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How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

Your mantra.
“I can’t deny that Bidenomics has improved every single measure of our economy significantly after the record setting abject disaster of Trumps last year in office and the lingering effects of its apocalyptic mismanagement, but it will get worse someday, so Bidenomics is a failure.”
You can’t point to a single metric of economics that hasn’t significantly improved under Biden. NOT ONE. “It will get worse.” is not related to reality, it’s just your own wishful thinking, hoping for America to fail.

Such idiotic nonsense. Nothing has been worse for the economy than Republican leadership. Every recession in recent history was under Republicans because of republican policies, every economic recovery was under Democrats thanks to democratic policies. The vast majority of inflation was due to Trump spending like a drunken sailor with mommy’s credit card and increasing the debt by 8 trillion and deficit by trillions or tens of trillions more before his policies expire. Biden’s policies, Bidenomics, averted a recession/depression you (and many economists) insisted was coming by 2022 and reversed inflation faster than the most optimistic economist predicted.

Bidenomics has saved American pocketbooks from the results of 4 years of federal financial malfeasance.
Trump ended his term with a negative gdp, huge exploded deficit, rapidly growing debt, worst unemployment in living memory, a historically easy to defraud never repay ppp loan program every Republican congressperson scammed, tens of millions of disabled taxpayers and a million dead taxpayers. Trumpenomics had us on the fast road to unavoidable recession/depression in Jan 2021….Bidenomics avoided it and created a boom. 🤦‍♂️

Republican bickering has already led to our national credit rating being downgraded once, costing the nation billions in increased loan interest alone with nothing gained besides the degradation of our congress and the national union. You would happily have that continue until it bankrupted the nation irreparably then blame Biden.

bobknight33 said:


Better to have Republicans bicker and get nothing done than to have Bidnomics destroy American pocketbooks.

It will get worse.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trumpist thief Huckabee Sanders has been caught again, this time spending $15k of taxpayer money for a private party she held at the governor’s mansion, where instead of renting party materials she bought then kept them.

Just like every other MAGgot, holding office is only for personal gain and to use as a club against their enemies. No MAGgot has tried to govern since 2016, that’s why they got nothing done while they had the house, senate, and presidency along with a super majority in the Supreme Court. Nothing.

Dog Chiropractor

cloudballoon says...

But there's about 45% of American who'd vote for a loser though...

That said, at least the vast majority of these cult members would betray the guy after karma/justice served them with jail.

BSR said:


"No one likes a loser" D Trump

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jesus Christ….Habba just introduced evidence that Trump claimed for valuation purposes that Trump tower is 72 stories, it’s 63.
Then she introduced evidence that Trump claimed Las Vegas Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas is 64 stories, its 56, the floors jump from 8 to floor 16 in one floor.
This is evidence his own lawyers supplied PROVING major intentional fraud. True, he’s already convicted of these and hundreds of other financial frauds, but it’s still just plain stupid to rub it in the trial judges face before he determines the punishment. WTF!?!
Trump is trying for a not guilty by insanity defense, Haba is going for an ineffectual council defense. 😂

Comer’s fraudulent impeachment inquiry uncovered his own land swap/shell company dealings with his own brother that are eerily similar to those he says are proof of Biden influence peddling, with the main difference being Biden loaned his brother $200k and got back $200k but in Comer’s convoluted back and forth land swapping with his brother tens of thousands of dollars just appear in the accounts with no way to account for it and they also never paid taxes on it while Biden’s brother can account for where every penny came from and has and neither Biden made a dime from it.

Bonus- 😂 Trump Media (Toth Senchal) has lost near $60 million in “value”, making it now worth $5-$25 million. Digital World Acquisition’s mission statement says they are looking for a company to invest in worth $500 million - $2 billion…which when they said it is what they assumed Trump media would be worth when shareholders bought in. Wow, is it a good thing for the investors that both companies colluded illegally to create this deal using falsified values, because they would have paid Trump $2 billion for his company that less than a year later is worth $5 million ACCORDING TO TRUMP HIMSELF.
Sounds like the buyout is off, Trump’s company doesn’t come close to meeting the requirements.
What an amazing businessman, took a guaranteed $2 billion payout and turned it into a shrinking $5 million joke because he just couldn’t help but break any financial/business law he sees.

NATO Declares Nord Pipeline Ruptures Sabotage

eric3579 says...

Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion Was Orchestrated By Decorated Ukrainian Colonel: Report

By The Washington Post via Bard AI to grab below article

A Ukrainian military officer coordinated the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline last month, according to U.S. intelligence officials. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the officer was working with a team of Ukrainian divers who carried out the attack.

The officials said that the attack was ordered by the Ukrainian government as a way to retaliate against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. They said that the attack was also intended to send a message to Russia that Ukraine is capable of striking at its critical infrastructure.

The attack on the Nord Stream pipeline was a major blow to Russia's energy sector. The pipeline carried natural gas from Russia to Germany and other European countries. The attack has caused a significant increase in the price of natural gas in Europe.

The Ukrainian government has denied any involvement in the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline. However, the U.S. intelligence officials say that they have "high confidence" that the Ukrainian military was involved in the attack.

The attack on the Nord Stream pipeline is the latest escalation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The conflict has been going on for over eight months and has caused a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Implications of the Attack

The attack on the Nord Stream pipeline has a number of implications for the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. First, it shows that Ukraine is willing to strike at Russia's critical infrastructure. This could lead to retaliation from Russia, which could further escalate the conflict.

Second, the attack has caused a significant increase in the price of natural gas in Europe. This could hurt the European economy and make it more difficult for Europe to support Ukraine.

Third, the attack has damaged the relationship between Russia and Germany. Germany was one of the main recipients of Russian natural gas through the Nord Stream pipeline. The attack could make Germany more likely to support sanctions against Russia and to provide military aid to Ukraine.


The attack on the Nord Stream pipeline is a significant development in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It is a sign that the conflict is escalating and that it is becoming more difficult to resolve. It is also a sign that the conflict is having a significant impact on the global economy.


The above article was published on November 11, 2023, according to the Washington Post website.

Please note that this article is based on a leaked intelligence report and has not been independently verified. The Ukrainian government has denied any involvement in the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

“ my solution would be every able bodied Jewish man and woman join the French (or Polish, Russian, British) army and fucking fight…”

I agree that’s the noble thing to do, but I can’t condemn the ones that choose to seek safety in numbers with Jewish Palestinians as exclusively invasion minded aggressors. My 6 million tag was maybe a bit sharp, but you also know that the Nazi’s took Paris and as much as it sucked to be French or European under Nazi occupation, you also know adding Jewish to that carried a lot of extra consequence and danger to your family.

My POV is agnostic of everything save Isreali people today having a right exist as a nation. Which at this point from my POV leaves 1947 as somewhat academic.

It’s your insistence that Jewish people, and the existence of Israel, have always fundamentally been invaders that I was objecting to as it is so intensely at odds with factual history.

You gave a brief nod on not being a scholar of Palestinian history, but then proceed to just count all Jewish refugees as good as Zionist aggressors from day 1(or close enough), and the local Arab population as nothing but pure, kind caring victims of these invaders.

I will state again, that is ahistorical propaganda and NOT what actually happened. And for my POV, its enough generations back as to be Academic, but for your POV it is fundamental because without being able to writeoff Israel as invaders from day 1, nuance enters the calculus and suddenly the conflict is flooded with shades of grey because lots of parties all contribute to the bloodshed, and many with reasonable motivations from both sides yet too.

Please find me any reputable sources to refute the reality of 1920-1940s Palestine:
-Mass Jewish immigration fleeing European oppression raised tensions between Jewish and Arab Palestinians.(as one must expect)
-Arab palestinians were already chaffing and resisting British colonial rule(as one must expect)
-These tensions led conflict, initially more ‘civil’ with the Arab majority trying to refuse all business, sales and trade with all Jews.
-Escalation followed throughout that time, but in drips and drops and NOT a ‘surprise the Zionist army has arrived’! style of aggression

The violent escalation was a fight here, a beating there. Little individual fights, escalating into deaths. Retaliations slowly grew, with each side exchanging small escalations.

-the culmination of this was eventually all out civil war, and the Jewish side immediately accepting a UN mandated 2 state solution

-this culmination coinciding with the end of WW2 and revelations of the true extent of the holocaust can’t be ignored, it certainly shaped the Jewish mindset in the conflict.

-Their mindset was pretty clearly not inaccurate either, as the immediate response of all neighbouring Arab nations was a declaration of war on the new ‘state’, with bold claims of how quickly the Jews would be swept into the sea. The confidence was so high, a call was sent it for ALL Arab palestinians to abandon and flee the entire region of Palestine to better enable the complete cleansing of the land.

The above is all pretty much inarguably factual, and I’d bargain you could get an Arabic and Israeli scholar together to more or less agree on those facts which is saying alot.

Propaganda from both sides would like to declare that the Arabs harboured deep Nazi sympathies, and thus Israel was pure and true in all it did. Or from the other side, more or less your narrative of Zionist bad guys launching invasion from day 1(ish).

Both though are just sprinklings of half truths, with anti-British resentment naturally breeding some leanings towards the axis, and even genuine Nazi cleanse the Jews believers. And absolutely Zionists featured prominently within the Jewish population. Neither of those partial truths though make the propaganda of either side true, but instead just an incomplete and intentionally biased picture.

Again, please find me sources demonstrating I’m terribly wrong on all that, but the only ones I can find are clearly biased and the accurate accounts paint the picture above, the propaganda very, very clearly copies the real story more or less with just deletions of inconvenient bits

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

"welcomed a relatively small number of European Jewish refugees in the 30’s while under British rule"
The Jewish population in Palestine approximately doubled from 84k in 1922 to 175k in 1931, and tensions already started pretty heavily then in 1931. The Arab narrative is pretty emphatic that the invasion start in the 1920s(and unspoken, the resistance and tension internally between Jew and Arab too).

"Then in the 40’s the Jewish minority, America, and England ignored their pleas to minimize immigration, ignored immigration laws, and invited a major invasion, so many European Jews came illegally..."

Come now, don't play dumb, you left out any reason why European Jews might do this outside of 'launching an invasion'. What other motive might 1940's Jewish Europeans have had to ignore immigration laws to migrate out of Europe????

That's where your narrative and mine clash irrevocably. I count the refugee flight from 1940s Europe to be even more desperate than the plight the Palestinians in Gaza face today. I can not accept your POV where upon arriving in Palestine and facing violence and discrimination there too, that it's just plain and simply obvious that the Jewish people's are invaders and bad guys with no right to an existence in the land they fled to.

You know, unless you want to credit Trump's MAGA approach to the southern border as valid cause it's awful similar, save that the Jewish people were facing much more desperate circumstances

newtboy said:

In short-The small population of Arab natives along with a native Jewish minority welcomed a relatively small number of European Jewish refugees in the 30’s while under British rule (but with a date set for their independence by the League of Nations, a date that came and went without ever establishing a Palestinian state). Then in the 40’s the Jewish minority, America, and England ignored their pleas to minimize immigration, ignored immigration laws, and invited a major invasion, so many European Jews came illegally that the Arab natives quickly became the minority, then had all rights stripped by the now well armed invaders that now claimed their land and property…invaders that kept coming by the millions. How is that not an invasion of squatters?
It’s a complete abandonment of the Palestinian Mandate the Brits ruled under, which was allowed internationally after ww1 for the sole purpose of getting Palestine in a position to rule themselves, something the Brits failed to even try then actively sabotaged by supporting the mass immigration of millions of European Jews, and was the biggest possible “fuck off and die” to the Palestinian people that had cooperated fully with the international plan for their independent future that was unceremoniously stripped from them and handed to Israel.
From that point, details don’t matter so much. Invading occupying forces don’t get to whine because the natives won’t just go away and die….at least I’m not listening when they do. Want to stop being attacked, stop murdering innocents and taking land.

I wonder why you think Israel is not so dominant seeing as they already proved repeatedly their military dominance even when their neighbors band together. Not one of the countries you mentioned has an advanced military, they are last gen at best, really two or more generations behind, and have third world resources not trillions to spend. Iraq proved that advanced weapons beat numbers hands down every single time. Unless Iran gets a nuke capable of getting through the highest levels of missile defense on the planet, their “neighbors” (Palestines allies) pose no actual threat to Israel and a pretty minor threat to the expansionist settlers invading Palestine.

I never ignored any rolls of the neighbors supporting, arming, and instigating unrest…but those roles are minuscule compared to the actions of Israel. Nothing recruits for Hamas like the Israeli army. Nothing creates more terrorists than murderous settlers. No other factor has 1% the effect that Israel’s own actions do in creating enemies.
Murderous expansionist settlers should be eliminated with prejudice immediately. They are the biggest factor driving Israel’s murderous regime to murder more innocents.
If Israel acted civilly instead of treating the natives like the Nazis treated them, its neighbors couldn’t easily convince angry teens to pick up guns and shoot Israelis. Give the Palestinians something to lose, or they’ll have nothing to lose, a chip on their shoulder, and a clear enemy responsible for their plight. This is the official recipe for a terrorist.

Blaming the neighbors is like claiming N Carolina is RESPONSIBLE for all shootings in N Y because some guns used are procured there…nonsense. They are complicit, but minimally so. It’s the shooters motives you need to look at, not the store they use. Why are they so ready to sacrifice their lives to just shoot or throw rocks AT Israel (99/100 times hitting nothing)? Because they have nothing to lose but life in an ever shrinking ghetto ruled over by a foreign racist regime that wants them just gone and is more than happy to starve children to death and bomb refugee camps to accomplish that goal.
The neighbors didn’t invade, expel, ghettoize, and gleefully murder the Palestinian people, that was Israel.

Blaming the victims is not an argument that will win many over…and no question the Palestinian people are the TRUE and only victims.

Where are the European countries now…the same ones that facilitated the Jewish invasion should be obligated to enforce the borders, and/or take the Palestinian refugees and free them from the ghetto/prison Israel keeps them in….but none are.

Side note- I keep hearing people who support Palestinians described as anti semitic. It bears noting that European Jews, the VAST majority of Israelis, are NOT Semitic…but all Palestinians are. Being pro-Israel is actually and factually anti-Semitic.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

In short-The small population of Arab natives along with a native Jewish minority welcomed a relatively small number of European Jewish refugees in the (edit:20’s and early) 30’s while under British rule (but with a date set for their independence by the League of Nations, a date that came and went without ever establishing a Palestinian state). Then in the 40’s (even by mid 30’s)the Jewish minority, America, and England ignored their pleas to minimize immigration, ignored immigration laws, and invited a major invasion, so many European Jews came illegally that the Arab natives quickly became the minority, then had all rights stripped by the now well armed invaders that now claimed their land and property…invaders that kept coming by the millions. How is that not an invasion of squatters?
It’s a complete abandonment of the Palestinian Mandate the Brits ruled under, which was allowed internationally after ww1 for the sole purpose of getting Palestine in a position to rule themselves, something the Brits failed to even try then actively sabotaged by supporting the mass immigration of millions of European Jews, and was the biggest possible “fuck off and die” to the Palestinian people that had cooperated fully with the international plan for their independent future that was unceremoniously stripped from them and handed to Israel.
From that point, details don’t matter so much. Invading occupying forces don’t get to whine because the natives won’t just go away and die….at least I’m not listening when they do. Want to stop being attacked, stop murdering innocents and taking land.

I wonder why you think Israel is not so dominant seeing as they already proved repeatedly their military dominance even when their neighbors band together. Not one of the countries you mentioned has an advanced military, they are last gen at best, really two or more generations behind, and have third world resources not trillions to spend. Iraq proved that advanced weapons beat numbers hands down every single time. Unless Iran gets a nuke capable of getting through the highest levels of missile defense on the planet, their “neighbors” (Palestines allies) pose no actual threat to Israel and a pretty minor threat to the expansionist settlers invading Palestine.

I never ignored any rolls of the neighbors supporting, arming, and instigating unrest…but those roles are minuscule compared to the actions of Israel. Nothing recruits for Hamas like the Israeli army. Nothing creates more terrorists than murderous settlers. No other factor has 1% the effect that Israel’s own actions do in creating enemies.
Murderous expansionist settlers should be eliminated with prejudice immediately. They are the biggest factor driving Israel’s murderous regime to murder more innocents.
If Israel acted civilly instead of treating the natives like the Nazis treated them, its neighbors couldn’t easily convince angry teens to pick up guns and shoot Israelis. Give the Palestinians something to lose, or they’ll have nothing to lose, a chip on their shoulder, and a clear enemy responsible for their plight. This is the official recipe for a terrorist.

Blaming the neighbors is like claiming N Carolina is RESPONSIBLE for all shootings in N Y because some guns used are procured there…nonsense. They are complicit, but minimally so. It’s the shooters motives you need to look at, not the store they use. Why are they so ready to sacrifice their lives to just shoot or throw rocks AT Israel (99/100 times hitting nothing)? Because they have nothing to lose but life in an ever shrinking ghetto ruled over by a foreign racist regime that wants them just gone and is more than happy to starve children to death and bomb refugee camps to accomplish that goal.
The neighbors didn’t invade, expel, ghettoize, and gleefully murder the Palestinian people, that was Israel.

Blaming the victims is not an argument that will win many over…and no question the Palestinian people are the TRUE and only victims.

Where are the European countries now…the same ones that facilitated the Jewish invasion should be obligated to enforce the borders, and/or take the Palestinian refugees and free them from the ghetto/prison Israel keeps them in….but none are.

Side note- I keep hearing people who support Palestinians described as anti semitic. It bears noting that European Jews, the VAST majority of Israelis, are NOT Semitic…but all Palestinians are. Being pro-Israel is actually and factually anti-Semitic.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bobknight33 says...

Hamas took over the Gaza Strip after a brief civil war back in 2006 / 2007 . Before that Fatah was a major Palestinian political party that began in 1965 as the Palestinian National Liberation Movement. Fatah wanted to negotiate back to the 67 boundaries.

Hamas – Does not recognize Israel, but accepts a Palestinian state on 1967 borders
Fatah – Recognizes Israel, wants to build a state on 1967 borders

Israel should stop advancing and leave it to the Palestine to find and and capture Hamas.
To pressure this no aid to Palestine. Their desperation will weed out Hamas.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“Did you ever think that the values were off in your statement of financial condition?” Assistant Attorney General Kevin Wallace asked the former president,
“yes, on occasion” Trump responded

Case closed. That’s it. That’s Trump admitting he knowingly and willfully committed major bank and tax fraud…”on occasion”.

He tried the “I have a disclaimer clause so I’m allowed to lie as much as I want.” defense…Engoron has already ruled that the clause does not absolve him of the responsibility to provide true and accurate reports of property values to both lenders and the state, does not allow him to lie or substitute possible future value for today’s actual value, and doesn’t allow the exaggeration of square footage either…all of which he admitted on the stand that he does.

Letting Trump testify was the worst decision Habba has made yet, and it’s going to end in both a total loss in court, a minimum of $250 million in damages maybe much more, and criminal charges against Trump and maybe his kids for the frauds. He would have been infinitely better off staying silent and just losing…but we all know remaining silent is an impossibility for him.

Edit-He’s in check mate for Jan 6 by Chutkan too. He’s saying publicly that he intends to use an “advice of council” defense, trying to claim he just got bad advice that he could foment a coup and send fake electors to steal the election so shouldn’t be libel, but he and his dime store lawyers didn’t understand that that defense waives 100% of attorney client privilege and now he’s being forced to decide if he will use that defense before trial and if so must disclose all communications with his lawyers from 2020-21. 😂

So in short, either disclose all records of his planning for Jan 6 and the big lie which itself would disprove and negate his advice of council defense, or forget the advice of council defense, the only defense he had.
😂 Would the prisoner like a blindfold or a cigarette? 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ooooh….Trump on the stand was a disaster.
Couldn’t speak up. Couldn’t answer questions. Couldn’t stay on topic so badly the judge repeatedly told him to stop telling stories and answer the questions. He shot back with “why, you’re just going to rule against me anyway.”…a self fulfilling prophecy if I’ve ever heard one.

When he did answer, his answers were insanity like “banks don’t care about financial statements, I know, I’ve been doing this a long time.” Not a good idea to remind the judge that there are hundreds more instances of major fraud you aren’t being prosecuted for because of the statute of limitations.

Turns out banks DO care, and will be suing for the $180 million he cheated them out of in interest by lying about his collateral, plus interest and penalties…assuming he isn’t stripped of every dime by New York State first by disgorgement….which is taking back ill gotten gains.

Also nonsensical shit like “I could have added my brand value and immediately made those properties worth 10 to 100 times as much” forgetting that not only had they doubled the value or more for his “brand value” but again for “presidential value”.

And “they undervalued my properties here by 1000 times!” forgetting that not only was the $18-24 million appraised value agreed on and signed off by Trump, he actually went to court to get it lowered claiming Maralago WASN’T worth +-$20 million it was worth far LESS. Now he’s in court telling everyone that was another pure tax fraud lie he told in Florida to cheat Florida out of tens of millions in property taxes…if Maralago is really worth billions, not $18 million he claims for taxes, that means Trump owes evaded property taxes on $982000000, over $10 million per year for as long as he’s owned it….plus penalties and interest. That’s his DEFENSE! 🤦‍♂️ 😂

Most of his testimony was stricken as rambling and non responsive.

He was nearly thrown out of court for his out of control behavior. He acted like a spoiled three year old. Don’t be surprised if there’s a major contempt charge this afternoon….possibly remand.

Edit: Also don’t be surprised if he’s just dismissed from the stand, has his testimony stricken completely, and as the judge has warned the judge takes every negative inference possible, assuming every answer he would have given was the worst possible answer for Trump. That seems to be Trumps plan…attempt anything to later make the argument at appeal that the judge was biased and didn’t give Trump a fair trial…but the record proves otherwise and appeals courts read the record. That ploy won’t work…Trump’s lawyers are awful. It’s never a good strategy to try to lose as big as possible in court.

Now, keep in mind, this is just New York, where he’s already been found guilty and they’re just determining the punishment….other states he’s done fraudulent business in are undoubtedly watching closely to see if they should file next.

I love it when a plan comes together.

He runs to save his mother

cloudballoon says...

Or mom's just taking the opportunity to teach the kid how to swing.

In all seriousness though, my mom broke her ankle last year just falling backward while gardening. Bad angle and poor bone density worsened the fall. So even a feet or two could cause major damage.

jimnms said:

She would have been fine if she let go from the hanging position, as long as she didn't do something stupid like lock her knees straight. Based on the height her feet were at when she got back on the ladder, and assuming a standard ladder's maximum rung spacing, she was about 4.5ft from the ground.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaaahahahahaaaa!!! Too fucking good.

Democrat Jeffries got more votes to be the Republican speaker than MAGA child molester accomplice Gym Jordan!!! 212-200 only 6 non-votes short of Democrats crushing your tiny majority and taking your lunch every day for the next year or longer. Let’s try this again, Boebert might go to a show and miss voting again. 😂

Even republicans are done with MAGA morons. I love it…but I’m not one bit surprised. Every one of your people are 3 year olds that think they run the show and hates anyone who thinks differently, but they all have no clue what to do when given the opportunity to run things. What astonishing failures MAGgots are. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“Has to step in”….as if this was some ongoing danger to America that he lied 5 years ago. The ongoing danger to America is the terrorist cult of MAGA….and their leaders are fetching 30 times as many felonies of exponentially more serious ongoing crimes. 😂

Hunter strikes back, MAGA catches more felonies….
Volley returned with two major lawsuits against about a dozen MAGgots and the FBI for knowingly illegally publicly exposing a private citizen’s taxes and multiple computer crimes surrounding exposing private nude photos….both are serious crimes, felonies.

He may be found guilty…and may even get fined (he won’t see jail time). He’s going to recover that fine 100 times over from the morons that broke the law to smear him, and they are more likely to see prison for the multiple crimes they committed in their zeal to find ANYTHING to smear Biden’s family with and attempt to distract from the uncountable serious (many treasonous) crimes against America and democracy their leader is guilty of, including RAPE, and the 91 serious criminal charges against him so far.

bobknight33 said:

Dopey Hunter fetches a felony.

Gets kick out the of the Navy for excessive Drug use and now DOJ has to step in.

Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch

newtboy says...

Today it was revealed that Elon has cut/refused access to Starlink for Ukraine in the Black Sea in order to intentionally hobble their major counter offensive in the Black Sea and cripple their communication ability and suddenly Elon is calling for an immediate truce (ostensibly with both sides (Russia) retaining any territory taken previously)…so his plan is handing Russia 1/3 of Ukraine and allowing them to keep Ukrainian Crimea…and quick before Ukraine retakes their country.
He has previously said he would not do any such thing ever after offering Ukraine open access to Starlink, but suddenly changed course in the middle of a major military offensive by Ukraine he said would be like Pearl Harbor (meaning the Ukrainians caught a huge number of Russian ships in port vulnerable to attack and could turn the tide of war in one action), but Elon wanted to stop the Ukrainians from achieving such a significant victory so he cut their communications to help Russia! He has admitted this publicly, it’s not supposition.

I hope sanctions are forthcoming…major multiple business ending sanctions.

If you still support Elon, you are the problem. He’s anti American and pro fascist.
Quit X, trade in your Tesla, and tell NASA to quit handing him billions in no bid, no competition, non performance based contracts using tax payer money for failures and global communication projects he capriciously withdraws from our allies when they’re needed most, and uses to prop up and control information for multiple fascist governments to the detriment of the populace but to the benefit of his pockets.

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