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A Perfect Circle - Imagine

A Perfect Circle - Imagine

GreatBird says...

Well, I've never been one to shy away from blasphemy, but I see your point. The original John Lennon was one of my favorite songs when I was a kid. I was also much more innocent then, and I think that song fit me well. Today, however, I am a little more jaded and this version seems to fit our times more then the optimistic revolutionary spirit of the late 60s. It is supposed to be a depressing and creepy version of this song.

castles (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock says...

Thanks for the info.

In reply to this comment by castles:
"The Holy Mountain" was a surrealist film from the 70's that was partly funded by John Lennon and Yoko Ono and single handedly started the midnight movie phenomenon in the United States. The trailer really isn't the best representation of the movie, but a lot of the unbelievable imagery in it still carries over.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
*nochannel *terrible *wtf *obscure *cinema *vintage

What the fuck was going on there? Anybody ever seen, nay HEARD of this?

Holy Mountain 1973 Original Trailer

castles says...

"The Holy Mountain" was a surrealist film from the 70's that was partly funded by John Lennon and Yoko Ono and single handedly started the midnight movie phenomenon in the United States. The trailer really isn't the best representation of the movie, but a lot of the unbelievable imagery in it still carries over.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

castles says...

"The Holy Mountain" was a surrealist film from the 70's that was partly funded by John Lennon and Yoko Ono and single handedly started the midnight movie phenomenon in the United States. The trailer really isn't the best representation of the movie, but a lot of the unbelievable imagery in it still carries over.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
*nochannel *terrible *wtf *obscure *cinema *vintage

What the fuck was going on there? Anybody ever seen, nay HEARD of this?


dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

This comment from the youtube post is interesting:

peepff: The legend says that the promoters got in touch with John Lennon and asked if he could deliver the Beatles. He said no, but he'd come with the Plastic Ono Band, and they refused!! F-ing unreal; if true, Chip Monck should be beaten with a stick.

published posts discrepancy (Sift Talk Post)

pipp3355 says...

em.. i think i just figured out something rather silly..

so, the user profile published posts INCLUDES posts to sift talk, right?

and the member ranking page doesn't?

therefore, me= wrong, siftbot = right

hmppfh. and there i was getting all excited about being able to *promote some obscure bob dylan / john lennon vid..

The History of the F Word - Pretty F**cking Funny

choggie says...

Wish ida made sentiments exactly.....
"What the fuck was that?" Mayor of Hiroshima

"Thats not a real fucking gun." John Lennon

"Who's gonna fucking find out?" Richard Nixon

"Heads are going to fucking roll." Anne Boleyn

"What fucking map?" Mark Thatcher

"Any fucking idiot could understand that."Albert Einstein

"It does so fucking look like her!" Picasso

"How the fuck did you work that out?" Pythagoras

"You want what on the fucking ceiling?" Michaelangelo

"Fuck a duck." Walt Disney

"Why?- Because its fucking there!" Edmund Hilary

"I don't suppose its gonna fucking rain?" Joan of Arc

"Scattered fucking showers my ass." Noah

"Let the fucking woman drive."
Commander of Space Shuttle "Challenger"

"Where did all these fucking Indians come from?"
General Custer

"Where the fuck is all this water coming from?"
Captain of the Titanic

"I need this parade like I need a fucking hole in my head."
John F. Kennedy

Kimmel Takes On Gawker Stalker

Insolent1 says...

You all need to get off jimmy kimmel's fat nuts. I don't know how he can be so out of touch with the discussion considering his show is all about celebrities and occasionally internet material, but saying something like, "I don't know why anyone would purchase advertising space off a website" appraises his expertise on the subject. Emily Gould seems to be a lot more aware of the legal ramifications and mentions that celebrities are not entitled to the same degree of privacy as non-celebrities. Tack on the fact that anyone can upload a cellphone video of you onto youtube whenever they feel like it, or say anything about you personally that they want and it should come as no surprise that this tool exists. Fat fuck Kimmel, not an actual comedian, is butt-hurt that he was said to be noticeably intoxicated, when considering his attitude, it's not that far-fetched he is intoxicated at any given point. I guess he's so insecure that he needs the gawker audience's approval. Maybe the big baby should sue the weekly world news for convincing his children that a bat-boy will eat them.

Let's not forget about this small, and shrinking, thing called freedom of speech, or the fact that celebrities know the risks (and rewards) of being in the public eye. Just because of the remote possibility that there is a mentally unstable individual who could go to every sighting of a specific celebrity that they have a grudge against and eventually one will be close enough that they could find that celebrity and of their own will commit a crime, you call her immoral and without conscience? I'm sorry, this service is not provided just by her but by the thousands of people who submit sightings, and if one crazy nut-job works up the motivation to do some harm to a celebrity, they would probably find a way to do it with or without the 'Gawker Stalker.' No, wait, you scared little children were right, John Lennon was killed by gawker.

Grow up, get a brain, re-evaluate your laundry list of 'fundamental rights' which you retarded hypocrites regularly violate and when you finally see the light, go towards it so we don't have to deal with you anymore.

Kimmel Takes On Gawker Stalker

k8_fan says...

Sadly, no one mentioned all the celebrities who have already been murdered, like John Lennon. They let her off the hook on the real time thing. If a given beautiful actress is spotted going into a theater to see a particular film, that and it gets posted in 15 minutes, that give John Q. Stalker more than an hour to get there and find a good spot.

This girl is a drooling idiot. She obviously has not a clue what the word "journalism" or any concept of fundamental rights.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Cry Baby Cry

Growth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Fiona Apple - Across The Universe

Goofball_Jones says...

From the movie "Pleasentville". This video was also directed by Apple's then-boyfrien Paul Thomas Anderson. Also check out the cameo of John C. Reilly at the end of the video stealing records out of the juke-box.

This has to be one of my favorite Beatles covers. Apple nails this one. Also, the tags should be changed from just John Lennon to The Beatles as this was a Beatles song and not a solo Lennon song...even though Lennon wrote and preformed it by himself on "Let it Be", it's still a Beatles song.

The Beatles - First Ed Sullivan Appearance

The Beatles- Free as a Bird.

Farhad2000 says...

Wait a minute, wasn't this made for the Beatles Anthology? If I recall correctly these were just takes of songs that they never completed as a group that got the final mix laid down and published. Okay I just checked Wiki:

"All of the then-surviving Beatles members filmed new interviews to add to older interviews with John Lennon, who was murdered by Mark David Chapman in 1980. The first episode ended with a promotional video for the brand new Beatles track, "Free as a Bird", created from an archive Lennon recording supplied by his widow Yoko Ono."

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