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Saturday morning cartoons taught you collectivism! (Politics Talk Post)

Drax says...

Same as Dystopian, I loved D&D at the time, but found the cartoon to be weak. I never really got into any Saturday morning stuff. Robotech was like a drug to me.

My favorite fictional shows over time have been:
The 80's Twiligh Zones (first two seasons)
Max Headroom
The Indiana Jones Chronicles - The teen years with the WWI stuff, not the little kid episodes.
(Indiana Jones was actually a real eye opener with an episode that had a character talking about how war equates to profits. Another episode going on about the philosophy of how the average person would never murder anyone, but put them in an army and they'll do it out of a sense of duty)
Red Dwarf
Babylon 5

For the most part I believe those shows where attempts to make good television for the sake of good television. I notice 24 has the occasional right or left wing issue thrown in, but it's rather passive.

REAALLY DUMB Indiana Jones "nuclear explosion fridge" scene!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'dumbfoundingly silly, indiana jones, indy, nuclear explosion, fridge, harrison ford' to 'dumbfoundingly silly, indy, nuclear explosion, test, doorstep, fridge, harrison ford' - edited by calvados

Colbert Being a Genius

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1951) Trailer

The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik Yak

Disney buys Marvel for 4 Billion (Wtf Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Wow, does that mean we can expect to see a whole new merchandise direction when we go to Disneyland?

They already control ABC Studios & ESPN,
Remember Disney also bought The Muppets, Club Penguin and Pixar.
They also have Power Rangers and Nightmare before Christmas.
Not to mention the theme park rights to both Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

That's just off the top of my head but I am sure there are more...

A bit more I just looked up:

Buena Vista International
Touchstone Pictures
Miramax Films
Hollywood Pictures
Dimension Films
Hulu (27%)
BVS Entertainment - formerly Saban Entertainment (MapleTown, DragonBallZ, PowerRangers, Digimon, Beetleborgs & Much Much More

37.5% Interest in
History Channel
Military Channel
Crime & Investigation Channel

So much more, I can't list them all... Go Here

Pasadena Jones and the Satire of Doom

So why's everyone down on the Matrix trilogy? (Scifi Talk Post)

Drax says...

For me parts of the sequels seemed very poorly executed. Compounding that was it was impossible to tell in advance after only seeing the second movie. For instance the Merovingian seemed like such an interesting and mysterious character in the second film, but he amounted to nothing interesting by the end of the third.

Mentions of ghosts and vampires (or was it werewolves) by the oracle, having no real part to play in the movies.

Persephone's just one kiss scene in part 2, it seemed like such a pivotal and dramatic scene yet it didn't amount to anything really.

There's just all these elements.. especially in the second movie that don't play out. That goes for the conclusion of the series itself.

Then came the ultimate answer to all of this.. the MMO that was made in corelation with the developers of the film. The Merovingian becomes a faction in the game. I believe the whole ghosts and werewolves thing becomes relevant in the game (I haven't played it). The resetting of the world.. well.. you need that in place if you want to have a game taking place in the world. I seriously think it's their plans for the MMO that weakened the over all plot of Matrix 2 and 3, though part 2 is a VERY fun action movie.

Another big element... there's barely any gun fights in the sequels. I know The One has no use for guns, nor are they effective against him, but come on... they could have had one mega gun fight somewhere in the story. There's a short shoot out in the third movie at least, that's actually one of it's redeeming qualities for me.

The other point someone made about the part 2 and 3 answering so many questions about the world is relevant too. They also seriously fucked up the setting when Neo used his powers outside of the matrix. That's when the tightly constructed universe of the first became a notch closer to a generic super-hero movie.

...nothing in the Matrix movies is as bad as what Indiana Jones 4 did for THAT series however. /derail >.<

Top 10 dumbest Indiana Jones moments

RedSky says...

Only thing I really agree with is the tank going over the cliff. It was sloppy of them to have framed it so you can see what's happening and then basically backtrack from that. The rest he's being picky, Indiana Jones was never meant to be realistic or plausible and a little bit of slapstick doesn't hurt an action comedy, the movies weren't exactly ever known for their highbrow humour.

Oh and yeah 7 was awesome.

Top 10 dumbest Indiana Jones moments

Top 10 dumbest Indiana Jones moments

Lithic says...

This list is bollox, the aliens didn't even make the cut?! Plus I felt a lot of those were just normal Indiana Jones stuff. I admit the raft out of the plane bugs me too, and the fridge seems a bit far fetched, even for Indy, but that's about it.

Top 10 dumbest Indiana Jones moments

Movie Preview Critic's Indiana Jones & The Top 10 Moments


Indiana Jones IV's Behind the Scenes For Ant Scenes

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