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w1ndex (Member Profile)

Bengal kitty is barely Husky tolerant

poolcleaner says...


I've found it helps to introduce the cat to the dog when it's a kitten; doesn't matter what age the dog is, however, as every dog I've owned usually enjoys the introduction of a new kitten no matter what age it is.

Older cats, on the other hand... yeesh. You never know. They may have permanent grudges that end with a scratched up dog nose.

NirnRoot said:

What we have here is a translation issue: a clear example of how cats and dogs simply do not understand each other's body language.

Should drug-sniffing dogs be discredited

newtboy says...

We need to support those scientists who are trying to create a synthetic dog nose. That way there's no training, there's a device that has a read out of molecules it actually detected (when properly used and maintained).
Dogs want to please the master, and can easily tell the master is pleased when they 'alert', giving total incentive for them to false 'alert' so dad is happy (and dad gets happy and dog gets reward BEFORE the alert is verified, reinforcing the bad 'alerts' along with the good).
Dogs' 'alerts' should NEVER be allowed in court, they're far worse than lie detectors.

Man detained: speeding because his dog is dieing (Pets Talk Post)

Arsenault185 says...

I think the officer handled everything very professionally. If the owner was that serious about his pet, perhaps he should have taken his negligent ass down to the red cross (they usually do it) and learned how to preform CPR / doggie Heimlich so that he could have saved his dogs life without putting people t risk. I'll tell you what works (on smaller dogs)- wrap your mouth around your dogs nose and blow. you'll force air into his lungs, and back up through his mouth. With any luck, the foreign object will come popping out. Even if your dog isn't choking, its still fun to do. Yeah, this guy was a moron. I have 2 dogs (well I have one my wife has another) and I care very much for them. Would I drive like a douche bag to save them? No. Would I do everything I could possibly do to get them to an emergency vet if I couldn't handle it? yes. That means speeding, but not criminal speeding. the 8-10 rule would hae been fine, because like payback pointed out, speeding doesn't actually save you a whole lot of time.

[Eidt] If you really want to know, check it out.

Learn How to Perform CPR on a Dog

Cop Saves Woman's Dog with Doggy CPR

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