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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So that’s a “yes”…that was the best you’ve got against an economy destroying, democracy destroying, job market destroying, civility destroying, union destroying disgraced hyper criminal ex president who has said quite clearly he will be a dictator and will abuse the powers of his office to hurt Americans who won’t support his monarchy.

You must be as idiotically gullible as this moron. Not a word he said was reflected in reality, he’s repeating fake news, it’s all the right believes. Sucker, you bought more blatant lies. You probably still believe multiple court cases where his dirty laundry is aired publicly will HELP Trump in the polls. It isn’t. He, and you, likely still believe Hillary is going to prison as soon as Dumb Donald gets back into office.
It was interesting to find out he cheated on his mistress McDougal with Daniels. Also interesting to hear Pecker admit there are more women that came forward and he paid off.

Such a sad, dumb little tool you are, sonny boy. Your poor family must suffer horribly because of your constant cultish idiocy ignoring facts to believe utter nonsense and absolutely never applying critical thinking to your positions.…I bet home life isn’t pleasant, I know it’s not for your family. Mine is paradise.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, Huckabee Sanders is trying to claim absolute Governor immunity to get out of lecturngate. She had her MAGA AG release a letter saying so.

Again, it’s not that she didn’t steal the money, it’s not that she didn’t falsify government records to hide it, it’s that she’s above the law….exactly Trump’s defense, and as anti American as it gets. No one is above the law in America, NO ONE.
You maga idiots don’t even understand the difference between a democratic republic and a monarchy or dictatorship.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I do enjoy those, way more than anyone within smelling distance! I’ve seen dozens….they’re usually way more viscous, I expect one going after his stink soon, now that everyone knows how embarrassing it is to him. I’m surprised they didn’t mention Melania, another sore spot.
Gotta say I’m shocked you chose one where they messed with his drive, most times he still drives OK….not this time. Granted, this one they went REALLY easy on him, which probably explains it being your choice..there are so many more where they really stick it to him. It seems almost like getting actually pissed off helps his drive.

Are you enjoying the MAGA holiday? Did you guys get away with any fake party plans, or were they all discovered like the GOP’S/Manly Traitor’s fake book signing party that was cancelled?


I’m celebrating the day the American Democratic Republic wavered but in the end stood strong against its most dangerous foe in history.

bobknight33 said:


Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

*doublepromote a *quality indictment long coming.

Jack has the goods. Trump and his co conspirators are toast.

Traitors who try to disrupt democracy with a violent coup should see a firing squad, not be allowed to die in club fed.

No delays. Republicans should also be demanding a speedy trial, the other option is to have this trial next summer right before the election, exposing the anti American crimes the Republicans committed in the last election in their efforts to steal it from the American people while they’re deciding who to elect…reminding them that one choice means no more elections and becoming a dictatorial monarchy. They should want Trump to be convicted in time to choose another loser to lead them.

w1ndex (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA election fraud-
Disgraced Eastman, disgraced ex president Trump’s lawyer and Jan 6 co-conspirator, caught instructing people now working in election offices and/or the polls on Election Day on how to trick people into not getting registered, how to turn away assumed Democrat voters from registration and threaten them with arrest, and how to get MAGA voters with the same ID and registration issues registered.

His instructions are nothing but how to obstruct the election, obstruct the democratic vote, and set up more false election fraud cases for when they lose. Multiple elections have already been contested, like Otero county NM, that refused to certify their primary just as a test run to see what happens if they just refuse to certify the election with no cause.

Also, MAGA is in the supreme court right now trying to allow state legislatures to decide the winners of elections no matter what the vote says.

MAGA can’t win without cheating, and they cheated thousands of times last election, maybe millions, and Democrats haven’t been caught cheating at all. This means MAGA has degraded the election system so much that there can be no legitimate MAGA win, any win is fraud. The only way to prove if there wasn’t fraud is for the Democrat to win. Any Republican win is 100% illegitimate and won’t be recognized. Your party destroyed democracy, now you get democratic monarchy. Enjoy.

Queen Elizabeth II Lighter Moments

cloudballoon says...

But isn't it kind of ironic that it's probably Americans (or at least its media) that's MORE enamored of royalty than people of countries that actually do have ceremonial monarchies?

You have your Queen B, GOATs real or imaginary, all the Yas Queens that Americans in general treat BETTER than actual royalty. Yes I know, the difference is talent instead of hereditary. But it's still a sort of human worship. The MAGA crowd elevate Trump to God-like level of royalty in terms of devotion for whatever f**k they believe.

There's not much a difference to me in terms of rationality.

Besides, the British monarch as a net money maker for the government. Bringing over 1 billion BP per "normal" (read: non-Covid lockdowns) year while costing a little over 100 millions supporting the Monarchy per year on average, from merch & tourism dollars the Firm brings into the government's coffer. It's more a Win to keep them than abolish the Firm... still. After Queen Elizabeth II's death... we'll see.

Yogi said:

She seems like a nice lady but in my opinion the idea of Monarchy should die with her. I'm just a stupid American, but I would like to see this concept die completely, even if it's just ceremonial. No more Kings, no more Queens.

Emails Reveal Trump Planned Coup with Loyalist Jeffrey Clark

newtboy says...

No answer Bob? Typical. It’s ok….we knew you didn’t have any.

You can’t say what’s a half truth or what’s spin, you just know it is because if this were true (hint, it is) it means you blindly follow someone who clearly tried to subvert democracy to turn America into a despotic monarchy and was stupid enough to use emails and texts to coordinate his coup, leaving a massive pile of evidence of his crimes. After all, he thought his violent mob would be successful at ending democracy in America and he would just erase all traces of his crimes along with anyone investigating him once he was king for life.

Oh no! Mr My Crackpipe’s cyber symposium with the best cyber guys around, after getting hacked and starting way late, has fallen apart with absolutely no evidence of mush brain’s claims, just his little factless movie, but did include Lindel running off stage crying when he learned that the $1.5 billion lawsuit against him and the other election fraud fraudsters will proceed (an order that came with a scathing rebuke from the judge).
Edit: Er Mer Gerd!…and he revoked his $5 million prize for anyone who could prove him wrong before it started, likely because his cyber security expert Josh Merritt had already said his “evidence “ was utter nonsense and proved nothing in interviews, and others he hired said he didn’t even have these “data packets” he claimed to have, only his video representation of what such packets MIGHT look like as raw data…which would be impossible to decrypt and wouldn’t have the evidence Lindel claimed if you could, even if a Chinese hack had occurred. ROTFLMFAHS!!!

More good news, cyberninjas has reportedly stolen the ballots and data they were reviewing (it was never an audit) and (illegally?) taken them out of state to Montana almost two weeks after missing their deadline to report to the AZ congress on July 28. Good thing they didn’t get their hands on all that other personal information they requested because what they have is not secured and ripe for identity theft already, and they wanted basically all the personal data the county had on every resident, including addresses, employment, family members (mother’s maiden name), social security numbers, medical records, bank accounts, assets, criminal history, …..everything the state had.

Even you can’t spin the refusal to provide their conclusions (now what, almost 5 months into their 3 week review) and fleeing the state with state property as some indication they found something, and you were so gullible that you bought their blatant lie about “suddenly appearing unregistered mail in votes that had no record of being sent out” that turned out to be early in person voting numbers, but they were too incompetent or dishonest to say so and instead pretended they found fraud….and continue to pretend they found fraud after being debunked, and are using that obvious bold faced lie in their efforts of trying to go door to door in large groups of Trumptards to force people to tell them who they voted for in a clear, blatant case of text book illegal voter intimidation.


bobknight33 said:

Just more lame leftest BS 1/2 truths and spin.

"Million MAGA March" Chants "Destroy The GOP"

newtboy says...

I can't tell if you're serious. Here's why....

As someone who's derisively decried many politicians as RINOs, it's unbelievably hypocritical to now turn on the party for not supporting king RINO's bid to become a monarchy...but then again hypocrisy is the main stay of the Trumpster cult and it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Do you support this anti gop movement?

bobknight33 said:

This warms my heart.

Trump Declares Himself Above the Constitution: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

Our government is designed to preclude monarchies.
If a president can't be indicted no matter what, they are a defacto monarch, and there's absolutely nothing to stop them from declaring themselves president for life and simply refusing to vacate the office, or from ignoring all law with immunity.
How a memo, not a law, describing one person's misinterpretation of the law has been used to grant Trump blanket immunity, contrary to the actual law and the basis of our government, is beyond me. It should be removed and never brought up again, except as a cautionary example of democracy threatening activities to avoid. Any official using it to shield anyone from prosecution should themselves be prosecuted.

Mystic95Z said:

That OLC "memo" that says a sitting President cannot be indicted needs to be made illegal too, no one is above the law, I dont care if its a Democrat or Republican in the WH.... Stick to the law and dont do dumb shit and everything is fine...

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

notarobot says...

The word "militia" comes up time and time again in those founding documents. That the citizens should have access to arms as party of "a well regulated militia."

The modern interpretation of the second amendment has done away with the idea that a citizen ought to be a part of an organized militia to bear arms.

The founders of the US said other things too:

“A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy. A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.”

I imagine that Franklin thought the republic would need defending against other monarchies, not from large corporations who, after centuries of wealth concentration would, with a few lobby organizations like the NRA, become the de-facto unelected rulers of the land.

I can't imagine that Franklin would have expected that children should go to elementary school in fear of being murdered by their classmates either.

harlequinn said:

The founders of the USA foresaw this sort of issue and wrote an extremely strong constitution preventing government from effectively regulating arms.

Black Panther — Creating an Empathetic Villain

LiquidDrift says...

Don't get why this movie was so popular, it had so many problems! The main one being they have a futuristic afro society (awesome!), but it's a monarchy (oh), and one that is determined by single combat (what?). It's not even fair single combat, the panther tribe gets to take performance enhancing drugs. Then the king loses and there is a coup because they don't like the new guy. Are they not smart enough to have a modern democracy? Did they learn their lesson after the coup? Nope!

Let's put aside that vibranium makes no sense and just say they have super technology - flying cars, lasers, etc. Yet they are running around with swords, spears and war rhinos! They put a lot of lip service towards helping people world-wide yet their own people are still living in huts! Why do they have a segregated military, when is that ever good?

Killmonger was a decent villain though, I'll give them that, mostly because most superhero villains are one dimensional mindlessly evil fools.

Colbert To Trump: 'Doing Nothing Is Cowardice'

scheherazade says...

There are 100 million people with day to day access to arms in the U.S. (granted, of all ages, not all of fighting age).

There are 1.4 million military members.

Bombs destroy the very assets you wish to control. Nukes would be useless.

Tanks run out of fuel, as do jets, without a civil population to resupply them.

I already mentioned the Arab Spring. Governments with tanks and Jets fell to people with rifles.

Soldiers have families. When their families participate in revolt (and become targets of the government), soldiers change sides. Good example would be the Russian revolution against the Tsar, where the army stood down and abandoned the monarchy.

But yes, the military can do its own thing.
Afghan military in the 70's siding with Russia against its government.
Turkey's military ejecting their government whenever it goes bad (*minus this last attempt)

Or even the people can coup vs the people.
The 2014 Ukrainian coup, ethnic Ukrainians ejecting their government to make a new one that deprives ethnic Russians of representation.


newtboy said:

Since the mechanization of war, armed citizens stand zero chance against a better trained, armed, and armored military. You can barely buy a rifle that might penetrate a hummer, and they are the least armored vehicles.

You forget, armed coups happen all the time without the support of the populace. See, when the military is overwhelming, no one balks at paying exorbitant taxes, at least not after a few public executions on the spot. Willing public support is definitely not required to retain power. If it were, we wouldn't have a word for tyranny or draconianism.

Charlie Brooker's 2016 Wipe

poolcleaner says...

The complaint about public service is... odd. I actually thought that was awesome and then he played up that anti-Monarchy card, when the monarchy, as powerless as they really are, contribute millions (billions?) of pounds to their country from tourism alone. (I know I'm an ignorant American, but there are plenty of documentaries on BBC America HAHAHA...)

Anyway. lol -- "For the queen!"

I think all people should do some sort of clean up public service. It's a fucking civic duty. I clean up after littering Pokemon Go players at my local park. No one fucking else will. or it takes a city clean up crew months or longer to make an impact on massively littered public places.

Maybe it's an American problem. No joke, I called up a volunteer group (most cities should have them) and volunteered to clean up that shit. Maybe if we had a danged queen (and her undies) or if Trump tweeted "proles AND rich fucks spend a day cleaning up" we'd make a societal impact, as lame as BOTH Trump's and the Queen's platforms are.

Bill Maher has a Berning desire

VoodooV says...

On social policies, left and right couldn't be more different. Sure, there are plenty of sane conservatives that have come around towards not treating minorities, women, and LGBT like shit. A lot of times it's that same meme we've seen over and over. Conservatives don't give a fuck until they're personally affected by it. They only stop being pro-war if one of their loved ones dies. They only stop being anti-lgbt if they discover that one of their loved ones are lgbt. Just recently, Kasich got a bit of the spotlight because of his 2nd place in the NH primaries and he gets hailed as the more moderate conservative, but he's still pretty anti-choice, so I'm told.

Now yeah, you're exactly right when it comes to other aspects of the parties. the entire primary process is complete bull. The RNC and DNC are both private organizations. There is no rule whatsoever that they are beholden to votes There is nothing in the constitution about parties. They literally can nominate whoever the fuck they want. Sanders and Trump could win every single primary race and they could still pick anyone they want and ignore the votes. What's worse is that taxpayers fund the primary elections so we're wasting taxpayer dollars on a primary race that literally DOES NOT MATTER. I am an election worker and I recently got contacted that ill be working our state's primary election in May. sure the extra cash is nice (it's only about 100 bucks) but that's 100 bucks we could spend on more useful things and I'd gladly give it up to create a better selection process and eliminate primaries completely. Elections in America are so fucking messed up and resemble a reality show way too much, which definitely explains why Trump is doing as well as he is. If we had actual debates and took shit seriously? He'd never have a snowballs chance in hell. But hey, this is America and we care more about spectacle than substance.

Now yeah, if our only two choices were Cruz or Trump, I'd vote for Trump in a heartbeat. He's the lesser of two evils. (And I also love feeding the RWNJ paranoia that he's a democrat plant). That is the reality of our elections. I knew damned well that Obama was never going to be able to do most of the things he said he would do, even if he did have a friendly Congress. But again, he's the lesser of two evils.

America puts way too much stock in the Office of the President. Congress is where the real power is at, but America's culture mistakenly hinges EVERYTHING on the Presidency, and it's just not true, it's a distraction from the real wheels of power. It's the same in Britain. The monarchy has no real power, they're figureheads. The real power is in Parliament. The monarchy is a distraction.

You're exactly right about lobbyists and money in politics. I've been on board with that on day one. I'm definitely pro Bernie. But even if Bernie wins the general, he's going to have a hostile congress and that's going to limit much of what he can do unless we can take back congress. Again, that's where the real power is. The most he will probably be able to do is appoint more SCOTUS judges.

So democrats, if you want shit to change? stop staying home during the midterm elections. Unless something crazy happens, Republicans aren't going to be retaking the white house any time soon, but you need to start voting in the midterms so that Congress changes. It's this sad little cycle. During general elections, dems come out to vote in droves, but then they stay home for the midterms and Republicans trounce them and they wonder why Congress is right-wing.

So yeah, if for social policies alone, I'll definitely vote for Hillary if Bernie doesn't get the nod. Do I think she'll accomplish much? No, but few presidents do. CONGRESS IS WHAT MATTERS!

MilkmanDan said:

@VoodooV --

I dunno. That argument holds true, but only if you believe that the parties actually represent different ideologies / interests. Those (like myself) who look at the whole mess and see "pack of billionaires / corporations / lobbyists A" vs "pack of billionaires / corporations / lobbyists B" might be interested in Bernie mainly because the Democrat establishment clearly doesn't *want* us to be.

For me personally, I think Bernie represents the best shot at real, positive change. Then again, I'm wary of that because I thought the same thing about Obama and his rate of delivery on promises has been very very low (to be fair a lot of that is systemic rather than HIS fault). But if/when Bernie doesn't get the Democrat nod, I'd be highly tempted to vote for Trump just because sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better, and Trump is clearly the fastest path towards "worse"...

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