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This Clever Device Is Found In Nearly Every American House

newtboy (Member Profile)

Having A Mental Breakdown Got Us This Song

Having A Mental Breakdown Got Us This Song

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Why you should vote Conservative

Star Trek: Picard | SDCC Trailer-Sir Patrick Stewart Returns

Halle Berry Training with Taran for John Wick: Chapter 3

00Scud00 says...

I'm pretty sure they don't live fire on the set, hell, Brandon Lee was killed by a blank iirc.

BSR said:

What better way to enhance the realism than to start using real bullets in the movies. About time they got some guts.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Very Fine People On Both Sides, Lee Was The Best General

newtboy says...

Good question, but no, because they all renounced their citizenship when they seceded and joined the confederacy. Most petitioned the federal government and had it returned after the war, but it seems Lee's paperwork was misplaced and he died no longer an American citizen and without a pardon for treason.

Edit : there's a parallel today with those who joined Daesh renouncing their citizenship...just because no one recognized the Islamic state doesn't mean they're still citizens of the countries they abandoned and went to war against. Those people are traitors to their countries of origin, but not citizens of anywhere.

Also, you bring up an interesting point....since the confederacy wasn't recognized, neither is the rank of general they gave him, right? If the nation was illegitimate, so is any rank they logically he was never a real general either. We don't say Daesh military ranks are legitimate.

greatgooglymoogly said:

If the US never recognized the confederate states, then wouldn't they say all the people in the south are still US citizens? Lee was a general, and an American, just not a general for the USA.

Very Fine People On Both Sides, Lee Was The Best General

greatgooglymoogly says...

If the US never recognized the confederate states, then wouldn't they say all the people in the south are still US citizens? Lee was a general, and an American, just not a general for the USA.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Very Fine People On Both Sides, Lee Was The Best General

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Trump, Robert E Lee, very fine people, Nazis, white supremacists' to 'Trump, Donald trump, Trump interview, charlottesville, Trump press' - edited by BoneRemake

Very Fine People On Both Sides, Lee Was The Best General

newtboy says...

Dumb Donny doesn't even know Lee was never an American General, and died a failed general of a failed state, a traitor to the United States, and non citizen, not pardoned for treason until 1975, at which time his citizenship was also restored.
Full disclosure, I'm distantly related to Lee according to my mother, who's a hard core genealogist.

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