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News Flash! Bush Administration Lies!!! A Lot!!!

ImaMonster says...

Watch the documentary "The Century of Self". They have effectively created a society that is self absorbed, terribly in debt, and constantly in need of entertainment, not to mention complacent and lazy. The sad truth, it seems, is that people have forgotten that this country belongs to the people. We just sit back and make the excuse that we just don't have any say or control over this crap. Otherwise people would have to get off their fat arses and take action. This would take effort working towards something without immediate results and we're not used to that. We're all like deer blinded by the oncoming headlights, frozen. Take America back Americans! WTF!

New Hampshire Primary - Sham Chain of Custody

my15minutes says...

it's not as much the deer in the headlights look, that bothers me.

although that certainly isn't reassuring.

what bothers me most is the gomerly aura of incompetence.
that glazed-over look of "huh? who, me?", that everyone seems to be wearing, like it's the latest fashion.

Weird Powerjet Commercial

Here's a Deer Caught in a Rope Swing

How to embarrass your denim sales associate

Christopher Walken in Hawaii 5-0

Goofball_Jones says...

Choggie, that wasn't "Slaughterhouse 5" was "Annie Hall".

Duane: Can I confess something? I tell you this as an artist,I think you'll understand. Sometimes when I'm driving... on the road at night... I see two headlights coming toward me. Fast. I have this sudden impulse to turn the wheel quickly, head-on into the oncoming car. I can anticipate the explosion. The sound of shattering glass. The... flames rising out of the flowing gasoline.

Alvy Singer: Right. Well, I have to - I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.

Lane Splitting Los Angeles

antonye says...

Nothing wrong with that - one of the main reasons you ride a bike is so you don't have to sit in traffic!

The only things you have to watch for are the gaps in traffic as this is when drivers try to switch lanes and won't be looking. Static traffic is much easier to filter (as we call it over here) through as nobody is moving so you've less chance of them pulling into your path.

Things to look for are turned wheels and to generally cover the brakes. Also watch for open windows as you never know if you're going to get a cigarette butt or other rubbish coming your way. Tapping people's arms through open windows sure makes them jump too!

If you have your headlights on full, the swaying motion of the bike as you try to avoid the centre lines attracts the attention in the side mirrors and people do move out of the way.

PS. The majority of bikes are actually water cooled so are quite happy to sit in traffic, but if there's a gap...

Richard Dawkins interview on "The Enemies of Reason"

johnald128 says...

richard and judy are kind of like rabbits caught in headlights, why are they so damn jittery?! they seem to have problems forming sentences and have absolutely no depth. they're just the types of people that make richard dawkins feel the need to go about teaching people how to understand basic reality.
wasnt too impressed with the first part of dawkins' new prog 'The Enemies of Reason', no way near as good as 'The root of all evil', there just wasnt enough said.

Come with me to HELL!

Quboid says...

I'm calling *fake on this one, not because the reactions were faked (although they could be!) but because when you factor in that ...

- these are the best reactions out of god knows how many takes
- and they cut the video, presumably when people stopped panicking
- many people would be too dazzled by the headlight to see anything more than a dude on a bike ... and some yellow blobs
- many, probably nearly all would think it's a demented mugger and not hang around to find out

... then all in all, you're left with a very misleading prank which has less to do with people afraid of being dragged to hell by a motorbike riding skeleton and more to do with people being afraid of a large, loud object appearing beside them on a dark road. Frankly, anyone who doesn't jump when that happens needs help. It's on par with jumping out from behind a wall and yelling "BOO!" at someone.

What's this guy shootin' at?

Memorare says...

Like a deer in headlights, minus the headlights.

With no natural predators and daily living in close proximity to man, deer have become semi-tame and stoopit.

Video Evidence of Dodgy Ethics in the Irish Police Force

moodonia says...

Thats the high level of professionalism I've come to expect from Irelands police. I reported a guy robbing a house once, took the police ONE HOUR to drive 500 yards to the scene of the crime, took them two hours to respond to a stabbing. I almost had a Rodney King scene on video from my window, just five cops beating a guy unconscious in the headlights of a police car.

EV-1 : Who Killed The Electric Car ? OPEC ? US Govt ?

Enzoblue says...

Sofaking: If you drove one everyday you'd know. It goes 20mph and that's carrying loads, even though it weighs as much as a car without a load, it even has 2 fans and headlights that can melt paint. Even if you're right, car companies would have one that could go for a week on a charge by now if they were forced to compete. Hell, they would have solar panel like paint jobs and wind powered generators everywhere. Think about it.

Andrea Mitchell lying about Pelosi's popularity

choggie says...

Polls schmolls, they mean dick....the message being sent by a Speaker who signals division in the face of the enemy is insidious in the extreme. It encourages our foes, undermines the confidence of our friends and demoralizes those we have sent into harm's way.....

...Here's what the Washington post said about her unilateral decision to bop over to Damascus, where she proclaimed, "We came in friendship, hope, and determined that the road to Damascus is a road to peace."
The paper called the Speaker's statement "ludicrous," noting that her host and purported partner for peace, Syrian dictator Bashir Assad "is a corrupt thug whose overriding priority at the moment is not peace with Israel but heading off U.N. charges that he orchestrated the murder of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri."

She should stick to looking like a deer in the headlights, raising money for HER cronies, and building her little empire and cult of personality, folks, wanna know just how close she is able to relate to the people of the United States????
The liberal Center for Responsive Politics pegs Pelosi's net worth as being somewhere between $14746108 and $55085000.

Out of touch, cretin, who would not bat a diamond-studded eyelash nor scoff, at paying 45 dollars a gallon for gas, and could give a fiddler's fuck about anything remotely related to democracy......pipe-dreamers all, deceived and happy to be, to think that a change of party control, will stop, curtail, or correct, the clusterfuck that is American government........

George W. Bush: The Pet Goat (home video made by mother of a student in the classroom on 9/11/01)

segn66 says...

"Deer in the headlights"? Is that supposed to be a criticism, because you don't like him? I feel better knowing that so many of you other people would have known EXACTLY what to do!! You'd jump up in a panic, strap on an M16 and go fuck up Osama, if you were President right?

UNKLE: Rabbit in Your Headlights (featuring Radiohead's Thom Yorke; directed by Jonathan Glazer)

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