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Hackers ( 1995 ) Trailer

Hackers (Blog Entry by 10444)

lucky760 says...

Love this movie, seen it many times. Especially because of the young Angelina Jolie with some actual meat on her bones (she's much, much more attractive that way). I remember before she was who she is now when I first saw her and was like "WHOA! That's the chick from Hackers!"

The only thing that bothered me, that would bother any computer person I'd imagine, is when they're hacking they hack via a bunch of goofy graphics floating around. And yeah, very funny about the "Whoa, this has a 28 dot 8 bps modem and 16 million colors???!!!"

Can't wait for the day we look back and laugh at a quad core at 4 Ghz with 4 gigs of ram.

Unemployed Skeletor on the Show Floor of Comic-Con 2008

Start Spreadin' the *NEWS (News Talk Post)

Ahmadinejad on the History of Israel and Threats of Force

thinker247 says...

I agree with him completely about the audacity of the US being a permanent member of the UN Security Council. The task of that organization is to keep world peace, and we go around bombing the fuck out of everybody we don't like. Before they even attack us!

And I agree that it represents his beliefs more than any blurb you'll see in the States. You can tell it's not from American television because there's no ticker on the bottom of the screen talking about Angelina Jolie's babies.

>> ^NetRunner:
Interesting, and definitely more information there about Iran's public stance on both Israel and America than you'll ever find in the news here.
Sounded like echoes of Bush from the other side. Remind people of the open wounds about Israel, then deftly tie it to America's genesis, and then rally on about America's crimes to get the more reasonable non-US governments out there going, and then call for us to lose our seat on the Security Council.
Kinda neat to see him essentially openly discuss the possibility of Iran having nuclear weapons. I'm surprised that's not on an endless loop in our own local propaganda outlets.

Leatherface At The Laundrette

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'leatherface, chainsaw, massacre, laundry, laundrette' to 'leatherface, chainsaw, massacre, laundry, laundrette, trigger, happy, dom, joly' - edited by Zonbie

Will Smith on Colbert

legacy0100 says...

Though I personally don't like Will Smith and way he carries himself. He deserves to be successful after all those years of trying and trying and trying.

Angelina Jolie, Scarlet Johansson, etc etc have all became big stars after years of mediocrity but always working, and landing parts big or small.

Wanted (FULL MOVIE) Free.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Angelina Jolie Wanted Morgan Freeman Common filmmaker reel interview tr' to 'banned, redacted' - edited by Zifnab

Television: Where minds go to die

Chick Gets Revenge On Construction Workers

Damn you, Angelina Jolie!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Angelina Jolie, Tomb Raider, remixed trailer, jolie doctrine' to 'Angelina Jolie, Tomb Raider, remixed trailer, jolie doctrine, womb raider' - edited by MarineGunrock

"Un-tooned" Jessica Rabbit by Pixeloo

critttter says...

I’m sorry, I’ve done some research and I have since learned that cartoon Jessica Rabbit can ONLY be morphed in Photoshop from Angelina Jolie. Otherwise the ’I-finally-control-Angelina’ plug in won’t update for CS3, and you get liquefy filter all over the place. I didn’t mean to imply that you all were behaving like a 1950’s Japanese camera club that hires naked female models to help them improve their ‘photography skills’.
My mistake.

schmawy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I think your avatar came out pretty good.

And I noticed DFT also promoted another of his videos. Damn, Cap seems to be getting more popular, even though he's gone.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Hehe. Jessica would be good but I really just wanted to draw kitty nipples so I went with a cherub. That's wrong, is it? Hasty, not my best.

I wish the Cap had discards, but it's empty. I saw DFT500promoted one too.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Well, it may not be Jessica Jolie, but the new avatar still works for me. And I was just going to just a new theme for you if you were temporarily out of ideas. Let's just say it's military-based.

BTW, thanks for promoting one of Matt's videos. I appreciate it, and I know he does too. I miss that kid. I miss his sincerity. I'm always a wise ass, so I could stand to learn a little something from him, one of the "damn kids" that have no manners these days. Thanks buddy.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Hehe. Jessica would be good but I really just wanted to draw kitty nipples so I went with a cherub. That's wrong, is it? Hasty, not my best.

I wish the Cap had discards, but it's empty. I saw DFT500 promoted one too.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Well, it may not be Jessica Jolie, but the new avatar still works for me. And I was just going to just a new theme for you if you were temporarily out of ideas. Let's just say it's military-based.

BTW, thanks for promoting one of Matt's videos. I appreciate it, and I know he does too. I miss that kid. I miss his sincerity. I'm always a wise ass, so I could stand to learn a little something from him, one of the "damn kids" that have no manners these days. Thanks buddy.

schmawy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Well, it may not be Jessica Jolie, but the new avatar still works for me. And I was just going to just a new theme for you if you were temporarily out of ideas. Let's just say it's military-based.

BTW, thanks for promoting one of Matt's videos. I appreciate it, and I know he does too. I miss that kid. I miss his sincerity. I'm always a wise ass, so I could stand to learn a little something from him, one of the "damn kids" that have no manners these days. Thanks buddy.

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