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Snoop Dogg: Duck Supporter

thesnipe (Member Profile)

choggie says...

maybe I have been irrationably hard on poor Heather, after all, she does have a missing leg and all, and a boutique in London, and she did make an ok dragging partner on Dancing with the Characatures, and she did fuck over an ex-Beatle after his perfect wife passed........Naw, fuck her, she's a succubus, straight from Hades, and deserves worse!!!!

In reply to your comment:
Haha nice post, I like the point addressing the "do-gooders" including the diversionary tactics. I just can't stand people trying the "passive" shock and awe campaign on a situation in which we all know is happening. Posting a documentary or something that requires thought is one thing, going for the OMG THE GORE THIS IS INSANE DONT WATCH approach is nuts.

In reply to your comment:
hey snipe, go and read the comment I made after yours addressing sally whale-saver.....
This is one of my serious pet-peaves of human pathetics.......Folks who love the animal race over humans....its called Burnt-out or Psychosis...take yer pick!!! More diversion that we do not need, if we are to get back to a way of life, suitable to both man and man's charges......

In reply to your comment:
It's no offense to you, I oppose fur as much as the last person but the reason I downvoted was that I believe it was just to graphic for my tastes and as your nick suggests it seems like a one post deal. Granted you warned about it I just feel that there are better documentaries around, most of us know the cruelty behind the fur trade and there are better ways of documenting so.

At the very least mark it NSFW when you post. As Fletch commented "makeitstop, considering your nym and the nature of this video, this looks like a drive-by."

This is so disappointing... (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

Well put snipe-The fur trade is like fast-food. We know it kills by the truck-load daily, yet return like the dogs we are, to our own, delicious vomit-

Poor makeitstop....the only way to make it "stop", is to make the world go Heather Mills tries to do with her inane crap, cause she can't deal reasonably, or roll without what SHE loves.......drama, and vampirism, fueled by a do-gooder facade, built of self-pity, self-hate, and diversion.......

Now....where's my fur pajamas!!

May I direct you to a lovely little, Animal Rights ditty I know and love, and sing at lest once a year, in my birthday suit, standing on a rug of beaver pelts....

Australia's Gold Coast Bulletin (FOX-owned) Covers VS (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I must admit, it was a pretty puffy piece. I wanted to focus on the site, but they wanted more of a “local personality” article. I told her I don’t really have a personality, but she didn’t listen.

The reporter, Heather, was actually very nice to me. The Gold Coast Bulletin, like many papers in Australia, leans a bit toward the tabloid side – so I was worried she was going to ask me about my sex life.

Australia's Gold Coast Bulletin (FOX-owned) Covers VS (Sift Talk Post)

Australia's Gold Coast Bulletin (FOX-owned) Covers VS (Sift Talk Post)

rickegee says...

HEADLINE: The geek master with a website hit
BYLINE: by Heather Brooking


BRIAN Houston calls himself a 'hobby geek' rather than the real deal, but nevertheless he has managed to spawn an entire online community of geeklets from across the globe.
There have now been more than half a million visits to his website each month. This includes around 600 super-geeks who have been granted varying rights and privileges to moderate the site on a merit basis.

And despite being in operation for less than a year, the Coolangatta-based operation has just been awarded 'best video aggregator' and one of the 'web's most useful sites' by US publication PC World Magazine.

Mr Houston says the appeal of his website is very simple. ''There are more than 200 million video clips on YouTube alone and about 65,000 new ones are uploaded every
day,'' he said. ''These sites are really popular and people like to view the clips and share them with their friends. But with so many clips, it's difficult to find the good ones and sort the wheat from the chaff.''

Homemade Squirrel Catapult

choggie says...

" Absolute rubbish. This made me sick. Downvote.

Too bad I cant."

"And frankly, some people here needs to grow up and get some respect for living creatures. Maybe spend a day or week in the wild or something. Anyone who has learned to respect animals would see this as unethical. "

"1.Please dont compare harmless innocent squirrels to brainwashed cult-members.
2.ALL animals deserve fair treatment, cruelty for amusement is unacceptable no matter how troublesome the animal is. A squirrel is an animal who follow instincts, it will look for food where it can find it, You cant treat them like conscious thieves. "

Heather Mills is derranged, PETA blows chunks, Fur Pajamas for everyone, and choggie wholeheartedly disagrees, with first 3, referenced responses to this post know who you are, rat loving, bastards!!!!!

by the way...squirrels are tough and smart...this is nothing more than a wake-up call, to a rat who has not the curse of ego, simply survival skills to keep it fed.....chances are, one ride was enough, and if not, the squirrel who remembers where the contraption is, has a new escape route, or will leave it the fuck alone!!......geeeeeez! Know yer Rodents!!!

A short clip on the neglect and abuse of parrots.

choggie says...

OHH!, this is,...after watching it, something that would be fine never having to be seen again by sub-human eyes....
Bleeding hearts for birds sheit, coming from what can no-doubt be, a dysfunctional, repressed, out-of-touch social ostrich, y'know, like the cat lady on the Simpson's, or Heather fucHking Mills and her ilk.....


A production like this speaks tomes-of the misplaced concern for that which truly matters not, and the people who bring it to you.....

A Mouse trap for the PETA nuts

choggie says...

Companion to el Bug Zapper.....

Not so much cute as it is effective and humane....those peters should have no problem with this, unless of course they would that all rodents should run free amoung us, in that case, they are insane and have a death wish.....
with spokespersonthingzs like Heather Mills and PInk, well, the latter is more likely the case..
Here's to fur pajamas, to go with the beaver underwear!!

Heather Schmid - "Hillary Is In" (embarrassingly god-awful)

Kerry says...

Heather Schmid is an amazingly talented singer, performer and artist! I love her music and she is a kind generous soal. She is giving all her proceeds to charities all around the world. I dont see you haters doing that. F U bitches. I love Heather Schmid and Hillary!

Giant Centipede Eats a Mouse for Lunch

Dirk Diggler: The Touch

Six yr. old to soldier brother: When Are You Coming Home?

mlx says...

From the entry at youtube:

6 year old Heather Martin sings a song that her mother wrote for her Brother Shaun who is serving in Iraq. The song is written from Heather's point of view.


You were almost sixteen when I came into the world.
Mom and Dad had you first then 3 more boys I'm the baby girl.
I sure have a lot to look up to in you, you're really smart and funny with a big heart too.
After one year of college you knew what you had to do.
It's just like you wanting to help with the war.
So you joined the army when I was only 4.
This time of year we talk of big plans but you're over seas in some distant land.
You can't be here for Christmas, I don't understand.

When are you coming home, Shaun?
When are you coming home?!
We lit up the house like we always do but it doesn't seem bright 'cause we can't have you.
In my prayers I ask God to keep you safe.
And I'm trying to be really brave.
Tell me that the fighting's through.
Come home!
I really miss you.

It's hard to enjoy the holidays without you.
But we're so proud of you and all the red white and blue.
Remember that Jesus is your best friend,
And someday our families will be together again.
Wow! You know we'll have a great big party then.


I want to show you how tall I've grown and introduce you to my new friends at school.
Maybe we could go and get some ice cream together but I really don't care what we do.


Jawbreaker Trailer

dotdude says...

This black comedy came out a decade after "Heathers." It was in your face and meaner. The scene I remember most has a four-girl-clique walking down the hall as Imperial Teen's "Yoo Hoo" plays. Pieces of the clip are in the trailer. I had hoped to find some good scenes, but the trailer did a better job of capturing the spirit of the film. Pam Greer plays a detective in the story.

Wikipedia had this brief article:

Heathers: Heather Chandler's Funeral

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