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If Michael Jackson was car

America's Best Playlist by The Onion

newtboy says...

If you notice, that “playlist” is all one single video, not a playlist of separate videos. Edit: I see it auto plays the next in the series after one ends though….hmmmmm.

The full playlist link is in the description, but isn’t the embed, is it?
I’ve never seen a VS post that listed a bunch of separate videos under one title that I recall.
What happens if you try to use the embed from the first in the series? Does it auto play the next?

Bidenomics failed - Next POTUS will be left holding the bag

newtboy says...

Not surprising, you know nothing, and your memory makes a gnat seem like Dave Farrow by comparison.

Edit: you would benefit from this….

The decline of jobs under the felon was due to his absolutely disastrous response to Covid, (not that he was doing great before, well under 1/2 what Biden produced even if you still ridiculously erase 3 million from Biden) first dismantling the agency that tracked diseases overseas allowing it to fester unnoticed, second his racist response by banning CHINESE people from traveling to America but not people who were in China, guaranteeing the virus would get here, then third ignoring it for months pretending it was a cold, guaranteeing a total American endemic that killed twice as many Americans as it should because of the felon’s terrible response, then his obvious distain for any public health measures and his idiot cultists following suit caused at least half the deaths we had and extended the endemic and shutdowns at least twice as long as if we had followed instructions, maybe 3 times as long…his own CDC said exactly that. Comparison with nations whose leaders LEAD proves it was worse than that, and not just Asian nations that culturally are predisposed to follow directions, NZ for instance was barely affected because they listened and locked down and masked up. Australia too.
Truth is he likely lost 4 million jobs, but 1 million of them died so never became unemployed.

Joe has created 5 times the jobs the felon lost, he recreated all 3 million he lost and 12 million more you idiot. I know you can’t possibly give him any credit for rescuing and invigorating the economy, but he did, amazingly well. You can discount the 3 million your guy lost if it makes you feel better, but he still produced another 12 million, more than all Republican administrations during our lifetime combined, and fixed the mess the felon left….sucker.

You have always been in complete denial of everything in reality, friendo. You said depression would hit by June 21. You said Pelosi wasn’t attacked by a MAGGOT. You said adult only pride events happen in front of children. You said police never shoot innocent victims and Ashley Babbit was shot by police for innocent behavior. Every single point you try to make is based in lies, and you know it. You never defend your lies, because you can’t, that’s why you constantly just disappear from a thread, only to start a new line of lies elsewhere.

You being a complete and utter imbecile, I can understand your inability to think, but I think it’s time to quit you. I will be requesting a siftquisition soon to remove your trolling from the site, you add nothing but lies and whining, and your racism is on full display with Harris as the candidate. I think we can be done.

What did you say? More lies. You never say anything but. Every word you write is dishonest twaddle at best, more often racist fascist lies. Every word I write is easily verifiable through multiple legitimate sources, not a single failure angrily vlogging from mommy’s basement. You lied and claimed the adult only event was happening in front of children. I have pointed out this lie a half dozen times. You continue to pretend you don’t know you lied, which is another lie. You can do nothing but lie. It is likely why your family won’t talk to you and I bet you are in trouble at work. It must be a miserable existence trying to keep all these lies alive at the cost of your humanity, all for a felon, charity thief, and child raping racist.

The Olympics opening that referenced Greek mythology but morons who can’t count or think think it referenced the last supper? Yep, no problem at all, only morons who create problems out of ignorance like you. If you want Sharia, move to Afghanistan and leave the west alone.

When are you going to lose your shit over the woman boxer who fought another woman? I know it outraged you, you are exactly that dumb.

bobknight33 said:

The decline of jobs under Trump were due to Covid hysteria and state and local governments illegally forced shutdowns, destroying jobs. Under Joe covid finally clears and big uptick in jobs as things open back up.

You are in denial of economic realities that are coming.

You being a leftest I can understand your foolish thinking.

"You gonna fess up to your pride event lies yet?"

What die I say? Oh yea I said the truth.

What about the Olympics opening ? You see no problem with that?

Bidenomics failed - Next POTUS will be left holding the bag

newtboy says...

You are so clueless you think 4.3% is bad! 😂
Americans have significantly more purchase power today despite inflation than before the Biden administration rescued the plummeting economy….and we never had that depression or market crash you insisted was a certainty under him.
How many jobs were LOST under the last administration again? Oh yeah…3000000! How many added under this one? 15000000! More than every Republican administration in my lifetime combined even if you erase the felon’s negative 3 MILLION!
Markets have spiked… Under the felon the S&P went up 1300…so far it’s up near 1800 with 6 months of boom to go under Biden.

I absolutely wish we could have another 4 years economically like we just had, especially without inheriting the skyrocketing unemployment and the inflation bomb ready to explode left by the last guy of course.

Hilarious you think you can blame any economic slip in the next administration on this one, but absolutely refused any iota of responsibility for the economy Biden inherited and turned 180 degrees around. Just so cluelessly hypocritical at every turn.

You gonna fess up to your pride event lies yet? They’re gonna follow you a while,so get some popcorn. Maybe you shouldn’t double down on blatant lies?…yeah…what am I thinking?

bobknight33 said:


Unemployment up to 4.3% today.

Americans are broke and Joes leadership isn't helping

U.S. economy adds 114,000 jobs in July, and unemployment rate hits highest level since 2021 .

Bideonomics has failed Americans.

So sad you will let Joe bend you over and all you can can is thank you, may I have another.

Please defend Joe and poor economic leadership.

The economic ship moves slowly and will fall on the next POTUS

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More blatant lies, eh bob? Why is no one surprised?
The event you posted with the idiot asking “how many kids do you see on the street? Too many!” has zero kids because the event is, and always has been an ADULT ONLY EVENT.


A real man would see this and do something about it, you just continue to wallow in your fact free immorality, never once having the spine to admit you bought another lie despite doing nothing else but buy and try to sell idiotic lies day in and day out.
I think you come here because you are banned from all other social media for constantly spewing disinformation which is tolerated here and you are starved for attention. Either that, or you are just a bitter troll with nothing better in your life so you try to annoy the liberals because then at least someone acknowledges you exist.
Once MAGA dies your usefulness will end…you might want to not force similar rules to be enacted here and end up banned for constantly posting racist, sexist, and homophobic disinformation.

“Sofaking” JD Vance - I F#@ked A Couch

noims says...

I've got 7 if you include not capitalising the N in Newt and the tautology/redundancy/repetition in 'pro Harris supporter'. (In short, they're: N, yo, realizing, his, show, your, pro)

I'm ignoring the slightly infantile usages of of 'can never' and 'also', and the commonly-acceptable capitalisation of TOOL. I'm also assuming 'your' was supposed to be 'you' and not 'you're'.

This is a fun game, but not one I'd want to play with all of Bob's comments. Your time's better spent 'obliterating his arguments' rather than his use of language.

newtboy said:

What arguments?

Nice of you to admit Harris is a pro, unlike her opponent. I agree.

I count at least 6 grammar/spelling errors in 3 sentences. Anybody see more?

“Sofaking” JD Vance - I F#@ked A Couch

newtboy says...

As usual, an infantile “nu-uh” with zero substance. Always projection. If you take your head out of there, everything will look less crappy.
Every word, every figure I wrote is verifiable and correct. JD SofaKing 2025 is an unmitigated disaster in every way and is energizing the left far more than the right. Kamala Harris is one of if not the most popular (and accomplished) candidates in living memory with more support than any in history by far.
Enjoy your fantasy world crumbling around you. Zero percent of the black vote in Michigan! ZERO!!!

Chicken Little Hands VS Electric Shark!

bobknight33 said:

Newt, you got more crap in you than a bull.

Catherine earned respect for her courage and strength!

noims says...

A great scene and very insipiring, but I quite like this counter-argument (about 3-5 minutes from 34:00 in, but the whole video is good if you have the time)

Trump’s Black Voters

newtboy says...

Such an dishonest infant.
If these were Biden supporters, you would say Biden should be forced to drop out for faking black support, what a racist piece of shit liar he is, he’s so delusional he thinks this is really a black woman supporting him, etc.
If these were Biden voters, the campaign would IMMEDIATELY denounce them and call out the racism.
Of course, it never would be because Biden is not a consummate liar and lifelong racist like the felon rapist pedophile traitor is and never needed to fake support from black women (and never accepted an endorsement from the KKK).
Of course it would also never be with Kamala either, 1) because she’s not a racist liar and 2) because she actually has black women’s support, well over 50000 signed up as campaign workers in ONE DAY after she announced her candidacy!

What’s wrong with always being a total liar about everything, a racist and misogynistic liar so dishonest he pretends to be in the groups he in fact loves to attack and scapegoat, and pretends to love the racist misogynistic felon as a black woman? Honestly, Bob…why do you post stuff just to make yourself and your party look so incredibly racist, dishonest, and completely unbelievably dumb and clueless?
If he had black support, he wouldn’t have to fake it, but he does, constantly. I can’t be sure if you are too dumb to see it or just too dishonest to admit it…but either one makes you a totally worthless lying piece of shit so it doesn’t really matter.

Yet another idiotic post by the utter moronic liar, bob, again supporting telling blatant lies, supporting racism, supporting sexism, and supporting committing identity theft if it’s in service of dumb Donald. Not surprising in the least, he also supports lying under oath if it helps the felon…he has said exactly that.
Is anyone surprised the felon’s black support is 100% fake, mostly old white men pretending to be black women and a few paid actors?

Hey fool….do you think this tactic is going to help him against Harris? 😂
You just might be that dumb…so tell us.

bobknight33 said:

Whats wrong identifying as a female black trump voter?

IF this dude was a Biden supporter, this would not be even a thing to post.

Yet another stupid Newtboy tool post.

What Happens Now That Biden Dropped Out?

newtboy says...

The assassin is a MAGGOT. It was Trump’s teams assasination plan, idiot, hoping to replace the loser with someone palatable and not bat shit crazy…that’s why his own security team allowed so many blatant indefensible failures. They missed, so they cut his ear for sympathy hoping to at least gain him a few votes…it failed he’s lost many…there’s no real injury at all just an ear diaper. None. (On a side note, it’s hilarious that the same people who wouldn’t wear a mask for public safety or to end lockdowns sooner because it made them look silly will wear a sanitary napkin on their head to emulate great leader’s tiny ear scratch 😂)

If it had been successful and a real Republican candidate emerged with the sympathy for the last candidate’s assassination, Republicans would likely have beaten Biden easily, especially if their candidate was 60 or under. Trump is like Clinton, he draws votes for the opposition more than himself.

Yes, the people, the money people, and the super pacs already overflowing with cash to defeat the felon are 100% behind Harris, she already has more delegates than needed for the nomination, and between her and one superpac she has raised $240 million in 24 hours after the announcement, mostly small donations despite tricks like Elon blocking access to her campaign page. This is on top of the $240 million in Bidens super pac that will soon be hers.

It’s hilarious to hear the right try to paint a career successful prosecutor who in just one case recovered $18 billion for consumers, AG, multi term Senator, and VP as a puppet with no experience and no accomplishments but their candidate, a jr 2 year senator with no other experience (who will end up as president as soon as Trump pardons himself, sells a few billion in state secrets, and decides he’s tired of president ing and retires) and no accomplishments at all besides a book lambasting Appalachians like his mother as weak minded lazy drug addicted welfare queens and called Trump “America’s Hitler” before spinning 180 degrees is fine, not an inexperienced “yes man” puppet.

Joe is the most successful president in our lifetime, avoiding a depression Trump steered us into and cut the brakes before leaving, ending Covid, rescuing American manufacturing and (unfortunately) oil production, making America not just energy independent but an exporter, rescuing gdp from a negative, rescuing jobs better than every Republican president in my lifetime combined, even if you remove the massive negative that was Trump’s record (worst ever in history by far), slowed immigration significantly during the season when it normally explodes (despite Republicans blocking bipartisan border security measures), saving NATO from the likes of Trump, saving Ukraine from Putin (and now returning Crimea) which Trump would stop day one, reaffirming our support of Taiwan (which Trump would let China have), reaffirming our support of S Korea (which Trump will let N Korea have out of fear of nukes). Trump is the puppet president, fool, but the strings all lead to foreign dictators.

bobknight33 said:

Joe stayed in until his planned Trump assassination attempt failed.

If successful then Joe would have be an easy win.

Since it failed Joe came up with "COVID" as an excuse to step out.

Now the $ people will put up KH as not to rock the boat until the Dem Convention and possible swap her out.

If kept they will puppet string control her just like they have been doing with JOE.

Which party is truly the racist party

newtboy says...

Yeah…the “white boy summer” white Christian nationalist party that thinks anyone supporting BLM should be deported to Africa or Gitmo, that stared the racist hashtags #vivekswillnotreplaceus (replacing the “jewswillnotreplaceus” racist hashtag) and #Jeetmaxing about too many Indians in your party (like Vance’s Indian wife, his Indian kids, and Vivek), the party that got and accepted the endorsement of the KKK, the party that has been clear they think blacks should not have a vote (or women), that wants voter ID to disenfranchise black voters, that had “I hate fucking n*ggers!” Hulk Hogan as a presenter at the RNC, that has ultra white nationalist racist Nick Fuentes as a rising star, whose outreach was “our guy is a criminal too, just like you blacks, don’t you like him now?” and “he’s got flashy shoes too, just like you blacks, so don’t you like him now?”, who brought only criminal murderers and sex offenders on stage as representatives of Black America, who rented a black church and filled it with white people wearing “blacks for Trump” shirts as black outreach, and whose platform is returning to pre 1950s style white Christian nationalism controlled exclusively by white Christian men is the anti racism party.

Sure Bob. And the red lining, “kill the Central Park 5 even after exoneration” felon never raped those women and girls, was only on the Epstein list because he was going to the island over and over and over and over and over and over and over to protect those girls he knew were being raped there…and to get legitimate “massages” (same for the young girls he set up with “jobs” on the island, they were guards), never had sex with that porn star, or that playmate, or the dozens of women he bragged about sexually assaulting on camera, didn’t buy a teen beauty pageant to leer at 14 year old girls naked, never cheated on his taxes or golf, never cheated on loan documents, never made secret deals with Russia and China or Saudi Arabia using American assets for tens of millions of dollars personally, etc.

Are you really so stupid and clueless you believe these idiotic propaganda pieces with paid actors and activists actually changes minds? It doesn’t, and hint, you never have. Whenever YOU make a claim, most people understand that means what you claimed is 99.96% likely to be intentionally false, and .04% likely to be just a misunderstanding on your part.
It only takes 6 (maybe 5) votes to sift a video….you managed that ONCE in the last 18 months…and it wasn’t political.
Maybe you think you are being a nuisance, ruining our days with your disruptive presence…but for me shitting verifiable facts directly on your ignorant propaganda is a fun diversion or I wouldn’t bother. I know full well nothing penetrates the rectal helmet you wear….you do know no one here believes what you post, right?

If you want to help MAGA, you should become a Democrat. You would drive so many away just with your presence….but you aren’t that clever….I think you might be so delusional you might not even know what a laughing stock you really are.

Fishermen Rescue Two Teen Girls Lost at Sea

newtboy says...

Know your limits if you go in deep water. They’re incredibly lucky to have been spotted.

Trues story animals

UK to Australia in an 18ft open boat

newtboy says...

This is awesome! Old school adventure. Reminded me of World Safari and Adventure Bound with Alby Mangels…a superb series if you ever get the chance to see it.
Here’s a taste…

*promote *quality adventures

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Since you haven’t figured it out yet, when you spam my profile page with your idiotic propaganda videos of brain numbingly stupid idiots lying from mommy’s basement instead of being capable of thinking for yourself I just erase them.
I don’t bother watching them.
Years of curiosity has proven there’s absolutely zero redeeming qualities or factual information in them….I don’t even believe you watch them either, I think you just troll by spam these days, because you are intellectually lazy and weak and don’t know the facts on any topic, including your claimed profession. It’s why you can never answer a question yourself and have to go silent so often if you aren’t provided with one by these morons.
You absolutely can’t think for yourself enough to have a basic discussion, and I’m not having one with Q or all of MAGA’s propaganda machine…even combined your collective IQ is still well below 100.
If you want to MAGA tag a profile page, better keep it on your own. On mine it will just be erased with out being viewed.

PS- AJ Delgado is suing the Trump campaign alleging that she was both taken advantage of and raped by Trump staffer or advisor, Jason Miller. She released text messages proving she’s not alone and that the Trump campaign had already settled multiple harassment and discrimination lawsuits on behalf of campaign staffers…because rape and debauchery and criminality and secret payoffs are what MAGA is about.

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