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TED - Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

draak13 says...

Apologies for the fiery comment earlier; I do prefer an actual discussion as you're marching on with. No beef against physicists, either...I'm an electical/biomedical engineer turned analytical chemist/physicist =).

Sorry to hear about your scoliosis. Apart from a shoulder issue, I don't really have too much that separates me from ideal at this point. Nonetheless, as humans, the good many of us fall within the portion of the distribution that this stuff matters. This is clearly indicated by her results, which are supported by the foundations of countless other experiments many learn about even in introductory psychology courses.

Your comment about us choosing to act differently from our body language is extremely valid on all levels of neurophysiology. For example, a person can lift their arm, or a person can imagine lifting their arm while keeping it still. In both cases, the primary motor cortex lights up the same way, though in the case where the person keep their arm still, the signal is inhibited further down the pathway. That's an example rooted in the old brain, and there are certainly examples within the higher level cognitive portions of the brain. Smiling makes us feel happy, and we often feel happier simply by smiling, but we can choose to be happy while not smiling, or choose to be sad while smiling.

In this case, what was described was a method in which we can bring out dominant behaviors in ourselves through our body language feedback. For those who are do not have a naturally dominant personality, this is an excellent way to step into the shoes of a slightly more dominant self. Continuing with your comment, her 'make it until you become it' conclusion is very much a person choosing to act in a more dominant way, without the need for the postures to make it so. Once those neural pathways are better understood within ourselves, it's much easier to call upon them and make that conscious decision as necessary. Until then, many less dominant people have an easily accessible means to explore themselves with a slightly more dominant attitude.

>> ^criticalthud:

i grew up with a pretty gnarly scoliosis. Body language that wasn't strained or uncomfortable was nearly impossible.
Most of us have distortion in our spines that effects who we are, how we move, and how we present. Perhaps you do not, but ignoring the physical realities of the species to pretend that how we are perceived is mostly a conscious choice, is understating the matter.

TED - Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

criticalthud says...

i grew up with a pretty gnarly scoliosis. Body language that wasn't strained or uncomfortable was nearly impossible.
Most of us have distortion in our spines that effects who we are, how we move, and how we present. Perhaps you do not, but ignoring the physical realities of the species to pretend that how we are perceived is mostly a conscious choice, is understating the matter.

>> ^draak13:

Dude...this is what happens when physicists think they're neurologists.
You should write up a proposal on that fiend of gravity idea and send it in to NIH. You could propose an experiment to replace the actual science, real observations, and real experimental work that she went through. You could describe how the solitons traveling down the neural pathway are intercepted by the higgs field, causing the altered hormone levels and improvements in interview scores that she observed. You could then go on to say how all of that was not an idea worth spreading, because surely nobody would benefit from performing better in interviews and presentations.
Come off it, man. This was the best TED I've ever heard, and everyone who listened to it, except for you, is a better person for it.
>> ^criticalthud:
Our neurology dictates our tendencies, which includes our structure and our posture.
Amy -a good try from a psych/freudian perspective but this is probably not an idea worth spreading.
a better idea worth spreading is that your neurological system is a pressure based, fluid system that is still trying hard to adapt to being upright, and in the process must deal with a myriad of pressure distortions within that occur as the body, over time and trauma, distorts in the field of gravity.

TED - Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

draak13 says...

Dude...this is what happens when physicists think they're neurologists.

You should write up a proposal on that fiend of gravity idea and send it in to NIH. You could propose an experiment to replace the actual science, real observations, and real experimental work that she went through. You could describe how the solitons traveling down the neural pathway are intercepted by the higgs field, causing the altered hormone levels and improvements in interview scores that she observed. You could then go on to say how all of that was not an idea worth spreading, because surely nobody would benefit from performing better in interviews and presentations.

Come off it, man. This was the best TED I've ever heard, and everyone who listened to it, except for you, is a better person for it.

>> ^criticalthud:

Our neurology dictates our tendencies, which includes our structure and our posture.
Amy -a good try from a psych/freudian perspective but this is probably not an idea worth spreading.
a better idea worth spreading is that your neurological system is a pressure based, fluid system that is still trying hard to adapt to being upright, and in the process must deal with a myriad of pressure distortions within that occur as the body, over time and trauma, distorts in the field of gravity.

TED - Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

criticalthud says...

Our neurology dictates our tendencies, which includes our structure and our posture.

Amy -a good try from a psych/freudian perspective but this is probably not an idea worth spreading.

a better idea worth spreading is that your neurological system is a pressure based, fluid system that is still trying hard to adapt to being upright, and in the process must deal with a myriad of pressure distortions within that occur as the body, over time and trauma, distorts in the field of gravity.

⑩ Radio to Guitar Amp Hacks

chingalera says...

>> ^CreamK:

My first amp was a radio.. And first distortion was a tapedeck with a piece of wood stuck in the record protection slot..

That's twisted sick that distortion rig...

Look people, I make players of stuff like this so it's convenient one-stop shoppage-These folks who tweak and modify represent the type of folks the world needs....Those who can rebuild on the ashes of industry...salvaging abandoned technology for modern application, art, function, and design. That it only gets 6 votes and sinks is testimony to what's really important to somnambulant dullards: Politics, human suffering, stupid human tricks and the worst....White people trying to be funny.


⑩ Radio to Guitar Amp Hacks

Best political ad ever-but then the opponent is weak

quantumushroom says...

If we need the government to help improve conditions, then it makes no sense to point the finger at the guy who signs legislation and assign him the blame for the fact that the Congress can't be bothered to pass anything for him to sign. It's that simple. If you think it makes sense, you have partisan blinders on you.

>>> Obes' own party rejected his budgets, so I guess they're the obstructionists. Also, the libs have--and have had--majorities to pass any legislation they damn well please. So why wait? Raise taxes and cease "tax cuts for the rich" right now! Let's see some truth in advertising.

>>> Since you profess to enjoy facts, here's the full list of Obamacare tax hikes coming. This IS the same guy who wants to "help" the middle class, right? By making their tax burden heavier? That's sure to boost the economy.

But it's clear from the tone of your post that you're not interested in the truth or actual facts. Maybe if you just call him socialist and fascist and tyrannical a few more times it will magically become true and you won't look so spectacularly misinformed.

Bring some facts to the table about any aspect of this failed president and we'll begin.

>> ^PostalBlowfish:

You got that right.
>> ^quantumushroom:
Too many lies and distortions on this page

Best political ad ever-but then the opponent is weak

PostalBlowfish says...

You got that right. So many, I had to cut most of your post.

If we need the government to help improve conditions, then it makes no sense to point the finger at the guy who signs legislation and assign him the blame for the fact that the Congress can't be bothered to pass anything for him to sign. It's that simple. If you think it makes sense, you have partisan blinders on you.

But it's clear from the tone of your post that you're not interested in the truth or actual facts. Maybe if you just call him socialist and fascist and tyrannical a few more times it will magically become true and you won't look so spectacularly misinformed.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Too many lies and distortions on this page

Best political ad ever-but then the opponent is weak

quantumushroom says...

Too many lies and distortions on this page to worry about, from who really pays the taxes to the "failure" of Reaganomics versus Obamanomics.

Bottom line: tired of this socialist oppressor, who now "will do" what he claims "worked" the first four fugazi years.

All right, I'm joking, I'm really, secretly mad cause he's half-Black I didn't get my free sail phone.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

quantumushroom says...

This guy who? The guy who doesn't understand what "Liberal" means?

Not sure who you're referring to.

The Left in this country doesn't exist at the top level.

That's hard to believe with Obama in the Red House and Congress under taxocrat control since 2006.

Which is why everything that occupy accomplished isn't reported on. And yeah I know you're going to say "They didn't accomplish anything" you believe that because you don't actually know the facts of the situation. You would if their was a Left Wing bias in the media.

Well, here's your chance. List 3 things the occupoopers accomplished. Hope these achievements outweigh the chaos, drug-dealing, rapes and deaths it caused, plus the expense of keeping society safe from these trust fund barbarians and other nogoodniks

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
The liberal bias exists enough for this guy to have noticed it in his 30 years at CBS.
Are we counting NPR and PBS? Moyers and Suzuki selling Left on the taxpayer dime?
Chomsky? No thanks. It's hard to believe a wealth redistribution socialist who protects his own assets with a trust.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^quantumushroom:
FOX reveals the rest of the media for what they are and have been from the start: propagandists for taxocrats and left-wing dogma. And that's not counting the fools in hollywood.
The whole 'Liberal is to "WHAT bias?" as Fish is to "WHAT water?"' will not be rehashed here.
Koppel and Friends failed the American people before there was even a FOX. They lost the trust (and ratings) through their own betrayal of objective journalism.

Actually it will be rehashed here. The "Liberal Bias" does not exist in any study that has been done about it. What has been found is a bias for the State, and War, and a defense of what America does regardless of consequences.
Pick up some Chomsky QM.

This guy who? The guy who doesn't understand what "Liberal" means? The Left in this country doesn't exist at the top level. Which is why everything that occupy accomplished isn't reported on. And yeah I know you're going to say "They didn't accomplish anything" you believe that because you don't actually know the facts of the situation. You would if their was a Left Wing bias in the media.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

The liberal bias exists enough for this guy to have noticed it in his 30 years at CBS.
Are we counting NPR and PBS? Moyers and Suzuki selling Left on the taxpayer dime?
Chomsky? No thanks. It's hard to believe a wealth redistribution socialist who protects his own assets with a trust.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^quantumushroom:
FOX reveals the rest of the media for what they are and have been from the start: propagandists for taxocrats and left-wing dogma. And that's not counting the fools in hollywood.
The whole 'Liberal is to "WHAT bias?" as Fish is to "WHAT water?"' will not be rehashed here.
Koppel and Friends failed the American people before there was even a FOX. They lost the trust (and ratings) through their own betrayal of objective journalism.

Actually it will be rehashed here. The "Liberal Bias" does not exist in any study that has been done about it. What has been found is a bias for the State, and War, and a defense of what America does regardless of consequences.
Pick up some Chomsky QM.

This guy who? The guy who doesn't understand what "Liberal" means? The Left in this country doesn't exist at the top level. Which is why everything that occupy accomplished isn't reported on. And yeah I know you're going to say "They didn't accomplish anything" you believe that because you don't actually know the facts of the situation. You would if their was a Left Wing bias in the media.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

quantumushroom says...

The liberal bias exists enough for this guy to have noticed it in his 30 years at CBS.

Are we counting NPR and PBS? Moyers and Suzuki selling Left on the taxpayer dime?

Chomsky? No thanks. It's hard to believe a wealth redistribution socialist who protects his own assets with a trust.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
FOX reveals the rest of the media for what they are and have been from the start: propagandists for taxocrats and left-wing dogma. And that's not counting the fools in hollywood.
The whole 'Liberal is to "WHAT bias?" as Fish is to "WHAT water?"' will not be rehashed here.
Koppel and Friends failed the American people before there was even a FOX. They lost the trust (and ratings) through their own betrayal of objective journalism.

Actually it will be rehashed here. The "Liberal Bias" does not exist in any study that has been done about it. What has been found is a bias for the State, and War, and a defense of what America does regardless of consequences.
Pick up some Chomsky QM.

Mars Curiosity Descent - WOW This is Beautiful!

Speeding on the Autobahn

ghark says...

>> ^TheGenk:

The video distorts the feeling of speed. If you drive 250km/h yourself it actually feels way slower, more like you're only going 100km/h.
And to people that say "why would you even want to go that fast":
because we're in the 21. century, progress and all that jazz and more importantly, because we fucking can!

Oh, and I can't resist the temptation of a friendly jab at our sifters from the "land of the free" (USA):
Tell me, how free are you to drive fast on highways again?

Don't really agree on the speed thing, it depends on the car really, I remember doing 180 in my old Levin and it felt exactly like 180 - scary as hell.

Speeding on the Autobahn

shogunkai says...

>> ^TheGenk:

The video distorts the feeling of speed. If you drive 250km/h yourself it actually feels way slower, more like you're only going 100km/h.
And to people that say "why would you even want to go that fast":
because we're in the 21. century, progress and all that jazz and more importantly, because we fucking can!

Oh, and I can't resist the temptation of a friendly jab at our sifters from the "land of the free" (USA):
Tell me, how free are you to drive fast on highways again?

Just because it feels like 100 km/h, doesn't mean that you're going 100 km/h.

I wouldn't trust myself to drive at those speeds, and unless you're a professional race car driver, I sure as heck wouldn't trust someone else to (especially teenagers who have rich parents to buy them fast cars).

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