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The Corries "(Bonnie Banks of) Loch Lomond"

calvados says...

Bob's your uncle:

"Loch Lomond" -- Scottish traditional

1. O whither away, my bonnie May,
Sae late and sae dark in the gloamin'?
The mist gathers gray o'er moorland and brae.
O whither sae far are ye roamin'?

I trysted my ain love last night in the broom,
My Donald wha loves me sae dearly.
For the morrow he will march for Edinburgh toon,
Tae fecht for his king and Prince Charlie.

O, ye'll tak' the high road and I'll tak' the low road,
An' I'll be in Scotland afore ye.
For me and my true love will never meet again
By the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond.

2. O braw Charlie Stewart, dear true, true heart,
Wha could refuse thee protection?
Like the weeping birk on the wild hillside,
How gracefu' he looked in dejection.

O, weel may I weep for yestre'en in my sleep.
We lay bride and bridegroom together.
But his touch and his breath were cold as the death,
And his hairtsblood ran red in the heather.

3. As dauntless in battle as tender in love,
He'd yield ne'er a foot tae the foeman.
But never again frae the fields o' the slain
Tae his Moira will he come by Loch Lomond.

The thistle may bloom, the king hae his ain,
And fond lovers will meet in the gloamin'.
And me and my true love will yet meet again
Far above the bonnie banks o Loch Lomond.

Scrubs - What Do Men Want To See?

Sarah Palin's daughter pregnant!

kronosposeidon says...

James Dobson, of the conservative Christian group Focus On The Family, said in 2006 regarding the child of (lesbian couple) Mary Cheney and Heather Poe:

In raising these issues, Focus on the Family does not desire to harm or insult women such as Cheney and Poe. Rather, our conviction is that birth and adoption are the purview of married heterosexual couples. Traditional marriage is God's design for the family and is rooted in biblical truth. When that divine plan is implemented, children have the best opportunity to thrive. That's why public policy as it relates to families must be based not solely on the desires of adults but rather on the needs of children and what is best for society at large.

As Crosswords already stated, Sarah Palin was specifically chosen because of her appeal to conservative family values voters. Now I'm not saying her daughter deserves criticism; she should be left alone. However Ms. Palin's stance on family values SHOULD be brought into focus because of what happened to her daughter, because abstinence-only education has been a bust. In fact look at the teen pregnancy rates of all 50 states (from 2002), red vs. blue. Do you notice an alarming trend?

Again, I'm not saying that this girl deserves criticism. However Ms. Palin certainly deserves some, because it is policies that she endorses that leads to higher teen pregnancy rates.

Teen pregnancy isn't the end of the world. Many teens go on to become wonderful parents. However most all parents across the political spectrum want to reduce teen pregnancy for good reasons:

1. Most teens aren't ready, either financially or emotionally, to be full time mothers. The same goes for the fathers.
2. Most of us want our kids to at least have a chance to go to college after high school, that way they can hopefully get better-paying jobs with their degrees.
3. Most parents would prefer not see their teenage daughters get pregnant at all, rather than see them get abortions. Even most pro-choice people prefer that. And let's face it, teens of all backgrounds, liberal to conservative, get abortions. I'm not trying to stigmatize abortion. I am pro-choice, but I'd much rather see other forms of birth-control employed first.

In conclusion: Leave the girl alone, but grill the mom about why she believes abstinence-only is so great. After 8 years of faith-based initiatives ruining our educational system (and abstinence-only education is just the tip of the faith-based iceberg), it's time for us to push back.

The VideoSift iTunes Game. (Music Talk Post)

smibbo says...

I am same position as djsunkid:

Tatchedogbe - Angelique Kidjo
Cyberia - afro celts
bull in the heather - breeders
the day after - flash
if you want my love - depeche mode
9:45 - PM dawn
Solitude - Billie Holiday
Western Eyes - Portishead
his wife refused - talking heads
the poison mouth - skinny puppy
all star - smash mouth
doin the shout - john lee hooker
its only love - Nick cave, scott walker
let go - frou frou
sweet dreams - eurythmics
Jackie's strength (remix #1) - tori amos
cop - swans
21 things - alanis morrisette
antenna kraftwerk
kalimba - EWF
stand back up - sugarland

Ebony & Ivory Music Video

snoozedoctor says...

Paul could write a good pop tune. Lennon could write a good song. What does Michael Jackson hate about twenty-eight year olds? There's only 20 of them. Given the opportunity, I wonder who Paul would maul first, Michael or Heather?

Ebony & Ivory Music Video

choggie says...

Michael J, and Paul Mc C,
worked together in perrrfect, har-mo-ny,
until Michael the freakshow stole the, Beatles, libraaarryyyyyyy! (Beat It, Mike)

Steevies' cool, this song blows chunks, thot y'all night like to know the latest with ol' Paul and Ringo's bout with the Bleached Shark Thing.....

August 10, 1985 in History
Michael Jackson buys ATV Music (every Beatle song) for $47 million

Thank God, may he lose the rest of his empire, soon-He may have to give away the cash cow-then, we can stop being pummeled with craptacular commercials used to butt-rape great Beatles tunes......

oh, and by the way, forgot to think evil thoughts of Heather Mills today......sorry-ass twat!!!!

Heather Mills McCartney and the Fur Trade

Brand New Key - 1970s Cartoon Music Video

Heather Mills McCartney and the Fur Trade

choggie says...

What is the message though?? And WHY?? There are waaaaay more effectual things people with money, influence, and media-time could do for the planet...if we die, animals will run wild in your apartment....and NEW ONES WILL APPEAR!!!!!!

Frikkin' fur carers......
hoju...?The message that heather sucks ass????

Heather Mills McCartney and the Fur Trade

choggie says...

Said it before, and I'll say it again, the succubus is damaged goods, as is anyone who devotes themselves passionately to saving animals, while socially, towards other humans, is a cunt and a twat...... A light bulb should go on in your head, when you see a passionate environmentalist or animal rights activist....a light that says, "Crazy and Batshit Insane." Otherwise, have fun avoiding the obvious, it's yer life work.

Fuck You Heather, for having access to any of Paul's hard-earned cash, you simpering, slag of a slit!

a metaphor -story of the zoops

choggie says...

whoa....My mom was sold the same bill a goods, (Dr. Spock was the big hoo-ha in the mid-sixties) and her doc told her the same thing-I lost out on titty, and am probably lees a man due to it-
I do not, however, think this little ditty, emotionally-conceptualized, rendered and presented in the format that it is, is either entertaining, or very informative, unless you have never had the opportunity to be blessed with 3rd grade edumacation......I find it pathetic, that mothers listen to doctors regarding themselves during pregnancy anyhow, but that's a whole nuther story....

we are on the same page persephone, I would rather take it up with Heather, and find out who her target audience was....I might then change my tune-

she comes off, as a flake to me, and the world is too far gone, for my own time left, to suffer one more of them....I have enough flake in me for an army of delusionals.....

a metaphor -story of the zoops

Is Paul Mcartney Dead?

snoozedoctor says...

This theory came back to life recently when Heather Mills was asked to comment on him.
"He's a dead man."
Michael Jackson (aka Killer), is also rumored to have made an attempt on him back in the 80s, when he bought his song catalog, causing Paul to nearly have a stroke. I understand it was touch and go for several weeks.

Swingdance scene from Swingers! (Big Bad Voodoo Daddy)

oxdottir says...

Thanks for posting that: it was a start to a whole phase of my life, because that's the movie that made me start swing dancing.

Man, in real life, heather graham's character would have stuck to him like glue. A new competent lead is worth hording.

Heather Mills demands half of Paul McCartney's shoes

choggie says...

Gotta vote this up, because there is a special place in my heart for Paul, and a special section of, bare-foot-at-the-theatre-of-the-afterlife, reserved for the batshit insane.....Heather??? Your limo is waiting......and a fresh large, Root Bear, was just dumped on the slanted floor, upstream from yer seat...the one marked, "RESERVED"...oh and, check that pleather at the door, where you get to go, they have no fakes.....

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