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She's speaking English...I think...

SFOGuy says...

Maybe it's because I speak American, which isn't English, really...
Perhaps that's why I found it hard to understand...

(I think George Bernard Shaw's quote goes something like this; "England and America are two countries separated by the same language")...don't even have the capacity to figure how a Gaelic accent figures in there lol

TheGenk said:

As a non-native english speaker, where was the difficult to understand part?

Impatient Driver Destroys Caravan

eric3579 (Member Profile)

"What is life?", public lecture by prof. Jeremy England, MIT

Biophysicist Jeremy England claims life's all about energy

"What is life?", public lecture by prof. Jeremy England, MIT

Pasco police pursuing, and shooting, an unarmed man

newtboy says...

I could go along with that, but I don't think all 3 cops needed to empty their clips (or close to it) shooting to kill, especially when NO one saw a weapon, just arms flailing. That's text book definition of 'excessive use of force' in my eyes.

It's outrageous to me that not one of them had a taser, baton, or pepper spray out, and instead they all had their guns out ready to kill. It's inhuman to me that they always seem to think it's proper to kill rather than disable, and worse that they are supported in that contention by fellow officers AND the law (in many cases).

It's also outrageous and quite telling to me that they initially shoot at him 5 times as he's running/walking away with his hands completely visible. Apparently all those rounds missed the target and flew down the street where there were many bystanders. Absolutely no excuse for that part. That alone should get all 3 fired, or at least on desk duty until they all 3 pass a gun safety class.

All that said, I expect you are correct and this will be seen as 'justified' because...he had hands that might have had a gun in them? Sad but true.

I'm really starting to think we need to do what England did and stop allowing street beat cops to carry guns and only special weapon and tactics guys should have them, and they should be trained to not use them unless needed. These terrified bullies running around our country armed to the teeth with an immunity shield protecting them from consequence is not working.

lucky760 said:

Yes, @eric3579 is correct. This falls under the Sift's definition of snuff, so it has to be *discarded.

After viewing the video, though, I'd consider this a justified shooting because the suspect's hand went out of the officers' view (behind his body) and when it came back around he put his hands together as if attempting to fire a weapon.

Jet Li moonlighting as a store clerk

SFOGuy says...

In America, because of weird laws, you can video but not audio; if this is really from England, I have no idea why no sound.
Unless it's because so many cameras are made for the American market, that it's their default manufacturing mode.

Sagemind said:

No sound...., Is there supposed to be sound?

This Girl Can

blahpook says...

I had some similar questions. I agree that the campaign name may be problematic. I'm not excusing that aspect of it, but I'm wondering if Sport England's goal isn't partly to encourage younger girls to have a better body image, and also maybe to suggest that sexiness doesn't need to exclusively be about makeup and famous supermodels, etc., but can also be about perseverance, confidence, and being active...?

Maybe our UK folk can tell us about whether the connotations of the word "girl" are different.

bareboards2 said:

I love this -- except for one little thing. "Feeling like a fox"? Why did they toss that in there? Undercuts the message, big time.

OH. And the title. This GIRL can? When women of all ages are shown? Why women infantalize themselves with that crap has bugged me for forty years. And it is actually worse now that it was 40 years ago.

The rest of it? Lordy yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kulpims (Member Profile)

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

bareboards2 says...

I traveled with a woman from England once. She raved about the low prices in restaurants.

I explained that was because she was expected to tip and that the servers were paid very poorly.

She still refused to tip, and just enjoyed the low prices.

I made a point of going back to the servers after she left and tell them -- hey, she's from England and doesn't tip. That tip is from me.

The servers didn't really care, but I did. I did not want any bad karma attached to me.

I agree with this video. Get rid of tipping and pay for the actual cost of your food.

Related topic -- Walmart needs to pay their workers so the folks who shop at Walmart pay the actual costs of the goods, instead of having the American taxpayers pay for it through food stamps. (I'm not opposed to food stamps AT ALL, I am opposed to people not paying for what they get.)

How fracking works

dannym3141 says...

I rather feel that that puts the argument in a skewed light. Essentially, we are either in full awareness of the facts and long term results of fracking or we are not. If we are not yet, why on earth would we pursue it now? We have alternative forms of energy production, it's just a whole bunch of very rich people aren't quite done selling us oil yet.

The shale will still be there, and we may have developed more efficient and safer means of extracting it. And we will have to deal without oil eventually, what better time to begin, whilst we still have some that we can get if we utterly must? We are not yet in crisis but they want to take a risk, that's got to make you ask a few questions. I don't have a detailed scientific knowledge of the subject, but i would know if it was proven safe, and it isn't yet.

Incidentally or otherwise, the first earthquake that i've ever felt in my life happened very shortly after they began a new testing site for fracking nearby - one of two earthquakes that happened in short succession after the first wave of tests. I live in the north of england.. they never happen. It's worth looking into before we start doing it.. the last person i'm going to trust with the future of this planet is an oil baron.

@BoneRemake - let me know which bit of my horseshit you want me to look past and i'll attempt to look past it and see what you describe. Or was it an empty sound-bite? My criticism was valid - newt said everything that needed to be said on that subject, and yes i can in retrospect see the value of the video as a demonstration of the fracking process. But you don't have to be a hippy to try and see positive and informed decisions made in the world, but if it makes me one then i'm glad to be one. What does that make you? No need for name calling, it generally means you've not got an argument.

I'd just like to mention that it really, really suits the pro-fracking lobbyists to try and ridicule people and try to conjure mental images of the long-haired flower-child hugging trees and not showering and wearing tinfoil hats. It turns real, intelligent, professional people who care about what happens around them into caricatures, and it belittles their reasoned and sensible argument without even addressing it. It is a tactic as old as the hills.. i'm sure you're not a lobbyist, but i can't help think they're smiling knowing that the old seeds they scattered around took root somewhere..!

xxovercastxx said:


Unfortunately fracking has become politicized and so there are no longer any sources of information that can be expected to be honest. It is now just another dichotomy: A completely safe method of resource collection, or a WMD disguised as such.

Italian Chef Trying to Pronounce Worcestershire Sauce

A10anis says...

It's a County in England and we pronounce it; Woostasher sauce. Goes great with the "Full English Breakfast."

Sagemind said:

Read like every other person who picks up this stuff..., I think more people mispronounce this stuff than say it correctly.

Brittany Maynard - Death with Dignity

Sniper007 says...

On published research:

'Well, here’s a medical expert. For 20 years, she had a front-row seat that very few doctors or researchers ever occupy. Thousands of medical studies arrived at her desk. She was a “queen of judgment.”

She is Dr. Marcia Angell. She was the editor of the most prestigious medical journal in the world, The New England Journal of Medicine.

On January 15, 2009, the NY Review of Books published Dr. Angell’s devastating assessment of medical literature:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” —(Marcia Angell, MD, “Drug Companies and Doctors: A story of Corruption.” NY Review of Books, Jan. 15, 2009.)'

Cameron's Conference Rap

arghness says...

Fair enough, I should have expected to be laid in to for expressing a political opinion. Fair play to you -- It is the internet, after all

I spend quite a bit of time in the north and like it there, but most of my time is in the midlands so I'm not going to pretend to know what it's like to live there permanently. The only 2 Scots (only 1 of which could vote due to living there) that I'm in touch with regularly both supported staying unified but are looking forward to the greater powers that Scotland deserve and will get.

The difference between the parties, at least in England, seems pretty minimal to me. Blair didn't seem any better (or worse really, other than ditching the gold reserves all in one go at a rather low price) than Cameron.

dannym3141 said:

What sentiment? Cameron has hammered the poor and needy of this country, sold off the post office to his chummies at half price, raised tuition fees (thanks very much Clegg) and nearly ripped Great Britain apart. Fortunately he knew the right people to oil up and got major banks and businesses to pull out in the few days prior to the vote, scaring people into saying no.

Every single scot i've spoken to (and i speak to loads, my mum lives there) has said that they would let the north come with them if they could and they only want to leave because Westminster and the south are completely disconnected from the rest of the country. It's a different world, and the people running the system have absolutely no experience what life is like for the people that have to use it.

Even John Major came out and said that there are too many (something like 80%) rich background public schoolboys in government. Can you tell me with a straight face that you've been to places like Blackpool near where i live, had to use the buses or queue for unemployment, or had family members suffering with disabilities and/or cancer, and then tell me that you think people like Call-Me-Dave in any way represent their best interests or understand their problems, struggling day to day?

I don't want to sound aggressive, but i do have experience with things like that, and some people in this country are getting to the point of desperation but of course that kinda thing doesn't get on the national news and the majority remain oblivious. If we don't see significant democratic reform in this country, i predict a significant social uprising within a lifetime.

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