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Anti-Masturbation VS. Louis CK

Television Credits | David Mitchell's Soapbox

moodonia says...

I've had a number of endings of various shows ruined by the announcer talking over the conclusion. So one is watching a whodunnit and dont get to hear whodunnit.

>> ^steroidg:

Credits? One of the commercial channels in Australia used to half the viewing area of Futurama 15 seconds before the show actually finished and talk over the entire ending.

Television Credits | David Mitchell's Soapbox

steroidg says...

Credits? One of the commercial channels in Australia used to half the viewing area of Futurama 15 seconds before the show actually finished and talk over the entire ending.

The Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who) in Futurama

X Games 17: Women can't dunk, but have good fundamentals

X Games 17: Women can't dunk, but have good fundamentals

Two brits explore WalMart

yourhydra says...

>> ^shagen454:

Yeah, yeah (I love Futurama BTW and the only way they are able to make references to what they do is because they are well aware)
But I'd rather support "penniless hippies" than corporate, lifeless twats that ruin local American economies just so they can by a John Deer lawnmower so they can waste shitloads of good water & money on their silly little golf lawns and feel "accomplished".
I really wish "Support Local Business" wasn't synonymous with "hippy" culture. It should be in everyone's interest. But, I guess the other-side of America is apathy, complacency and self-destruction - the whole "I don't care" "fuck it" mentality.
>> ^Sarzy:
>> ^shagen454:

The issue isn't "greedy corporations" you realize all corporations were once the local business in town that grew because they provided something better/cheaper. I will agree that giant mega corporations aren't all that great...but you need to understand they wouldn't exist without government subsidization (look at america's corn industry...hence the obesity levels..everything has corn syrup in it because the industry is SO heavily subsidized.)

my point is, if you're unhappy, don't complain about walmart, complain about the shit government that fucks up free markets, allowing and encouraging monopolies and oligopolies. not a single case of a monopoly within a free market exist in the history of any country.*

ps. I bet you shop at walmart.

Two brits explore WalMart

shagen454 says...

Yeah, yeah (I love Futurama BTW and the only way they are able to make references to what they do is because they are well aware)

But I'd rather support "penniless hippies" than corporate, lifeless twats that ruin local American economies just so they can by a John Deer lawnmower so they can waste shitloads of good water & money on their silly little golf lawns and feel "accomplished".

I really wish "Support Local Business" wasn't synonymous with "hippy" culture. It should be in everyone's interest. But, I guess the other-side of America is apathy, complacency and self-destruction - the whole "I don't care" "fuck it" mentality.

>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^shagen454:

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

Arrested Development - Tobias' Audition

mizila says...

>> ^Bardaf:

Well, if it gets the same destiny of Family Guy and Futurama, we should see all the Bluth family back in a few years on Fox...
Even if it's not animated and that the actors will be older, and so on...
The faster you'll all buy DVDs, the faster it will be aired back...

>> ^kymbos:

There's a moooovie coming out.

Yeah, it sounds like it was hard enough getting everybody to do the much anticipated movie (slated for a 2012 release). Doesn't look like there's any hope of it returning as a series. Honestly, I'm okay with that. Don't get me wrong, I think the quality of both Family Guy and Futurama have stayed high despite their production gaps; but I just don't think a live action cast could come back without missing a beat the way an animated cast can. Of course, don't let that stop you from buying the DVD's. Seriously, everyone go buy the box set right now.

TYT: Disvovered Document Exposes Fox News


Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Full Trailer

World's Fastest Turtle?

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