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Afghanistan Bomb Patrol

Morganth says...

Funny story - they didn't "produce" this. It's actual footage from Afghanistan. I seriously doubt those guys in the truck were just doing that to impress kids who play videogames. >> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

fuck G4 for producing this war porn. likely for no other reason but to impress it's "call of duty" audience.

Go See Hanna Instead of Cowboys & Aliens this Weekend (Blog Entry by dag)

Farhad2000 says...

Come on of course Cowboys and Aliens was going to terrible. They took a funny story and tried to make a serious movie out of it and that's why it fails on so many fronts. Plus Ford is phoning in everything now just like Pacino and De Niro.

Hanna was good but disappointing mostly of what Blankfist mentioned already. She takes out a whole base and suddenly shes scared of 3 guys and 1 woman in the finale? Ninja please.

Hanna with its fairytale bullshit was really weak as well. I was hoping it would have more of a Bourne Identity feel about it. Am not 5 give me complex storylines not rooted in fairytale bullshit. By the 3rd act all I wanted to do is fucking leave because the story started to fall apart and retcon everything they built up in act 1 and 2. Still good but it's not Leon or Nikita.

Overall this whole summer has been shit for movies.

Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine

luxury_pie says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^luxury_pie:
Don't tell me you didn't know that!
Where do you think all the ninjas went?

Funny story, true story -- ninjas were the inventors of the washing machine. It was originally intended to be a booby trap that would pull hapless victims into a spinning, burning death, but it turned out to be better at washing clothes. Thus the true ninja empire was founded on the washing machine. Not many people know that. Those who do usually die (unless they're ninjas).
Don't tell anyone I told you.

Disappearing-Socks-Mystery solved I guess...

Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine

poolcleaner says...

>> ^luxury_pie:

Don't tell me you didn't know that!
Where do you think all the ninjas went?

Funny story, true story -- ninjas were the inventors of the washing machine. It was originally intended to be a booby trap that would pull hapless victims into a spinning, burning death, but it turned out to be better at washing clothes. Thus the true ninja empire was founded on the washing machine. Not many people know that. Those who do usually die (unless they're ninjas).

Don't tell anyone I told you.


The Daylight Here, Lauren O'Connell and Nataly Dawn

Jinx says...

Funny story: I spent a good couple of hours over a couple of days trying to learn this song by ear and looking closely at her hands on the frets. I couldn't quite figure out the tuning, I got something that sounded about right but...not the same. Then I realised she was playing on a Banjo.

Yeah, I'm pretty fucking amatuer.

Texting Fountain lady, Suing mall for her own dumb actions


The Single Truest Political Rant Ever to Appear on MorningTV

joedirt says...

QM, you little coward... You don't think Christianity called for killing? You ever read any history? Or are you limiting your awesome view of western superiority to the last 400 years?

Explain the Oklahoma City bombing you little baby.

I can't believe you can watch this video and not realize the only people who have attacked America was funded by US dollars and trained by US intelligence (ie. CIA). That would be the Saudi people like the bin Ladens who are funded through their US corporations, who also happen to be family friends of the Bush dynasty.. Did I mention the same bin Laden family bailed out little George W and gave him a company to run into the ground? Did I mention that Papa Bush happened to have been in charge of ... I dunno the CIA? Also the president for awhile back when Saudis were funneled million of dollars.

Funny story, even Saddam was ... guess what? funded and given arms by the US.. and omg, trained by.. guess who? the CIA. The same group that Papa Bush was head of.

So, if you can't comprehend some small faction of extremists that were funded by CIA, Papa Bush and US-based Saudi corporations and US federal dollars and weapons dumped on the Saudis, you really are the biggest ostrich that ever wrapped themselves in the stars and stripes.

Olbermann: There is No "Ground Zero Mosque"

Matthu says...

Look, don't get me wrong, I'm undecided on the issue, and as such, am not propagating any particular side. Nor am I trying to fear monger, though I may be expressing my own concerns of the unknown, when I speak of Islam, I'm speaking of Islam as it is proscribed by the Koran. Though there certainly are many moderate muslims, the Koran's demands are worrisome:

"Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies and others besides, whom ye may not know (8:60)"

"Strive hard (Jihad) against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed. (66:9, See also 9:73)"

"Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them." (8:12-13)"

In regards to my comment on the founding fathers' views and expectations having been corrupted, I was referring specifically to the power given to the banks. Here's Thomas Jefferson's view on banks:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The
issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to
whom it properly belongs."

As far as my worry about what they're preaching and praying for in mosques, how can I know for certain? Shall I infiltrate them? There's a mosque right around the corner from my house. Shall I attempt to gain entry? My best bet would be wearing a full cloth bag and pretending to be a chick! Yes... 'tis an excelent plan. Or maybe I'll just walk in and see how they react to my curiosity.

Funny story about that mosque actually, when I was a young kid I was biking around with a muslim friend and he needed to go to the mosque for a bit, he wanted me to come with said it wouldn't be long. I was pretty hesitant as I didn't feel it was appropriate, we biked to the back of the mosue where everyone was happy and cheerful and smiling and random muslims were coming up to shake my hand, lol, until my friend said nono he's not muslim. Anyhow, it was a little awkward. His holy book says this about me:

"Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe(8:55)"

Regarding the Koran demanding the abolishment of all non-muslim religions, why would a moderate muslim have a different answer than a non-moderate muslim? The Koran either says it or it doesn't say it. Oh wait, I forgot. Religious words can be interpreted, misinterpreted and reinterpreted. Religion is so convenient and easily defended that way.

Also, Atheists are, or should be, fighting holy wars all day long. Fighting for better spending of resources, fighting for good science, and fighting against religion when it seeks to undermine, conceal, distort, exaggerate or otherwise abuse the truth to the great detriment of people.

And lastly, you defend Islams oppression of women by purporting that I should troll the streets in search of self-proclaimed moderate muslims and ask their opinions on the conditions of women? That's just silly. I can only speak on what I see, and what I see are TONS of women psychologically manipulated into roles of subordination. They gladly don their cloth bags in my neighborhood, if I were to spend the day on my stoop, in 35ºC weather, counting how many women walk by fully concealed, I would count many dozen.

One last thought: I'm not even American, I'm Canadian, but it seems Americans expect a lot of themselves. It's strange. You've got tons of people saying, "Hey, we'll be righteous and good, we will let them build a muslim community center a couple hundred feet from where muslims flew planes into our buildings and murdered close to FOUR THOUSAND of our brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers, in one fell swoop."

But then when Americans invade other countries, some undevelopped and third-world, murder, rape and pillage resources, everyone stays quiet. There's no outrage. It's funny to me is all, America portrays itself as some morale bastion of freedom, justice and righteousness when it's not. And that's fine. It doesn't have to be.

Quit being hypocrites and tell them to go fuck themselves. Maybe next time their brother knocks down your sand castle at the beach they'll speak the fuck up a bit louder and tell him to quit ruining their good thing.

I'm sorry if this has been inflammatory or offensive in any way. It's a very contentious issue, and I'm happy I'm not the one having to make a decision on this. I don't hate any group. I have a lot of disdain for religion in general, but I am not so ignorant that I would hate blindly, nor should the ignorant be hated upon.

“The tax which will be paid for the purpose of education is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance” -Thomas Jefferson

How To Dance To Dubstep

acidSpine says...

Fuck yeah #1 for sure and I say that despite my immense loathing toward D&B, Dubstep in particular. Funny story, I randomly met a girl who was into drum and bass and on our first date we went to this dnb gig but the music was so unbearable I phantomed* off into the night which pretty much ended things.

*Phantom (fan′təm) verb To abandon your compainons without their knowledge

Alan's Funny Stories - Alan Partridge

SC2 - Unbeatable Protoss 1v1 Strategy

residue says...

Well I knew it wasn't real, but I also was hoping that she knew some trick that would keep the flying fortress from harm, ie a funny glitch + a funny story to go with it. that would have been funny to me. maybe the title threw me off and I was actually expecting an unbeatable strategy

>> ^Napalm:

You didn't realize it was a parody in the first 30 seconds?

The Gayest Chinese Video In History Of Gay Chinese Videos

Kerotan says...

(Okay, a little more restraint is required, I wrote the below before clicking through to break, where you got your info)

Oh wow, you seriously did fucking not do this, I'm getting a little shirty, but I'l try and restrain myself, but that isn't Chinese, not even close, the men in this video are in fact Korean, they are members of popular boy groups 2am/2pm, doing a parody of this, a song by popular Korean girl group called brown eyed girls, for a reality show called wild bunny.
The parody is loosely about men fascinated with cleaning, and cleaning their body, hence the name dirty eyed girls.

And while I'm on my high horse, I'm pretty sure that only one of them, (the guy in the pink top, Jo Kwon) is gay.


Funny story I did think about sifting this, but I thought it would be far too obscure for people to get the joke.

Republican Birther Posts Racist Billboard In Denver, Co

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