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nanrod (Member Profile)

:) Holidays/Merry Christmas/Season's Greetings & :) New Yr. (Happy Talk Post)

dag says...

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I was going to make my own season's greetings post, but I'll just tack on to yours Ant and say Happy Holidays to all Sifters. This has been a bit of a crazy year for me IRL, but we're coming up to 10 years for VideoSift in February and we're planning something a little forward looking for our Siftiversary. See you all in the new year.

The World War II meme that circled the world

artician says...

Every year for my birthday my grandmother would draw Killroy peaking over a fence in the card, just as her way of personalizing her greeting. She most likely picked it up from my grandfather, who was a WW2 vet. I'd never made the connection before now, though I'm certain I heard of the Killroy thing before now.

twenty one pilots: Stressed Out (Official video)

RFlagg says...

Greetings to you in Columbus from Canton. Ohio does have a decent rock history beyond just the rock hall... Chrissie Hynde, DEVO, Trent Reznor (technically from PA, but his NIN project started in Cleveland, so I count him as Ohio), Marilyn Manson, and Black Keys just to name ones off the top of my head... John Legend... of course there's also Dean Martin but he's not rock... I know there's more... I was last in Columbus for the 4th of July for the Columbus Crew game that day.

Quboid (Member Profile)

Elephant herd attacks motorbike in Thailand

MilkmanDan says...

I didn't see the "praying" in the rolling video, but the stills that look like that make me pretty sure that he's actually doing a Thai "wai":

As that link mentions, the wai can be used for greeting / thank you / sorry depending on the situation. The still looks exactly like the kind of posture I'd expect in a "sorry" wai -- so I bet that he was treating the elephant in an anthropomorphic way and apologizing to it.

One more interesting but maybe less relevant piece of information about wais -- the height of where you put your "praying hands" along your chest/head is used to denote rank / class differences or add extra deference. So thumbs at sternum is used for equal rank / age, thumbs at chin/mouth for bosses or elders, and thumbs at nose for monks. If you really fuck something up and want to apologize profusely you can wai with thumbs on your forehead.

...So, although I think the guy was doing an "apologetic wai" to the elephant, his thumbs were at sternum level, which suggests that he's treating the elephant as an equal and has a certain degree of nonchalance.

newtboy said:

I think I see what happened...he got between the large matriarch and the 'baby'. He's really lucky they stopped where they did.
I love his reaction...praying for forgiveness from the elephants. Strangely, it seemed to work.

The dystopian future of augmented reality

lucky760 says...

I guess basic rules of etiquette aren't part of his AR self-training. He holds his fork like a caveman and when joined by his date he doesn't even bother to stand up to greet her.

Where's that accent from that he's trying to cover up? Can't place it.

Smarter Every Day - Devil Facial Tumor Disease

00Scud00 says...

While I could believe that the Tasmanian Devils greet each other by biting I don't think his little experiment with the camera proves much. I dangle just about anything in front of my Ferrets and they'll start chomping, I've heard that it's just how they interact with the world, perhaps it is similar with the Devils.
Also, a little Sympathy for the Devil might have been appropriate, poor lil devils.

EvilDeathBee (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

Sepacore says...

Some interesting arrow science.
Predicting that wobble = warlock.

0.38% of the video yields 95% of comments.

Hadn't considered the fist bump as a potential health measure.

During greeting processes I've fist bumped a billionaire (he shook his head after, with a smile), refrained from physical contact (sick) and have been told "i killed your family" (many times by a friend, joke deliberately focused on inappropriate things to say), in all cases i knew the person well.

I think the difference in appropriateness is how well you know the individual, and what they're tolerant of. A first bump as a first meeting is a bit off imo as no bond has been built and best left to a generic handshake.
These guys however, had obviously met multiple times, so not a bad idea to freshen things up with some alternatives. Seems the older fella was too quick for this to be their first fist bump.

Also i agree fist bumping is not professional, it's casual.. with or with out a classy explosion.

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

lucky760 says...

If that's a problem for him, he shouldn't be initiating physical skin-to-skin contact with other people. Or, he *could* give him a pat on the back.

I'm not a fan of the fist bump. I feel it's too ghetto and impersonal. I haven't taught my kids to do that. Every time someone tries to give them a fist-bump I explain they don't do that and to please shake their hand instead if they must do something.

I wouldn't want my boys entering a board room and greeting the CEO with a fist-bump. [Feel free to exchange "board room" with "operating room" or "courtroom" and "CEO" with "patient" or "judge."]

newtboy said:

What if it's done as a health issue? Shaking hands is a major disease vector, and if altering that social behavior just slightly can help us all stay safer, isn't that worth it?
I only fist bump these days. I'm not quite at Howie Mandel level, but I understand him. I always feel that if I'm going to shake your hand, I might as well go ahead and just give you a hug (and probably a pat on the back too), no?
But maybe that's just weird old me. ;-)


eric3579 says...

When I was done dying my conscience regained
So I began my struggle a nothingness strained
Out a flash made of time my new form blasted out
And it startled me so and I burst out a shout
At which my legs ran frantic like birds from a nest
And I ran until drained leaving no choice but rest
So I fell asleep softly at the edge of a cave
But I should have gone in deeper but I'm not so brave
And like that I was torn out and thrown in the sky
And I said all my prayers because surely I'll die
As I crashed down and smashed into earth, into dirt
How my skin did explode leaving only my shirt
But from shirt grew a tree and then tree grew a fruit
And I became the seed and that seed was a brute
And I clawed through the ground with my roots and my leaves
And I tore up the shirt and I ate up the sleeves
And they laughed out at me and said "what is your plan?"
But their question was foreign I could not understand
When then suddenly I'm ripped up and placed into a mouth
And it swallowed me down at which time I head south
So I said
Hey ya ya
Hey ya ya
Hey ya ya
Hey hey hey

Well I woke up to see them, these two mighty steeds
With their mouths grinning wildly expressing my needs
As they stood there above me, being flanked on each side
I felt no need to fear them, no reason to hide
So I reached up to touch but they faded too soon
Yet their mouths still remained and stacked up towards the moon
How that ladder of mouth waved so soft in the night
And I looked up in awe at that beautiful sight
And I dreamt about climbing into the night sky
But I knew had I touched them they'd mouth back 'bye bye'
So I got up and walked down the path in the dark
And there deep in the distance my eye caught a spark
Of a crab twice my size with incredible strength
Oh it greeted me kindly and then we all drank
And we drooled out together right onto the ground
And the ocean grew up quickly right up all around
And the earth looked at me and said "wasn't that fun?"
And I replied "I'm sorry if I hurt anyone"
And without even thinking cast me into space
But before she did that she wiped off my own face
She said better luck next time don't worry so much
Without ears I couldn't hear I could just feel the touch
As I feel asleep softly at the edge of a cave
But I should have gone deeper but I'm not so brave
I said
Hey ya ya
Hey ya ya
Hey ya ya
Hey hey hey

aimpoint (Member Profile)

Tommy Chong's "Lincoln Advertisement"

StukaFox says...

Greetings from Seattle, where 4/20 isn't just a holiday, it's a goddamn Olympic sport!

(also: try the salmon but stay for the $40 legal eights of Snoop's Dream!)

newtboy said:

@StukaFox, yeah, in Cali we got all kinds of diesel...sour, blueberry, bubblegum, diesel/wreck, etc. Now we just need to make it legal.

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