this CBC documentary, "We Will Remember Them" (Nov 2010), full streaming:

Louis CK "White People Problems"

EndAll says...

I don't get that first comment.. the bit he did here incorporated a lot of his older stuff. The Montreal Comedy Festival is a huge venue, you gotta get up there and send out your best stuff quickly. It's not like a club or a bar, you don't get much time to feel out the audience and work in the right bits to suit them. I thought this was great, had me lmao.

CFL Catch of the Year

Toronto police charge G20 crowd singing "O Canada"

Matthu says...


Isn't it worth asking why all these people were terrified of the cops to begin with?

If I can employ this analogy:

If this was in Montreal, with a large group of Montrealers, and the Montreal Canadiens charged at the crowd. Do you think the crowd would run screaming away? No, they would be grinning with joy ear to ear as they embraced their heroes.

So unless all these people were guilty of crimes, I think their intense fear of the police is evidence of our continent moving more and more towards a police state.

You shouldn't fear the police unless you're a criminal, or you suspect the police have unlawful intentions.

One last thing, how can there be any good way to disperse a large crowd of non-violent protesters. They have the right to congregate and protest. Do they not?

G20 Toronto - Police Rape Threats, Strip Search - Amy Miller

shogunkai says...

>> ^joedirt:

what kind of loser makes comments trying to blame victims and be apologist when she seems reasonable and recounting events in a non-sensational way for the media.

In no way was I blaming her or trying to downplay the seriousness of her claims, I was just pointing out that it was a POSSIBILITY that she was exaggerating to make the police and government seem like villains. Reading over the corroborations in the link from bananafone it seems that the claims weren't exaggerated, which is unacceptable on the part of the officers in question. My skepticism on what happened was drawn from the simple fact that I was not there. I have been in riots in Montreal, though nothing quite on the scale of this other than after a playoff hockey game, I have never seen nor heard of police acting in this way before in Canada. I still think that she wasn't "throttled" to the extent that she seems to imply though.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution E3 2010 Trailer

DonanFear says...

Square-Enix, the japanese developer of Final Fantasy are known for great CGI-trailers, true, but they are probably not involved in this game at all. The only reason this game has a Squeenix logo is because they bought Eidos last year, the game is being developed in Canada by Eidos Montreal.

I don't like the way they are branding stuff after the takeover, it's very confusing and easy to think the japan studio is somehow involved with games they have nothing to do with.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution E3 2010 Trailer

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Eidos Montreal, Square Enix, 360, PC, CGI, human augmentation' to 'Eidos Montreal, Square Enix, 360, PC, PS3, CGI, human augmentation' - edited by KnivesOut

Queen of the Night from Amadeus

Police "provo-cops" pester peaceful protesters

I hate the fashion major living next to me (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

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