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Walmart on strike

My_design says...

Wow, the "free thinkers" lash out.
Not a corporate shill, but work in a corporate environment. Not saying that corporate actions are always right, but you guys only ever want to tear down, and never propose how to fix it. Your own hatred blinds you to reality.
So F_ck Walmart, F_ck Target, F_ck Coke and Pepsi and all the other companies that make "ridiculous" profits at the expense of consumers and employees. Stop buying their crap, form a commune and move to the hills. Consumerism and free market are screwing up the country/planet right? So let's seize corporate profits, block them at every angle and get us back to the good old days, you know before Carnegie, Ford, JP Morgan, and Rockefeller. Hell before Edison while we're at it. Oh wait there has always been corporations doing business in the US. Oh well, enjoy your new life with the Amish.

No options for jobs?
Here's a 160 pages of options just for the 50 miles around Chicago:
There are always options. We tend to forget that just 50 years ago people were subsistence farming, living with 3 generations in a household, working 2 jobs, and no health insurance. Hell in some places that is still going on. But now we complain and strike because the manager bullies us and causes unnecessary stress (0:22) If that is really the case, then document it. It is called contributing to a hostile work environment and is covered under the sexual harassment laws in the US.

"Because I'm tired of working at a company where workers get cheated and cheaters get rewarded" What? Umm that would be a class action lawsuit like the ones that hit Walmart in the past.

Crown For King Kulpims (Wings Talk Post)

Kim Jong-Il's Grandson Kim Han-Sol in Rare Interview

What are the French doing? Dancing!

Martin Bashir (MSNBC) Kicks GOP Talking Head Off

New Best Worst Song / Video contender! WTF!!?

North Korean Film Exposes Western Propaganda

Trancecoach says...

Yeh, sure, I don't disagree either. But you just don't see N. Korea pointing that discerning eye in their own direction. The cults of personality surrounding Kim Jung Il & Kim Il Sung beat the crap out of any shitty star worship MTV propagates. They just put a teenager in charge of their country because of what his father and grandfather did. Millions of N. Koreans die annually from not having enough to eat. They give any foreign visitor the 'Potemkin Village' treatment. Not to say the points made weren't credible, but showing the worse of American excess doesn't make that America. I don't watch any of the shit that video talked about and neither do you. We can turn it off.

Tony Robinson asks if bankers are human

ReverendTed says...

>> ^renatojj:

@vaire2ube tell you what, hand over the overwhelming power government gave to bankers to someone else, say farmers, workers, teachers, nuns, it doesn't matter, it will be abused eventually and social injustice will happen in a large scale. Will you be hating on nuns too for screwing up the country's finances?
Bravo, sir. I don't think I've seen a trainwreck that went off the rails as spectacularly as this little bit of (il)logical gymnastics.

Obama debates Ron Paul on Stossel's Show (excerpt)

Halden, the "World's Nicest Prison" -- What do you think?

hpqp says...

@braschlosan Thank you for sharing despite the emotional difficulty. The US system is indeed completely F'd up, I agree. I am speaking from the prospect of someone living in Switzerland, where prison life is quite comfortable and you have to do something really, really bad (e.g. rape will get you a few months, letting someone rape your girlfriend and then trying to get him to pay you for it will get you no punishment at all) to ever set foot there (most criminals get a fine that hardly any of them ever pay). I am all for rehabilitation, believe me, and it goes without saying that prisoners should be treated humanely. What I am saying is it should not only be reeducation, it should also be punishment. Just as one deprives one's kid from TV, games and or going out for a while as punishment for bad behaviour, while still encouraging them to be better.
Here in Switz you are encouraged to do apprenticeships in jail that are the equivalent of those everyone else does for a wide variety of professions; you can even work a job outside of prison if you are not considered dangerous (for the record, a man who stabbed another man + got a 14yo girl drunk to rape her was allowed this in his meagre 1 year sentence; just to show how lenient things are here).

I guess the misunderstanding is that my opinion is based on seeing Norway as far more similar to Switzerland than to the States. I have raged elsewhere on the Sift about how terrible the US prison system is, i.e. basically a dehumanizing slave market, but that is not what I am criticising here. I am simply saying that those who commit crimes (taking drugs or growing pot is not a crime imo btw, and here you hardly even get fined for it) should pay there dues to society while learning to be a productive/participating member thereof, instead of having society put them up in a luxury hotel at the expense of people who, despite their needs (yes, poor people exist in Europe too) refuse to take the easy way out, or give in to their baser impulses.

There is a political aspect to it too: when the taxpaying public continually reads about criminals getting off with little or no punishment, or being put in comfortable jails a few weeks before being let off to continue their thieving/raping/racketeering/etc, they tend to be more attracted to the conservative extremists. It particularly does not help that Travel People, Maghrebins, Africans and Eastern Europeans are over-represented in these areas, which fuels the xenophobic agenda of right-wing parties.

Okay, enough ranting from me. I am sorry if I upset you @braschlosan, I think it is mostly because of the misunderstanding concerning our different points of reference.

Man Calls JPMorgan Chase CEO A Crook To His Face

kevingrr says...


No doubt, the best deals get done. The two I have in mind as examples are either under construction or fully built. When you have firm tenant commitments with specific requirements there is money out there that will back the project. In one case an institutional investor partnered with the developer to fund the project. In the other the developers got cash from just about everywhere and anywhere they could to meet the equity requirement.

What happened in my market is a "flight to quality" or "flight to safety". Basically tenants and developers stopped looking at the green belt (developing outer edges) and started looking at the strongest parts of the local market. That means the CBD and established communities. These deals are harder, but they are safer. Thus the "easy" deals in the developing (speculative) communities ended.

The idea that there are a bunch of empty shopping malls isn't really true. Vacancy rates spiked several years ago yes, but since then the amount of new space to market (supply) has dropped.

When I recently surveyed four communities in Central, IL (Bloomington/Normal, Springfield, Decatur, & Champaign/Urbana) I found that there is very little available retail space. Same goes for the Chicago Loop.

I agree we need infrastructure investment but we also need let the market dictate where new construction is going to take place because each market is different. Location location location. If the fundamentals make sense we need to build.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Sagemind says...


I have a newly sifted vid that is most likely a dupe of yours, but I can't see yours because it is region blocked. I was about to dupe it but noticed yours had sub titles on the thumbnail so I wasn't sure. I'll dupe it if you want to use the unblocked version

Link to my unblocked version.


I'm So Ronery by Kim Jong Il - Team America: World Police

Team America: I'm So Ronery

Airbus A320 Low Visibility Landing in Zürich.

GeeSussFreeK says...

ILS approach charts usually tell you about stuff like that so you can be ready before hand. You can't be spooked by stuff like that and expect to land 40tons of airplane safely. For fearful fliers like myself, ILS landing chats are usually available online so you know exactly what kind of landing to expect...every turn, every decent. Also helps you know when you are on final or a holding pattern.

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