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One Candidate's Misleading Ad on Fuel Prices/Lobbyists

rougy says...

First, it's spelled "propaganda" you dumb fucking redneck. Figures you're too goddamned lazy to check your spelling.

What does the anchorwoman say in the video at 1:15?

"The email's author is anonymous." Yet, true to your dipshit, shit-kicker bones, you have attributed these emails to the Obama campaign. Why am I not surprised? Oh, yeah, that's not why you posted this. You're still an idiot, but I stand corrected.

Then Obama says "I don't take from oil companies or washington lobbyists" which, according to this video, is true.

So what's you're fucking point? That we liberals have to hold Obama to a "higher standard"? Which is another way of saying that Obama can't play the game like your hero, McCain?

People like you have turned this country to shit. Fuck off and die.

John McCain's Gonna Bitch-Slap The Economy!!!

10038 says...

>> ^volumptuous:

Yes he will.
His plan will, for the first time ever in this country, make your health care premiums a taxable income.

It's true, they become taxable, and he gives you a tax credit for $2500 or $5000. For 99.9% of people who receive insurance from their work, this is way more than enough. Our local (Premera) Blue Cross insurance offers a family 80/20, $500 deduct, $8000 Max OOP plan for $452 per month. If a family were to go directly to Premera, they could get this plan and get a tax credit for this. BUT, that family would have been taxed anyways. The new taxable item is the premiums that you pay from work, but considering that his plan completely covers a very comprehensive plan without *any* group rate, I have no problem believing that it will pay for a vast majority of americans' employer-provided plans. (My premiums are $70/month, for a plan very similar to the mentioned plan)

Here's the kicker. McCains plan is a TAX CREDIT. The previous system you purchased with pre-tax dollars, but you still paid outright. In the new system, people who HAD been paying their employer $450/month for insurance will now pay $450 taxed dollars (about $585 of pre-tax dollars). They'll end up spending $5000 ($7000 pre-tax dollars), but get a $5000 tax credit ($7000 pre-tax dollars). In order to actually have to pay more for insurance than you were before, you'd have to be paying $15000/year.

Now, personally, I like Obama's plan better, but saying that McCain is raising taxes because of this is rather disingenuous. The only people whose taxes will be raised are those getting insurance from their current employer and paying more than $1250/month... A quick survey of people on my IM list says they all pay less than $200/month for group-rate health care. The change from today is that citizens who purchase their health care independently get a tax break as well.

Look, I'm voting for Obama, I want him to win, but spouting off Mathews talking points makes it sound like you're terribly ill-informed. Now granted, *you* may end up getting taxed more, but most will not. I really like Obama's state-sponsored health care better, but either one will bring much-needed relief to those living paycheck-to-paycheck. Obama soundly trounces McCains' tax relief for those making under $40k, and is still reasonably better for those making less than $85. Neither tax plan is sustainable, and both will have to raise taxes if they EVER hope to have a balanced budget.

"Why Aikido Looks Fake" - Explanation of Ukemi (Falling)

SDGundamX says...

>> ^honkeytonk73:
You don't mess with an Aikido expert, or you'll go home in a stretcher. I knew a guy who was an Aikido master. I SO wanted to learn while at university.. just no time. Damn intensive physics coursework. I very much regret not training in it.

Yeah, but my Aikido instructor in Japan admitted that in a real bar-fight he got involved in, it was his Judo techniques that won the day for him. As other posters have mentioned, Aikido is great for mental discipline, body awareness, etc.

In terms of practical fighting technique, my one gripe with Aikido has always been that it prepares you for guys who are throwing the haymaker or trying to end the fight with a single punch or kick, but not for the more technical fighters (like boxers) who are content to pick away at you with jabs, pretty much denying you the use of much of your techniques. It also doesn't take into account fighting in an enclosed space(such as a crowded bar or elevator) where mobility is extremely limited and you're much more likely to have to grapple.

Not saying it isn't a great martial art--it is. Especially the way the Japanese train, you get a hell of a good physical and mental workout. If you're taking Aikido classes because you want to be an ass-kicker, though, you're probably in the wrong place.

The voice of Fred Flintsone

videosiftbannedme says...

What show is this?

On a different note, I saw a very old movie from the '30's once which had William Frawley in it (Fred from I Love Lucy). The kicker was he had hair! Still sounded the same though.

NFL: Never underestimate the kicker

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'nfl, football, kicker, josh, brown, david, hester, seahawks, bears' to 'nfl, football, kicker, josh, brown, devin, hester, seahawks, bears' - edited by legacy0100

Tombstone - Saloon Scene with Doc and Johnny

MrFisk says...

Doc Holliday (1851-1887)

DocJohn Henry Holliday was born in Georgia in 1851. An educated man, John learned mathematics, the sciences, and earned a degree in dentistry (hence his nickname, “Doc”). He disliked the teeth trade, preferring to spend his time playing poker, and after being diagnosed with tuberculosis, he went west to partake of the dry climate.

Despite his genteel upbringing, what Doc really liked to do was have a good time. His idea of a good time involved gambling on cards, drinking whiskey, and enjoying the attentions of a lady or two. A really good time featured all three at once. It has been said that he drank three quarts of whiskey on an average day, and when he got serious about the job, could kill five or six.

Together with his occasional paramour, “Big Nose” Kate Elder, Holliday went on a violent, lucrative, and whiskey-soaked spree through the territories. He tended to leave town under threat of arrest or one step ahead of a posse, and at one time was wanted for various crimes in Kansas, Texas, Missouri and Arizona. He holed up for a time in Tombstone, Arizona, arriving shortly before the Earp brothers, with whom he became embroiled in the animosity which led to the gunfight at the OK Corral.

His TB worsened, causing him to regularly cough up blood. Strong whiskey seemed to stem the hacking, so Doc drank from dawn to dusk. He checked into a hospital for consumptives in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, where, as a wealthy man, he bribed nurses to bring him his self-prescribed medicine. Otherwise, he remained a model patient until he died. He was 36 years old.

Big Nose Kate (1850-1940)

Known at various times as Kate Fisher, Kate Elder, or Kate Cummings, Mary Katherine Haroney was born in Budapest, Hungary, the oldest child of a wealthy physician. Her father moved to Mexico in 1862 to act as the personal physician for Emperor Maximilian I. In 1865, when the Mexican government imploded, the Haroney family relocated to Davenport, Iowa, where Dr. and Mrs. Haroney managed to die within the year, leaving Kate an orphan.

The intervening years are a blur, but by 1874 Kate was living in Dodge City, Kansas, where she sold her charms in a brothel owned by Nellie Earp, wife of James Earp, the less famous older brother of Virgil, Morgan and Wyatt. While living in Dodge, Kate met Doc Holliday, who would be part of her life for many years.

Kate could match Doc drink for drink, and her temper was, if anything, even more volatile than his. She carried a derringer in an ankle holster, and when crossed, could curse a trailhand back into church. After she’d had a few, her verbal tirades took on a cosmopolitan flavor as she assaulted her opponents in a hair-raising potpourri of Hungarian, French and English. Many times, sadly, when Kate slipped into banshee-mode, her target was Doc Holliday.

They were quite the couple. The phrase “love birds” can share space in the same sentence as the words “Doc” and “Kate” only as a means of defining what they absolutely were not. We’ve all had friends like Holliday and Big Nose (hopefully without the shootings and stabbings), or witnessed their like. You know, they start the night acting like Siamese twins attached at the lips, drinking and dancing without a care in the world, then, for reasons even they probably don’t understand, they spend the next few hours auditioning for the Springer show—yelling, chasing, crying, slapping, pouting—until, just at the very apogee of ugliness, they make up and sneak off to screw in the laundry room. Such was the daily reality of Kate’s relationship with Doc Holliday.

Kate’s epic drinking habits once got her and Holliday in a whole hill of trouble. They had been fighting and Kate, in a cloud of rage, went to a saloon, where she encountered Tombstone sheriff Johnny Behan. He was sitting with members of the feared outlaw gang, the Cowboys, lead by a rancid little psycho called Curley Bill Brocious and his frequent partner in crime, the gunman Johnny Ringo. (At a saloon in Prescott, Arizona, Ringo, a specialist at shooting unarmed men, offered to buy a man a whiskey, but when the man ordered a beer instead, Ringo shot him dead.)

The Cowboys were involved in a feud with the Earp brothers and Doc Holliday, a feud that Sheriff Behan encouraged because he was a weasel and felt threatened by the Earps’ influence in “his” town. When Kate thundered into the saloon, the boys saw an opportunity. Someone, surely one or more of the Cowboys, had recently robbed a Wells-Fargo wagon and murdered the driver. The Cowboys and Behan bought Kate as much whiskey as she could drink and persuaded her to swear that it was Doc Holliday who had done the deed, which she did right on the spot.

Kate recanted after she sobered up. Doc forgave her, and their relationship continued along its usual tempestuous course until Doc finally became so ill he required hospitalization. They never saw each other again, and Kate returned to Arizona, where she lived well into her 90s.

The building that was once the Grand Hotel in Tombstone is, today, Big Nose Kate’s Saloon. Numerous visitors have claimed that Kate’s ghost haunts its back rooms and corridors. Big Nose Kate was a hellion in life, a free spirit, an ass kicker and a name taker, so her lingering spirit is likely one spitfire of a spook.
-Modern Drunkard

Irishman (Member Profile)

NetRunner says...

I'll start with saying I'm glad I misread you -- there are so many people here in the US who repeat these kinds of things out of pure partisanship. What was in that clip was no reasoned debate, condemning Obama's use of fear, it was two propagandists for the right-wing party trying to spread Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt about the opposition party's candidate for the Presidency.

I agree with your assessment that the low point of Obama's trip was the Israel leg. He always steps up his rhetoric about Iran, and that makes me nervous. He did the same thing when speaking to AIPAC here in the states (the pro-Israel lobby), and he caught a lot of flak for it from his base.

I think the main thing Europeans have to worry about is the echoes of 9/11 that are still ringing here in this country. They're no longer clearly audible, but it's just below our register, affecting our subconscious. The public in this country will not elect anyone who would not make the appeal to the world to aid us in our so-called "fight against extremism".

However, if you look back at his earlier comments from the beginning of the primary, you'd see he spent a lot of time talking about the need to "change our mindset" and to not act out of fear. That's part of why he's got Hope and/or Change emblazoned on his signs and bumper stickers. Hillary (and the rest of the Democratic field) blasted him for being "weak on terror", and he made a clear turn about a year ago to make sure he kept sounding a tougher line about extremism.

I think he's now in a place where he has to keep the momentum on this going, because he can't win without doing that.

That said, he has made it clear he will listen to our allies more -- so even if he does get carried away, I do think pressure from Europe would affect him. I think if he wins, he will begin the long process of trying to reverse the pervasive fear running through the populace -- fears that Bush amplified for his own purposes.

John McCain on the other hand will happily give Europe the middle finger if they protest an American plan to invade Iran, because many people here think that shows "good leadership" and "independence". He'll also happily continue to perpetuate those fears about terrorism. He has said on many occasions that the "fight against Islamic Extremism is the transcendent challenge of the 21st century."

From what I see, Bush has pushed this country a great distance towards fascism. McCain's a member of the same political party, and it's clear that all the same advisers have gotten their hooks into McCain, because he's gone from a moderate that I actually kinda liked, to being in lock step with Bush, not only on issue positions, but also the combative, disrespectful, fear mongering overtones. He's also got the media propagandists helping him (like the ones in your clip), who dig up ridiculous claims like Obama is a muslim, or a terrorist, or that he wasn't born in the US (which would make him ineligible for the Presidency).

That's why I reacted the way I did to your post.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
I hope you're following my line of thinking, I'm brainstorming it all right out in full flow...

To Americans, these events will be soaked in pride, hope and patriotism, there is nothing wrong with that.

But to a British politician or to the Lords who have reign over the politicians, it paints a very different picture. It's one thing when Luther King makes speeches about civil rights in this way, it's another when Obama talks about uniting forces against extremism, and even goes as far as talking about Iranian nukes. That's the language of fear, that's the kicker, that's the alarm bell - and I mean that in the most literal sense, this language of fear is one of the things Winston Churchill warned about in the tomes of books he wrote after WW2, about how the world must avoid the same thing happening again, and how he regretted that Britian didn't move sooner against Germany.

These are very specific things contained in Obama's speeches, and I really don't know what to make of it. I think you should be thankful that at least somebody in American media saw this from a perspective of history. WW2 is very fresh in the minds of people in England, the country is soaked in the history of that war in every town and city and bit of countryside and Obama's words are very potent and a bit scary to be frank in that context.

That's why I say it's all about persepective, and what makes it frightening is that Obama's speechwriters couldn't have made it any more potent in the context of WW2.


NetRunner (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

Yeah I'm in Ireland!

Man, I was a news junkie for years, I picked it up from my grandfather. I was one of those guys who sat and watched BBC News 24, all day long, changing over to the ITV news to see their take on the same stories. All I ever watched on TV was News and Star Trek.

I remember the exact moment when BBC News started to change and go the way of American news. It was in 2003, when David Kelly, the british UN weapons expert was found dead in a forest near his home. Just a couple of days previous, I had watched the entire live 2 hour cross examination of David Kelly in front of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, as he completely tore holes in the dossier that the UK government had put forward claiming that Saddam had WMD. I had been following the whole story in impeccable detail, online, on TV, bookmarking everything I could, and I had been looking forward to seeing David Kelly appear in front of the committee.

Anyone who watched it live was completely blown away by it, it couldn't have been any more dramatic. The government totally shot themselves in the foot. That night on the news, the BBC got stuck right into Tony Blair and the UK government and they continued to do so for the next couple of days, exposing all the lies about the Iraq war. It seemed finally that we were going to get the whole truth, and David Kelly was the key to the whole thing.

Then David Kelly was found dead, an alleged suicide. The same day the government went on the offensive against the BBC, people in the BBC were sacked over the next few weeks, government mouthpieces started appearing on all the TV news programmes shouting down presenters and acting very very strange indeed.

That is the exact moment when it changed. The BBC started becoming very very dumbed down very very quickly. Reports on the Israel/Palestine conflict became very watered down, that was when I really knew that the government had gagged the BBC (also happened in the 80s when Thatcher was in power during the Falklands war). The only decent reports were hour long specials broadcast at 1am or 2am, the normal daily news became a joke. Even the presenters were changed.

Within a year, the ITV News (Independent TV news in the UK), which had been reporting very consistently about the whole debacle ceased broadcasting.

Now the House of Lords - very little of what goes on in there is ever covered on the news. To see it you have to watch the live broadcasts on the Parliament channel (which I don't get any more cos I cancelled my cable a few months ago). It's where law is made, the house of commons is the showpiece for the public. All the stuff they decide in the commons has to go to the Lords where it is actually discussed at a very high level of detail and intelligence before it can be made law. The Lords also recommend what the UK prime minister should be saying to foreign presidents during state visits, a good example was when Blair was going to Russia and the Lords wanted him to confront the Russians about old KGB type activity rearing its head again - fascinating stuff, not a bit of it was ever on the normal news.

The Lords are probably the most well versed people on the history of Europe you could possibly meet. It is an education watching them debate sensibly and intelligently without all the pomp and drama you get on the TV news. They have bloodlines going way way back, they are soaked in the history of Britain and Europe. (Tony Blair near the end of his term even made moves to get rid of the Lords altogether when he wanted to get his 48 days detention without trial bill passed into law, the BBC actually started running hit pieces on the Lords, another sign that the BBC had changed)

Anyway, the point is, the Lords are a bit jumpy about stuff like this, and I'm sure it won't have gotten past them. Someone will have raised it for discussion. Obama making speeches in Israel about fighting extremism is very dangerous for Britain because I have watched discussions about the oppression of Palestine in the Lords and how delicately it has to be handled because the UK is an ally of the US which is an ally of Israel. Following that up with an event reminiscent of a British coronation more than a US presidential acceptance speech will really be ringing alarm bells.

I hope you're following my line of thinking, I'm brainstorming it all right out in full flow...

To Americans, these events will be soaked in pride, hope and patriotism, there is nothing wrong with that.

But to a British politician or to the Lords who have reign over the politicians, it paints a very different picture. It's one thing when Luther King makes speeches about civil rights in this way, it's another when Obama talks about uniting forces against extremism, and even goes as far as talking about Iranian nukes. That's the language of fear, that's the kicker, that's the alarm bell - and I mean that in the most literal sense, this language of fear is one of the things Winston Churchill warned about in the tomes of books he wrote after WW2, about how the world must avoid the same thing happening again, and how he regretted that Britian didn't move sooner against Germany.

These are very specific things contained in Obama's speeches, and I really don't know what to make of it. I think you should be thankful that at least somebody in American media saw this from a perspective of history. WW2 is very fresh in the minds of people in England, the country is soaked in the history of that war in every town and city and bit of countryside and Obama's words are very potent and a bit scary to be frank in that context.

That's why I say it's all about persepective, and what makes it frightening is that Obama's speechwriters couldn't have made it any more potent in the context of WW2.


In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
Are you, as your name implies, from Ireland?

I'm definitely curious on your take as to why the House of Lords would have an objection to what Obama said in Israel, or the fact that he plans on giving a speech to 75,000 campaign volunteers at his nomination (different from inauguration, BTW).

I did a couple searches of BBC News's site, and it seemed to generally be reporting positive reactions in the UK and elsewhere to Obama's trip. Is the UK media as distorted as the US's these days?

Here, there's already a meme forming about how this trip is going to hurt Obama domestically.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:

In regards to this, I think it's important that this stuff be posted, sifted, and discussed. I'm not into posting stuff that I personally believe or subscribe to. I'm quite the opposite, I post stuff because I want to know what people think so I can get a big brainstorm of commentary. I don't know what to make of it, but I have an excellent knowledge of WW2 and whether intentional or not this is resonates with that history and is very dangerous ground for Obama and America to be on.

To be absolutely honest with you, I wouldn't be surprised if this and the Israel visit are items for discussion in the House of Lords in the UK.

Iraq story buried by US networks

9736 says...

I've just come to the conclusion that I just don't care anymore. I've had so many people go off on me about the Iraq war and how we should not be there bla bla fricken bla. Sorry don't care I used to but after so many people have jumped on my ass just because I'm from the US, Still Live here and sorry not moving anywhere that its point less. The whole damn thing and heres the kicker, Not one thing, is going to change anything thats happening there not one damn thing. You can scream and shout and though petitions out and its not going to change. So all you self Righteous zeolites can continue to bitch all you want. Don't Care.

The Fate of Threads lost (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

choggie says...

ok up a notch....
If someone "creates" a play list on youtube, which is not necessarily a sum of like parts, meaning it is created to convey another altogether, for instance, any number of the players I have made here which carry a this one>

or any other number of similar ones I have flown and crashed or landed, why would this not be similar to a "self link"..?

To all you folks who are dead set on "refining" the sift by adding new rules....
As certain users hold hostage the freedom here to be and do as one pleases within' the framework(these idiots bug the fuck outta me-still love ya, welcome back, now sit down and shut the fuck up) the "quality" of this place as it grows, becomes appealing only to those who need little more than some beer-bongs, a chorus of flatulence, or a window overlooking the basest of the human experience.....or you have some holier than thou agenda to teach the world of which you don't know a goddamn thing about!! (DUMBASS!!!)-esp. you political tire-kickers and fans, and ya goddamn, blessed atheists.....(But we here at VS are working to keep your personal take on what you think the world should be doing according to your programming, in a tiny little box. At least that guy choggie is.....
a better "put to all", is how much time is there in the world, before this place and her users, take this place to the next level, and make dag and lucky, and all of us rich and famous????Hmmmmm?

You whiners need to shut the fuck up....and leave me alone to tweak this place as I see fit-

oh, forgot to say please.
please, there.Peace....

flexing the downvote
flexing the discard
flexing whatever power I choose in my arsenal, when and how I see fit, for the edification of all, to the sorrow of but a passing few-

The Fate of Threads Lost (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

choggie says...

ok up a notch....
If someone "creates" a play list on youtube, which is not necessarily a sum of like parts, meaning it is created to convey another altogether, for instance, any number of the players I have made here which carry a this one>

or any other number of similar ones I have flown and crashed or landed, why would this not be similar to a "self link"..?

To all you folks who are dead set on "refining" the sift by adding new rules....
As certain users hold hostage the freedom here to be and do as one pleases within' the framework(these idiots bug the fuck outta me-still love ya, welcome back, now sit down and shut the fuck up) the "quality" of this place as it grows, becomes appealing only to those who need little more than some beer-bongs, a chorus of flatulence, or a window overlooking the basest of the human experience.....or you have some holier than thou agenda to teach the world of which you don'y know a goddamn thing-esp. you political tire-kickers and fans, and ya goddamn, blessed atheists.....(But we here at VS are working to keep your personal take on what you think the world should be doing according to your programming, in a tiny little box. At least that guy choggie is.....
a better "put to all", is how much time is there in the world, before this place and her users, take this place to the next level, and make dag and lucky, and all of us rich and famous????Hmmmmm?

You whiners need to shut the fuck up....and leave me alone to tweak this place as I see fit-

oh, forgot to say please.
please, there.Peace....

flexing the downvote
flexing the discard
flexing whatever power I choose in my arsenal, when and how I see fit, for the edification of all, to the sorrow of but a passing few-

How it all ends

jwray says...

>> ^choggie:
The real kicker is, alternatives to oil used for anything but a lubricant, have been here for some time, kept under lock and key by our puppet, clean, non-wind and non-solar.

What exactly are those alternatives being kept away from us by conspiracy of the elite?

Pup Punt!

Uwe Boll Will Quit Making Movies with One Million Signatures (Cinema Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

From the petition:
"Germany gives birth to a new monster, Uwe Boll's films are so bad they make the Holocaust seem trivial by comparison, and has the potential to cause more harm. This man is a black hole on the world's economy and every person's career who works with him. There is a good chance that watching any of his films may render you sterile or give you cancer, the kicker being that the disease that you are 90% certain to get won't even have the decency to kill you before the end of the movie. I would be more than willing to sign his death warrant, but this will have to suffice for now."

Students Visit Creation Museum

Shepppard says...

>> ^shuac:
Well, in reference to the fellow with the gray goatee, name-calling is the wrong approach. I've always based my atheism on the following two things:
1) There are a hundred ancient gods which have all been discarded: Thor, Zeus, Isis, Apollo, Osirus, et al. Why?

There's also other religions that are all but forgotten now, too. Zoroastrianism for example. Zoroaster was the first man to (allegedly)go out in to the desert and get the idea for "One god, One devil" who would do battle for however many years, 12,000 I believe it was. Zoroaster was born of a virgin mother, started his own religion (Zoroastrianism) and was a man with long brown hair, and a beard. Basically the modern interpretation of Jesus.

The kicker is, Zoroaster was born first. Then in the timeline of religions, Buddha was the next to be born, again of a virgin mother, started his own religion after getting some spiritual beliefs.

Then came Christianity. with its virgin birth..again.. with a son who had his own beliefs, again.

It's basically stories like these, that make it hard for me to believe in any religion. I'm not an athiest, more agnostic then anything. But i'm still a firm believer in evolution, and this museum is just a sick way of trying to warp the minds of younger children.

That entire room without god, all i was able to make out for the most part was
a bunch of magazines with "Gay" in the title.

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