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"Un-tooned" Jessica Rabbit by Pixeloo

'Beowulf' uncensored internet trailer, now with extra nudity

choggie says...

soooo many other acktesses that ain't all skinny and flaked-out....besides-In beowolf daze, chicks hygiene was more you say....feral-if Jolie had to sleep outdoors or go w/o her AM croissant or her botox appt., she'd nut.

'Beowulf' uncensored internet trailer, now with extra nudity

The Shocking Truth About Printer Ink (and Beowulf chat)

Krupo says...

Effective vid - actually made me check out their site, but...

>> ^QuadraPixel:
AHH HA HA! Take this video with a grain of salt. For my printer, to get the ink for their website would cost about $4 more than getting it at the camera store I work at! Yes! A camera store, not an office supply store! (though, officemax has it at about the same price I do)
This video is just an advertisement for their website, and they want you to think it's the cheapest place to get ink.

Agreed - I went with a local shop for my printer's refill, and IIRC, it was about $10 cheaper than the store.

Oh, and then check out ebay - DEALS!

>> ^kronosposeidon:
Any of you see that God-awful piece of shit "Beowulf"? The only redeeming part of the movie was when Angelina Jolie emerged from water, fully naked, with gold paint (ink) covering most of her body and apparently (to me) oozing from her delta of Venus.
That is why ink is worth every penny.

I didn't stay in the theatre long enough to even see that. At least I got my money back.

blankfist (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Your answer awaits, your ass gravy-ness.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Any of you see that God-awful piece of shit "Beowulf"? The only redeeming part of the movie was when Angelina Jolie emerged from water, fully naked, with gold paint (ink) covering most of her body and apparently (to me) oozing from her delta of Venus.

That is why ink is worth every penny.

Whoa! Whoa! Serious?! I fucking love, LOVE that movie. What? How? Krono-- You-- Whoa... Beowu-- Oh, man I--

[regains composure]

Would you mind explaining to the rest of the class why you dislike this movie so?

The Shocking Truth About Printer Ink (and Beowulf chat)

kronosposeidon says...

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^kronosposeidon:
Any of you see that God-awful piece of shit "Beowulf"?

Whoa! Whoa! Serious?! I fucking love, LOVE that movie. What? How? Krono-- You-- Whoa... Beowu-- Oh, man I--
[regains composure]
Would you mind explaining to the rest of the class why you dislike this movie so?


Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. Let me put it like this: I had REALLY high hopes for this film, because it's a great story being told by a great director. But then Zemeckis decides to add this cheesy CGI animation layer on top of everything. Don't get me wrong; I like CGI when it's used appropriately, but why did he have to use it on everything, even the bodies and faces of the real-life actors? It was totally distracting to me. I thought I was watching a violent version of "Shrek".

Also it didn't help that every third sentence by Beowulf was "I am BEOWULF!" And why did they even need John Malkovich for such a puny role? I hate it when they put great actors in tiny roles that could have gone to an up and coming actor instead.

However, after factoring in the Angelina Jolie nudity I gave it a 9.99999999 out of 10.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Any of you see that God-awful piece of shit "Beowulf"? The only redeeming part of the movie was when Angelina Jolie emerged from water, fully naked, with gold paint (ink) covering most of her body and apparently (to me) oozing from her delta of Venus.

That is why ink is worth every penny.

Whoa! Whoa! Serious?! I fucking love, LOVE that movie. What? How? Krono-- You-- Whoa... Beowu-- Oh, man I--

[regains composure]

Would you mind explaining to the rest of the class why you dislike this movie so?

The Shocking Truth About Printer Ink (and Beowulf chat)

kronosposeidon says...

Any of you see that God-awful piece of shit "Beowulf"? The only redeeming part of the movie was when Angelina Jolie emerged from water, fully naked, with gold paint (ink) covering most of her body and apparently (to me) oozing from her delta of Venus.

That is why ink is worth every penny.

'Wanted' Trailer #2 - Bends your puny laws of physics

my15minutes (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

If your female boss is REALLY busy, don't be surprised if...

Wanted - trailer

Will Ron Paul Be Excluded from Iowa Debates? (Politics Talk Post)

choggie says...

"Bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., must be challenged where it occurs."

*check mirror

Assumed or otherwise, i know the type of speech that ruffles feathers and inflames, it can be found in degrees of tone and duration...shit like this..
"ust as the 'n word' degrades all black people, yadda yadda, the language used was to transmit a sentiment, rather than what many number of those reading decided to filter it with...

what is sexist, homophobic, or rascist, is not contained, in semantics, it is perceived as it will be-

"The enn word", as it is so recently driven into the minds of media sponges, is cowardly newspeak, designed to assist in race baiting giving those sensitive to words for the sake of words, some form of superiority, or a reason to move forward with some premeditated bullshit agenda, or a sense of false sensibilities never really developed healthily during childhood and adolescence. If the word nigger, printed in context, as it is here, to explain or make a certain point, "offends the sensibilities of all black people", then perhaps that that's simply a retarded proposition, based in emotion and ego.

Is there a manual somewhere describing sexist language, cause I love reference books??? Ask a brit what he is thinking, when he calls some woman a cunt, or her brother....Man get a grip, if I wanna call Angelina Jolie, a crazy bitch, she has only to look at the face she shows the world, or respond to some of my letters.....was that a "sexist" comment???

Hillary Clinton is so far out of touch with what people in America think they want, and so much more than a normal human being.....follow her snail-trail, and find the thing behind the thing....or join her goddamn bandwagon, it won't matter either way-what started my input, was the sentiment of the post-That there may be some nefarious energy, being used against Ron Paul-Like they will let him be president??!! Get Real! He's not in the "In" crowd.....

2007 TED Prize Winner Bill Clinton

legacy0100 says...

This is my second TED viewing in VideoSift, and I gotta say I have absolutely no clue as to what innovative idea they're awarding. They usually just award people who does the most charitable work in 3rd world countries. Why not call it 'defender of the the poor award' instead of putting words in like innovation, technology etc etc if their main focus isn't about technology?

Description of TED award is misleading, is what I'm saying.

And the TED award also tends to be favoring extreme 'hippism'. I believe TED prize community is a very liberal and elitist community that talks about well meaning ideas that are bit far fetched for your regular average American means. I mean, the wealth gap is spreading, we have less and less jobs available, we've just been cheated by the democratic elections in our own nation, and yet you ask normal Americans to do their part to save the bugs, save the environment, save the orphans, save the sick and save the hungry??

This only can be achieved when regular people has the means to donate money and the time to spare. For a former president who has nothing to do but meet famous people and regularly give lectures to giant crowds, maybe. Not for us regular Joes.

Now, I'm far from being a Republican, and I like former President Clinton. But whatever he's saying up there really doesn't make any realistic sense.And TED prize community is heavily catered to pro-extreme liberal ideals, and is willing to nominate anyone with these non-realistic 'dreams'.

It's times like this I understand why Republicans hate us Democrats so much. We really sound downright retarded sometimes. I'm beginning to think Clinton's got too many pro-liberal people around him always telling him how great a president he was and stuff, and that finally got to his head. He sounds like goddamn Hollywood movie stars (*cough Madonna *cough Angelina Jolie *cough*) hopped up in fairytale land.

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