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"The invention that's super sticky, a little picky, and easy to unstick only if you know the trick! ... ANIMATION CORRECTION: At 4:52, the negative charge should be drawn on the carbon at the end of... continue reading
posted by ant
The new administration fired the FAA director, froze hiring of new controllers, disbanded the aviation safety advisory board, fired the head of the Coast Guard, and the head of the TSA (both on air safety... continue reading
posted by newtboy
In just over a week since the last episode, a lot has happened with Boeing. From planes diving out of the sky and wheels falling off to the death of a whistle blower. In this episode we'll take a look... continue reading
posted by Spacey
The Ocean Kite Engine (OKE) incorporates regen kite control technology, enabling it to generate electrical power and/or providing propulsion. This dual functionality allows the OKE to not only propel boats... continue reading
posted by newtboy
In this video Jonathan from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses sperm production, storage, as well as a common question he gets from students: What happens to sperm cells if they are not not released? ... continue reading
posted by BSR
2023 Florida is home to about 800,000 undocumented immigrants, and many work in the kinds of businesses that would be impacted by the law, known as SB 1718. Many of those affected are also members of mixed-status... continue reading
posted by newtboy
"Flashback to the holiday season of 2001. After years of filming, the first film in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring, is due to hit theaters, and expectations... continue reading
posted by ant
Brian Cox - Solving The Fermi Paradox: Intelligent Alien Life in Our Galaxy Brian Cox explains the details behind the Fermi Paradox and why we haven't yet found intelligent alien life. The more interesting... continue reading
posted by BSR
In this video, Vaclav will teach you how to read Prague Astronomical Clock, step by step. You will learn how to read the Old Czech Time, Old German Time, Babylonian Time, and Vaclav will also tell you... continue reading
posted by BSR
Manú National Park, deep in the Peruvian rainforest, is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. The park and surrounding areas are home to some 10 percent of the world's bird species, countless... continue reading
posted by BSR
Next to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is the Buitenschot Land Art Park, a giant set of ridges and furrows cut into the landscape. Yes, it's art: but it also stops some local residents from being exposed to... continue reading
posted by newtboy
Enter the world of an undertaker whose family for three generations has cared for both the living and the dead in a small Michigan town, as families navigate loss, grief and mortality. (Aired 2007) ... continue reading
posted by BSR
Jul 12, 2022 Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., gave a closing statement on July 12 as the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack presented its findings to the public. The focus of the hearing was on extremist... continue reading
posted by newtboy
There was no “Election Defense Fund.” Donald Trump made $250 million on keeping a fraudulent conspiracy theory alive. It wasn't just a Big Lie. It was also a big rip-off.
posted by newtboy
Sean Penn talks about his documentary, what he has witnessed in Ukraine, and his impression of their President. NOTE: ~30 mins long; fairly civil; but very informative. Also, Hannity did broadcast... continue reading
posted by luxintenebris
Oh, and it can also play the world's hardest song... sort of. Shout out to Sheet Music Boss. Go check out and sub to their channel!- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzTR... Finally, the piano... continue reading
posted by newtboy
The Omega 1 is not only much more powerful than existing technology, but it is also much more efficient. The Omega 1’s rotary mechanism is very efficient because it has very little friction and fluid... continue reading
posted by newtboy
Let’s not resigns ourselves to fatality. Solutions exist. Together we can do more to decrease risks on the normal route to Mont-Blanc. The Mont-Blanc rising to 4 809 meters is the highest peak in... continue reading
posted by eric3579