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When Your Mom Sees You Throwing Rocks At Cops On TV

newtboy says...

I can say, I'm for hitting your kid when they do something like this. Better, I'm all for beating them publicly to embarrass them to all their friends they were trying to look tough for. Perfect in my mind. She didn't harm him, so kudos mom.
Imagine if 3000 moms had done this, there would have been no riot. Really, 300 moms doing this would have probably scared the other 2700 into going home before their mom showed up. ;-)

The Origins of Dragons in Middle Earth

lv_hunter says...

Hey! Come merry dol! derry dol! My darling!
Light goes the weather-wind and the feathered starling.
Down along under Hill, shining in the sunlight,
Waiting on the doorstep for the cold starlight,
There my pretty lady is, River-woman's daughter,
Slender as the willow-wand, clearer than the water.
Old Tom Bombadil water-lilies bringing
Comes hopping home again. Can you hear him singing?
Hey! Come merry dol! derry dol! and merry-o!
Goldberry, Goldberry, merry yellow berry-o!
Poor old Willow-man, you tuck your roots away!
Tom's in a hurry now. Evening will follow day.
Tom's going home again water-lilies bringing.
Hey! Come derry dol! Can you hear me singing?

Barack Obama interviews creator David Simon of The Wire

newtboy jokingly says...

Damn it, I fed the troll again, my bad. Sorry all.
Now his friends are coming to the feeding station.
I'm closing it. No more treats for you. Go home.

and here's the stats requested to discuss among yourselves...
34 police shootings by August 2014
17 of the 74 overall homicide deaths in 2014 were perpetrated by cops...that's 23%!!!!
more stats than you want about Chicago crime

newtboy said:

...a reply to someone that should be ignored.

Monsanto man claims it's safe to drink, refuses a glass.

bcglorf says...

When talking about round-up, your audience is supposedly people that might actually use it. NOBODY uses it at 100% concentration unless they are the type to go home and heat their house with a fireplace full of money too. Round-up in most situations is terrifically effective against plants at less than 1% concentration. When you talk about round up and the associated risks, your talking about what is expected to be sitting in the tank of the sprayer.

The vinegar example is one you've used to nicely illustrate my point. Vinegar is nothing more than diluted acetic acid. In common language nobody talks about the hazards of vinegar being the same as those of concentrated acetic acid. Concentrated acetic acid though is not something you want on your skin or anywhere near your mouth. The whole point of my making such an unfair comparison is to illustrate that the same is true of round-up. In common usage, nobody's sprayer tank that they take into a field is gonna be anywhere close to 100% concentrated, it's gonna be much, much closer to 1%. That makes a difference, and glossing over that is also dishonest.

newtboy said:

The 'good doctor' said "you can drink a whole quart of it, it won't hurt you", not 'you can drink a whole quart of it, but only if you dilute it to <1%'. Please point out where in the video he said anything about it being harmless ONLY AT DILUTED CONCENTRATION, and not a blanket "you can drink a whole quart of it (talking about pure 100%glyph-oscine) and it wont' hurt you" Also please point out where the interviewer says the glass is pure undiluted might have been a <1% solution for all we know. "I'm not stupid" means 'I'm not stupid enough to believe that asshat liar that just told you it's harmless and agreed to drink it'. I love that he keeps repeating essentially 'it's harmless, but keep that crap away from me'.

"People try to commit suicide with it and fail fairly regularly" implies that they succeed more often, or he certainly would have said '...and they usually fail' or '...and they never succeed'. People try to commit suicide with draino and fail fairly regularly too, and it's deadly flesh rotting poison that damages you terrribly for life, even if you don't die.

EDIT: as for your vinegar example, people DO drink pure vinegar for many reasons. It's unpleasant, but not harmful in small doses (not only harmless in extremely diluted doses).

Goodyear's new tires can help power your electric car

Squirrel has a little too much

View Counting Bug in Sift Talk (Sift Talk Post)

Daldain (Member Profile)

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Daldain (Member Profile)

Kate Middleton impersonator having fun with tourists in UK

Sagemind says...

Never understood people who do this.
No personality of their own so they use someone else's....
And those people who thing it's really her, and go home with stories of how they met her, or saw her, when really they only just met a fake.

Playing chicken car vs tank

newtboy jokingly says...

In Russia, cars push tanks off roads!

This reminds me of the game "kill the kid" I used to play with my dad....he would drive at me at about 20mph, I would jump on the hood and roll around, he would hit the brakes and roll me off, then he would drive off fast and go home. We always were amused that none of the neighbors EVER called the cops or an amberlamps, even though we were certain they saw us repeatedly!

Bill Maher and Ben Affleck go at it over Islam

RFlagg says...

Same Harris' response to the whole affair:

I do think that it's important while pointing out these things, one also needs to point out that here in the US at least, over half the Christians claim to be pro-life while supporting the death penalty, encouraging war, and being against programs that help the needy and the poor, or at least that's how they vote. And here perhaps Maher and Harris fail...I think it's fairly obvious all religion is bad. Christianity spread by the sword, forcing Europe to convert from their Pagan ways, eventually offering to integrate aspects of Pagan holidays into Christian ones to make it more enticing. Convert or die may not be practiced in Christianity much now, but public shaming if you leave Christianity and bigotry to those of other religions or lack of faith is very real. Several polls have shown that most Christians would prefer to elect a Muslim over an Atheist even if they are otherwise the same. And many still seem to believe in that religion should be pushed, not just something tolerated and allowed... of course I admit I'm a bit colored and biased by the fact I'm surrounded by the Tea Party/Fox News type Christians pretty much everywhere I go, home, a bit at work... Were I to escape being around them so much, I'd probably soften my view a bit.

Cop throws himself onto car and acts as if he were hit

newtboy says...

So sad that that's your level of comprehension. That was YOUR argument, and YOUR assumption YOUR lack of logic and YOUR racism...but you're a cop, so of course you try to put your 'crimes' onto someone else.
(you're so incredibly racist that when someone writes "gang member" or "criminal" you actually read "black person".)
Now you are just being one more smarmy asshole racist cop that can't read being a dick because someone smarter got the better of you...again. Why don't you just go home and beat your wife some more?
What a mekraub! I only wish you weren't too cowardly to admit where you work so we could all avoid you. Sadly, predictably, you are exactly that kind of coward that has to hide from his own inappropriate statements.
Terrible try....and fail.

lantern53 said:

So you think that every black person you see misbehaving in a video is a gang-member? What a racist.

Your argument is weak. Your assumption is illogical and wrong.

But nice try.

Doctors Begin To Refuse Obamacare Patients

newtboy says...

Yeah, sorry, I can't feel bad for DRs that only get $80 per <10 minutes + a $35 co-pay. If your office can't survive on >$690 per hour, you're doing it wrong (or more likely you're just a greedy bastard that never thinks they're paid enough by their sick patients and can't fathom not taking 3 months vacation traveling the world each year). It sounds like we're hearing complaints from Republican DRs here, making the same old conservative argument that 'If I can't make as much or more money under the new system, it's broken and I won't play, so I'm taking all my money and I'm going home...screw you guys", but we've all heard that before and they simply don't go away, because making slightly less money is better than making no money. Hide and watch.

Anti-Gun PSA Makes the Case for Women With Guns

enoch says...

voodoo just won!
ya'all can go home now!

*note* i maaaay be exaggerating a tad,but still...pretty damn awesome comment.

VoodooV said:

The fallacy though is that there is a strong anti-gun movement. There isn't The pro-gun people desperately cling to that strawman fallacy any time there is a call for gun control.

The number of people who are actually "anti-gun" in the US are too small to politically matter, but who knows, as @ChaosEngine pointed out, maybe that will change someday as attitudes and technology changes, but that day is not today.

However, the majority of people ARE for gun control/regulation. The vast majority of Americans have no problem with armed citizenry. The debate is ACTUALLY about the level of armament. They want stiffer controls to keep them out of the hands of criminals and the mentally disturbed. And maybe some required training/certification for those that do choose to own firearms, just like we test periodically for drivers licenses.

Even the pro-gun people should (I hope) agree that nuclear arms should be under tight control and not in the hands of civilians. Should a civilian be able to own a cruise missile? a tank? A battleship cannon? How about one of those new magnetic rail cannons being developed? If you agree that these types of weapons should not be used by civvies, then you are pro-gun control.

The question is just one of degree. I completely agree that "assault" weapons is too vague a term and stricter definitions need to be created to define what civvies should and shouldn't have.

Precedent is already set. We have a constitutional right to bear arms as well as many other rights, but rights have been taken away countless times (with the consent of the governed) for people who have proven that they can be a harm to others, so you can't really argue that the 2nd amendment is inalienable. Many, if not all, rights have conditions to them.

There are ALWAYS exceptions.

I've harped on it before and I'll harp on it again. Bill Maher is exactly right. There is no "anti-gun" party. We have a "loves guns" party and a "likes guns" party.

There is NO significant anti-gun movement in America. But the pro-gun people are scared so they try to bogeyman you into thinking there is.

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