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Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

the vast majority of videosift is viewable on an iPad- (YouTube) besides I'm here for the flame wars- which work even on an iPhone.

>> ^spoco2:

I can't believe you still want a product that you can't view your own site on.

Seeing as surely one of the biggest things it would have in its favour is web surfing (although at a god AWFUL 1024x768 resolution), how would you even manage without flash?
As said above, something to play with for a bit and then become amazingly bored with because you can't DO much with it.
And to try to compare removing floppy drives from a system (which had other input means in a CD drive) vs not having any USB or SD card slots is just not the same.
Whoop de doo that they can make crudloads of money selling something that has little practical use, but rather than being any 'paradigm shift' it will rather be seen as the first successful product that nevertheless had no use.
Only later will products appear that people actually will have use for.

Zen Coding - HTML done better

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

LarsaruS says...

>> ^peggedbea:
jesus, listen to yourselves.... either you guys almost exclusively deal with the sorriest, bitchiest, most spoiled, princess-complex females in the universe ... or you're really kind of dickish.
i'm using larsarus's comment as the example, but his sentiments seem to be close to the norm here.
expecting that my work and mind be valued and respected as much as yours, does not mean i don't value your existence too. and helping your neighbor reach something high, or get through the door with her hands full doesn't mean you've bowed down to feminist subjugation or were manipulated by doe-eyes. for fucks sake dudes.
social rule for all genitals: don't be a dick. (pun not intended)
>> ^LarsaruS:
My thoughts on equality
In my opinion equality is better than 17th century chivalry. The problem with equality though is that some people feel that they are more equal than others. This is, as far as I have observed, usually a female trait (unless you count the statistical outliers like the few ultra-rich and heads of states and the like) in that they demand equality in all things that benefit them yet refuse to fight for/accept equality in things that don't benefit them or is to their disadvantage. As I see it it is the old problem of living standards i.e. if you are used to having a high standard of living then lowering it is not a viable option. Giving way for a male can be seen as a lowering of their living standards in this instance.
How to deal with it
I have found that using their slogans against them and not helping them works quite well as they can't argue with you when you use their own arguments against them. Example: A female wants to reach the top shelves but can't because she is female and short. She sees a tall male and she looks at him with doe-eyes and asks with a lilt in her voice if he could help poor little her. Simply reply with a No and "Girl power!" or some other feminist slogan (In Sweden there was a slogan that went "Kvinnor kan!" which roughly means "Females can!" with [do anything males can] implied which I usually use). Some females realise the astounding irony of fighting gender inequalities and then relying on them for help but some of them get really pissed, in my opinion, because they can't get a male to do their bidding and are not used to being told 'No' by males. But hey if you want equality then you have got it. I would not help a random short male so I wont help a random female either. It is better for all to learn to improvise and solve their own tiny problems, how to get the crisps/chips from the top shelf, than to rely on the kindness/weakness of others.
In conclusion: you - right & they - wrong. Equality > Chivalry & Strength > Weakness
P.S. Wow this is a wall of text... congrats on getting through it :-D

Another wall of text is incoming... be warned (Not interested in starting a flame war but will probably derail the thread a bit but here goes...)

A couple of comments as you used my text as an example:
1) I would help my neighbours, I like them and know them... well most of them at least and the ones I don't like I probably would not help... As someone said above: chivalry and tipping is a choice not mandatory and so is helping others, especially people you don't like/care about.

2) I can't speak for all of the sift but when I write a text like mine I use broad generalizations to get the/my point across, Example: "All Iraqis and Afghanis are terrorists who want to blow up the world", even if it is "a bit" exaggerated or not true in many many many cases(I would guestimate it to ~99.99% of them or so)...

3) Female wiles are still female wiles whether there is a "feminist agenda"/"feminist subjugation" or not. To clarify my stance/point: Males tend to get their way by use of force, physical/monetary/mental and so on, whilst Females get their way by looking good and using males to do their bidding, see gold diggers/black widows and so on. Yes, females are worth as much and contribute to other stuff using their brains blah blah blah. However, it is a, in my eyes at least, simple concept as (most) Males (except asexuals, homosexuals, paraplegics and others not interested in females and/or able to procreate) will do basically anything to increase their chance of getting laid, see plastic surgery/crazy diet & workout schemes and so on, and helping a female does that, in our minds at least, (increases the chance of it, not guarantees it. Don't confuse the two as it might land you in trouble ) and they know that we, males, believe that and use it to their advantage. It is all quite Machiavellian and I applaud them for it.

4) is a bit OT but ties in with My, not everyone's, views on things. Cont. of 3).
It's simply biology in action. Every single action we (as a biological species) ever do is for the ultimate goal of securing procreation/the continuation of our lifeform. (Once again: My views, maybe not shared with some/most...) We (as in males) work out to look good and to be able to fight off sabre-toothed tigers (Providing safety & security), we study to get a job that provides money (for food and shelter, more money usually = better food & shelter) and so on. These things lead to a higher chance of the young surviving and is therefore seen as positive traits when females are looking for a mate. In general animals that play to their strengths survive, those who don't go extinct, and in general males can overpower females but females can outscheme males. Remember to keep on copying and diversifying that DNA. It is the meaning of life after all. Survival of the most adaptable and all that junk...

PS. Oh I almost forgot to say that that was an excellent pun Bea... love that finishing touch... (Seriously I do, very nice)

PPS. Extremly long wall of text... hopefully it is clear enough to be read and understood by others but I know what I mean and that means others do too right?

Rachel Maddow Interviews Bill Nye On Climate Change

NordlichReiter says...

Global warming is one thing, but the Carbon Credits is a fucking scam.

Penn & Teller couldn't say that global warming was bullshit, they might like to, but they couldn't. However they did call the Carbon Credit scams bullshit. Honestly, I have a hard time accepting the science that is pushing people to pay to clear their consciences while not actually doing anything to help.

All of these carbon sanctions are excellent right? Until the third world countries cannot industrialize and are forced by UN mandate to stay third world. What is the carbon footprint left by manufacturing several thousand solar panels; as it turns out very low. But does it pay for itself? Not if you consume shit-loads of energy.

I don't know if anything came of the whole COP15 Kyoto Protocol ammendment, but that is besides the point. I am explicitly opposed to any sort of rubbish such as this Al Gore founded carbon forgiveness bullshit. Science is one thing, warming has happened, I would argue on par with peak oil; but making a profit off of the stupidity of gullible people is fucking dastardly. It gives skeptics and nay-sayers more reason to froth at the mouth.

But hey, what does Stanhope say about it? There's only one way to save the world, condoms and sodomy.

Carbon Credit Scams Articles:

Let the flame wars begin

Christopher Hitchens - Why Christianity is False and Immoral

RadHazG says...

I hope bobknight can stick around. It is interesting to have someone present to give the religious side of things. However I would say that bobknight should
a)don't be so predictable. We have all seen your reactionary first post here hundreds of times across countless "debates". The statement says nothing solid about anything other than that you yourself are overwhelmed by the world around you and interpret that into a religious feeling.
b)try to understand the topic your speaking on a little better. Scientific Theory is NOT the same thing as a theory referred to in everyday life, you cannot treat it as such and to do so only casts your own ideas in a poor light by those who know the difference.

Lastly don't lose your temper if you get frustrated here, flame wars accomplish nothing and only degenerate both sides. (This is not an accusation, just a statement)

The world's most generic news report - Newswipe

How Corporations Manufacture Consent: Teabagger Edition

NordlichReiter says...

I will cede the position that Health Care reform is not needed, only because I have experience in dealing with bullshit healthcare.

What is needed is reform across the board.

We can start with Ending the Federal Reserve, and repealing the Act that allowed that draconian organization/corporation to do whatever the hell it wants.

Simultaneously we can reform taxes, and thus reform health care.

Where there is corruption there is conformity, and fear. Those daring enough to avoid conformity will be labeled as heretics even if they are right.

Obama like every other POTUS is a hypocrite that much is proven by a Huge Embassy in Iraq, and the use of Signing statements to object to congress. Even though he stated he would not take that route.

On a side note, this will probably get me some flame, I find the banter between Netrunner, and QuantumMushroom to be typical of talking heads. I avoid reading anything by either of them because they are so far from the moderate standing that I cannot pain myself to read through either of their Partisan tripe. Its sort of like an unstoppable force meets the immovable object, and the rest of us are left here ducking for cover.

This is precisely the reason we have such a terrible system of governance. There is no real competition in our government because there are two parties, and when the third parties have to drum up millions of dollars to run for office that is hardly conducive to competition.

I will now step into my flame retardant suit, and I present you with a funny image.

Note that it was not my intention to spark a flame war between QuantumMushroom, Netrunner and or myself. Only to express my frustration with the two of them.

UNITED NATIONS attempts to criminalize blashpemous speech

CNN Ad Responds to Fox News Lies

Fox pwned after claiming nobody covered 912 Teaparty rally

This Place Has Been Amazing, But It's Time To Leave :) (History Talk Post)

Lodurr says...

Interesting read.

I had a similar experience to Gwiz' about 15 years ago, I went to visit a girl and her friend whom I'd only talked to on the internet (Prodigy at the time) just to hang out and play music. The short of it is that being friends with someone on the internet is vastly different than being friends in real life. There was tons of awkwardness and weird expectations on both sides, and when I got home we had a short e-mail flame war and that was that. For a long time I questioned my behavior on that trip, but even if I could eliminate all the awkward moments from my time with them, we still wouldn't have remained friends.

One thing I've learned about women is that they reserve the right to hit the "Eject" button on any relationship (including friendships) at any time. There are usually warning signs but they're hard or impossible for guys to see. Being logical, being considerate--and even being honest--is less important than feeling safe and secure and comfortable with you, and that's how it's supposed to be.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Shepppard says...

Some may feel he was banned unjustly, but look at his comments page.

All but one were downvoted multiple times, which in itself is not reason to ban or else we'd never see QM again, But the content doesn't seem to be that of conversing.

All the comments this person made were to start flame wars, and the account itself seems to be a troll puppet account.

I don't know about many of you, but I don't enjoy seeing people flame for the sake of flaming on youtube, it's one of the reasons I enjoy the sift. So, I say good riddance.

We Didn't Start the Flame War

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'chtv, flame, war, comments' to 'chtv, flame, war, comments, ascii, racism, sexism, online, thread, ads, billy joel, 00s' - edited by Eklek

Blankfist roasting on an open fire (Parody Talk Post)

Shepppard says...

Today, we sit here, slowly turning blankfist over a fire.

Most likely it was a fire started by one of the flame wars oh so
many of his videos have started.

Thinking back to my early days on the sift, I remember watching
a one of those many gems that you'd sifted, Three seconds of a cat
farting. Indefinitely something the sift could not have lived

36 upvotes to the video, which is incredible, as that's exactly
the amount of IQ I lost watching the damn thing. The unfortunate
part is, I didn't start off very high, so I'll either end up posting
things like westy, or if I continue to deteriorate, choggie.

In preparation for this roast, I decided to have a look through
some of your previous posts, Gems like "Fat Belly -(56sec)-"
"Graphic Australian Anti-Smoking Ad" and the ever lovable
"Crazy Acid Throwing Woman".

I'm going to be flaccid for a month. Your mother will not be pleased.

Then we have your PQ.. Amazingly, things like "The Dick-Gagging Comedian"
and "Poopie Poopie Hippo" were not sifted, The mind boggles.

That's two months of being flaccid now, Gwiz's mom isn't going to be happy either.

We've got some lovely pictures of you here¤t=Photo5.jpg

see those eyes folks?

Those are the eyes of serial rapists when they see exactly what
they want. In most cases, these rapists tend to go outside
and fondle women, in this instance, Blank seems to have said
"Fuck it, I've got important videos to sift" and decided the only
thing he's going to fondle is his cat. That poor, poor cat.

And a cast over your hand because of pinky knuckle damage?
apparently chronic masturbation can cause some serious damage. (Wouldn't worry too much about blindness in your case though, Fuck Palin, i'm sure YOU can
see Russia from YOUR goddamn house with those fuckers.)

As I draw to a close, I wish you the best. May the quality of your stay on the sift grow better with each passing year, because we all know your taste in video's isn't.

Rachel Maddow & The Republican's - 'ScamWow'

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