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The rough-skinned newt might look innocuous. But the newt's red underbelly means poison, and a frog is about to find out the hard way... by eating it.
posted by newtboy
It seems the Everglades are a better habitat for pythons than their native habitat, and they are growing to record size eating the native fauna.
posted by newtboy
Scientists Discover Superworm Eats Plastic | Zophobas Morio 243,647 views Jun 26, 2022 Australian scientists have found the Zophobas morio - commonly known as the Superworm - can survive eating only... continue reading
posted by Oxen_Morale 2 years 6 months 4 weeks ago • 195 views • 10:13Some of Congresswoman Lauren Boebert’s videos are so unbelievably over the top, they seem like sketches from “Saturday Night Live.” So much so that we went out on the street and showed people clips... continue reading
posted by newtboy
Victor M. Sweeney, a licensed funeral director and mortician, once again answers the internet's burning questions about dead bodies and the funeral director profession. When someone dies, what happens... continue reading
posted by BSR

YouTube description: About 25 generations of one family have made roasted rice cakes at Ichimonjiya Wasuke in Kyoto, Japan. Worshippers praying for good health at the Shinto shrine next door eat them... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
From Youtube, "Do you like driving, potentially not having a rent bill, and don't mind living at truck stops? Then driving a truck might be for you! Contributor Jon K. shares a day in the life of being... continue reading
posted by w1ndex

"I have trained magpies in my garden to trade litter for food. In this version the birds trade bottle-caps for food. Thr food dispenser contains a mix of peanuts and 'cat-food'. obviously, the birds prefer... continue reading
posted by ant
"There's a scientific reason behind your 'second stomach.' ... How is it that, after stuffing ourselves full at dinner, we somehow find room to eat again once dessert comes around? Turns out, the thing... continue reading
posted by ant

YouTube description: Yes, they might eat your brain, but there's a lot more to amoebas than that!
posted by Aard Vark
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I... continue reading
posted by Joe Motion
YouTube description: There was so much I wasn't able to tell you. Like, for example, most of the jellyfish on display at the aquarium are born and bred at the aquarium. They do active research on jellyfish... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
Most poisonous mushrooms won’t kill you—they’ll simply cause a severe headache or vomiting. Death-cap mushrooms are not like the others. As little as half an Amanita phalloides contains enough toxin... continue reading
posted by BSR
YouTube description: Kerosene Creek is a natural hot spring near Rotorua, on the North Island of New Zealand. And there have been official warnings for years: don't put your head under water. It turns... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark