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Liana Kerzner - An Honest Look At Women in Games

RedSky says...

This whole kerfuffle is so pointless. Big budgets games are mostly bought by males so developers target them to males. Somer are androgynous (e.g. Bioware), some bland, alpha male and a-feminine (Call of Duty) and a few arguably stereotypically caricaturing of women (GTA).

If you publish a strong opinion on the internet and it garners attention, you will attract trolls. Surprise! The internet is full of assholes and bigots of all kinds not just mysoginists.

As far as casual or mobiles games, women already outnumber men. As games become culturally accepted entertainment for women, mobile games gravitate to bigger screens with faster chips, a more significant market for big budget games targeted at women will develop. There, end of story.

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

Trancecoach says...

I don't understand why she doesn't do what most women (and men) who don't want to be approached (be it by men, women, panhandlers, whomever!) while walking through a city do, and wear earbuds??? It's a very simple solution and provides an easy and practical way of ignoring most of these attempts (if not dissuading them altogether).

Also.. This.

"Let's all stop and focus our attention on "catcalling" women. Let's forget the drone bombings of entire cities, the fact that the US has 900 military bases in over 153 countries, the fact that you are almost 9 times more likely to be killed by a police employee than a terrorist....let's take a break from that and focus on the fact that sometimes men are creepy to pretty women."


"The path to empowering women is not by disempowering men.
While many feminist campaigns and viral videos are great at expressing the (superficial) problem, they're not helping to solve it. Prolonging the "battle of the sexes" and "blame game" mentality will never stop rape, harassment, or abuse. All that's being done is expressing pain and anger, which is fine, unless it's directed at another. Attacking men for attacking women isn't going to solve anything.
We need to go so much deeper than this. So much deeper.
We don't need to see more proof of "how fucked up society is"; this only propagates stereotypes that induce resentment and fear. We need to see the power of compassion, love, forgiveness, healing, empathy, and acceptance between both sexes. We need to learn why people hurt other people (hint: it's because they're hurting themselves) and how to heal it and empathize with it.
We need women to open up and love in the face of men approaching, not shut down and run away. We need men to open up and love in the face of rejection, rather than becoming bitter or forcing our will upon another.
Unabashedly, I do not support or promote campaigns that are based in pain, resentment, anger, or fear, no matter how noble the cause. I wish to lift up both sexes – nay, all people – without perpetuating the pain and conflict.
This darkness has been illuminated out in the world, now it's time to illuminate the darkness within ourselves and heal it. What we see out in our culture is a reflection of how so many of us are unable to resolve the conflicts, rejection, and hurt caused by the masculine and feminine inside of us. We can not fix this by signing new laws or going out and trying to control everybody; we do this by starting the forgiveness and healing process within ourselves and going out into the world shining love instead of hate."

Ray Rice Elevator Knock Out of his Fiance

A10anis says...

I have two girls and I have taught them that they deserve equality with men in all things. I have told them that, short of self defence, they should never take advantage of their femininity by resorting to violence against anyone because the "victim" of their violence would be justified in retaliating. Going by what this vid shows it appears the woman, not once, but twice, assaulted the man. Maybe he could have restrained her, but it appears he just lashed out in self-defence. Your comment implies woman have the right to do this with impunity and without consequence. You are wrong. Equality means just that, it does NOT mean that in selected circumstances some are more equal than others. All violence is, when perpetrated without just cause, wrong. But your comment that; "It doesn't matter if she's slapping you, punching you, charging you, strangling you, stabbing you or shooting at you," is ridiculous. If a woman - or anybody for that matter - attempts any of the above, then self defence is totally justified. To deny this is to give woman the right to resort to violence in the belief that misguided opinion, such as yours, will be on their side.

Jerykk said:

Chaucer, don't be a misogynist. There's NEVER any justification for hitting a woman. It doesn't matter if she's slapping you, punching you, charging you, strangling you, stabbing you or shooting at you. There's no such thing as self-defense when the victim is a man and the attacker is a woman. Clearly women pose no threat to men so there's no need to respond to their physical attacks. Take it like a man and then beg for forgiveness when she's finished with you.

Gendered Marketing

Jinx says...

Ok. Women want to be perceived as soft (they do? - I'd be careful with that generalisation, your straying into damsel territory there) and feminine (Surprise! ...but what is feminine? - is it soft and pink or something else?). And who doesn't want to be seen as competent and why should it be seen as a masculine trait?

Wait, Let me guess the guys. Do most guys want to be perceived as..masculine...and...*insert positive gender role stereotype here!*.

Oh well, I was close I guess.

So liek. Yes. Your average guy or gal wants to fit into their associated gender role, or gender aesthetic if you like. But it seems to me there is sort of an element of carts before horses here. Are those gender aesthetics a preexisting difference between the sexes or is it an arbitrary divider created by our society through cynical marketing campaigns that have exploited our desire to "belong" to make more money?

Aside from that, what exactly makes a fragrance "tough" or "competent"? I've never thought to describe a smell as competent in all my life. It's all as arbitrary as pink for girls, blue for boys and...pens for women.

ChaosEngine said:

As ridiculous as some of this is, there are some valid reasons why products are gendered (at least in the standard hetero-normative fashion).

There are different aesthetics for genders. Most women do actually want to be perceived as soft and feminine and pretty, and most men do want to be perceived as tough and competent. Hence different fragrances in deodorant, for instance.

But pens for women are just ridiculous...

Gendered Marketing

ChaosEngine says...

As ridiculous as some of this is, there are some valid reasons why products are gendered (at least in the standard hetero-normative fashion).

There are different aesthetics for genders. Most women do actually want to be perceived as soft and feminine and pretty, and most men do want to be perceived as tough and competent. Hence different fragrances in deodorant, for instance.

But pens for women are just ridiculous...

Where does the "gay lisp" come from?

lucky760 says...

Totally agree with @Polymathe, @artician, and @Ickster. This is a horrible video.

And it's simply ridiculous to start it off with the idea that every man has only the two options to either speak 1) with a phony tough guy voice using limited vocabulary or 2) with a lispy feminine voice using a broader vocabulary.

Fantastic Toy Commercial For Future Girl Engineers

SDGundamX says...

I think what they're saying is that those Lego-type toys are marketed pretty heavily to boys whereas this is aiming squarely at girls. And I don't think they have a problem with the color pink per se--I think they have a problem that the majority of the toys in the "pink aisle" are trying to socialize girls to be homemakers (Eazy-bake ovens, etc.) or passive fashion models (princess outfits). This toy, on the other hand, is promoting girls as active inventors while also allowing them to retain their femininity (ie you can be cute AND smart).

As the father of a 2 1/2 year old daughter, I approve their attempt. I'll be interested in seeing how the final product turns out.

TheGenk said:

I understand the sentiment, but what is preventing girls from playing with already existing construction type toys like Lego?

And secondly, isn't it strange that the advertised toy in the video has the same look and feel of those 'evil' "pink aisle" toys?

Dan Savage on What to Expect From a Gay Roommate

bamdrew says...

In female to male gender transition, transgendered people often have voice changes with testosterone injections if they are younger. Their voice will drop, not unlike during puberty for men, although they may also choose to attend voice therapy to further 'pass' as a man.

Anyhow, the sound of what is 'feminine' and 'masculine' are to a degree hormonal. It can be hormones delivered artificially, hormones exposed to during development that change the different aspects of the brain, a lot of the details are not well understood.

Theres a lot more to say, but I might be rambling. Jump on the googles if you're interested, maybe stumble on the Kinsey Institutes sex and gender research.

VoodooV said:

anyone know if what savage says is true or is he just speculating? I always assumed it was a sociological thing and a manifestation of counterculture and that it would eventually go away as gays are accepted and treated like everyone else

Dan Savage on What to Expect From a Gay Roommate

shatterdrose says...

Um, what he's saying is quantified over and over again. Gay guys talking in a higher, more feminine voice, is nothing new and nothing special. It's the same reason straight women do. It's part of biology. Deep voice = masculinity while higher voice = femininity.

If the gay guy has been repressing himself to fit in with what society expects him to, he's probably learned to talk in a higher pitched voice against his natural urges. For instance, go talk to a baby or a little kid. Listen to what you do to your voice. Did someone teach you to do that? No. It's a natural instinct because we naturally find higher pitched voices less intimidating and more feminine.

Now, that's not to say all gay guys are feminine. Some are very masculine and would retain a deeper voice, only they find other guys attractive. Hell, they may still find a higher pitched voice attractive. Nothing strange, unusual or weird about it. It just happens.

VoodooV said:

Yeah I have to admit. The whole voice thing is like the one thing that still kinda nags at me about homosexuality.

go nuts with the same sex thing... but WTF does the pitch of your voice have to do with homosexuality?

anyone know if what savage says is true or is he just speculating? I always assumed it was a sociological thing and a manifestation of counterculture and that it would eventually go away as gays are accepted and treated like everyone else

This is what it looks like to learn a language in one year

radx says...

Wife (die/eine Ehefrau) is feminine.

German as a language just went through too damn many evolutionary steps over the centuries. It's convoluted and bloated to a point where many people just ignore some of the rules, particularly regarding the "cases" you mentioned.

ChaosEngine said:

And German is hard. There are 16 words for "the" or "a" in German (male, female, neutral and plural multiplied by 4 "cases")! And the gender assignments make no sense at all. Why is "wife" not feminine?

This is what it looks like to learn a language in one year

ChaosEngine says...

I lived in Germany for about 3 months for work and went back fairly regularly on business. I had a bit of German before I left, but I found it really difficult to speak while over there, primarily because everyone had such good English.

You would go to a shop or a meeting and people would just switch to English on the basis that their English was better than your German. You really had to ask to please use German if you wanted to learn.

And German is hard. There are 16 words for "the" or "a" in German (male, female, neutral and plural multiplied by 4 "cases")! And the gender assignments make no sense at all. Why is "wife" not feminine?

That said, they seemed to really appreciate the effort, even if they were very picky about grammar, as evidenced by that lady at the 1 minute mark.

Female Supremacy

Kofi says...

Nice reply. Thanks Gwiz.

At the moment I am doing honours in ethics looking at gender reassignment surgery. The science behind it all is extremely subjective and there seems to be a lot of cherry picking of factors and studies where a certain result is desired. There are a few scientific findings that have consensus and they mainly involve how little difference there is between men and women. Lots of the differences we see are at the extreme end of the scale, aka sports analogies. In every capacities men and women are capable of doing pretty much the same thing. Some extreme cases will involve things that only men can do due to the outright strength involved but other things we may think to be too physical women have done and are doing in other 3rd world nations all the time. Women can be conditioned to be very strong and very tough. We just don't value that or pursue that in the West.

The Elevatorgate and other examples should simply be ignored. They are immediately identifiable as being ridiculous and threaten to undermine to the entire project of a meritocracy that seems to be at the core of the liberal tradition (liberal in the post enlightenment sense, not the Fox news "All liberals are evil" sense).

You are right that society is probably not consciously trying to keep women down. THis is one of the major criticisms that feminism brings forth. It is that we do it tacitly and automatically. When we see an all women rock band we say "That's an all womens rock band" but when we see an all male rock band they are simply "A rock band". Simple and largely harmless example but it extends to every facet of society. Look at CEO's. When a women makes CEO of a huge multinational it is noteworthy. There are certain assumptions made that she's a ball breaker or a tough business woman. All things we associate with masculinity. Its as if there is no role for femininity in powerful roles either from women or men.

Ramble ramble too. Running out of stuff to add without writing a HUGE thesis.

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

gwiz665 jokingly says...

Those poor victims of alcohol and accidentally raping that vicious young man-eater, who probably dressed provocatively, and by some freak accident took a picture properly focused on her naked slutty nethers, have now been robbed of their future. What injustice; what moral outrage! Why these strapping young bucks should be able to sow their wild oats, and become famous celebrities possibly on Football teams or with a rap career.

Such a tragedy that these upstanding young men have now been robbed of all that, but some harlot that quite possibly lured them with her feminine wiles and daterape drugs.

I hope we will see a lot more of these fine gentlemen as they surely will be vindicated when they return to society washed clean of their alleged "crime".

This is CNN.

Stephen Ira (Beatty) Discusses Being Transgender

cricket says...

If anyone wants to read more about Stephen and LGBTQIA youth, here is the NYT article.

The New York Time's

Generation LGBTQIA


Published: January 10, 2013

STEPHEN IRA, a junior at Sarah Lawrence College, uploaded a video last March on We Happy Trans, a site that shares "positive perspectives" on being transgender.

In the breakneck six-and-a-half-minute monologue - hair tousled, sitting in a wood-paneled dorm room - Stephen exuberantly declared himself "a queer, a nerd fighter, a writer, an artist and a guy who needs a haircut," and held forth on everything from his style icons (Truman Capote and "any male-identified person who wears thigh-highs or garters") to his toy zebra.

Because Stephen, who was born Kathlyn, is the 21-year-old child of Warren Beatty and Annette Bening, the video went viral, garnering nearly half a million views. But that was not the only reason for its appeal. With its adrenalized, freewheeling eloquence, the video seemed like a battle cry for a new generation of post-gay gender activists, for whom Stephen represents a rare public face.

Armed with the millennial generation's defining traits - Web savvy, boundless confidence and social networks that extend online and off - Stephen and his peers are forging a political identity all their own, often at odds with mainstream gay culture.

If the gay-rights movement today seems to revolve around same-sex marriage, this generation is seeking something more radical: an upending of gender roles beyond the binary of male/female. The core question isn't whom they love, but who they are - that is, identity as distinct from sexual orientation.

But what to call this movement? Whereas "gay and lesbian" was once used to lump together various sexual minorities - and more recently "L.G.B.T." to include bisexual and transgender - the new vanguard wants a broader, more inclusive abbreviation. "Youth today do not define themselves on the spectrum of L.G.B.T.," said Shane Windmeyer, a founder of Campus Pride, a national student advocacy group based in Charlotte, N.C.

Part of the solution has been to add more letters, and in recent years the post-post-post-gay-rights banner has gotten significantly longer, some might say unwieldy. The emerging rubric is "L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.," which stands for different things, depending on whom you ask.

"Q" can mean "questioning" or "queer," an umbrella term itself, formerly derogatory before it was appropriated by gay activists in the 1990s. "I" is for "intersex," someone whose anatomy is not exclusively male or female. And "A" stands for "ally" (a friend of the cause) or "asexual," characterized by the absence of sexual attraction.

It may be a mouthful, but it's catching on, especially on liberal-arts campuses.

The University of Missouri, Kansas City, for example, has an L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. Resource Center that, among other things, helps student locate "gender-neutral" restrooms on campus. Vassar College offers an L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. Discussion Group on Thursday afternoons. Lehigh University will be hosting its second annual L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. Intercollegiate Conference next month, followed by a Queer Prom. Amherst College even has an L.G.B.T.Q.Q.I.A.A. center, where every group gets its own letter.

The term is also gaining traction on social media sites like Twitter and Tumblr, where posts tagged with "lgbtqia" suggest a younger, more progressive outlook than posts that are merely labeled "lgbt."

"There's a very different generation of people coming of age, with completely different conceptions of gender and sexuality," said Jack Halberstam (formerly Judith), a transgender professor at the University of Southern California and the author, most recently, of "Gaga Feminism: Sex, Gender, and the End of Normal."

"When you see terms like L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.," Professor Halberstam added, "it's because people are seeing all the things that fall out of the binary, and demanding that a name come into being."

And with a plethora of ever-expanding categories like "genderqueer" and "androgyne" to choose from, each with an online subculture, piecing together a gender identity can be as D.I.Y. as making a Pinterest board.

BUT sometimes L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. is not enough. At the University of Pennsylvania last fall, eight freshmen united in the frustration that no campus group represented them.

Sure, Penn already had some two dozen gay student groups, including Queer People of Color, Lambda Alliance and J-Bagel, which bills itself as the university's "Jewish L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. Community." But none focused on gender identity (the closest, Trans Penn, mostly catered to faculty members and graduate students).

Richard Parsons, an 18-year-old transgender male, discovered that when he attended a student mixer called the Gay Affair, sponsored by Penn's L.G.B.T. Center. "I left thoroughly disappointed," said Richard, a garrulous freshman with close-cropped hair, wire-framed glasses and preppy clothes, who added, "This is the L.G.B.T. Center, and it's all gay guys."

Through Facebook, Richard and others started a group called Penn Non-Cis, which is short for "non-cisgender." For those not fluent in gender-studies speak, "cis" means "on the same side as" and "cisgender" denotes someone whose gender identity matches his or her biology, which describes most of the student body. The group seeks to represent everyone else. "This is a freshman uprising," Richard said.

On a brisk Tuesday night in November, about 40 students crowded into the L.G.B.T. Center, a converted 19th-century carriage house, for the group's inaugural open mike. The organizers had lured students by handing out fliers on campus while barking: "Free condoms! Free ChapStick!"

"There's a really vibrant L.G.B.T. scene," Kate Campbell, one of the M.C.'s, began. "However, that mostly encompasses the L.G.B. and not too much of the T. So we're aiming to change that."

Students read poems and diary entries, and sang guitar ballads. Then Britt Gilbert - a punky-looking freshman with a blond bob, chunky glasses and a rock band T-shirt - took the stage. She wanted to talk about the concept of "bi-gender."

"Does anyone want to share what they think it is?"


She explained that being bi-gender is like manifesting both masculine and feminine personas, almost as if one had a "detachable penis." "Some days I wake up and think, 'Why am I in this body?' " she said. "Most days I wake up and think, 'What was I thinking yesterday?' 

"Britt's grunginess belies a warm matter-of-factness, at least when describing her journey. As she elaborated afterward, she first heard the term "bi-gender" from Kate, who found it on Tumblr. The two met at freshman orientation and bonded. In high school, Kate identified as "agender" and used the singular pronoun "they"; she now sees her gender as an "amorphous blob."

By contrast, Britt's evolution was more linear. She grew up in suburban Pennsylvania and never took to gender norms. As a child, she worshiped Cher and thought boy bands were icky. Playing video games, she dreaded having to choose male or female avatars.

In middle school, she started calling herself bisexual and dated boys. By 10th grade, she had come out as a lesbian. Her parents thought it was a phase - until she brought home a girlfriend, Ash. But she still wasn't settled.

"While I definitely knew that I liked girls, I didn't know that I was one," Britt said. Sometimes she would leave the house in a dress and feel uncomfortable, as if she were wearing a Halloween costume. Other days, she felt fine. She wasn't "trapped in the wrong body," as the cliché has it - she just didn't know which body she wanted.

When Kate told her about the term "bi-gender," it clicked instantly. "I knew what it was, before I knew what it was," Britt said, adding that it is more fluid than "transgender" but less vague than "genderqueer" - a catchall term for nontraditional gender identities.

At first, the only person she told was Ash, who responded, "It took you this long to figure it out?" For others, the concept was not so easy to grasp. Coming out as a lesbian had been relatively simple, Britt said, "since people know what that is." But when she got to Penn, she was relieved to find a small community of freshmen who had gone through similar awakenings.

Among them was Richard Parsons, the group's most politically lucid member. Raised female, Richard grew up in Orlando, Fla., and realized he was transgender in high school. One summer, he wanted to room with a transgender friend at camp, but his mother objected. "She's like, 'Well, if you say that he's a guy, then I don't want you rooming with a guy,' " he recalled. "We were in a car and I basically blurted out, 'I think I might be a guy, too!' "

After much door-slamming and tears, Richard and his mother reconciled. But when she asked what to call him, he had no idea. He chose "Richard" on a whim, and later added a middle name, Matthew, because it means "gift of God."

By the time he got to Penn, he had been binding his breasts for more than two years and had developed back pain. At the open mike, he told a harrowing story about visiting the university health center for numbness and having a panic attack when he was escorted into a women's changing room.

Nevertheless, he praised the university for offering gender-neutral housing. The college's medical program also covers sexual reassignment surgery, which, he added, "has heavily influenced my decision to probably go under the Penn insurance plan next year."

PENN has not always been so forward-thinking; a decade ago, the L.G.B.T. Center (nestled amid fraternity houses) was barely used. But in 2010, the university began reaching out to applicants whose essays raised gay themes. Last year, the gay newsmagazine The Advocate ranked Penn among the top 10 trans-friendly universities, alongside liberal standbys like New York University.

More and more colleges, mostly in the Northeast, are catering to gender-nonconforming students. According to a survey by Campus Pride, at least 203 campuses now allow transgender students to room with their preferred gender; 49 have a process to change one's name and gender in university records; and 57 cover hormone therapy. In December, the University of Iowa became the first to add a "transgender" checkbox to its college application.

"I wrote about an experience I had with a drag queen as my application essay for all the Ivy Leagues I applied to," said Santiago Cortes, one of the Penn students. "And I got into a few of the Ivy Leagues - Dartmouth, Columbia and Penn. Strangely not Brown.

"But even these measures cannot keep pace with the demands of incoming students, who are challenging the curriculum much as gay activists did in the '80s and '90s. Rather than protest the lack of gay studies classes, they are critiquing existing ones for being too narrow.

Several members of Penn Non-Cis had been complaining among themselves about a writing seminar they were taking called "Beyond 'Will & Grace,' " which examined gay characters on shows like "Ellen," "Glee" and "Modern Family." The professor, Gail Shister, who is a lesbian, had criticized several students for using "L.G.B.T.Q." in their essays, saying it was clunky, and proposed using "queer" instead. Some students found the suggestion offensive, including Britt Gilbert, who described Ms. Shister as "unaccepting of things that she doesn't understand."

Ms. Shister, reached by phone, said the criticism was strictly grammatical. "I am all about economy of expression," she said. "L.G.B.T.Q. doesn't exactly flow off the tongue. So I tell the students, 'Don't put in an acronym with five or six letters.' "

One thing is clear. Ms. Shister, who is 60 and in 1979 became The Philadelphia Inquirer's first female sportswriter, is of a different generation, a fact she acknowledges freely, even gratefully. "Frankly, I'm both proud and envious that these young people are growing up in an age where they're free to love who they want," she said.

If history is any guide, the age gap won't be so easy to overcome. As liberated gay men in the 1970s once baffled their pre-Stonewall forebears, the new gender outlaws, to borrow a phrase from the transgender writer Kate Bornstein, may soon be running ideological circles around their elders.

Still, the alphabet soup of L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. may be difficult to sustain. "In the next 10 or 20 years, the various categories heaped under the umbrella of L.G.B.T. will become quite quotidian," Professor Halberstam said.

Even at the open mike, as students picked at potato chips and pineapple slices, the bounds of identity politics were spilling over and becoming blurry.

At one point, Santiago, a curly-haired freshman from Colombia, stood before the crowd. He and a friend had been pondering the limits of what he calls "L.G.B.T.Q. plus."

"Why do only certain letters get to be in the full acronym?" he asked.

Then he rattled off a list of gender identities, many culled from Wikipedia. "We have our lesbians, our gays," he said, before adding, "bisexual, transsexual, queer, homosexual, asexual." He took a breath and continued. "Pansexual. Omnisexual. Trisexual. Agender. Bi-gender. Third gender. Transgender. Transvestite. Intersexual. Two-spirit. Hijra. Polyamorous."

By now, the list had turned into free verse. He ended: "Undecided. Questioning. Other. Human."

The room burst into applause.

Correction: January 10, 2013, Thursday

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction: An earlier version of this article and a picture caption referred incorrectly to a Sarah Lawrence College student who uploaded a video online about being transgender. He says he is Stephen Ira, not Stephen Ira Beatty.

Source NYT

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