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Texas Secession Rally

Nithern says...

1. Bye, have fun with your new nation. You wont be missed. But thank you for just making the Republican Party even more irrelavent in Congress. Maybe you can ask GWB to be your leader. He does have experience running a country in to the ground....maybe he'll do better with your nation.

2. Sounds like a bunch of people with bloated ego's and not enough wisdom. I'm sure this is not even 2% of texan residents thoughts. Notice that all the people speaking, and those in this crowd are white, and seem to hate those who arent.

3. So if this does happen, what are the things that will happen?
A. No more military support or funding. That's right, all those communities that rely on military and defense contracts disappear, and those people are put on unemployment. The tax revenue disappears.
B. Most citizens of the USA flee to other states, further losing tax revenue.
C. The Coast Guard pulls out, and no longer protects the sea ways. Customs agents move out of Texas. Like wise, the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, and even FEMA pull out. That's alot of money going in to texas communities.
D. The US Goverment no longer gives financial support to Texas, and treats them like any other country.

So after all that, what does this new Texas nation have to look forward to:
1. High unemployment
2. Creation of its how military service (can you say 'Drafted'?). This includes land, sea, and air units. The sheer logistics that go with fielding a military are also figured in.
3. Infrastructure. Roads have to be maintained, communication systems have to be set up, and even clean drinking water has to be in place for anyone to live there.
4. Creation of your own goverment, along with all the idiots you hate to have with it. In our goverment, we call them lobbyists, other goverments have names for them. These guys will try to draw the lion's share of your meager income in to their pockets.
5. Revenue will be a bitch. Since to pay for all this, you will have to tax ever citizen about 87% of their take home pay. Funny how you complain about taxes in the USA right now. Go have your own nation and find out how deluted thinking works.

So yes, if these bloated idiots want to succession from the USA, let them. When they finally learn that they were stupid and foolish and want back in, we say 'tough shit'. And if we, the 49 states of the Union vote them back in, I'm sure there will be a consetion that each of these people will have a tattoo placed on their chest that says 'I am an idiot', and have no right to vote until the day they die.

Tampa Town Hall: Free Speech, or Mob Censorship?

Lolthien says...

>> ^dgandhi:
>> ^shiner_man:
Oh yes because we never see liberals acting like buffoons when they protest.

The difference is that we get tazed, beaten, gassed and arrested when we start making noise.
Oh how "Oppressed" these poor right-wingers are, it makes my heart bleed, with all the disapproving looks, and attempts to keep lawful order in a public building.
The freedom of speech implies the right to counter, and even obstructive speech, I don't have a problem with that. But, we on the left have been denied it for the better part of the last 8 years. I find it particularly annoying that the right now finds this freedom so sacred as to be "offended" at the merest inconvenience while exercising it.

Amen brother! These sob's were allowed to yell and scream to their hearts content.. how many of them were arrested? i'm guessing a damn sight fewer than the last people to protest a GWB speech.

Idiot conservatives. Seriously, defending this type of behavior is why you are marginalized, if you could have mature discussions with facts and intelligent arguements instead of yelling and screaming INCORRECT ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT THINGS YOU'VE NEVER READ (otherwise known as wharrgarbl) then perhaps you would be taken more seriously.

In other words conservatives (and I used to claim that title until I saw crap like this happening everywhere) act like an adult and you'll be treated like one, act like a child and expect to be spanked.

Maddow Exposes Fake Protesters At Health Care Town Halls

Nithern says...

97% of Conservatives do not know how to use that lump, 2.5 feet above their butt. The remaining, 3% do. The 3% tell the 97% how to think, on what to think, and how to speak, what they say. End result: 1984.

Funny how these conservatives behave as they do, to argue endlessly. But when asked direct questions, they fail to understand what they were just arguing about. This is a problem, since this 97% are so easily to manipulate, on any subject, that good discussion of the pro's and con's can not take place.

Conservatives, hate change. They fear new things. They need an enemy, or else, they can not exist. So, the 3% have provided the other 97% with all these things: Hate Obama, Fear Socialism/Nazism/Totalitarianism, Democrates & Liberals are the new Terrorists/Al-Quada/USSR/Nazi person to attack. An so they attack.....mindlessly.

Health Care will take place. Its to bad these conservative Republicans are pissing away a golden oppunity to put in real input, dialoug, and maybe shape the direction for the betterment of the USA. Instead, they will piss away the chance. Just like they pissed away that Political Capital GWB mentioned in 2004. And pissed away help from EVERY COUNTRY except one immediately after 9/11/2001 (libya and Iraq even offered to help the USA through a dark and dangerous moment).

Birther Melts Down On MSNBC, Blames MSN "Brownshirts"

Mikus_Aurelius says...

>> ^archer:
>> ^ForgedReality:
He's spending more money that we do not have that us taxpayers are going to have to be paying back for many years to come. We're trillions of dollars in debt, and yet he feels it's justified to go spend billions more on wars we can't afford to be in right now; wars in which we really have no right to be involved.

The national debt grew by 46% during the GWB years, from 5,727,776,738,304.64 on the day he was sworn in
to 10,628,881,485,510.20 on the day he left office.
That, in contrast Clinton's eight years with a modest 27% increase from 4,188,092,107,183.60
to 5,727,776,738,304.64.
The debt now stands at 11,648,548,144,569.70, about 1 trillion since Bush left office and Obama came on stage.
With actual facts, I'm not sure I understand the "justification" to stop spending. Apparently a Republican president can start two wars and fight them indefinitely while nearly doubling the national debt, while a democrat must immediately stop both wars and be a fiscal conservative.

1) 46%? Better check that arithmetic.

2) Anyone who claims to know exactly how a given amount of debt will affect the economy, or how much debt we can accrue before a total collapse of the fiscal system is full of it. The global economy and the United States' role in it is totally unprecedented, and everyone is just guessing. Clinton's advisers guessed that balancing the budget would boost confidence and spur economic growth. Cheney is on record saying that there's no problem with deficits forever. Obama's guys think borrowing money from China to fuel a recovery makes sense.

Even with hindsight we don't know how much Clinton's policies caused the Boom of the 90's, or Bush's spending caused the recessions of his presidency. There were too many other factors at work to lay all the credit at the feet of the government. Similarly, we may be able to rack up debt for decades with few consequences, or our creditors could get fed up and the US could be forced to default within 6 months.

If the best economic minds in the country don't know how best to balance spending and debt. It's unlikely that any sifters or the talking heads we listen to do either.

Birther Melts Down On MSNBC, Blames MSN "Brownshirts"

archer says...

>> ^ForgedReality:
He's spending more money that we do not have that us taxpayers are going to have to be paying back for many years to come. We're trillions of dollars in debt, and yet he feels it's justified to go spend billions more on wars we can't afford to be in right now; wars in which we really have no right to be involved.

The national debt grew by 46% during the GWB years, from 5,727,776,738,304.64 on the day he was sworn in
to 10,628,881,485,510.20 on the day he left office.

That, in contrast Clinton's eight years with a modest 27% increase from 4,188,092,107,183.60
to 5,727,776,738,304.64.

The debt now stands at 11,648,548,144,569.70, about 1 trillion since Bush left office and Obama came on stage.

With actual facts, I'm not sure I understand the "justification" to stop spending. Apparently a Republican president can start two wars and fight them indefinitely while nearly doubling the national debt, while a democrat must immediately stop both wars and be a fiscal conservative.

Birther Melts Down On MSNBC, Blames MSN "Brownshirts"

ForgedReality says...

>> ^westy:
well right , what dose an culter have to do with it ?
What the woman says could easily be correct IE a sum one would just get a random birth certificate to get cheep imergratoin. This is more than plusable. the News casters are completely retarded . Its a good example of how bad reporting is asking questions like "this person says you are a crank" I mean WTF sort of question is that . at the end of the peace the news people say we have researched it and have evidence , well why dont they present that clearly to the women ore use it to counter her argument.

It's an effort to demonstrate to their audience that this person can easily be "discredited." They want to tell their audience "look what people say about these 'birthers!' I mean really, how can anyone take them seriously?" I think it's a valid question what these birthers are asking, and honestly, I haven't seen any PROOF of the government-funded media's side of things. They keep telling us "here is proof," but it's yet to be hard and conclusive.

allso who gives a fuck where obama is from I Dont see why it matters , he could be a Taliban suicide bomber for all I care so long as his policies are good and he has consistently demonstraited good desisoins that benefit the society he governs.

It matters only as far as the constitution is concerned. This was from a time when they were worried about being taken over from the inside out from hostile forces. Of course, you could look at it from that perspective still today. Most countries in the world hate us, and would love to see us shown the door.

However, I have to disagree with you on your last point. He has not consistently made good decisions. His actions are effectively furthuring this recession. He's spending more money that we do not have that us taxpayers are going to have to be paying back for many years to come. We're trillions of dollars in debt, and yet he feels it's justified to go spend billions more on wars we can't afford to be in right now; wars in which we really have no right to be involved. He feels it's more important to spend millions on "fixing health care," when really it's not in such a dire state right now that it needs immediate attention. We need to focus on fixing the BASIS OF OUR COUNTRY before we can even THINK about fixing all the little things like health care (and, yes, it is a little thing when you consider our entire country is falling apart. Who gives a shit about health care when no one has jobs in the first place, and suicide rates are skyrocketing?) He spends millions on flying all over the place around the country and around the world, holding "meetings" and taking his motherfucking family on vacations. HEY, DIPSHIT! In case you hadn't noticed, YOU HAVE A COUNTRY TO RUN! This is not a free ticket to Disneyland! Stop acting like everything is fine, and fucking do something positive before you have open revolts and rioting.

FIX THE MOTHERFUCKING ECONOMY FIRST! WE CANNOT AFFORD ALL OF THIS WASTED SPENDING! He is deepening the recession and things are going to get a whole lot shittier in the next four years. He's going to be seen as worse than GWB, you mark my words.

Civil War II here we come!

Bill Maher Goes After "Obama Birthers"

raverman says...

You want to complain about thing's being missing from an president's Election?

...How about you show us where all the 'missing' florida votes went when GWB stole the election that legitimately belonged to the Democrats.

oh oh oh... that wasn't important? It was in the interests of the nation to stop talking about it? and let Bush just have it even though he clearly. didn't. win.

Maybe, since it's a recession, and there's war on two fronts... maybe it's in the interests of the Nation to shut the F$%& up about the Birth Certificate!!

Congressman's town hall erupts over Obama birth certificate

Lolthien says...

Quantum Mushroom.. you ask for proof that doesn't exist, and was not in use in Hawaii at the time of his birth.

Perhaps we should have voted for McCain who was born in Panama?

I'm pretty sure QM is either drunk when he posts, or is a troll.. or both. He keeps referring to Obama as 'The One' or 'The Messiah' as if anyone has seriously called him that other than people trying to ridicule his supporters.

It's a strawman hoping to draw out knee-jerk responses because it is obvious he will never be satisfied, because if suddenly the proof he asks for is given, it will have been completely falsified and forged, according to him and his ilk.

Also, Obama's birth was reported in newspapers from the time and in doctor's records of the time. This is a non-issue, and in fact, Obama's birth has stronger evidence in the public forum than any other politician ever. Hell, did we see Dubya's birth certificate? I heard he was born in the bin Laden's family harem and was raised on a diet of crude oil and cow leather.

The only proof I will accept is a valid and proven authentic note from the bin Laden family dated on GWB's date of birth saying exactly this: "George W. Bush was not born here today, and we did not raise him to take over countries for their oil."

Anything else is a vast conspiracy.

How's Obama doing so far? (User Poll by Throbbin)

Bachman on the Census- wtf is going on in this woman's head?

Nithern says...

Realize folks, this is FOX NEWS. How often does FOX NEWS report 100% of the truth and facts, or even 1% of the time? This is an organization that rountinely is the mouth piece if not lap dog, of the Republican party. Often the vehicle and media engine to spread fear, confusion, and hatred. They appeal to the lowest common denomiator of this country's people - the ones that are not wise enough to think for themselves.

So, for the sake of the arguement, lets just say Fox News, and more importantly Mr. Beck, is reporting this information 100% correct and factual (when you stop laughing, read on).

The US Census is mandated through the US Constitution, to be perform every ten years. Its to gather information needed for goverment spending and direction of resources. Its to make the best effort to contact every person of legal age, and every household in the U.S.A. Over the years of this process, somethings have changed, understandibly, since the country has changed from the original thirteen colonies. The current census has its own website and process to explain what it is, does, and can not do. Do a yahoo/goggle search. If you still have questions, contact your representative or senator for additional information.

Mr. Beck, is neither informed, nor honest when it comes to legal system of the USA, nor the facts of the 2010 US Census. As always, with Fox News (come on guys, you know this drill after 8 years of GWB & Fox News!), you have to check the information they give for accuracy.

Shepard Smith Calls Out "Frightening" FOX E-mailers

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

The majority of posters on videosift seem to regard Fox News as non-journalistic and non-professional (including myself). This video is nothing new. What is new, is they are admitting the sort of individuals who email. The ones that are very hateful, vengeful, and psychopathic. The ones who could make Oklahoma City Bombing a cherry bomb in comparison. Fox News, has been goading on this sort of individuals since before GWB was president.

And do you hold the same opinion of CNN? MSNBC? ABC News? CBS? The AP? Newswire? Newsweek? TIME? The point I'm making is that FOX is not alone here. Every "news" agency today is overflowing with the exact same level of hate, vitriol, slime, bias, and lack of professionality. Why are you cheering a vid that wants FOX to tone it down, while at the exact same time you guys cheer at the EXACT same stuff when it comes from Olberman, or Maddow, or all the other guys that are 'stoking' hatred?

All during the Bush presidency the same stuff was coming from the neolibs and the other liberal news sites. It was angry, it was bitter, it was hateful, it was vile, it was coarse, it was despicable. And yet, that stuff gets top votes on the Sift. Why is that? The only possible explanation is that you guys are bunch of flaming hypocrites. In one breat you want to shut down Fox news for being jersk. In the other you are giving a BJ to other news channels for doing the same thing.

Pathetic. Typical, and pathetic.

Shepard Smith Calls Out "Frightening" FOX E-mailers

Nithern says...

Exactly what is considered '...typical, pettty and typical', Winstonfield? Other then, petty being spelled with three t's?

The majority of posters on videosift seem to regard Fox News as non-journalistic and non-professional (including myself). This video is nothing new. What is new, is they are admitting the sort of individuals who email. The ones that are very hateful, vengeful, and psychopathic. The ones who could make Oklahoma City Bombing a cherry bomb in comparison. Fox News, has been goading on this sort of individuals since before GWB was president.

Now, they are seeing the effects up close and personal. Well, to bad, they now have to endure all the nightmares and know, they bare responsibility. Whether they can admit it or not, is none of our concern. If they decided to be journalists and professional newcasters, a long time ago, this stuff could have been mitigated. But, this is Fox News 'people without responsiblity....but demand everyone else be FULLY accountable to their actions'.

The Best Reptilian Shapeshifter Evidence They Have

rebuilder says...

The worst thing about this is it makes no sense whatsoever. Ever heard of contact lenses? If your lizardine shape-shifting abilities don't extend to your eyes, why not just put on a pair and be done with it? You're telling me the world is ruled by lizards clever enough to engineer a global takeover but too dumb or lazy to have a few lenses made? Obviously they know the eye thing is an issue since there are photos of, for example, GWB with round pupils, meaning someone went to the trouble of photoshopping them. Contact lenses seem a more economical solution.

Then again, doesn't this whole lizardine theory tie in with a bunch of nuts in the USA who claim some time in the 90's the Democrats were going to repeal the income tax, but were prevented from doing so by lizard republicans? They have some funky acronym for the act that, if passed, was supposed to do away with the tax, but I can never remember it. Also involved was some woman leaving messages on a voice mail box for her followers to call into and hear. It was all very messed up, does this ring a bell for anyone?

Dave Chapelle on Obama and Drugs (1:25)

George W. Bush: Fakin' It

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