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Honest Trailers - Iron Man 3

VoodooV says...

What I don't get is how Hollywood has apparently ignored the lesson of Spiderman 3 where they simply tried to do WAY too much in one movie and unsuccessfully tried to pull off 3 villain plots.

Iron Man 3 was just all over the place, The extremis plot, the Mandarin plot, Tony's little mental breakdown thing, the kid sidekick thing. It was so unfocused. Instead of doing one story well, they tried to pull of 3-4 stories poorly.

Maya Hansen was pretty crucial to the comic book Extremis story, but in the movie she was completely useless and was nothing but another woman for Tony to flirt with.

EvilDeathBee said:

I equally liked and disliked the sudden character change of The Mandarin. I'm not at all invested in the Iron Man comics so I didn't care on that front, it was a cool little twist and the goofy character was fun.
However, Kingsley also did such an amazingly intimidating and fearful character I would love to have seen how it would've played out without putting in the twist.

Overall Iron Man 3 sucked, too much unnecessary plot complexity. Sometimes (more often than not, actually) a simple, straight forward plot works best for these sorts of films. Here is the bad guy, here is the good guy, have at it! I'm disappointed and surprised, I had much more faith in Shane Black.

Bank of America Employees Were Told to Lie to Home Owners

ant (Member Profile)

Congratulations to Pumkinandstorm on reaching Galaxy! (Sift Talk Post)

Congratulations to Pumkinandstorm on reaching Galaxy! (Sift Talk Post)

Congratulations to Pumkinandstorm on reaching Galaxy! (Sift Talk Post)

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

Thunderf00t - Why 'Feminism' is poisoning Atheism

braindonut says...

You know, initially, I thought this was a good vid. Now that I've learned more about the content, I can see how unfair it is. Quite misleading. I think I have to retract my "good on you" thoughts. I'm allowed to be wrong, I think.

Elevatorgate... This topic of misogyny in atheism... This entire subject still confuses the shit out of me. How it exploded into a huge deal, whether or not it was an exaggeration... God, it still has me feeling conflicted and confused to this day. The original video that sparked the whole thing was:

And rewatching it - I remember why it rubbed me the wrong way. Yeah, there were a ton of reasons why the dude shouldn't have done what he did. Yes, it was creepy. Yes, poor timing. Very poor. But it's the "sexualizing me creeps me out" comment that gets me. It wasn't the the fact that she was stuck on an elevator with some creepy dude who had no tact that creeped her out. It was the sexualization. That always rubbed me wrong - but I am pretty sure it's not what she meant.

If a guy likes her and asks for coffee because he's attracted to her, that's not a big deal. But that's not what happened - that leaves out the important bits. Everything else surrounding the coffee request was a big deal - and yeah, she has the right to say "Guys, don't corner girls you don't know in the elevator to ask them out or back to your hotel room. Not a smooth move and it's really scary. Seriously." But that's not what she said creeped her out... Pretty sure that's what she meant, though. Or something close to it. I very much doubt she meant "Guys, never try to flirt with me. Sexualizing me in any way creeps me out."

Words are a bitch and people read the wrong things into them. That term "sexualized" is probably the pivotal piece of the entire "controversy." Which is a shame, since the whole experience is a valuable lesson to socially awkward, dumbass dudes: don't do the shit that guy did, it's not good.

So from this flowered all sorts of controversy... That I'm still feeling awfully confused and conflicted about. I still feel like things got blown out of proportion in areas and I DO feel like I couldn't step into these communities and speak my mind, because I'm afraid I'd just get ostracized or attacked. Which is a shame. And it's probably those feelings which fuel any frustration or anger that I have because of the whole topic.

I'm also feeling conflicted, because I still wonder if I don't get it. Maybe there's some sort of serious problem I'm not seeing and I'm actually a misogynist and I have no idea. Hope not.

Your First Lesson in the Klingon Language

What do you like about Sift Five? (Happy Talk Post)

Republicans explaining why you should NOT vote for Romney

VoodooV says...

I can't get behind videos like this, because it's a different race.

Every time someone from the right points out something Hillary said about Obama we dismiss it, so why shouldn't things like be dismissed?

It's a shitty argument given the differences between a primary election vs a general election. We have plenty of legitimate things to hammer Romney on.

IMO, Romney didn't really win the GOP nod, he was simply the last one standing. The GOP flirted with EVERY SINGLE ONE of those candidates and gave them their moment in the sun and they were all found wanting. It's like they were trying out every possible option before finally resigning themselves to Romney. I'm discounting Ron Paul because Ron Paul isn't a really a Republican. I think the GOP would sooner forfeit the race than let Ron Paul be the nominee....just ask Maine where there was GOP voter fraud

Things You Can Be On Halloween Besides Naked!!!

Jinx says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

I'm not convinced that blatant, in-your-face PSAs like this one accomplish anything at all. It's too much like getting lectured by your parents...most kids (which includes the 20-somethings, in my book) tune it out as soon as it starts, especially those that could actually benefit from it.
You want to change the societal pressures? You need to use exactly the same approach that creates the current set...a constant, mostly subtle, stream of propaganda. As long as the exposure is 98% one-sided, guess what's going to be commonly adopted.

I'm not convinced that the aim of this was to be a PSA that changed every girls mind. Why can't it just be a funny youtube video about slutty halloween.

Anyway, in the UK every night may as well be halloween for all the girls dress. I've no idea what clubbing/bars etc look like in the states but over here the whole town center looks like a red light district. Not trying to slut shame, just thats what it looks like. So yah, halloween isn't a huge departure from the norm, as least for that whole scene.

I've no idea if girls feel a pressure to dress skimpy for halloween. I'd hope that those that do want to and understand what sort of attention that draws from men or that they just don't care. Is there really a lot of pressure from media/magazines/adverts etc in this regard? It strikes me more as peer pressure tbh. Like I said, in the UK its not at all limited to halloween. I have a theory to why this is case, but its quite long winded. It involves our alcohol problem/dependence and the british guys pathetic ability in regards to flirting/courtship. The mantle falls so heavily on girls to "put out" because us reserved englishmen are basically complete pussies without a couple of pints...and then we're mostly thinking with our dicks anyway.

So in short. Its mens fault. Wow I sound like such a feminist

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