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The Spinners: Rubberband Man

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

qruel says...

what happened to thsoe people mentioned ? was there a falling out or did they just quit participating?

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
Congrats to Videosift!

A small shout out to all those who are missed! a few names - benjee, NickyP, gwaan, michie, LadyBug, SnakePlissken, Daphne, mauz15, plastiquemonkey, rickegee, thecosmicshame, gluonium, theo47, sfjocko, NTB, westy, firefly, maudlin and joemawlma.

These guys made the site thrive in terms of submissions and commentary! Sorry if I forgot anyone!

Happy 2nd Siftiversary! VideoSift is 2 (Sift Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Congrats to Videosift!

A small shout out to all those who are missed! a few names - benjee, NickyP, gwaan, michie, LadyBug, SnakePlissken, Daphne, mauz15, plastiquemonkey, rickegee, thecosmicshame, gluonium, theo47, sfjocko, NTB, westy, firefly, maudlin and joemawlma.

These guys made the site thrive in terms of submissions and commentary! Sorry if I forgot anyone!

Nicest Dad in the World - Prank your 4 Year Old

Fade says...

I hate supposed "comedy" that revels in attacking the defenseless. I suppose that you could post videos of people beating up homeless guys, or making mentally handicapped people eat their own snot, or assholes knocking people over in wheelchairs and it would get eleven votes.

WTF?? Rickegee you are kidding right? There is simply no comparison here. Beating up homeless people and playing a harmless prank on a child are miles apart. Not to mentioned your clear social bias. WHo made you heir to the throne your majesty? And assuming that he is a racist is really reaching.

Nicest Dad in the World - Prank your 4 Year Old

9727 says...

take a pill, rickegee. the kid's not traumatized. it's soda squirting all over him, for god sake. boo-fuckin-hoo. if he was in another country in our world today, it'd be a IED he was picking up off the ground.
i have nieces and nephews that are being coddled in the way rottenseed describes and that's more terrifying to me. of course you shouldn't bully or exploit kids, but they're being raised like the littlest scare or trauma will scar them for life and it makes them unable to handle anything confrontational. flash forward ten years and not only can they NOT handle anything emotionally, they turn into those MTV "My Sweet Sixteen" trust fund fucks that demand the world service them.
Sure, it's kind of a jerky prank for the dad to do, but i think it's funny as hell and it's the sort of thing doofy dads do.

rickegee (Member Profile)

rickegee (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Farhad saved this one, which is good because it's important and it was SO close.

In reply to this comment by rickegee:
All good points, but current agricultural subsidy policies tend to reward pure size and overproduction rather than environmentally sustainable practices, particularly in the cotton and sugar industries. And there is no question in my mind that both EU and American intransigence on this issue chokes African and 3d world agrarian development by supersizing them out of the market

Eleni Gabre-Madhin Building a commodities market in Ethiopia

schmawy says...

Great comment Farhad. My concern with stopping subsides is that the American "Bread basket" would whither to the point where we could no longer be self-sufficient if need be. The old adage of "every civilization is three meals from a revolution" may be true, but I don't have any gauge on whether or not we could be self-sufficient without subsidies. Or for that matter how much food we import, which I imagine would be a fairly small amount.

On the other hand, maybe self-sufficiency isn't that important, that we should need our our global neighbor's food.

For a look at how gross farm subsidies actually are, see rickegee's discarded vid:

Eleni Gabre-Madhin Building a commodities market in Ethiopia

schmawy says...

Rickegee posted an interesting comment in a farm-subsidy video about how they (the subsidies) function to keep developing agriculture down. Can't find it now. This Gabre-Madhin is a beautiful woman. She's not bad looking either.

The Yes Men: Merry Pranksters against Globalization

Richard Pryor: Dead Honkey

Krupo (Member Profile)

rickegee says...

Like everything that I do, it is mostly the truth. I was fortunate enough to spend a summer dancing and drinking in Krakow in 2001. The marching bands and singing children were wonderfully real, but thankfully, the harsh Danish martial law stayed away.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
Your bio story intrigues me. Fiction or some kind of real account?

rickegee (Member Profile)

rickegee (Member Profile)

rickegee (Member Profile)

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