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Would You Kill Your Own Child if God Said So? Caller: Yes

handmethekeysyou says...

What I find most confusing about this is that these guys feel strongly enough about their opinions that they've gone out and gotten lights, cameras, mics, custom chyrons, and apparently built a chroma-key studio. Then they produced this & seem to have gone through whatever steps necessary to get on public access.

Then what do they key in on the green screen? The Windows stock desktop image Red Desert Moon. What?!? Oh, but they added the date in Arial Bold, so I guess they really made it their own.


The Daily Show - Olivia Munn Is The New Correspondent

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

xxovercastxx says...

I don't universally scorn Apple, but they have been systematically tarnishing their own image for the last several years. I think the "vs" ads were the last positive thing they did in that regard.

Historically, Mac's bread and butter were the creative industries and now they're stifling the creativity of their users. They're driving off their faithful user base and now they're primarily left with the "snobby douchebag" market who only buys their stuff as a status symbol.

Then there's the lawsuits. They shut down Think Secret, went after Psystar and BluWiki, and most recently they've threatened Xiph. They're behaving like the RIAA.

Speaking of which, there's the DRM. They eventually caved and went DRM-free on their music, but not video content.

They're doing all these things as the free and open mindset is taking hold. They're fighting trends which are good for consumers and they still have the audacity to act like their shit don't stink. The iPad probably wouldn't be such a huge joke if they hadn't hyped it up like the Segway.

Just a few years ago they launched the iPod. MP3 players had been around for a while and other companies even had far superior products, but they marketed the iPod well and managed to become ubiquitous. They were the epitome of "hip"; now they look out of touch. The iPad unveiling reminds me of McCain's green screen speech.

>> ^dag:

Look, there is one very big mistake that Apple has made. They are losing the culture war. VideoSift skews a bit younger than me - I think the median age is about 29 - and the dislike and mistrust of Apple seems to be pretty universal among you all. We can blame the closed nature of the iPhone OS, those douchy "Mac vs. PC" ads, or maybe just that Apple is no longer the beleaguered, scrappy underdog. For whatever reason, hearts and minds are not with Apple at the moment.
e>> ^xxovercastxx:
Yes, because selling independent games was never profitable until Apple offered to play morality police and charge you 30% for the privilege.
>> ^dag:
And for all the squealing about Jobs' choke-hold on the platform - it's good to remember that Apple has empowered a whole generation of "little guy" developers to make good money from the app ecosystem - wresting power from the established game behemoths like EA. Good luck making a little game on other platforms - AND actually making dosh from it. The same kind of disruption-- upsetting the applecart of the big publishing companies-- appears to be in the works for self-published authors.

Awesome TV Theme Medley

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

What am I missing here. I saw his keyboard arm go in front of the guitar several times. Did he green screen his first take?>> ^Maniacal:

This guy's got some skills. One of them is knowing how to look creepy sitting beside himself.

Metal Carving Robot

TDS: 2 Girls 1 GOP

Zyrxil says...

>> ^Abel_Prisc:

There's so much I love about this video. And I know people will tell me the Colbert-era was probably their favorite, but I can't help but love the current batch of correspondents. Wyatt Cenac and John Oliver get me every single time.

Meh to Cenac and Oliver and the other one I can't remember the name of. I wouldn't care if they were replaced. Jason Jones has been my favorite ever since his first appearance and visit to Sweden where he shoved a guy on a street to prove it wasn't a green screen Him, Demetri Martin, and to a lesser extent Samantha Bee were awesome.

What You See Isn't Always What You Get

Zyrxil says...

>> ^Hybrid:

It's surprising how many of these shots look like they wouldn't need green screen. I mean, all that effort, for say two actors sitting on the steps in front of Lincoln. Do they really need green screen for that?

You're not considering all the factors.

Sure, you could film on the steps of the Real Lincoln Memorial, but you'd have to fly all your cast and crew out to Washington DC, get filming permits for a really gdamn busy public memorial, make sure the weather and lighting is perfect, cordon off the area so no one walks into your shot, and threaten to shoot any assholes who decide to be clever by shouting really loud as the actors start to speak.

Or, you could green screen.

You won't guess what happens as this guy cleans his Ferrari

OK Go - Rube Goldberg Machine Version of This Too Shall Pass

dgandhi says...

>> ^maatc:
Possibly, yes. Thought I´d like to imagine it was all done without.

From the editing it looks to me like:

1) they built a significant subset of this machine.
2) they ran it in sections (the placement of the band in different locations suggests cuts).
3) they pieced it together with some kick ass digital editing (this can account for some of the syncing).
4) they added more "stuff" to the machine in post, to make some parts look more interesting.

The "we don't like computers" line at the end of the making-of seems suspiciously like a smoke screen.

[edit] what would be mind-bendingly kick ass: If the whole thing, including the making-of were green screened.

Create a 3D model of any scene using Photosynth and Meshlab

8 Most Hideous Foods Condoned by Society

Samaelsmith says...

Oooh, thousands of dollars for food with gold in it. Man, the people who buy that stuff do not deserve the money they have. Just get a bottle of Goldschlager and knock yourself out.

On a side note, I was suprised that the studio background was green screen. Or should I say green curtain?

Green Screen - What you see is an illusion

Stargate Studios Virtual Backlot Demo

Stargate Studios Virtual Backlot Demo

Stargate Studios Virtual Backlot Demo

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