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Wallpaper (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Wallpaper (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Wallpaper (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Google Wallet Commercial with George Costanza

Kulpims' infamous "Riding Strawberry Fields in SG"

Zero Punctuation: Bastion and From Dust

The Clash - London's Burning

ulysses1904 says...

Indeed long live the Clash. My #1 music muse will always be Joe Strummer, followed by Lennon and McCartney. I was playing Supertramp's 8 minute long dirges on the piano back in 1980 until I heard London Calling and it totally energized me.

I saw the Clash at the infamous Bonds shows in June 1981 in Times Square, with Topper on drums. Hard to believe that was 30 years ago.

College Graduates use Sugar Daddies To Pay Off Debt

Porksandwich says...

Oh you don't like how they try to use personality tests, GPA, and the infamous "career day" to help kids decide? I'm still not sure what I could stand to do for the rest of my life, and that's mainly because everything they tried to tell me was not helpful and everything you look into is not what people claim it to be.

Which I view as a failing of colleges, since young people are paying money to go into things they only have a very vague notion of and unless their parents or a close relative do the job, no one is going to provide them with straight answers in a vast majority of the time. Assuming they even consider what careers to ask about or what questions to ask about said careers.

I hold it up as proof that colleges at this time are there to get people in and out of programs while milking them for as much as possible, but don't actually take the time to evaluate that their programs provide the building blocks the student would need to follow the job path they THINK they want. The colleges don't care if the students presumptions are wrong.

I also view elementary to high school as bypassing a lot of common knowledge, common sense, life skills, etc things kids should learn. Like electric safety and basic repairs, basic automotive/mechanic/tool usage, cooking/laundry basics, and probably the most important of all nutrition and exercise. You see people on the news having heatstroke and everything else because they don't drink enough fluids or don't realize that not sweating is a really bad thing. Plus proper stretching and all that. I mean I remember them having wood working classes, and it didn't even focus on things you might actually run into that you could repair on your own without having some major equipment.

Education is great, but too many people come out of high school and college with a lot of knowledge, no applicable skills to a field, and almost no rudimentary skills to speak of. And this isn't saying they should be trained for jobs, this is saying they have enough of a common life skill set that they can at least somewhat measure what is required in positions. Right now, everyone claims they can do everything and they really know very little.

But Im with you there on the TNG DNA job matching.....wish we had it. No politics, nepotism, and what not to throw a wrench into everything.

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^chilaxe:
@NetRunner 'everyone who qualifies for college should go for free.'
Just what we need, more lazy, talentless graduates with a heart-warming "culture studies" or "environmental studies" degree working for minimum wage at Starbucks.
I have too many friends to count who got useless college degrees and now, ten years later, are still doing nothing with their lives.

So free choice didn't make people lead full and productive lives? Imagine that.
Snark aside, I don't really see why more scholarships would change things. I'm not talking about making college compulsory, I'm talking about taking monetary cost out of the equation when discussing whether you go or not.
Remember that episode of ST:TNG where all the kids on the Enterprise got kidnapped by an alien race, and they did tests on their DNA, and then told them what their career would be and immediately put them to work? They were fun professions too, like musician, sculptor, engineer, etc.
I sometimes think I would've personally preferred that to having to figure out in my teenage years what kind of career would appeal to me, acquire the skills and training required by that career, and then find a job. It seems like our education system should expend a greater effort on that, rather than just presenting kids with ever-larger menus of classes to take and degrees to earn.


ant says...

Another perspective: -- "William Shatner gets the crowd exited at the San Diego Comicon 2011 with the infamous shout from Star Trek 2. Here "KHAN!" is screamed and the crowd goes wild! Here, Scott Bakula, Avery Brooks join William Shatner for a panel on the release of their movie premiere called 'The Captains.'" --

critttter (Member Profile)

The Sean Bean Death Reel

poolcleaner says...

Also, it's important to check out the Youtube comments and the video uploader's description. If you did that, you'd know his non-dying performances outweigh his dying performances. Someone did all that work and now you don't need to:

Airborne - bye bye Toombs
Caravaggio - Rannuccio gets his throat slashed
Clarissa - Lovelace is skewered by Sean Pertwee
Don't Say a Word - Patrick Koster is buried alive
Equilibrium - Death by Poetry - Partridge is blasted away by Christian Bale while reading Yeats
Essex Boys - Jason Locke meets a nasty end in a Range Rover
Far North - Loki is frozen. Naked. In the snow. A chilling end if there ever was one.
The Field - the infamous Death by Cow - Tadgh falls over a cliff, pursued by a herd of stampeding cows
GoldenEye - Alec Trevelyan falls a long way down and is crushed by a satellite dish thing
Henry VIII - Robert Aske meets a gruesome end
The Island - Death by Clone. Merrick is shot in the throat by a nasty grabber thingy with a sharp
hook and a cable that gets wrapped around his neck, and while he's struggling with Lincoln
Six-Echo, the catwalk they're on collapses, and Merrick ends up dangling by the neck. Currently
the most creative dispatch of Sean's career. Definitely well hung.
The Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King) - Death
by Orc. Boromir. Arrows. Need I say more?
Lorna Doone - Carver Doone drowns
Outlaw - Dead Dead Dead. Was there ever any question? Dead.
Patriot Games - Sean Miller is beaten up, boathooked and finally blown up by Harrison Ford
Scarlett - Lord Fenton is dispatched
Tell Me That You Love Me - Gabriel Lewis is stabbed by Laura. Or he stabs himself. We're not
quite sure about this one, actually.
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion - Death by summoning a god's avatar. Martin Septim (the son of the Emperor, aka The Lost Heir) meets his X-Box end when he attempts to save the world.
The Hitcher - Surely you jest. You need to ask? (There were two different versions filmed. He dies
in both of them.)
War Requiem - The German Soldier dies, but returns in the afterlife

(Leo Tolstoy's) Anna Karenina
A Woman's Guide to Adultery
The Big Empty
The Bill
Black Beauty
Bravo Two Zero
Exploits at West Poley
Extremely Dangerous
The Fifteen Streets
Fool's Gold
How to Get Ahead in Advertising
In the Border Country
Inspector Morse: Absolute Conviction
Lady Chatterley
The Loser
My Kingdom for a Horse
National Treasure (But only because of a rewrite. In an early version
of the the script Ian Howe got eaten by alligators in the subways of
New York. Really. Honest. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't.)
North Country
Percy Jackson (Zeus is more or less an immortal so death seems a bit
redundant, really...)
The Practice
Samson & Delilah
Sharpe (14 films)
Sharpe's Challenge
Silent Hill
Small Zones
Stormy Monday
Tom & Thomas
The Canterbury Tales - The Nun's Priest's Tale
The Dark
The True Bride
The Vicar of Dibley
When Saturday Comes
Winter Flight

Major Theatrical Performances:
Macbeth ... Yes. He dies. And gets his head impaled on a spike.
Romeo & Juliet... What do you think?
Fair Maid of the West ... Spencer doesn't die!

That Guy that Buzz Aldrin Punched? Bible Thumper, too!

bareboards2 says...

Original 47 second vid, with lead-in title cards and timeshift footage

Here's Wiki's coverage of this event:

"Most astronauts have refused to grant him interviews. The most infamous incident involved Apollo 11 crew member Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon. According to Aldrin, he was lured to a Beverly Hills hotel under the pretext of an interview on space for a Japanese children's television show. When he arrived, Aldrin claims Sibrel was there demanding that he swear on a Bible that he had walked on the moon.

When Aldrin refused, Sibrel called him a "coward", a "liar", and a "thief".[1] An exasperated Aldrin punched Sibrel in the jaw, which was recorded. Sibrel later attempted to use the tape to convince police and prosecutors that he was the victim of an assault. However, it was decided that Aldrin had been provoked, and (based on Sibrel's unfazed, nearly instant reaction to his camera man) did not actually injure Sibrel, and no charges were filed. Many talk show hosts aired the clip, making Sibrel the butt of jokes.[2] Sibrel said later that he wrote a letter of apology to Aldrin."

Zero Punctuation: Infamous 2

NetRunner says...

I was surprised at how good the ending(s) were. I'm sorta curious if they're planning on making an Infamous 3 though, given what that final moral choice is...

We're ban happy on the Sift and it sucks (Blog Entry by blankfist)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Not only was his comment egregious, it was also abominable, atrocious, awful, base, beastly, beneath contempt, conspicuous, contemptible, crass, deplorable, despicable, detestable, dire, disgusting, dreadful, excessive, extreme, fetid, filthy, flagrant, foul, glaring, grievous, gross, hateful, heinous, horrible, horrid, hyperbolic, incontinent, infamous, inordinate, intemperate, intolerable, lamentable, loathsome, lousy, marked, monstrous, nasty, nefarious, noisome, notorious, obnoxious, odious, of mark, offensive, out of bounds, outrageous, pitiable, pitiful, regrettable, reprehensible, repulsive, rotten, sad, scandalous, scurvy, shameful, shocking, shoddy, sordid, terrible, unconscionable, undue, unmitigated, unqualified, unreasonable, vile, villainous, woeful, worthless and wretched. >> ^blankfist:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
burdturgler had every right to pull out the ban hammer. That statement is disgusting and has no place on this site, let alone this decade. Who still says shit like that? It's 2011 for Cthulhu's sake.
Also, @blankfist, do you really not see the difference between "nigger" and "cracker"? I sense you do, but if not, I'd be more than happy to elaborate. Also, trying to make this into some kind of political argument is beyond lame. Shame on you. You should know better.

Whatever, selfrighteousfuturetoday. What he said wasn't that egregious. And certainly not worth a ban. I stand by that.

Zero Punctuation: Infamous 2

mizila says...

>> ^rottenseed:

Interesting how many of us are compelled to be "good guys" to begin with.

Honestly, despite my clever avatar, I have a really hard time playing the bad guy in video games. So for me, "good guy" from the beginning every time.

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