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Frog and Bug Smasher App

Frog and Bug Smasher App

Gaming Frog

Messing With a Frog

Newts, yo...try to not put em in your mouthy parts

Newts, yo...try to not put em in your mouthy parts

Frog and Bug Smasher App

Gaming Frog

Messing With a Frog

Frog and Bug Smasher App

Frog and Bug Smasher App

Giraffe Copenhagen Zoo chief: 'I like animals'

newtboy says...

It made me wonder, don't they still do dissection in schools? We did frogs in 5-6th grade.

ChaosEngine said:

Wow, a scientist made a decision for scientific reasons. Who knew?

Idiot fucking interviewer: we would "protect" children from this.

Yeah, heaven forfend that kids grow up learning that meat comes from animals or how a giraffes heart has to be huge.

Oh God Max, No! DON´T EAT JIMMY!!!

poolcleaner says...

This is better than releasing the rabbit to the clutches of hawks because it's the dog you loved eating the frog you're learning to love. And thus the ultimate in life lessons: Learning to tolerate people that you love which cause you pain.

When he has a child that destroys his beloved card/toy collection, he'll remember his dog eating the frog and finally be able to forgive good ol Jimmy.

OR --

He'll murder his child in that moment, because of the stored up hatred over all those years. And people will say "He was such a nice man, we would have never known..."

But Jimmy knows. Jimmy laughs from the grave!

Damn you Jimmy!


Jupiter Ascending -- new film from Andy and Lana Wachowski

shatterdrose says...

Because some people wouldn't have magic. For instance, you may not be able to teleport, so eventually automobiles would be invented, or trains etc. Making a fireball appear doesn't help you get from point A to point B. It also wouldn't stop industrialization, or the invention of electricity and lighting either. Of course, those who could levitate, or turn people into frogs would still be revered etc, but it still wouldn't take the place if an iPad Air, now would it.

ChaosEngine said:

It depends on what the "magic" can do. What would be your motivation for developing technology if magic could do the same job?

Back when Kermit was female! - Muppets on Jack Parr 1963

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